Chapter 18: Funtime in the Oldtown Tonight


Jaime looked on as Jon rode towards the target and smiled as he hit it firm and dead center, for the last sennight he'd been having Jon work on his lance work and it was starting to show. His horsemanship was incredible but his handling of the lance still needed some work. While it would be years before he rode in the lists, it was better to start as early as possible and though some found using rings a good place to begin, Jaime preferred to use targets.

Rings allowed for precision but there was no feel for how much force hitting something required, far better to get used to the fact that when your lance hit something solid your arm was going to feel it. He watched as Jon began to make the run again, once again hitting the target dead center and this time even firmer.

He made his way over to the targets themselves to judge just how firm Jon had been hitting them, he was happy to see that they were marked meaning Jon had been giving his all, he nodded to him and signaled for him to dismount, watching as Jon patted and whispered to Winter, the horse's name itself almost causing him to laugh. Jon led Winter to the water trot and made his way over towards him Ghost his ever faithful shadow catching Jaime by surprise as he usually did.

To say Ghost had a habit of sneaking up on people would be an understatement, not only was the wolf silent but he moved more quickly and stealthily than any animal had a right to, the only constant was that wherever Jon was the wolf would sure to be close by. It reassured Jaime to see it to be truthful, not only was Jon completely taken with the wolf, but the wolf it seemed reciprocated. The two were so close that to Jaime it felt like they had been together forever.

"How did I do?" Jon asked as he reached him.

"Good,very good your getting better, how's the arm?"

"It's fine." Jon said as he stretched it.


"All right it hurts like hell, I didn't realize how hard I was hitting the targets." Jon replied sheepishly.

"Well take a rest for a few days, no sparring or lancing." Jaime said as Jon nodded.

"Go get something to eat, we'll speak later and Jon no sparring is that understood." he added before smiling and walking away.

Earlier that day he received an invitation to Lord Hightower's daughters wedding in Oldtown, he originally was going to ignore it but the more he'd thought about it the more it seemed like a good idea. He'd been going a little crazy spending all his time in the rock and while he had found he actually enjoyed his duties now, it was time Tyrion ran the place for a while, besides it would keep his aunt off his back.

Ever since the ball she'd been pressuring him to invite Lady Alysanne for dinner or a ride or anything at all really and Jaime had no wish to lead the lady on. By going to this wedding he could at least pretend to his aunt he was going to see which eligible lady took his fancy, but mainly he was doing it because it would be good for more of the realm to get to know Jon.

Jaime casually walked back to the lift, he had no pressing business today and was actually at a loss for what to do, normally he'd have spent the time sparring or perhaps going for a ride but he found he didn't like to do so alone as he much as he had once used to. With Jon practicing his lance and Gerion and Tyrion in Lannisport he really didn't know what to do with himself.

When the lift reached the family floor he headed to the small dining area, figuring he'd grab something to eat and head back to his room and perhaps do some reading or catch up with some of the less important correspondence he'd put off. As he walked into the dining area however he knew he was done for, there was no escape, no chance to duck back out, he'd been seen.

"Lord Jaime, come join us." Emmon Frey said loudly.

"Ah, Ser Emmon, I was just going to grab something and go." Jaime said trying to retrieve the situation.

"No no, stay talk for a while Lord Jaime, I haven't had the chance to speak to you for an age."

Jaime reluctantly went and sat beside Emmon, dwarfing the smaller man by more than a head and a half. It wasn't that he hated the man, more the man was a complete and utter idiot and like most Frey's that Jaime had been unfortunate to meet, Emmon thought way too highly of himself. Although given the match his father had made for him, perhaps in his case there was more merit in it than in those of his kin.

"Lord Jaime, I was wondering if you'd given any thought to who may take over Castermere if your plans work out." Emmon said surprising him.

"I haven't Ser, none at all to be frank, I think it's better to see if the plans actually work first don't you?"

"I do my lord, but if they do then perhaps you'll need a strong man to keep those workers in line." Emmon said puffing out his chest.

