Chapter 21: Waking the Dragon

King's Landing 305 AC.


After seeing Rhaegal take Cersei into the sky and knowing that his dragon would do what needed to be done, Aegon had looked around to make sure that those he cared about were unharmed. It had gone so much better than he had hoped for, even allowing Cersei to run when he had worked just as he wanted it to. Qyburn had been the key and the Maester now lay dead in the king's chambers which had left Cersei with no one able to set the wildfire off.

He would need to thank both Varys and Jaime for that piece of information as without it he'd perhaps have to have gone with the plan he'd told Jaime that he'd intended to use. As he now looked to the man as he and the other Dragonguard climbed down from Drogon's back, none of them as quick or as graceful as his wife when she did so, he felt sympathy for him. She could not live though, Dorne, The Reach, and the Realm itself demanded her death and it would have needed to have been a far more gruesome one than the one Rhaegal had gifted her.

"You are unharmed?" Dany said grabbing him, as Aegon looked over her shoulder at Jaime, Brienne and Jorah, two of them looking to him and his queen while the other stared forlornly at the sky.

"I am, it's done Dany we've taken the city." he said smiling as she kissed him, her worries for him and her relief that they and those they cared about were unhurt all seeming to be incorporated into that kiss.

When they broke away from each other, he saw both Jorah and Brienne place their hands on their swords and he turned to see Jon Connington and some men of the Golden Company come their way. Aegon motioning to the Dragonguard to stand down and smiling when he saw Arya and Gendry walking from the Red Keep.

"The Red Keep is yours, your graces." Jon said to them both, Aegon giving him a nod, and then he turned to whisper in Dany's ear before walking over to Jaime.

He knew Rhaegal would be back soon and that Cersei was long dead and so he thought it best not to give the man any hope that she still lived.

"I tried, Ser Jaime, I had her but when the Mountain came in through the doors the fighting began and she escaped. I went after her but… Rhaegal…" he said and though he tried to put emotion in his voice and features, tried to sound upset, he knew that was it not for the man's own upset then he'd not have believed his mummery.

"She… Did she suffer?" Jaime asked pleadingly.

"It was quick, Ser Jaime, Dragons aren't like men and they don't take pleasure in ending a life. He'll be back soon and you can stand vigil for her if you wish." he said reaching out to touch the man's shoulder.

"Thank you, your grace." Jaime said though there was no feeling in his words, Jaime was simply going through the motions, and for now at least there was no anger or hatred directed his way.

Aegon knew that he'd need to be watched carefully and he'd make sure that Varys, Arya, and Jorah all were more than aware of that. Leaving him there, he turned back and followed after his wife and the others only for Arya to rush to him and embrace him just as Dany had, her eyes roaming over him to make sure he was unharmed. That he was doing likewise just as he had with Dany only proved that they were truly brother and sister once more.

"You're not going to ask me if I'm unharmed?" he asked with a smirk.

"No more than you would me." she said with a small laugh, Aegon mussing her hair which she allowed this time.

Nodding to Gendry, the three of them then walked into the Red Keep and Arya told him all that had happened after he'd chased Cersei down. The Hound lived still while his brother did not and Aegon felt that was a fair enough trade. Dorne would appreciate seeing the Mountain was truly dead this time considering what he had done to their prince, princess, and to Aegon's own brother. In that regard, he'd enjoy seeing the man's body also, as he was now starting to think of both Aegon and Rhaenys just as he always had of Arya or Robb.

Arya asked if he was certain that Cersei was dead and he told her that Rhaegal had seen to her. His little sister was annoyed that the green dragon had not torn her apart or set her aflame Aegon deciding not to tell her that he needed the body and so the dragon had crushed her to death instead. It was Arya that led the way, his sister had been here before and he found himself following her lead. When they reached the Throne Room it was to see Dany, Jorah, Brienne, and Jon Connington all already standing there. His wife was staring at the Iron Throne but not moving to it and so he walked up to her and took her by the hand.

"Sit." he said softly in her ear and she shook her head "This is what you've been fighting for so long for Dany, this is your birthright."

"It's yours too." she said turning to him.

"Aye, but the moment means more to you, please Dany, for me." he said softly and she nodded before kissing his cheek.

He stepped back to allow her to walk up the steps herself, Aegon like all the others in the room looking on as she took her rightful place. Where he a different man than he may have shed a tear when he saw the expression she wore, as it was though he only felt a sense of accomplishment. It was not to last too long though as he heard Drogon's roar and instead of being in the Throne Room now, he was soon in it at a much different time.

It took him a moment to clear that image from his head, her violet eyes looking so hurt and betrayed as he stabbed her through the heart, and only hearing her voice as she called out to him made him understand that it was a different life he lived now. She was alive, she was the Queen she was born to be and they were soon to be a family. Aegon shook his head and promised himself that he would never dwell on such moments again, the wolf who did those things was dead and only the dragon he now was could ever truly live.

"Aegon?" Dany asked worriedly.

"The wildfire, we'll need to move it." he said and she looked at him intensely for a moment as if she was seeking the lie in his truth, thankfully not finding it for now at least.

"We'll send men and speak to both Kinvara and Malora about it." Dany said and he smiled, relaxing as he felt the final vestiges of the image fade from his mind. Her violet eyes now showing a much different look than the one that had haunted him so.

"We will" he said kissing her lips and then taking her by the hand.

It took them some time for their army to secure the city completely. Jon and the Golden Company had done an excellent job but both he and Dany wanted their men placed around the city so that everyone knew it was the dragons that ruled here now. Rhaegal arrived back and both he and Dany went out to greet him and to see for themselves the body he carried in his claws. She looked as if she was sleeping and not as if she'd been crushed to death. Rhaegal having done just enough to see her dead and to not leave her body disfigured.

They allowed her to be brought to a room in the Red Keep to lay at rest. Her body would receive no special treatment and Aegon wasn't even sure if her family would allow her to rest with her father and mother in Casterly Rock. It was a problem for another day though and after asking for rooms to be made ready for Princess Arianne and the other lords, and after making sure they all saw he was unharmed, at Varys's suggestion, Aegon felt ready for his bed. Today's problems were done with, on the morrow they would begin to rule and there were only more problems to come he knew.

