Chapter 26: A Dragon in Wolfs Clothing


He was sitting in his office talking to Tyrion when the commotion began outside, jumping up he ran to the door just as Jors reached it, Loras running after him. His first thoughts were that something had happened to Jon but while the expression on Jors face was worried, it wasn't panicked, before he got the chance to ask the guard anything though, Jors was speaking.

"My lord, you must come, Jon's been summoned by the king." Jors said as he tried to catch his breath.

"Summoned? What happened?" Jaime asked.

"We were coming back from the tavern my lord, when some gold cloaks and a Kingsguard stopped us telling Jon had to come with them, then Ser Barristan turned up and Jon sent me to tell you my lord. I think it's to do with last night, the fish lord." Jors said as Loras looked on angrily.

"Ser Barristan was there when they took Jon?" Jaime asked holding onto the one positive piece of news.

"Aye he was my lord, got very angry at the other Kingsguard he did." Jors said with a smile, his breathing a little steadier now.

"And Alyrs is with Jon also?"

"Aye my lord he is."

"Right Loras you and Jors go get me a dozen guards, make sure Arlan and Farrow are among them, we'll meet you outside." Jaime said.

He watched as Loras and Jors rushed out and turned to Tyrion who was looking at him speculatively, Jaime nodded at him and walked to get his sword and strap it to him, Tyrion jumping from his chair.

"Jaime you can't just barge in there armed."

"I know that, but whatever the damn fish is saying, when I turn up I want them to know just how angry I am at it, to them Jon may have no status, but I do and I'll leave them in no damn doubt that these actions have angered the Warden of the West." Jaime said his voice cold and calm.

"All right, I'll go get Gerion we'll follow as quick as we can." Tyrion said and Jaime smiled at him.

"Thanks brother."

Once he was ready he rushed out of the room, quickly making his way to the courtyard he was pleased to see Jors and Loras had done as he asked. The guards were assembled, Arlan and Farrow at the front of them armed and ready to go. Knowing Ser Barristan was with Jon had calmed him down somewhat, should the worst come to the worst then Barristan would protect the king, but still he would take no chances.

Arlan and Farrow were his own two guards, he'd picked them out personally from among the ranks of the household guards at Casterly Rock, he had ensured after Cersei's attempt at Jon's life that each of his family would be protected by the very best. If he could he'd have given them to Jon though, as good as Jors and Alyrs were his guards were better. But people thinking Jon a bastard, paid no attention to him having bastards for guards, they would with Arlan and Farrow guarding him.

He nodded to the men and they turned and began to walk quickly to the Red Keep, riding would be quicker, but the time needed to ready the horses would be time wasted. He hadn't expected Tully to bring a complaint against Jon, he'd assumed the man would after speaking to his lords realize he'd made a fool of himself. He'd underestimated the man's pride or perhaps his hatred for Jon ran deeper than he thought.

"He'll be fine Loras." Jaime said turning to his squire who looked as agitated as he felt.

"I should have been with him my lord." the boy said dejectedly.

"Really, did you know the king was going to order him to court?" Jaime said looking at him.

"Of course not my lord."

"Then how were you to know that he may need you with him Loras. I know he's your friend and you both want to protect each other, but you can't be with each other every minute of the day, all you can do is be there for each other when you can." Jaime said and Loras looked up at him before nodding.

"Jon will be fine my lord." Loras then said determinedly.

"Aye lad he will." Jaime reached out to ruffle the boys hair, getting a forced laugh in return.

It took them a few moments to make it to the Red Keep and they were then escorted through the halls by a rather large number of guards, Jaime knew his appearance at the head of a dozen guards would provoke a reaction and he was glad of it. Let them know just how valued Jon was to the Warden of the West, it would stop them doing something like this again without thinking through the consequences. When they reached the main door they were asked to disarm, instead though Jaime refused and told his men to wait outside unless they were called, his actions getting a furious reaction from the captain of the guards.