Jaime had to resist the urge to laugh, while putting Genna in charge would accomplish a lot, Emmon as a strong man was just too funny an image, the fool had been laid up in bed for nigh on a week because of a rotten piece of fruit he'd stupidly consumed, not to mention he cowered when Jaime's aunt came into the room, a strong man and the name Frey did not belong in the same sentence.

"I shall consider it Ser." Jaime said and smiled as he saw Jon come into the room with Ghost following behind him.

"If you'll forgive me Emmon, I see my squire requires my attention." Jaime said and quickly made his way to Jon.

"Say nothing and just look worried and nod." he said as he reached him.

He noticed Emmon watching from over his shoulder and Jon played his part well, the two of them turning and leaving the dining hall, the snack he'd come in to partake in quickly forgotten. They made their way down to Jaime's solar, Jon smirking all the way.

"It's not that funny." Jaime said exasperatedly.

"I think you'll find it is my lord." Jon said before they both laughed.

As they arrived at his solar he called one of the servants over and sent her to get two small meals for him and Jon, they went inside and he took his seat while Jon did likewise. After a few moments the servant returned and she laid the plates out on the table.

"Thank you Sarah that will be all."

"Of course my lord." the girl said with a bow before leaving.

Jaime found that once away from Ser Emmon he was suddenly more hungry than he thought he'd been, he noticed Jon seemed even hungrier although he stuck to the fruit and cheese while feeding the meat to Ghost who eagerly ate it up. When the meal was finished Jaime decided he'd bring up the trip with Jon.

"We'll be heading on a trip soon Jon, Ser Jorah and Lady Lynesse are to be married in Oldtown and I've been invited." Jaime said.

"You want me to come with you my lord?"

"Aye Jon, you're my squire and besides you should visit the realm when the opportunity arrives, have you not wanted to visit the Citadel or see the Hightower?"

"I never gave it much thought my lord, just assumed I'd stay in the north, but aye I'd like to see more places. Storms End, Kings Landing, Highgarden, but If I had a choice I guess I'd really love to visit Dragonstone." Jon said and Jaime felt a shudder down his spine.

One day my king, one day, Jaime thought.


Cat was furious, breaking her fast had been bad enough, but listening to Ser Wylis sing the praises of the bastard had almost forced her to scream and shout, only the fact they were in public had stopped her. When he had said that the boy had been given a direwolf she'd almost lost it though, bad enough he looked more like Ned than Robb did but to have a living symbol of the house also was just too much, but what had actually tipped her over the edge was what Wylis said about the king.

When she heard that he had offered the bastard a prize for winning a tourney in which he had obviously cheated or used some trickery to do so, she had been beside herself, how dare he, how dare the bastard take what should be her sons by right. Robb was trueborn he was Ned's heir it should be him receiving gifts from the king, after all the king was Ned's best friend surely he should favor his trueborn son.

But hearing that he offered to legitimize the boy was just too much, no she would not have it, she wouldn't stand for it, neither her nor her family would allow a bastard usurp her trueborn children. Winning favors from a king, getting legitimized. She had never thought there could be anything worse than having the boy here in her home but him out there using his bastard nature to ingratiate himself to his betters was much worse, she needed to speak to Ned, they had to put a stop to this now, before it was too late.

She stormed through the castle servants giving her a wide berth after obviously seeing her expression, she finally made it to Ned's solar and walked in without knocking.

"Ned we need to discuss the bastard." she practically shouted.

"Cat what are you talking about." Ned replied his voice strained.

"He's doing it, he's doing exactly what I told you he would, he's trying to steal Winterfell from Robb."

"Maybe I should leave my lord?"

Cat shuddered and turned her head, Wyman Manderly sat at her husbands desk and the look he was giving her was anything but friendly, he looked disgusted and for a brief moment Cat felt shame. But it quickly passed and the lady of Winterfell shrugged it off, why should she feel shame, it was the bastard who was trying to steal her son's birthright, she was only doing what a good mother would do, protecting her son.

"Thank you Wyman, I'll speak to you later." Ned said as Wyman nodded to him.

"My lady." the lack of respect clear in Wyman's voice as he left.

She waited until the door was closed before she got ready to speak again but she never got the chance to.