"Let's eat and sleep." he said to Dany as they walked the room that he'd asked to be set up for them both.

"Is this Cersei's room?" Dany asked when they entered it.

"I didn't think you'd wish to share the same bed that she and Euron Greyjoy did. Tomorrow we'll have everything in it removed and make it our own, for now, this will have to serve as the Royal Chambers." he said and she nodded.

Their food arrived and he looked to Arya and Missandei who arrived with it. Missandei was carrying Lyarhaex who flew to their bed as soon as they entered the room and Arya told them that she'd seen to the food herself. Aegon smirking as he thought of her scaring the cooks while making sure they weren't poisoning them. Though he was grateful that she would take the time to do so, especially when he saw it was clear that she was just as tired as he and Dany were.

"Go to your bed, Arya, we'll speak on the morrow." he said softly kissing her cheek.

"As you command, your grace." she said before ducking away from him and laughing when he pretended to slap her.

Missandei told them both that Grey Worm had placed guards all through the Red Keep and the city and that Jorah and Brienne were on guard outside their door. Dany herself walking to tell one or both of them to go and get some sleep and Aegon was unsurprised when neither did. After Missandei left them alone, they both ate almost ravenously. He and Dany had an appetite that Lyarhaex seemed to share and just as they were ready to take to their bed for the night Aegon felt Ghost close by. The white wolf too had been hungry and had fed, his snout now covered in blood and Aegon rubbed his fur as he let him into the room.

It was just as well the bed was a large one he thought as he lay there with Dany in his arms. Lyarhaex and Ghost both had refused to sleep anywhere but the bed and all thoughts of anything other than sleep for him and Dany were now out of the question. Yet he didn't mind it as much as he thought he may, he was with his family. His wife, their babe and her dragon, and his wolf, other than a little sister who rested elsewhere in the Red Keep and two dragons who were hunting in Backwater Bay, this was his entire family. An odd bunch but mine own he thought contentedly before he fell to sleep.

King's Landing 305 AC.


She may love the red dragon and the white wolf but damn if they did not make for uncomfortable bedfellows. How Aegon managed to sleep so comfortably beside her with both of them on the bed as well, she didn't know. Whether it was that, the need to use the privy or the excitement of the day to come she couldn't be certain. Whatever the reason, she woke earlier than all three of her bed companions, and after being escorted to and back from the privy, she found herself almost curling up in laughter at the sight she returned to.

On what just moments before had been her bed, her husband now rested with one arm around a white wolf that had laid its head on his chest. To his other side, Lyarhaex too had moved from her original position and though she didn't have Aegon's arm around her, she was snuggled up against him. Dany couldn't resist it and so moving quietly to the door, she opened it and placing a finger on her lips, she quickly bid Jorah and Brienne to follow her back inside.

That the sound of their laughter woke him up was something she had hoped but not planned for. Aegon looking confused at her, Brienne, and Jorah before he looked to Ghost and Lyarhaex and shook his head. His own laughter soon joined theirs before he just lay back on the bed. Both Jorah and Brienne were still chuckling as they left the room and Dany moved over to the bed before sitting down and facing her husband.

"You would embarrass a king so?" Aegon said smiling as he did so.

"I wished to have people share in the wondrous sight of a man with a beautiful wife who preferred to cuddle with his wolf and dragon than her." Dany said trying not to smirk.

"My wife is in a playful mood it seems?" Aegon said and he moved so quickly that she never had a chance to get away.

"Aegon Targaryen, stop this at once, I am a queen." she said through her laughter as he pinned her to the bed and made as if was to tickle her, his fingers threatening but not following through.

"And I a king, we're equals in this bed my love and I command you pay for your indiscretions." he said Dany now laughing fully as his fingers began to tickle her for true now.

He carried on until she was breathless, both his tickling and her laughter leaving her so, and yet she laughed even louder when both Ghost and Lyarhaex looked at them almost annoyedly before moving from the bed. The red dragon flying to a couch and resting on it while Ghost walked over to where the fire was and lay down in front of it.

"If I'd known that was all it took." Aegon said making her laugh more, her breathing taking some time to come back to normal.

Their fun couldn't last forever though and so all too soon she heard Missandei at their door and with a far quicker kiss to Aegon's lips than she wished for, she rose from the bed and began to get ready for the day ahead. Aegon dressed even more quickly than she did and soon enough she, Lyarhaex, and Missandei were the only ones left in the room.

"Your rooms are good?" she asked her friend.

"Very much so your grace." Missandei said.

"It's warmer here too." she said and got a smile from Missandei in return.

"Will you be crowned today, your grace?" Missandei asked.

"I don't know what Aegon has planned, I would hope so. I don't see the need for it but both Aegon and Ser Davos say it must be done. Usually, in Westeros, it's done in the Great Sept by the High Septon, or so Ser Barristan would tell me." Dany said feeling the same sadness she always did when she thought of her loyal knight.

"He'd have been proud at what you've done here, your grace." Missandei said noticing her sad look.

"He should have been here with us." Dany said before turning to the girl and speaking to her as her friend and not her queen "I'm so happy that you are with me, Missy, you know this don't you?

"I know, Dany, I am too." Missandei said before pointing to her hair "Something elaborate perhaps?"

"Why not, I'm to be crowned a queen soon after all." she said to a beaming smile from the girl.

After she was dressed and ready, Missandei walked with her, Ser Jorah, Grey Worm, and some of their men to the Throne Room. Dany entering to see Aegon sitting on the steps and speaking to some of the Lords that had come expecting a battle only to find them taking the city almost without one. She could tell that he'd been giving them his reasons for why he'd taken such a risk and though she had known it was necessary and had been successful, it was one she'd ensure he never took again. After smiling at Ser Davos who stood a few feet from her husband, Dany walked over to where Aegon was sitting.

