Love lost at first sight

Dylan's footsteps slowed as he reached the familiar café, memories flooding his mind like a cascade of emotions. It was here, in this quaint little shop, where he first laid eyes on her. A smile curved his lips as he pushed the door open, anticipation mingling with nostalgia. Inside, his gaze sought her out, and there she was, Jeena, sitting by the window, her expression inscrutable.

"Hi, love," Dylan greeted, his voice warm with affection as he settled into the chair opposite her.

"Hello, Dylan," Jeena replied, her tone devoid of its usual warmth, a poker face masking her true feelings.

Alarm bells rang in Dylan's mind. Something was amiss, and he couldn't shake off the feeling of impending dread. Yet, he pressed on, determined to dispel the tension.

"Let's order your favorite dessert with some coffee," he suggested, a feeble attempt to lighten the heavy atmosphere that enveloped them.

A tentative agreement from Jeena was followed by an uncomfortable silence, thick with unspoken words and unresolved tension. Dylan's mind raced, searching for an explanation, a reason for Jeena's unusual demeanor. And then, finally, she broke the silence.

"Let's break up, Dylan," Jeena's words hung in the air, heavy and final.

Dylan's heart stuttered, his mind struggling to comprehend the abruptness of her declaration. "What...?" he managed to utter, shock etched across his features.

"You heard it right, let's break up," Jeena reiterated, her tone firm, unwavering.

"Why?" The question escaped Dylan's lips, laced with confusion and hurt.

And then, Jeena dropped the bombshell. "I'm pregnant."

Dylan's world tilted on its axis. "It can't be," he protested, his mind grappling with the sudden revelation.

"Yeah, and you know it's not your child, so I'm getting back with my ex," Jeena's words pierced through Dylan's heart like a dagger.

Dylan's initial disbelief morphed into a desperate plea. "I don't care. Let's get married. I will treat you better. I don't know whose child it is, but I will look after it as my own, so please don't leave me," he implored, his voice thick with emotion.

But Jeena remained resolute. "But I do. I want to get back with my ex."

Anger surged within Dylan, his heart aching with betrayal. "What about me then? Did you at least think about me once?" he demanded, his voice tinged with bitterness.

"I did," Jeena confessed, her words cold and indifferent. "Seeing our condition, we only met six months ago and have been dating for three months. It's not much, right? You can forget me, thinking it was just a fling, right?"

Dylan's laughter was hollow, a bitter echo of the love that once bloomed between them. "You make it sound like it was nothing for you, our love," he remarked, his voice tinged with disbelief.

"Yeah, maybe it was nothing for me," Jeena admitted, her tone devoid of remorse. "So let's break up. Don't ever try to contact or call me again."

"Jeena, you're ridiculous. After all our time together, you're saying all of it was nothing. I really hope you suffer in the future for doing this to me. I hope you don't leave peacefully and keep thinking of me always," he said angrily.

Fury surged through Dylan's veins, his heart shattering into a million pieces. In a fit of anger, he pulled her close, sealing their doomed love with a kiss, before storming out of the café, his tears hidden from the world.

Back home, Dylan crumbled under the weight of his shattered dreams, his heart bleeding with pain. "I hate you, Jeena. I hate you," he whispered into the void, his tears a testament to the love that was lost.

Years passed, and Dylan found himself navigating the corridors of power as the CEO of a renowned gaming company. 

As Dylan drove through the bustling city streets, his mind churned with the weight of responsibility. Today was no ordinary day; it was a pivotal moment for his company, and he couldn't afford to be late. Yet, fate seemed to conspire against him as he cursed his own tardiness. "Why do I have to oversleep today of all days?" he lamented, frustration simmering beneath the surface.

Arriving at his company headquarters, Dylan was met by his ever-efficient secretary, Jen, who awaited him with a patient yet expectant demeanor. "Sir, you're here," he greeted him, his tone a mixture of relief and concern.

"I'm sorry for being late. Are they here?" he inquired, his voice edged with urgency.

"Yes, sir, they are. They're in the meeting room," Jen replied, her words a gentle reminder of the pressing matters at hand.

With a sense of determination, Dylan hurried towards the elevator, his mind focused on the impending meeting. As the lift ascended, he couldn't shake off the nagging feeling that lingered in the back of his mind.

Stepping into the meeting room, Dylan found himself face to face with his client, Ken, accompanied by a woman whose presence sent a jolt of disbelief coursing through him. "Sorry I'm late. I made you wait," he apologized, his tone tinged with regret.

"No, it's fine. I'm Ken, and this is the woman I told you about. We will be working together, 'Jeena,'" Ken introduced, his words punctuated by a sense of anticipation.

Dylan's breath caught in his throat as he heard the name, a name that stirred a whirlwind of emotions within him. And when she turned to face him, he felt his heart lurch in his chest. It was her. Jeena. The woman who had both captivated and betrayed him, now standing before him as though they were strangers.

"Hello, I'm Jeena. It's nice to meet you," she greeted him with a smile, her words devoid of any hint of recognition. Fate had a cruel twist in store for him as he came face to face with his past.

Dylan struggled to maintain his composure as conflicting emotions surged within him. How could she stand there, acting as though their shared history meant nothing? He grappled with the turmoil raging within him, searching for a semblance of understanding amidst the chaos.

With a forced calmness, Dylan extended his hand and shook hers, his gaze unwavering despite the storm of emotions raging within him. "Yeah, I'm Dylan," he replied, his voice betraying none of the turmoil that churned within him.

Dylan's mind went back to the time when Jeena had broken up with him. She had said "it's not much, right?..Just a fling", those words echoed in his mind again and again. It was true that their relationship had only lasted a short while. Yet, he felt as if he had known her for a lifetime.