"What are you thinking Cat, what's wrong with you." Ned said angrily.

"Your bastard is trying to steal Winterfell." she shouted at him.

"Jon would never do such a thing and my bannermen would never stand for it, you have to stop this foolishness."

"It's not me being foolish it's you, your bastard is out there ingratiating himself with Jaime Lannister and now with the king, did you know your friend offered to legitimize him, that he now has a direwolf, Your bastard has a direwolf Ned while your trueborn son does not."

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about the fact that your son was given a direwolf Ned, it's bad enough I'm reminded he looks more like a Stark than Robb, now he has a direwolf too, you need to take it off him, it should belong to Robb, he's your heir."

"I have no idea what your talking about Cat, when did Jon get a direwolf?" Ned asked.

" Ser Wylis was talking while we broke our fast, he said they delivered a direwolf to Jon, you need to have it returned Ned, a bastard shouldn't have it, it should be Robb's."

"Cat enough, if Jon has a direwolf then so be it, I didn't give it to him and I will not be taking it off him, how could I even if I wanted to, what am I to do send someone to Casterly Rock and demand they hand over a Jon's direwolf, are you even listening to yourself?"

"So you'll just allow your bastard to keep it, are you going to allow Robert to legitimize him as well."

"Robert would never legitimize Jon without speaking to me first, your being irrational Cat."

"Am I, he offered it to him Ned, offered to legitimize your bastard, what's next will he give him Winterfell too, when will you realize bastards are covetous by nature, they want what trueborns have, he'll usurp Robb and I'll not have it Ned, if you won't do something about the bastard I will.

"ENOUGH." Ned Shouted.

"I've tried to be reasonable Cat, but your speaking like a crazy woman, I don't even recognize you right now, I understand you have no love for Jon, but this stops, I'll have no threats made against him am I understood."

"He's trying to steal from our children Ned." Cat exclaimed loudly.

"No Cat he's not, it's all in your mind, now let me be clear, it stops now, you've gone too far, listen to what your saying, even if Robert offered to legitimize him which I doubt he did, then by all accounts Jon refused and accepted the gift of a horse instead."

"What do you mean?" Cat asked confusedly.

"Wyman was just speaking to me about Jon, the king gifted him whatever he wanted, a blade, coin or a horse and Jon accepted a horse and even did that reluctantly, so you see your worrying yourself over nothing."

Cat said nothing more, it was clear to her that she wouldn't get through to Ned, his love for the bastard and his mother was still too strong, she'd send a letter to her uncle and to her brother, they'd see what she did, that the bastard was not to be trusted, that he needed to be dealt with before he usurped her son.


They were leaving today and he felt a little torn about it, on one hand he was excited for the trip though not the ship journey to get there, on the other he would not see Joy for a moon at least and he felt sad about that. With her lessons and now that Martin and Willem were back living at Casterly Rock, Joy had more people around her and Jon's absence wouldn't be felt as much as it would have been just a few moons earlier.

But they had a routine and no matter what Jon spent time with her almost every day, he read her bedtime story and the little girl found difficulty sleeping without it. He knew of course that as she grew older the time they'd spend together would change, the nature of what they did would evolve but still he wasn't ready for it to change just yet.

He had thought about leaving Ghost with her but the looks the wolf had given him when he suggested it had changed his mind, the wolf would be coming to Oldtown with him after all. Joy had loved Ghost from the moment she met him, the little wolf was patient and gentle when around her. The first day he'd introduced them he'd thought that he'd lost the wolf, such was Joy's connection to him.

" Joy this is Ghost."

" Say hello to Joy Ghost." he said as the wolf strolled towards her.

" Lolo host." Joy said bending down and grabbing the little fur ball.

" Look Yon, pwetty," she said as she held the wolf tightly.

" Yes he is pretty isn't he." Jon said while the wolf looked back at him indignantly.

They had spent the next few days getting used to one another and Joy loved throwing things for Ghost to chase after, he never brought them back to her though he was a wolf not a dog Jon thought as he smiled at the memory. He and Gerion had agreed that he wouldn't say goodbye to Joy before he left, instead he'd spent as much time with her as possible until then.