"My queen." Aegon said rising to his feet, his lips brushing against her cheek rather than her own when she reached him.

"My Lords, Princess." she said turning to Arianne.

"Princess Arianne was just telling me why Dorne should be given Cersei Lannister's body my love." Aegon said, his annoyance clear.

"And your response, my king?" she asked.

"I told them they could not have it. They can have the Mountain's body and the princess and others may see Cersei Lannister's but the woman is dead and I'll not have her paraded as a trophy. She's paid her debt with her life, let her rest in peace." Aegon said and Dany looked to Arianne and made it clear in her expression that she was with her husband on this.

"We wish to discuss the small council, your grace." Lord Edric said and she saw Aegon rolling his eyes at the man.

"I believe we should discuss the coronation first, don't you, my lords, Princess?" she said to nods.

"Actually our Lord Hand had a wonderful idea about that, my queen. Didn't you Davos?" Aegon said and she saw the annoyed look that Davos shot Aegon, the man clearly not enjoying being put on the spot by her husband who only shrugged and smirked when she looked at him.

"I suggested to his grace that we do so outdoors, your grace. We would be showing the people that the old regime is no more and that you and his grace rule here now." Davos said.

"Something all already know, Lord Hand." Lord Edric said and it annoyed her as much as it did Aegon.

"I think it's a wondrous idea Lord Hand, the people should be a part of things." she said and once she did, Lord Edric and the others quickly agreed.

She was relieved when they didn't spend too much more time in the Throne Room. Aegon instead spoke to Ser Davos and to Lord Varys and soon enough he was leading her to what she found out was the Small Council's Rooms. Entering she found Lady Kinvara and Lady Malora were already inside and as Lord Varys and Ser Davos took a seat, Aegon asked Ser Jorah to stay and then they too sat down.

"Lord Edric is far too forward, your grace." Varys said and Dany looked to Aegon who just nodded.

"I'll deal with him later. We've more important things to deal with first. Lady Kinvara, Lady Malora, what can be done with the wildfire?" Aegon asked.

"It can't be shipped your grace as it is, but it can be left in place until it's ready to be disposed of." Lady Malora said and Dany looked at the woman as if she was mad.

"Leave it in place, it could destroy the entire city." she said and Malora nodded.

"It could, but it can be made harmless before it's moved and destroyed. If we were to place it in barrels filled with sand and then bury those barrels it would be unable to be exploded, your grace." Lady Malora said.

"What if someone burst the barrel, wouldn't the wildfire inside be exposed once the sand was removed?" Aegon asked and Malora shook her head.

"No, your grace, it would need to be poured over sand not simply encased in it, it will take some time but it can be done."

"Very well, I'll organize the men to see to it. Lord Varys other than Dorne how do we fare with the realm as a whole?" She asked.

"We have the North, Reach, Riverlands, Westerlands, Stormlands, and The Iron Islands. The Crownlands will come now we've taken the city and so that leaves only the Vale." Varys said.

"And what do we know of them, Lord Varys?" Aegon asked.

"My little birds tell me that the Lords of the Vale march as we speak, your grace, to King's Landing." Varys said.

"They're coming to pledge their fealty." Davos said smiling.

"It would seem that way." Varys said making her look to Aegon who nodded.

That would be it, other than Dorne they'd now control the entire realm, they truly were the King and Queen of the Seven Kingdoms.

"We need to decide the makeup of a small council. Lord Hand?" Aegon said looking to Davos.

"Master of Whisperers we have, your grace, as we do Lord Commander of the Dragonguard. Which leaves Master of Coin, Ships, Laws, a Grand Maester, and perhaps a new Hand?" Davos said.

"We're perfectly happy with the Hand we have, Ser Davos." she said seeing Aegon's pleased look that she said it before him.

"Then for Master of Ships I'd suggest Lord Redwyne, his fleet is the biggest in Westeros now." Davos said.

"Lady Malora, does your father or one of your brothers wish for a role on the council?" Aegon asked and the woman shook her head.

"They do not, your grace. I believe House Hightower is best placed to be named Warden of the South and there is the matter of Highgarden to be resolved, but the council no." Malora said.

"Then Lord Redwyne it is." Dany said before asking "Master of Coin, Laws?"

"I know Lord Edric will wish one of them, but I don't wish to give the man that much power. Lord Jon served both our fathers and I'd see him given a role." Aegon said.

"Dorne will wish for something too, perhaps." she said and Aegon nodded.

"We'll speak to Princess Arianne after the coronation. For now, let's take it as the names we've decided upon and once Lord Jon decides which role he wants, we'll see the other is filled. This is not the end of things and we have more wars to fight. Dorne needs to be brought back into the fold and that fight won't wait for long." Aegon said.

She waited until they'd all left and moved closer to her husband, Aegon taking her hand in his as he looked into her eyes.

"This is just the beginning Dany, but our House's rise begins here and when we're done our children will never know the fear that you and I have known or the danger. I swear it to you, they'll live in a world at peace." Aegon said and she nodded.

"Even if we need to bring Fire and Blood before then?" she asked.

"We must, for them we must." he said before she kissed him.

King's Landing 305 AC.

Lady Anya Waynwood.

They had marched hard and fast, Anya, the Lords of the Vale, and almost 10,000 men, half of them knights and mounted. Yet reaching the city they were too late, she almost felt like she was Walder Frey and it vexed her terribly. The city had fallen, the dragons now ruled and as she looked at the walls of King's Landing with the others Lords Declarant, it stunned her to see the lack of damage. Not just to the walls themselves but even the gates were still intact. Anya and the other Lords of the Vale had almost expected to find King's Landing aflame and she wondered why it was not.

Had the dragons not been used? Did they even exist? No, she knew they did, the men who'd come back from the North had been insistent on that and Anya had no reason to doubt them. Still, it gave her some pause, and were it not for the fact that the men who guarded the walls were clearly Unsullied and that King's Landing was surrounded by an army of horse lords, then she'd perhaps think that Cersei Lannister still ruled here.