"Loras hand Arlan your sword, you'll come in with me, the rest of you wait here unless I call for you."

"My lord surely you're not suggesting." the captain said.

"I suggest nothing, but unlike you I've seen what happens when a Lord Paramount gives up his weapons to a king." Jaime said angrily "I Ser shall not make the same mistake Lord Rickard did." he pushed past the guard and entered the throne room.

He was stunned to see how full it was, either something was happening here already or word had spread very quickly. Jon was standing in front of the throne, Edmure Tully beside him and Jaime had to resist the urge to draw his sword and carve himself some trout. Cersei sat beside the king and the look on her face when she saw him made him want to gut her too, she was behind this he now knew.

He had received two notes from her at the feast last night, both of which he refused to even accept, as the night went on her seductive look had changed into a glowering one. He kicked himself now for not realizing she would try and get back at him though Jon just as she did before, this time though being more clever about it. As he looked at her he knew though if anything happened to hurt even a hair on Jon's head, he'd follow through on his threat to her.

Lord Arryn was standing to the side of the king and he looked at him smugly, the old falcon obviously trying to send Jaime a message, oh how he'd take pleasure in clipping his wings once and for all he thought. To the left of the king stood Ser Barristan and Ser Arys, Jaime was pleased to see his brother here and the nod he got from him reassured him somewhat.

Jon looked calm and composed and despite Jaime's nervousness he felt a large amount of pride looking at his king, most boys would quiver and shake being called before the throne. But Jon was made of sterner stuff and Jaime felt sorry for the floppy fish beside him, given the looks Jon was giving Tully, there would be fish on the menu soon.

"Lord Jaime, glad you could join us." Jon Arryn said and Jaime composed himself slightly before speaking.

"Your grace, your grace." he nodded to the false king and queen "What is the meaning of this, why has my squire been summoned here and why was I not notified." Jaime said loudly.

"We're getting to the bottom of that Lord Jaime." Robert said and Jaime could see him side eye the queen.

He and Loras moved behind Jon and he was happy at the small smile he gave them both, he looked to the left of the room to see Loras's family were all there. Margaery standing uncomfortably beside the prince who had a gleeful smile on his face. Scattered around the hall was a lot of the noble lords and ladies who'd come for the tourney, the Riverlords looking like they wanted to be anywhere but here.

Jaime was pleased to see the northerners here, the looks the large young man and striking woman were giving the Riverlords and Tully would surely make them nervous had they been looking at them. Turning his attention back he gave his sister such a look of disdain that he could see her taken aback, her gleeful look replaced with one of shock.

"Now lets get this sorted and get the damn tourney started." Robert said impatiently.

Jon before Jaime's arrival.

Being escorted through the streets by an assortment of gold cloaks and a Kingsguard had unsurprisingly drawn attention, the smallfolk pointed and stared and Jon looked at them and tried to look as stoic as possible. As they had neared the Red Keep, they ran into Ser Wendel and the rest of the northern party and Jon smirked as Dacey shouted loudly.

"Snow, what's going on, these southern softies given you trouble lad?"

"No it's fine Dacey, apparently the king wishes my presence."

"Oh to be popular." Smalljon japed earning him a sharp elbow in the ribs from Dacey.

"Are you sure Jon?" Dacey said looking at the guards.

"Aye, I am, though you can join us if you wish, never know what kind of entertainment there is to be found." Jon said laughing.

Dacey, Smalljon and the two Karstarks along with Ser Wendel and a number of their men decided to do just that and Jon breathed a small sigh of relief. He knew he was in no real danger, the worst that could happen would be he would be told to apologize to the floppy fish and perhaps banned from the tourney. But still, the last Stark called before the king did not do so well and while Jon was embracing his dragon side, he was a wolf too, speaking of which, he laughed when Smalljon asked him about Ghost.

"Do you really have a Direwolf.?" Smalljon asked.

"Aye, Ser Wendel's family was most kind to deliver Ghost to me."