He headed towards the lift getting ready to join Jaime and the others who were waiting on him, he'd been a little late joining them as he'd grabbed a last look at Joy before leaving, finding the girl sound asleep. As he was about to enter the lift a servant arrived and handed him a note from the Maester.


Your package will be ready when you arrive in Oldtown,

Just seek out the Mermaid's Tail and speak to Captain Flint,

All the best,

Ser Wylis.

He smiled as he entered the lift Ghost already there waiting for him, when Jaime had told him they were going to a wedding he decided he'd need a gift, he thought about it long and hard before finally deciding what to bring but there was no way he'd get what he wished for anywhere in the west and certainly not in Oldtown, he realized quickly that the only hope he'd have of getting it would be using the Manderly's so had sent a raven with a drawing and a request more in hope than expectation.

It seemed that he had been luckier than he thought and as the lift made its way to courtyard he resolved to pay the Manderly's back in more than gold. His father's bannermen had come through for him quite a lot since he had arrived in the rock, they passed letters to his siblings and father when he asked them, they'd delivered one of the presents he'd found for Sansa just in time for her name day and they had brought him Ghost, he thought as he looked at the white wolf beside him, he owed them a lot and would pay them back as well as he could.

As he left the lift he found that Jaime and their accompaniment were already ready to go, he saw Alyrs and Jors mounted already and Jaime was saying goodbye to Gerion and Tyrion. He made his way over to them smiling when Ghost raced ahead to annoy Tyrion as was his wont, while not mean or malicious Ghost really enjoyed making Tyrion uncomfortable for some reason.

"Ah here he is now." Gerion said as he walked towards him.

"All set Jon?" Tyrion asked as he tried to shrug off Ghost who was attempting to bite his britches.

"Aye my lord." Jon said grabbing the wolf much to Tyrion's relief.

"Shall we then Jon." Jaime said nodding to the two men.

Jon said his goodbyes and made his way to the cart carrying their things, the journey to Lannisport wasn't long but it was still too far for Ghost to make on foot and carrying him on Winter wasn't really possible. The wolf had grown incredibly in the two moons since he'd arrived, he was now the size of a small dog and given that he was less than five moons old by Jon's estimate, he wondered just how big he'd grow to.

The journey to Lannisport was dull and boring Jon thought, Ghost it seemed agreed as he'd fallen asleep on Jon's lap. When they arrived they wasted no time boarding the ship, they'd be at sea at least a senniight and Jon was hoping the weather would stay fine, it would be bad enough if he got the sickness of the sea he shuddered to think what it would be like if Ghost did also.


Tyrion was relishing being lord of Casterly Rock and acting as warden of the west, when Jaime had told him he was going to the Hightower wedding he'd been surprised, his brother was not one for social occasions. But when he told him that as Lord he needed to care about such things more Tyrion had agreed. It was one thing to dislike such events, it was another to ignore them and Tyrion was glad his brother was starting to realize that.

He had spent most of the morning working in Jaime's solar and had missed both breaking his fast and a midday meal, yet he wouldn't change what he was doing for anything in the world. Tyrion enjoyed the daily grind of being a lord more than he'd ever thought he would, perhaps because he in some ways never thought he'd be given the chance. His father would have never given him the rock, he knew that now and while Jaime could marry and have heirs, Tyrion knew even without the rock Jaime had plans for him.

That was all he had ever wanted really, to be important, to serve his family to the best of his abilities and be appreciated for it. Jaime certainly did that, always quick to give him credit whether Tyrion felt it was due or not, placing him in charge of things that needed to be done, things that actually mattered. Which is why as he looked over the reports of their trading deals he was glad to see they were making a tidy sum.

Most of their coin still came in from their gold and silver mines, but with the changes Jaime, he, and Jon had made they were starting to see a larger return from trade also, they'd increased it by more than treble since Jaime had taken over and Tyrion was a large part of the reason why. With that and the possibilities from the wind wheels they would soon be earning more coin than they had in their father's best year.

"My lord, Lord Gerion and Lady Genna have come to see you." Alek his guard said as he entered the room.

"Send them in Alek." Tyrion said as he moved to place out three glasses.