Looking to the men with her, the escort she'd been allowed to bring along with her other lords as they rode towards the gate, Anya could see them thinking just as she was. She could see Harry was looking lost and she hoped that he did as he was bid and spoke respectfully. It had been something she'd done her very best to make clear to him on this ride. Something that she believed he'd taken to heart but would only know for sure once they stood face to face with the king and queen.

" If you wish your claim to be accepted then you must show them you're worthy, Harry. All your usual activities will not be tolerated by them or by me." she said firmly.

" Had Myranda been allowed…"

" No, we do not know what their graces may have in mind, they could decide to suggest a bride for you before they give you the Vale. You must appear to be more than you are, do you understand?" she said taking his face between her hands

" I do." he said and she smiled before kissing his cheek.

She would see him named as Lord and Warden if he left it up to her but men were more prideful than most women, and they at times didn't know their place. Smart men, clever men, foolish men, she'd dealt with them all and had always charted her own course. Even when she'd seemed to acquiesce to their wishes as she had with Littlefinger, she'd only done so to gain an advantage. When you were strong you acted weak and when you were weak you acted strong, women knew this far better than most men did she had found. Men's pride made them fear looking weak, a woman's place in the world that she lived in made her understand the greater danger was in looking too strong.

Ahead of her, she heard the Dothraki who had led them this far were now speaking to the men who guarded the gates. The Unsullied and the Horselords both speaking in some form of bastard Valyrian that she didn't understand. Thankfully she had men who did and soon enough one of her guards told her that they'd just been speaking of who they were and that they'd soon be escorted into the city itself. Anya using the time they had to think of how to approach the king and queen and the right time to speak of Sansa Stark.

"We're being allowed in." Harry said and she nodded before riding into the city for the first time in almost fifty years.

At her age, she'd have preferred to ride in a carriage but she was not averse to riding on a horse, and after hearing that the queen herself rode, Anya felt she may feel a little kinship seeing a woman of her years' riding also. It had certainly garnered her some looks from the Dothraki and though they were foreign to her and their words unknown, she had felt they had been pleased to see her ride and not to be another of those ladies of Westeros who did not.

The city just like the walls and gates seemed remarkably undamaged and though there were some signs of fighting, it was far less than she had expected. Anya though soon wondered where the people were as it seemed to be far less busy than she had expected. Why soon became clear as they rode further into the city and the streets became fuller. In the distance, she could see even larger crowds and as she looked she saw the large open space where the Great Sept of Baelor had once stood. She shook her head at the sight and prayed to the gods, the thoughts of what that crazed lioness had done not quite matching up to the image of seeing the damage she'd left behind.

"On the steps look." Ser Symon said and she looked to see the king and queen standing there surrounded by lords, ladies, and guards. There was also a man who was obviously a Septon of some sort standing off to one side holding something in his hands.

"A coronation?" she asked and when she looked closer and realized that it was, she bid the other lords move even more quickly.

It took some shoving, thankfully not too much, and eventually they made it to the steps before they were stopped by some Unsullied and a large woman wearing a white cloak. They were asked who they were and Anya stepped forward to tell her. At a nod from the king and queen they were then brought up the steps, Anya and the rest of the Lord's Declarant stood to one side and she looked to the others who were there before looking back at the king and queen. She could see Dornishmen and a woman that she believed may well be Princess Arianne. there were also some Westerlands men including at least one Lannister. She almost gasped when she saw Lord Leyton Hightower and his sons, along with Paxter Redwyne and some other Lords of the Reach.

A man stood with some of the Stormlords that looked remarkably like a young Robert Baratheon though compared to the man who stood next to a girl who wore a sword at her hip, not as truly. She could see Lord Varys, an older man who wore the pin of the Hand of the King, a woman dressed in red who was clearly one of the red priestesses, and another woman who wore white. There were more Unsullied, some Dothraki and a dark-skinned woman and then the king and queen themselves. It was clear that the queen was who she said she was, her silver hair and violet eyes reminding Anya so very much of Queen Rhaella. As for the king, at first glance he looked like Ned Stark reborn, but the closer you looked the less that seemed true. His hair was much darker and as for his eyes, she'd not seen eyes like that since Harrenhal. Aegon Targaryen may not have his father's coloring but he had his looks and he most definitely had his eyes.

"We are here to crown their graces, Queen Daenerys and King Aegon of the House Targaryen." the Septon said stepping forward, the oils in his hand as he brushed first Aegon and then Daenerys's foreheads.

She watched as rather than the Septon it was the king himself who took the crown from the pillow that the red priestess held. The queen then dropping to her knees as the king moved closer to her.

"I name you Queen Daenerys Targaryen, Queen of the Andals, The Rhoynar and The First Men, Lady of the Seven Kingdoms, and Protector of the Realms of Men." Aegon said his voice carrying in the quiet of the square before the cheers then rang out.

The queen walked to the woman in white who held her own pillow in front of her, the crown resting on it, and soon it was in her hands as she turned to walk back to where Aegon was now kneeling.

"I name you King Aegon Targaryen, King of the Andals, The Rhoynar and The First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realms of Men." Daenerys said, the cheers starting as soon as she had done so.

It surprised her when they kissed each other and how intense that kiss was, the crowd cheering even more loudly when they saw it.

"The King and Queen, Long may the Reign." the man wearing the Hand's pin shouted.

"Long May the Reign"

"Long May the Reign."

"House Targaryen."

"Fire and Blood."

The cheers rang out and Anya herself cheered loudly, she wasn't yet sure if she bought into the new king and queen as enthusiastically as those cheering did but she wasn't going to be marked out as someone who hadn't cheered. How right they were for the realm would be proven in time, how right they were for her ambitions even sooner. No matter what they were far better than the woman who had sat on the throne last and as she turned she saw a red dragon fly and land in front of them. The dragon then let out a not so loud roar and it confused her for a moment, though when two far louder roars rang out and her eyes went to the sky, it did not. The dragons ruled here now for true, Anya thought as a black and green dragon flew over them all.

