Confronting Shadows: Jeena and Dylan's Tense Encounter

As the day progresses, Dylan finds himself growing increasingly irritated by Jeena's apparent indifference towards his actions. Time skips ahead to the evening, with Jeena diligently working at her desk.

Suddenly, Dylan rises from his seat and strides purposefully towards Jeena. With an air of authority, he addresses her, "I'm leaving early today, Jeena. I have plans with someone, so I need you to take care of my work as well."

Jeena's irritation flares at Dylan's presumptuous request. She squares her shoulders and meets his gaze head-on. "Sir, I'm only here for a few months, and as you know, your company's work isn't my responsibility. I have a child waiting for me at home, and I need to take care of him. Would you please be considerate and let me leave early?"

With a firm but respectful tone, Jeena asserts her boundaries, unwilling to let Dylan's expectations dictate her actions.

Dylan's response is firm and uncompromising. "Well, that's none of my concern. If you're here to work, then work. I know how important this deal is for you, so you should give it your best, Jeena. If you don't want to lose this opportunity and disappoint your team, then you need to step up."

His words carry a weight of expectation, challenging Jeena to prioritize her professional responsibilities despite her personal obligations.

Jeena responds, her tone tinged with frustration and a hint of exasperation. "Sir, could you please refrain from mixing our private and professional lives? I need to go home to take care of my child. He might get sick if he doesn't find me, and he's been crying."

Dylan's question cuts through the air, his tone slightly accusatory. "Why isn't your husband there to take care of him?"

With a resigned sigh, Jeena realizes that arguing with Dylan would only lead to further complications. She understands that revealing her secret to him could have serious consequences. So, she chooses to end the conversation there, not wanting to risk any more confrontation.

"Fine, sir," she says calmly, her voice steady despite the frustration bubbling beneath the surface. "I'll take care of your work. You can go ahead with your plans."

Dylan felt a sense of confusion wash over him as Jeena agreed so readily. "Why did she agree so easily? I was expecting her to argue more or push back on my request," he mused, puzzled by her unexpected compliance.

Nevertheless, Dylan had no other option but to accept her agreement. With a shrug, he left for his plans with Anna, his thoughts still lingering on Jeena's unusual behavior.

As Dylan sat across from Anna, engaging in light conversation over dinner and drinks, his mind remained preoccupied with thoughts of Jeena. Despite the pleasant distraction of Anna's company, his conscience nagged at him, questioning his treatment of his coworker.

"Maybe I'm being too harsh," he contemplated silently, taking a sip of his drink. "She has a child to take care of, so I shouldn't be so hard on her."

The realization struck Dylan with a pang of guilt, prompting him to reconsider his approach towards Jeena.

Dylan's concern for Jeena grew as she continued to ignore his calls. Worried about her well-being, he made a swift decision to head to the office to check on her.

Excusing himself from his dinner with Anna, Dylan feigned urgency, stating, "I have an important business matter to attend to. I need to leave." With a sense of urgency in his voice, he hurriedly made his way to the office, leaving Anna behind, puzzled by his sudden departure.

Dylan's anger flared as he witnessed Jeena outside the building, laughing and enjoying herself with another man. His mind raced with questions and accusations, fueling his outrage.

"I was genuinely concerned about her, and here she is, acting so carefree with some random guy," he seethed inwardly. "Is her husband even aware of this? Or is she cheating on him, just like she did with me?"

Dylan arrives at the office and waits impatiently for Jeena to arrive, his mind still reeling from the sight of her with another man earlier.

Meanwhile, the man Jeena was conversing with turns out to be her best friend, Kalix. Jeena expresses her gratitude to Kalix for bringing David so she could spend time with her son, explaining that Aaron, her husband, is busy and will also be late.

"Thanks a lot, Kalix, for bringing David," Jeena says appreciatively. "I couldn't think of anyone but you to ask for this favor. Aaron is busy today, and he'll also be late."