His aunt and uncle entered and sat down, Tyrion pointed to the glasses and they nodded so he filled them, the arbor gold a nice vintage but nothing special he thought as he sipped his own.

"We wish to discuss something with you Tyrion." Genna said as Gerion smirked beside her.

"Of course dear aunt, I'm yours to command." Tyrion replied as his uncle tried not to laugh.

"We think it's about time you considered your future commitments." Genna said.

"I'm sorry aunt, I'm not following."

"She's talking about marriage." Gerion said as Tyrion almost spat his wine out.

"Surely you jest aunt, I'm a dwarf in case you didn't notice not exactly marriage material."

"You're the heir to Casterly Rock and a Lannister, any lady would be damn lucky to have you for a husband." his aunt said leaving no room for argument.

Tyrion felt a sense of pride well up in his chest, his aunt and he had always got along, she had never agreed with his father's treatment of him and had stuck up for him and called his father out many times, to hear her say he was marriage material was something he loved her for, but she was wrong despite the points she raised. He may even one day be lord of Casterly Rock but that would never wipe the shame of being a dwarf from the eyes of any worthy lady.

"Very well aunt, I shall leave it in your capable hands." Tyrion said, knowing it was a fruitless task.

"Good, I shall endeavor to find a suitable lady."



Arriving at Oldtown Jon was amazed to see the Hightower itself, the structure was majestic and he almost got a creak in his neck from trying to look up to the top of it. They said it stood even higher than the wall and Jon would agree with them had he ever actually seen the wall. They departed their ship and quickly found their accommodations, Jaime having purchased all the rooms in an Inn despite the Innkeepers protests, which had unsurprisingly disappeared once he was presented with Lannister gold.

After a warm bath and a change into his second best set of clothes, a black tunic, black breeches, black leather boots with a white shirt being his only concession to color, his best set kept aside for the wedding itself. He made his way to Jaime's room as they would soon be heading to present themselves to the Hightowers and thank them for the invite. When he arrived at Jaime's room he found he was already leaving and they made their way from the inn.

Walking through the streets of Oldtown Jon paid attention to as much of it as he could, the Thieves Market and Ragpicker's Wynd, the various little islands that made up the city, he looked down to Ghost who looked uncomfortable beside him, the flowery smell of the city obviously not to his taste.

When they reached the Hightower Jon almost gasped at the beauty of it, the black stone at the bottom only enhancing it in his opinion, the guards bid them enter and they made their way through labyrinthine halls and as they walked Jon thought that only a fool or a madman would ever dare try to take the tower.

"This way my lord." a guard said as the first set of guards turned back to the main doors.

They followed the man up stairs and across corridors before finally arriving at two large doors, the guards in front asked who they were and one of them quickly made his way inside before coming back a few moments later and allowing them to go in. The great hall was large and imposing though Jon found it a little too dark, they made their way to the large table at the top of the hall.

Seated there were who Jon assumed to be the Hightowers themselves, the older man must be Lord Leyton while to his right sat a younger almost identical looking man who frowned as they stood in front of the table. Jon was pleased to see Ser Jorah sitting with a very beautiful lady and when the knight noticed him he gave him a nod and a smile which Jon was grateful for.

As he looked down the table he saw Lady Olenna and Lord Mace and who he assumed was his wife and he felt his heart race just a little, if they were here did it mean Margaery and her brothers were too, he longed to check the rest of the room but before he could the steward began to speak.

"Lord Jaime Lannister, Lord of Casterly Rock and Warden of the West."

"My lord I bid you welcome to my home." Lord Leyton said once the steward had finished.

"Thank you Lord Hightower, I am grateful for the invite." Jaime said with a bow.

Jon stood behind him just at his right shoulder as always and he bowed when Jaime did.

"We did not expect you would attend Lord Jaime," the younger man next to Lord Leyton said with a smile.

"I would not miss it for anything Ser Baelor, for was it not at the tourney I hosted that Ser Jorah and Lady Lynesse first met." Jaime said smiling back at the man.

"Indeed it was my Lord and my betrothed and I are thankful to you for it." Lady Lynesse said with her smile beaming as she looked at Ser Jorah.