The Riverlands 305 AC.


They'd given her food and some coin, though nothing more than enough to buy her and Theon some nights at a tavern. Once they'd reached the Crossroads Inn they'd been left alone. Sansa finally realizing just how true that actually was now. After renting a room, taking a much colder bath than she would like, and eating a decent enough meal that she welcomed more for its hotness than its taste, she began to try and formulate some plan.

Three days later and she had still not been able to come up with one and Theon's idea to go to the Iron Islands was becoming more and more like the best option. At least there he would be the brother to a queen, though Sansa doubted that the Dragonwhore would live up to the bargain she'd struck with Yara in Meereen, even if Theon did not. Queen or not, Yara was and would be in charge of the Iron Islands and though Sansa was under no illusion that it would be anything like the life she had in Winterfell or the one she'd been building in the Vale, it would be a more comfortable life than the one that faced them both now.

Yet she could not agree to it, she could not give in so easily. They'd taken far too much from her and to simply accept it and move on was something she'd sworn she'd not do. But what else could she do? What other options were there for her? She couldn't think straight and it worried her that there were so few options even to consider. The North was out to her, no doubt by now Jon had gifted her home to someone else. Perhaps even to Arya as if anyone could make her accept being Lady of Winterfell it would be her favorite brother. It would be yet another dagger to her heart, usurped by her sister now as well as her bastard brother.

The Vale was lost to her and she would not be welcome in King's Landing, if anything Cersei would see her lose her head before she ever welcomed her there, if Cersei even lived anymore that was. Sansa had listened as people spoke of the army that had marched past and of the dragons who led it and she'd not be surprised if King's Landing was there's already. Everything else was, after all, things just came so easily to them both, the North, the South, their crowns, all were practically handed to them while she struggled and suffered.

It left her with so few options and in the end, she knew that she only really had the one. Family, Duty, Honor, those were the words of her mother's house and Riverrun belonged to House Tully once more. She needed to find family that would support her and while her uncle had not answered her raven when she'd gone to the Vale, perhaps he'd listen to her if she spoke to him herself. Even if he did not, staying in the house her mother was born in would be far more comfortable and fitting for a lady such as her than a tavern. It was all she could do and so she resolved to speak to Theon about it once he returned. Sansa was happy she didn't have to wait too long as he knocked at the door and entered the room a little over an hour later.

"King's Landing has fallen, Sansa." Theon said taking a seat across from her.

"How?" she asked though her mind knew the how and it was really how it had fallen so soon that she wished to know.

"I don't know, some riders came and said that Cersei Lannister is dead and the dragons rule once more. Ravens have been sent throughout the realm and he was riding from hearing it said in Harrenhal." Theon said.

"They've sent the ravens?" she asked and Theon nodded.

It changed things and it did not, Riverrun was still her only plan and so it would be to Riverrun that she'd go but she'd need to be far more careful once she got there. Pleading to her uncle to rise up for her was no longer an option, not only would the Riverlands army have no chance against the Dragonwhore's, but if they had taken King's Landing, they were king and queen now for true now. She could perhaps still suggest a Grand Council but she'd need to understand more of who she could call upon first before doing so.

Without the North and the Vale, she had nothing to offer and there was no reason for her to be given any consideration without the annulment from the faith. That was something she had not received and would now be much harder to get with Robin dead. She wondered if she could blame her cousin's death on Jon somehow, say that he saw him killed to ensure that she was left powerless and so couldn't contest his claim on the North. It could be a way to go but she needed to know what he'd done with the North and in whose hands he'd left it. If Arya ruled there now then she was done for, but perhaps she could be lucky and her sister would prove what both she and her mother had known about her all their lives, that she was no lady.

"Sansa?" Theon said taking her from her thoughts.

"Sorry, my mind was elsewhere." she said trying to smile at him and only half succeeding.

"Have you given any thought to the Iron Islands, Yara would accept us both and see we're cared for. I know it's not Winterfell but I'd see you safe and looked after." he said softly.

She smiled a fuller truer smile at his words and then got up from her seat. The kiss she gave him on the cheek was a token of her appreciation for all he'd done for her and all he'd said he'd do. It was one of gratitude and though she saw how he looked at her and knew that should she ask it of him then he'd make her his wife, it was no more than that. While the thoughts of marrying someone who would have no needs of that nature did appeal. Theon brought her no more as a husband than he did as a friend and so she needed to remain unwed, just in case she found someone that did.

"We should ride to Riverrun, Theon, my uncle is there and he'd see us comfortable and from there we can decide what needs to be done. Should we wish to travel to the Iron Islands then we can be escorted to Seagard and go from there." she said and he nodded.

She still had no intent on going to the Iron Islands but for now, it was best if Theon felt it still an option. Since the day was half over already they decided to stay in the inn for another night and leave on the morrow. They ate with the other patrons and more and more news of what had happened in King's Landing was soon was being shared around the tavern. Sansa not sure if she believed any of it other than the fact that King's Landing had indeed fallen.

After breaking their fast early the next morning, Theon saddled their horses and they set off for Riverrun. The thoughts of seeing the keep her mother had been born and raised in were ones that made the early part of their journey seem far swifter to her. Sansa not even minding sleeping out under the stars as much as she had when they marched from Winterfell or headed to the Vale. The milder weather of the Riverlands may have had something to do with that also she thought, she was not made for the cold of the North. Sansa had always belonged in the sun, in the south, and was it not for others would be queen there now. They'd been riding almost a week when they reached their first keep. Stone Hedge was not what it once was but it was a welcome sight and when Lord Bracken heard who she was he welcomed them both into his hall.

"Your companion Lady Sansa?" Lord Bracken asked looking to Theon.

"Alyn, milord, a guard for milady." Theon said sticking to the story they'd come up with, both of them knowing that he'd not be given a fond welcome in the Riverlands.

"Just the one guard Lady Sansa?" Lord Bracken asked confusedly.

"I had more my lord but they abandoned us at the Crossroads Inn." she said to outraged shouts.