"Ghost?" Dacey asked.

"Aye, you'll understand when you see him." Jon sniggered.

When they got to the Red Keep they were made relinquish their weapons, Jon was not pleased to hand over The Wolf's Tooth, the sword Jaime had bought for him being something he'd grown comfortable with wearing. Though he did quickly get over that when Dacey began handing her weapons over, a mace, a knife, a dagger, some small throwing knifes, another dagger, on and on it went and by the end of it Jon had counted seventeen separate weapons.

"Really?" he looked at Dacey and raised his eyebrow.

"A woman can't be too careful now can she Snow." Dacey said and they both broke into laughter, quickly being joined by the others.

When they were unarmed they were brought into the throne room, Jon gasped when he saw the king wasn't there, instead the queen sat on the small seat beside the Iron Throne, Lord Arryn standing on the other side of it. Tully was standing in front and Jon looked to see the Tyrell's off to the side, Margaery sending him a small smile which he returned.

For the first time Jon was actually nervous, Robert though he had his many faults and though he could never forgive the man, had if anything treated Jon better than his own uncle did, whatever punishment he'd face now would surely be harsher. He moved in front of the throne and looked around for Ser Barristan finding to his dismay the man had not arrived yet.

"Your Grace." Jon said taking a knee "Lord Hand." he bowed when he stood up.

"Do you know why you've been brought here Snow." the queen said and looked at him contemptuously.

"I do not your grace."

"Lord Tully has brought to our attention, your disgraceful actions of last night, how you attacked him for no reason, do you know the punishment for such an attack Jon Snow."

"No your grace I do not."

"Lord hand why don't you inform him."

"An attack on a Lord Paramount or his heir by a bastard is the equivalent of an attack on a member of the royal family by anyone, the sentence is simple, if found guilty Jon Snow would lose his hand your grace."

Jon heard the angry shouts from the northerners, the shriek and look of dismay on Margaery's face, only to be discomforted even more by the look of delight the crown prince was showing as he stood beside her. He looked to see the Riverlords looking down at the ground, apparently honest enough to show shame, though he doubted any would be willing to go against their lieges son.

"Do you have anything to say Snow?" the queen asked, the first smile he'd ever seen reach her eyes appearing on her face.

Jon took a breath, he looked to Tully, the man's superior shit eating grin annoying him, he was bigger than him, stronger, but he was no swordsman, Jon could take him he knew, it. He would receive no justice here, which really left him only one choice.

"I choose…."

"WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS." the kings voice boomed across the hall.

"ALL RISE FOR HIS GRACE, KING ROBERT BARATHEON THE FIRST OF HIS NAME." the herald shouted though still lower than the king's voice had been.


"My love, you were busy and this was such a trifling matter." the queen's voice was soft and light.

"Trifling woman, you have the son of the Warden of the North here on bloody trial." Robert looked at her angrily.

"Bastard son," Jon Arryn said.

"Ned's Son." Robert said furiously.

"Your grace if we may take a moment please. "Jon Arryn said and motioned Robert to the back of the room.

Jon stood there and watched as the king and the hand argued in the corner, Robert shaking his head while Jon Arryn tried again and again to get him to see some point, eventually the two men came back and Jon could see how annoyed the king was.

"I'm sorry lad, it seems we must get to the bottom of this, but it'll be fair I promise you that." the king smiled sadly at him.

"Of course your grace I expect nothing less."

"Good lad."

Before they could begin Jaime arrived and Jon felt himself smile as Jaime addressed the king and then stood with Loras behind him. He steadied himself and got ready for what was to come, smirking he looked at Barristan as he hit upon an idea.

Jon after Jaime's arrival.

"So Lord Tully, begin." Robert said his annoyance clear in his voice.

"Your grace, Your grace, my lord hand, My lords and Ladies." Edmure started and Jon was already bored.

"Last night while minding my own business.." a snort from Loras behind him made him smirk as Edmure continued.