"I am glad to see you both so happy my lady, I wish you nought but good fortune," Jaime said and Ser Jorah nodded at him.

Invitations done, they turned to leave and Jon was rewarded with seeing Margaery sitting at a table to his right, Loras was sitting beside her as was an older man who must be their brother. When Loras saw him he gave him a wave and turned to Margaery and whispered into her ear, Jon was pleased to see a smile appear on her face when she turned to him and he couldn't help but smile back at her.

The next morning

Jon got up early the next morning, they had spent the night enjoying the sights of Oldtown and the city was completely different at night, it seemed to come more alive to Jon and the people seemed to enjoy themselves more. He, Jaime and the rest of their company had done so to, even Alyrs and Jors had been given the night off and after exploring the city itself most of them had spent the evening singing and drinking in the tavern.

Jon had even been convinced to play some tunes on a harp after Jaime had criticized the minstrel as not being that good. He had refused first but after Jaime had cajoled him he had finally given in, playing the Dornishman's Wife and Jenny of Oldstones, though he had refused to sing either himself, much to Jaime's annoyance. While he had not given himself much credit for his harp playing, his tutor had said he was a natural and after hearing some of the patrons of the inn ask him to play more he had felt that perhaps he was better than he thought, he had declined though as something about Jaime's expression had made him feel like he wasn't enjoying the music as much as others.

After he broke his fast he Alyrs and Jors headed to the docks to see if the Mermaids Tail had arrived, when they got there they found to his delight it had, he asked for Captain Flint and told the first mate who he was. After a few moments the captain arrived carrying a package which he handed to Jon.

"Here you are young lad, with Lord Wyman and Ser Wylis's compliments."

"Thank you captain, please give this to Lord Wyman for his troubles and take this for your own." Jon said holding out a large pouch of coin to pay for the package and a smaller one to pay the captain.

"It's fine lad, Lord Wyman paid us well to deliver it and he requires no payment, consider it a gift."

"At least take the coin for drinks for the men Captain." Jon said trying to hand the man the small pouch.

But the man refused and Jon was at a loss what to do, so he took the package and walked towards the closest inn, entering it with Alyrs while Jors stood outside watching on as Ghost pissed against a wall, the wolf seemingly deciding all of Oldtown was his territory since they'd arrived.

"I'd like to order a cask of your best ale and have it delivered to a ship." he said to the innkeeper.

"Aye very well but it'll cost you lad." the small man said before Jon handed him the pouch.

"Deliver it to the Mermaid's Tail, to Captain Flint." Jon said as the man counted the coin and nodded enthusiastically.

Alyrs smiled at him as they left, finding Ghost thankfully finished they decided to make their way back to their lodgings. Although as they walked the wolf seemed to get a second wind and rushed off to mark somewhere else, before he could follow Jon was startled as he heard his name being called, he turned and was happy to see Margaery and her older brother walking towards them, the older brother using a cane.

"Lady Margaery, my lord a pleasure." Jon said before Margaery raised her eyebrow at him in that way of hers.

"Sorry Just Margaery." he said quickly earning a smile.

"Much better Just Jon." she replied.

"Allow me to introduce my brother Willas, Willas this is Jon Snow, Lord Jaime's squire."

"My lord a pleasure." Jon said with a bow.

"I've heard a lot about you Jon, Loras and Garlan both can't stop talking about the tourney and the squires duel and Margaery said you were most kind to them during their visit." Willas said and Jon smiled sheepishly.

"I was lucky in both cases my lord, the tourney and in meeting Margaery and your brothers, they made it more bearable."

"Nonsense Jon you give yourself too little credit, you won the tourney due to you skill and you were very gracious to my brothers and I." Margaery said and Jon smiled at her.

"What kind of dog is that." Willas said loudly as Ghost strolled towards them.

"No a dog my lord, a direwolf." Jon said as Margaery looked on in wonder.

"Ghost say hello to Margaery." he added as the wolf made its way towards her and licked her hand much to her delight, Jon watched as she began to pet the wolf and could see her growing more and more comfortable with him.