"What sort of men were these?" Lord Bracken said and Sansa almost smiled as she sensed an opportunity to begin to sow some seeds of doubt.

After bathing in a warm bath with some scented oils and been given a clean dress that belonged to one of Lord Bracken's daughters, she then ate with the Lord and his family while Theon ate with some of the men. Sansa told a tale of issues with her bastard brother and how she feared that she was somehow in the way of things between Jon and the Dragonwhore. That while she did not, at that time at least, fear for her life she knew she was not welcome and so when they marched south she sought out her cousin in the Vale.

She made it clear that she wasn't completely aware of the situation in the Riverlands and that since she'd asked for aid from her granduncle once before and been denied, she had feared asking again. Then she told of how Robin had been so very sweet to her, how despite them being cousins they'd fallen deeply for each other, and then to her horror he'd been killed. Again she made it clear that she didn't think Jon or the Dragonwhore were involved but that it had been most odd and who else had stood to gain. By the time she was done she felt she'd brought him to her side, at least enough that one day he may support her.

"I shall see you escorted to your uncle, my lady. Once there we can get to the truth of things, perhaps this is all a misunderstanding and it's simply the life you've endured which makes you so wary." Lord Bracken said and she smiled at him as she nodded.

"I hope for nothing more, my lord." she said though she knew that was certainly not the truth, she hoped for many things, vengeance, justice, and a crown for her head.

Dorne 305 AC.

Malaquo Maegyr.

While the weather in this godforsaken place was similar enough to his homeland, it was all that was. The food, the wine, the people, all of it irked him, and listening to men beneath him question him was something he would not put up with for much longer. Why this fool of a prince was to be his guide in such a place was beyond him. Belicho's instructions had been clear though and for now, Malaquo would live by them.

" Let him think himself in charge, Malaquo, let him think his agenda and our own are the same." Belicho said.

" He is a fool, I'll not have a fool command our men." he said annoyedly.

" Nor would I, you command the army but let him think him in charge of the goals, see him take his country back and from there move on." Belicho said.

"And the Wolves?" he asked almost licking his lips at the thought of what he'd do to them.

" Are few and far between my friend, though the one leads the army you face is a favored brother I believe."

" Robb Stark's brother?" he asked eagerly.

" Bastard brother but most beloved." Belicho said and he had smiled at that " Dorne and then Westeros, Malaquo, see it done."

" Dorne and then Westeros, as you command." Malaquo replied.

Dorne was easy enough, a skirmish when they landed and then a quick surrender. Though it had irked him that there was no true fight. He did however take pleasure in how irked the Frog was when he found out that his sister, Dorne's Lords, and most of their army were not here. As much as the man may have tried to claim the taking of a city of sand was a great victory, without a true battle no one else would see it that way and so it had turned out to be.

Malaquo smiled at the blatant disrespect shown to the Frog, he'd not accept it when directed at him as men had already found out to their cost but seeing it shown to the so-called Prince of Dorne, that amused him. Never more so than at the feast the fool threw himself to celebrate his great victory. The lack of enthusiasm shown by the men in the Great Hall was something that the foolish boy never even noticed. All he saw was the glasses raised, all he heard was the cheers. Had he been a different, cleverer man then he'd have looked at the hate in the eyes that watched him as they did so.

For a man whose House's words were Unbowed, Unbent, and Unbroken, the Frog had somehow thought that taking a city without winning a battle would leave these men any of those things. Only when he'd sent ravens threatening the families of the absent lords and received no replies and then when the food shipments began to be delayed did it dawn on him that he was not as in control as he believed. Then like the boy he was, he'd ranted, raved, and punished the messengers rather than send a message himself. It was the final straw for Malaquo and so he'd gone to speak to the Frog and fed him the words he'd wished to hear.

"I shall take my men and march on some of these keeps, let them know what it is they are to face should they not comply." Malaquo said standing opposite the Frog Prince and looking down on the map.

"I need my army here, my whore of a sister will return and I need to be ready."

"She has no ships, does she not?" he asked and the Frog nodded "Then she'll need to march, here." he said pointing at the Boneway.

"You'll wait for here there?" the Frog asked smiling.

"We'll beat her there, then once done I can march my men into the Land of Storms." he said pointing to the Stormlands.

"What about the dragons?" the Frog asked.

"There's been no word from your man?" he asked to a shake of the head "The mountains will provide cover if they come but once your sister hears of Dorne's fall then she'll not wait for them if what you say of her is true?"

"She'll not, Arianne is impetuous and reckless once her temper is up." the Frog said.

"Then you must ensure her temper is up, send the ravens and declare yourself the rightful ruler of Dorne." he said and the Frog smiled.

Malaquo cared not for Dorne, for the Frog or for his whore of a sister. It was blood he sought, Westerosi blood and the blood of wolves most of all. His ships set sail within the week, the ravens were sent and the realm would hear of Dorne's new prince. It wasn't to the Boneway that he would bring his men though and he cared not that Quentyn and Dorne would fall to the dragons or to his sister, he came for blood and to settle a score.

"Where to Triarch?" his captain asked.

"The North, I've wolves that need killing."

King's Landing 305 AC.


Each time he'd tried to get near the king to speak to him, he'd been denied. He wasn't been avoided and he knew should he press it further then Aegon would grant him an audience but Gendry knew that he was busy. That he was also incredibly nervous about the conversation made him more than happy to delay it also. Arya never pressed him on it either, she knew his reasons for needing to speak to her brother and she'd made her own feelings clear. Her determination to see them wed was something that he was at times at a loss to understand.

He was happy for it, happier than he'd ever been in fact but h had feared that it would never be something she'd wish for them. At best he'd thought that she may have spent time with him, that they may have been a part of each other's lives for some time until she decided that it was time to move on. His love was a wild wolf and it was that among the many other things that made her who she was that he loved her for. For her to wish to be his for the rest of their lives, that had been a welcome surprise and one that he'd taken some time to come to terms with. With it being not just possible but likely, he'd resolved to make sure that he did it right and so as he saw Aegon walking to the sparring yard with Ser Jaime, he made his presence known.