Kalix reassures Jeena, "No worries, Jeena. We're friends, so you can count on me anytime for anything."

Smiling at Kalix, Jeena acknowledges, "Oh, right. I should get going now. I'll try to finish work as soon as possible so I can get home quickly. Please drop David off at home. Aaron should be there in about two hours."

Jeena walks into the office room with a smile on her face, but as soon as she opens the door, her expression changes to one of shock and surprise. There, standing before her, is Dylan.

Dylan's voice carries a tone of sarcasm as he observes Jeena's apparent happiness. "Oh, look at you, happy as ever," he remarks, his words laced with bitterness. "Some things just never change, huh?" He can't resist the urge to taunt Jeena, using her past with him as a weapon to inflict emotional pain.

Jeena's confusion deepens as Dylan advances towards her, his words dripping with accusation. "What are you talking about?" she asks, her voice tinged with unease.

Ignoring her question, Dylan continues to approach, his presence looming over her. "You know exactly what I'm talking about, Jeena," he says sharply, his tone laced with bitterness. "Don't act all innocent."

As realization dawns upon her, Jeena's heart sinks. "The man downstairs...?" she mutters under her breath, her mind racing to make sense of the situation.

Before she can fully comprehend, Dylan grabs her wrist tightly, his grip firm and unyielding. Jeena winces in pain, her eyes widening with shock as he pulls her closer and pins her against the wall.

Panic surges through her veins as Dylan accuses her of infidelity, dredging up painful memories from the past. "That's none of your concern," she retorts defiantly, her voice trembling with a mixture of fear and anger.

But Dylan's grip only tightens, his words cutting through the air like a knife. "You haven't changed at all, Jeena," he sneers, his voice dripping with contempt. "You cheated on me with your ex, and now you're cheating on your husband with that man. Do you ever think about anyone's feelings, or are they just a plaything to you?"

Jeena's breath catches in her throat as she struggles against his hold, her mind reeling with the weight of his accusations. She knows she needs to break free, to defend herself against his relentless onslaught, but fear and frustration leave her feeling helpless and trapped.

Jeena meets Dylan's intense gaze, her eyes reflecting a mix of defiance and vulnerability. Despite the tears threatening to spill over, she fights to maintain her composure in the face of his hostility.

"Why are you so concerned about my personal life?" she retorts, her voice steady but tinged with emotion. "Whether I choose to be faithful to my husband or interact with another man is none of your business."

She refuses to let Dylan's accusations shake her resolve, standing her ground despite the turmoil swirling within her. Though his words sting, she refuses to let him see the extent of their impact, determined to protect herself from further hurt and humiliation.

Jeena's words cut through the tense air like a knife, her voice trembling with a mix of anger and frustration. She refuses to back down, determined to confront Dylan head-on about his intrusive behavior.

"Why are you so invested in my personal life?" she challenges, her tone laced with bitterness. "You should stick to what you're good at, which is burdening me with work and keeping me away from my child. Just because you're still hung up on the past doesn't give you the right to meddle in my affairs. It's none of your business, Mr. Dylan Sir."

Her emotions boil over as she lashes out at him, the weight of her grievances finally surfacing. She can no longer contain the resentment that has been building within her, and she lets it spill forth in a torrent of accusations and defiance.


Dylan's laughter cuts through the tension, his amusement at Jeena's outburst evident in his mocking tone. He leans in closer, his grip on her wrist tightening as he whispers his venomous words into her ear.

"But Jeena," he hisses, the malice dripping from his voice, "you have no right to challenge me after all the pain you've caused me. You're correct, I do relish the thought of burdening you with work, but that's just the beginning. I want to turn your life into a living nightmare, to watch you suffer every day, haunted by the regret of your past actions."

His words are like daggers, piercing through Jeena's defenses and leaving her feeling exposed and vulnerable. She can feel the weight of his hatred bearing down on her, threatening to crush her spirit with its intensity. But despite the fear and uncertainty gnawing at her heart, she refuses to let Dylan see her falter.