"Oh my, his fur is so soft." Margaery said her smile beaming as the wolf lapped up the attention.

"Is it truly a direwolf?" Willas asked.

"Aye my lord it is, from north of the wall, my uncle Benjen sent it to me."

"I never thought I'd see one," Willas said as he leaned down to pet the wolf, Ghost looked to Jon and then to Margaery seeing them both smile he allowed the man pet him.

The three of them played with ghost for a little while, Margaery giggling adorably as Ghost repeatedly grabbed Jon by the hand, after a while though they had no choice but to take their leave.

"I shall see you at the wedding then Jon?" Margaery asked.

"You will, I'll look forward to it." Jon said.

"It was a pleasure meeting you Jon and you too Ghost." Willas said while looking at the wolf in awe.

"You too Lord Willas and I thank you for sending me Winter."

"Winter?" Margaery asked confusedly.

"Aye, Lord Willas sent me a fine courser, I've named her Winter." Jon said smirking.

"Winter, of course you did." Margaery laughed.

"Your more than welcome Jon, I hope she serves you well." Willas said before they said their goodbyes.


The morning of the wedding was upon them and Jaime checked to make sure his gift was ready, he'd spent a lot of time and effort trying to find what could be considered a suitable gift for the bride and groom, Jon had told him that Ser Jorah would approve of anything he gave them but Jaime wasn't sure he would. The necklace though was exquisite and was worth a small fortune so at least they'd know he had made an effort.

When he was ready he headed for Jon's room, he'd been surprised Jon had bought a present for the wedding but then again he really shouldn't be, not only was the groom one of his father's bannermen but Jon was the kind of person who preferred to give presents rather than receive them, as the number of stuffed animals his cousin had would certainly attest too. Finding the room empty he walked downstairs to see Jon talking with their guards, dressed and ready to go.

"Morning Jon, lads, you ready."

"Aye my lord, shall we." Jon said as they left the inn.

They arrived at the reception hall with moments to spare, the gift giving just about to take place, it would no doubt be done in both closeness to the family and then order of importance so they had some time to go, sitting down he called a serving girl over and got her to bring him wine and some juice for Jon, smiling as he saw Jon ask for some meat for Ghost much to the wolfs pleasure judging by it's expression.

Sometimes looking at the wolf Jaime felt as if it was far more intelligent than any animal had the right to be, he had noticed already that when meeting with people that may prove untrustworthy the wolf immediately raised it's heckles and though it did not bark or make a sound, its teeth would show and it would seem to be growling.

After what to Jaime seemed like an age he was called and he and Jon made their way to the high table to present their gifts, he wondered what was in the package Jon carried as it seemed rather large and quite soft, some clothing of some sort perhaps. He walked to the table and handed his own gift to Lady Lynesse who opened it and thanked him before Jon moved to do the same, Jaime stepped back to watch.

"My lady, our homeland is beautiful and wild and will be enhanced no doubt by your presence, however if there's one thing that can't be changed about it. Then it is that the weather takes a lot of getting used to, speaking as someone who found when moving to the west that he was unprepared for the change, I offer you this so you'll be more prepared than I." Jon said as he handed her the package.

Jaime watched as both the lady, her betrothed and the room itself seemed eager to see just what it was that this young man had gifted her. As she opened the package he along with the lady herself gasped. The coat was beautiful, white fur lined it's collar, hood and cuffs and the fabric itself though obviously warm to wear seemed light and airy.

"I thank you young man, it's a wonderful and very thoughtful gift." Lynesse said her smile beaming as she turned the coat over in her hands.

"I thank you as well Jon, for making my bride smile this day." Ser Jorah said his smile as large as Lynesse's.

"Your more than welcome Ser Jorah, My lady, I wish you both the best of fortune and many happy years to come."

Jaime smiled as he looked around the room, the lady and her betrothed were more than happy but it was the expressions on other faces which interested him. Lord Leyton was looking on with approval while Lady Olenna's expression seemed more intrigued. He looked to see most of the room whispering to each other and knew they'd be speaking of this for the rest of the day, what ever other gifts the lady received today none would match the thoughtfulness or simplicity of the gift Jon had given her and Jaime felt the pride well up in his chest at what his king had done.