"Your grace." he called out and it was Ser Jaime who turned first.

"Gendry?" Aegon said when he saw him and Ser Jaime relaxed.

"Your Grace, I was wondering if we may speak." he said nervously.

"I was heading to the yard, is it important?" Aegon asked and Gendry looked at him and almost lost his courage.

"It is your grace, it's about Princess Arya." he said and saw the smirk appear on Aegon's face.

"Don't let my sister hear you call her that otherwise you'll end up with very painful shins." Aegon said and Gendry chuckled at that, knowing that all too well from their time traveling together "Walk with me." Aegon said a moment later.

He nodded and hurried over to join the king and his Dragonguard, the three of them now walking towards the sparring yard. It took him almost until they were there before he could actually get the words out, the king's expression never changing at all while he spoke them.

"I love her, your grace. Your sister and I, we're… she wishes us to be wed and I… I know what I am and who she is and I know I've nothing to offer her other than that she already has. I love her though, truly and with all I am and I ask your permission for us to marry." he said as Aegon looked at him.

They'd stopped just before reaching the sparring yard, Aegon was now staring at him and Gendry found himself swallowing more than once.

"Does my sister know that you're here asking this of me?" Aegon asked.

"Not that I'm here now, your grace, that I intended to do so, aye she knows." he said and was confused when Aegon started looking him over, the king moving to the side and back of him before coming to stand in front of him once he'd done "Your grace?" he asked.

"I was just checking for holes, how have you not got any after telling Arya that you were asking her brother for her hand." Aegon said before laughing and looking at him.

"I ask myself the same question, your grace." Gendry said with a soft smile on his face.

"I love my sister, Gendry. I had thought her lost to me, feared it even after we'd been reunited. Her happiness is something that I desire as much as anything in this world. Any man with eyes to see would know you make her happy but…" Aegon said.

"But?" he said gulping only to be slapped on the head and to look to the king completely confused now.

"Only a fool would ever ask any man even a king for her hand. So you can tell her that I slapped you softer than she would and that aye, though it's not needed you have my blessing and my permission." Aegon said and Gendry found himself nodding "Now since you're here there is something you can do for me in return, I ask you to simply play along, Gendry." Aegon said with a smirk.

He nodded to the king and followed him into the sparring yard, Gendry looking around to see some Dornishmen fighting with spears and some Reach and Westerland men facing off. He saw some Stormland knights surrounding a man not that much younger than himself, a man that he could see looked very much like him.

"Lord Edric." Aegon said and the man walked their way.

"Your grace." Edric said with a bow.

"I was wondering if you'd care to spar my lord?" Aegon asked and Edric nodded before he looked to him, a confused look on his face and on the faces of some of the Stormlands lords when he did so.

"I'd be honored, your grace." Edric said.

Gendry watched as Aegon handed Ser Jaime his sword, the look on people's faces when they saw it was the same one that he no doubt wore on his own. Everyone had known the king bore Longclaw for more years than he'd care to remember. Right now though the sword in Ser Jaime's hand was Blackfyre, the Sword of Kings and he felt Aegon was sending a not so subtle message by wearing it. He looked on as the king picked out a tourney sword and as Edric did the same, the two men turning to face each other while around them the other spars had come to an end. More than one person keener to see the king spar than to take part in their own it seemed.

"To five or a yield, Lord Edric." Aegon said and Edric nodded.

What followed wasn't so much a spar as an exhibition and Gendry felt that Lord Edric, who he was now more than certain was his bastard brother, would be wearing bruises for a fair few days. Aegon wasn't just faster and more accomplished than Edric, he was focussed in a way that few men were. That focus today at least seemed to be on teaching a lesson and so that was what he did. The first and second strikes caught Edric on the shoulders, the third and fourth on the knees. All four landing within the space of a moment and to no reply. The last was more a question of when and not if and it came only when the king wished it so. Gendry looked to the balcony above to see Arya, Missandei, Princess Arianne, and some others look on. None though as interested as the Queen who stood smiling as she watched.

"I yield, your grace." Edric said as the king took his feet and threatened to bring the sword down hard onto his head, stopping the blow before it reached it and holding it no more than an inch from Edric's helm.

"Well fought, Lord Edric." Aegon said helping him to his feet and Gendry and all the others who had watched could tell he meant not what he said.

"I thank you, your grace, for the spar." Edric said politely though the look on his face was anything but thankful.

"Perhaps we can do so again some time, my lord?" Aegon said and he heard Edric say how much that would please him though he doubted he meant it.

Aegon glanced up at the queen and smiled before he moved his way, Gendry then saw Ser Davos speak to the queen and they turned and left. Aegon quickly changed direction and moved to the stairs to follow after the Hand and the Queen. Gendry looked to the Stormlords and Lord Edric who were now staring at him and then he turned to face the stairs to see Arya walking towards him, the smile on his face a true one as he moved to tell her his news.

King's Landing 305 AC.


He and Dany had spent a few days in the rooms they were given before moving to the King's Chambers or the newly named Royal Chambers as it would serve them both and not just he alone. Neither had a wish to be parted or to have separate rooms and Missandei and Jon Connington surprisingly, had done a great job and making the rooms suitable for them both. They'd held Small Council meetings and though they still needed to name a Master of Coin, they'd almost filled it out which had then allowed them to concentrate on other things.

The first of these had been Dorne and so they'd asked for Princess Arianne, Ser Daemon Sand who led her armies, and Ned Dayne to come and speak to them so they could plan what to do about the new prince. When the raven had arrived, Dany had sent for Princess Arianne and she'd been wroth to read it, though knowing that she had their complete support in regaining her throne had at least stayed her hand.

" They'll expect you to march, the Boneway, were it me that's where I'd lay in wait." Aegon said as they spoke of their plans.

" We'll not march, your grace?" Ser Daemon asked.