The wedding was beautiful, the Starry Sept magnificent, her aunt had looked absolutely radiant and yet as the feast began Margaery couldn't help but think of Jon Snow. The gift he'd given her aunt was like nothing she'd seen before, when she finally got the chance to see it up close she'd been amazed at how beautiful it was, it was as soft as Ghost's fur and just as warm she'd wager. But it was the little details which stunned her, little beads that sparkled had been built into the coat to make it shine, Jon had somehow understood that practical didn't have to mean ugly and her aunt adored it.

She looked around trying to find where he was but couldn't see him anywhere, Loras had been sitting beside her but had disappeared somewhere a while ago and Willas was speaking to their father trying no doubt to get permission to leave before the dancing began, which made her feel so sad for her brother, he deserved so much yet he'd feel terrible sitting there while around him people danced and made merry.

Her father though was not in the mood to agree by the looks of things and Willas reluctantly took his seat back at their table. She had hoped Jon would be placed with them as he had in Casterly Rock but apparently her grandfather felt a bastard shouldn't sit with trueborns. So instead she was sat at a table full of idiots like her cousins and Dickon Tarly, at least if his brother Sam was here she'd have someone to converse with.

When the dancing began she saw Lord Jaime take to the floor with one of her older cousins, the look on his face priceless he clearly seemed to want to be anywhere but here, she nodded to him as she reluctantly accepted Dickon's offer and made her way onto the dance floor. He must have stepped on her toes five times during the dance and his conversation was dull but she smiled and bore it well just like the lady she was.

When the dance was over, she made her way over to Lord Jaime's table, perhaps Jon would be over there, but when she got there she saw he wasn't and moved to go back to her own. As she did so though, Lord Jaime smiled at her and nodded with his head to the door on the left, she looked to him again to be certain she had understood him and he nodded again.

"My lord." she said with a smile.

"Lady Margaery, I hope you have a pleasant night."

She hurriedly made her way to the door and as she walked through it she heard laughing from the large doors that opened into the gardens, whatever was happening out there was apparently much more fun than the wedding inside, so she walked out to investigate. When she got out she found Jon, Samwell Tarly, Loras and a couple of other boys she didn't recognize along with Jon's guards, all of them where watching as Ghost chased after what appeared to be moths.

"He'll never catch them." she said causing them all to turn her way.

"I wouldn't bet on it Marge, he's very quick." Loras said smiling as the little wolf jumped up barely missing grabbing one of them.

"Lady….Margaery.. I didn't expect to see you here." Samwell stuttered adorably.

"Oh and why's that Sam, is this no place for a lady." she teased.

"'s my lady."

"Careful Sam, I found out quite quickly that Margaery won't accept people telling her what she can't do." Jon smirked at her.

"Oh did you now, Just Jon." Margaery said as she looked him right in the eye while trying her best to keep her face straight and unamused.

"Aye I did, Just Margaery." he said making her laugh.

She moved closer to them and Jon took off his coat and put it on the small wall so she could sit on it without dirtying her dress, she smiled at him and sat down. After a few moments Ghost finally caught a moth and within seconds spat it back out, they all laughed both at the moth flying off to safety and the look on the wolfs face as he realized that moths where not the tasty snacks he had thought they were.

They spent the next hour or so out there laughing and joking with each other, before finally they had to make their way inside, Samwell said his goodbyes to Jon and the other two lads who turned out to be Blackwoods from the Riverlands who had only gone to the wedding as they're ship had been delayed, turned and bid them farewell.

She, Loras and Jon entered the hall and walked to where Willas was sitting looking bored, the dancing was still going on and she hoped Jon would ask her to dance again, but she was disappointed when he did not, though he explained his reasoning as he bid them goodnight.

"I'd like to dance with you Margaery, truly I would, but here in this hall I doubt it would be allowed."

"I understand Jon, but you would dance with me if you could wouldn't you?" she asked hopefully.

"If I could, then there's nothing that would stop me, goodnight Just Margaery."

"Goodnight Just Jon." she said sadly as she watched him leave the hall.