" Her grace and I will give you the use of our ships as will Lord Redwyne, we'll sail to Dorne and bypass any traps they've set for us. We'll bring half the Dothraki and half the Unsullied and her grace and I will fly as escort to the ships." he said.

" We cannot take Sunspear with Dragons your grace." Arianne said worriedly to Dany.

" Nor will we, they will see them though, they'll see Drogon and Rhaegal's flames and the men will fear them." Dany said.

" We take the city with men, our forces, Dorne's, we take the city with men and once the city has fallen, we then deal with the men in the Boneway and it'll be those men who will face our dragons." Aegon said to nods of agreement.

After they'd made their plans clear, they'd called for Malora and Kinvara and once again asked them to seek answers for their gods. Malora told them that she'd sent ravens to Dorne to seek answers and Kinvara said she'd look into the flames. Then they'd begun to make the plans for naming their Lord Paramounts, Wardens, seeing the Lords rewarded who deserved it, and for a million other things that he had never thought he'd need to deal with.

It was with this that he'd found Dany far stronger than he, his wife had a knack for the political side of things that he did not. True both of them could be rash and impulsive but it was in different aspects of ruling that this showed up. Aegon was far easier to lose his temper dealing with lords and ladies than Dany was and his wife was far angrier with their enemies than he. He could be and was ruthless and after all he'd seen in his life he was far more willing to lie and tell half-truths than he had ever been. For Aegon, though these served larger goals than the lies and half-truths that were needed in dealing with those in court every day.

He had lied to Ser Jaime about his sister and brother because it was needed, while he'd not told everyone of plans he may make because other than Dany they did not need to know. His circle of trust was growing, but it was still very small and though he foresaw a day when he would think his family safe, that day was not this one and so he would remain vigilant and forgo his honor, Aemon's words the ones that he would live by now.

' What is honor compared to a woman's love?'

The spar with Edric had been a lesson, two in fact, though the second would take more time to sink in he felt. When Gendry married his sister then the Lord of Storm's End would see the second lesson that Aegon had wished for him to learn. Edric was not the only son of Robert Baratheon in the realm and only one of them held his favor. Aegon smiled at that as he stood in the Throne Room, his queen sitting on the Iron Throne as they awaited the passengers from this ship from Essos that concerned her so.

Aegon found his thoughts drifting to Gendry once more, he had to admit it had surprised him when he'd been asked for Arya's hand and so he'd had some fun with the man. Gendry had already gotten permission from the only one that mattered and asking him was a waste of time. Still, he could understand why Gendry had done so as the stain of one's birth was one that Aegon knew all too well. If it were not for the need of the Stark name to continue then he'd name the man true as a Baratheon but he could not and so on that Lord Edric would take some comfort. The threat though would be there for some time and he'd let the man sweat for now.

"Daario Naharis." the herald announced and Aegon heard his wife's gasp.

The man who walked into the room was exactly as he had imagined him, cocky, self-assured and the looks he gave his wife were ones that would see most men dead. Aegon looked to Dany and saw the look of anger on her face and had he any doubts of his wife's love for him, which he had not, then that look alone would have ended them. No woman or man would look upon a former love that they had still had feelings for that way. Even Naharis's cocky swagger seemed taken aback by it and Aegon resisted the urge to smile.

"My queen." Daario said with an over-elaborate bow.

"Why are you here?" Dany asked and Aegon could see her gripping her hands tightly.

"I come with grave news my queen, perhaps we can speak in private." Daario said glancing at him and Aegon saw how he gave him a once over before he turned from him and was now looking at Dany once more.

"Speak of it now and waste no more of my time." Dany said her voice tight as she held back her emotions.

"Meereen has fallen, your grace, I barely escaped with my life." Daario said.

"Out, all of you, leave us." he said and Grey Worm's men moved forward, the lords, ladies, and even their council leaving the room.

He looked to Arya and nodded, to Jaime, Jorah and Brienne and shook his head. Aegon had no fear that he could protect his queen alone from the man if he had come with some other motive but he'd take no chances just in case. When everyone had left, Dany then rose from the throne, her anger even more clear now as she moved toward Daario, Aegon stepping forward as she did.

"You lost my city?" she said angrily.

"We were overwhelmed my queen, the army and ships that came at us were even larger than the one that attacked us before and we had no dragons." Daario said.

"Who?" Dany asked.

"I saw Volanteene sails, Ghiscari, and others." Daario said and Aegon saw how much his words upset his wife, and as much as he knew she wished to know more, now was not the time.

"Leave us." he said and Daario glared at him.

"And you are?" Daario asked.

"The man who will end you where you stand should you not leave." he said.

"I take orders only from my queen, not her…"

The slap Daario got was a painful one to Aegon's eyes, even Ser Jaime and Ser Jorah wincing as Dany held her hand after striking the man's face.

"My king told you to leave, leave before you wake mine own dragon. We shall send for you at our pleasure." Dany said.

Aegon watched as the man looked to him before turning to walk from the Throne Room. The welcome was perhaps not the one Daario had expected but he'd lost his queen her city and so he was lucky to be walking from the room at all. Once he'd gone, Aegon moved to Dany, her eyes tear-filled as she looked at him.

"They are my people, I promised them a life without chains, I failed them." she said as he took her in his arms.

"No, failing them would be if we do nothing, Dany, if you do nothing. Do you intend to do nothing? Do you intend to let them be chained once more?" he asked and she shook her head.

"No, I am their Myhsa, I broke their chains once and I'll do so again. But I'll not stop with theirs, I'll not stop until all the chains are broken." she said determinedly.

"We'll not stop my love." he said as she nodded and he saw a small smile appear on her face.

"We will make a new world, Aegon, you and I, a free world where the only choice is to live in our new world or die in their old one."

"And those who think they know better, those who think their world is the right way, who think they offer people another choice?"

"They don't get to choose." Dany said as she kissed him, Aegon remembering the words from a different time, remembering how they had made them feel, and when the kiss stopped and he looked into her eyes, he knew the truth. She was right, she'd always been right and together they'd usher in a new world.