"As I sad while minding my own business, I was set upon and attacked by the bastard Jon Snow, he forced me to the floor and when I calmly asked for an apology, he did so again your grace."

"You were forced to the floor by a ten name day old boy Lord Tully." the king said laughing and Jon smirked as others in the room joined in.

"He, he caught me by surprise your grace, bastards, they're tricksters, had I been expecting it, he never would have managed it your grace." a louder snort from Loras this time even had the king sniggering.

"So if I have this straight Lord Tully, you wanted Jon Snow's hand because he pushed you to the ground." the king said and a few members of the assembled lords gasped.

"I..Your Grace, the punishment is clear, it is the kings law." Edmure said.

"Lord Edmure speaks true your grace." Jon Arryn said and Jon glowered at him pleased to see the old lord looking warily at him.

"Very well, Lord Tully do you have any witnesses to you claims?" the king asked,

"Your grace I am a Lord Paramount's son, it is my word against that of a bastard, under the law."

"Yes yes, but it is the kings law is it not and last I looked I am still the king."

"Of course your grace, if need be I'm sure I can provide witnesses." Edmure said shakily.

Jon looked to the Riverlords trying to find Lord Mallister and his son, he was both pleased and disappointed to see them absent, it meant at least they would not support Edmure's claims, but neither would they confirm Jon's defense. He heard Jaime cough behind him and turned to see both him and Loras move closer, he smiled and nodded at them before noticing Tyrion and Gerion come into the room, both dwarfed by the white wolf that pushed past them to rush to his side.

"What is that beast."

"Have it removed at once."

"Guards, guards."

The voices mingling together Jon just shrugged as Ghost lay down on the floor beside him, he reached down and rubbed the wolf's fur feeling the muscles tensed beneath his hand. He closed his eyes and felt himself calm down, the wolf's muscles relaxing as he did so. Opening his eyes he turned to where the northerner's were seeing the white wolf for the first time, Smalljon looking at the wolf in wonder.

"Your grace, I assure you Ghost will cause no trouble, I may not have my father's name but I hold my word just as truly as he would."

"No word means more to me, nor oath I take more seriously young Snow." Robert smiled at him.

"Now enough about the damn wolf, he's fine as he is."

"Robert my love, surely we can't allow such a beast in the throne room."

"I said enough." Robert glared at the queen who shook her head and looked affronted.

"Now where were we, Jon Snow, we've heard Lord Tully's version, now if you would." Robert said looking at him.

"Of course your grace, last night as Lord Tully stated we had an altercation at the feast." Jon said to the sound of gasps and muttering of bastard from around the room.

"However your grace I find Lord Tully's version left out a few key details." Jon paused.

"What details are these Jon." the king said moving forward in the throne.

"Your grace, Lord Tully was drunk, very drunk, he insulted me which was fine, I know my status and what it means to be a bastard, I know that even if a Lord is in the wrong then a bastard still under the law has no recourse, so your grace I did my best to ignore Lord Tully, until he made insults I could not ignore"

"What insults lad." the king now keenly listening.

"He insulted my mother your grace, called her a whore, by doing so he insulted my father also your grace, by saying my father the most noble and good man Westeros has ever known would sleep with a whore."

"He insulted Ned, you dare insult Ned." Robert shouted at Edmure.

"The bastard lies your grace, it's what they do, ask him, ask him about pushing me your grace."

"You would dare insult your own good brother, my oldest and truest friend, your lucky my hammer is put away or they'd be wiping you from the very place you stand."

"Your grace, Lord Tully denies the bastards accusation, we must believe him." Jon Arryn said.

Jon watched in amusement as Lord Arryn struggled to reign in the kings temper, he had to give Edmure some credit he half expected to be standing in a pool of water by now, but perhaps it was the fact it was still a bastard making the accusations which gave him comfort.

"Can you prove your words lad?" the kings asked.

"I can your grace, but I won't, I'll not have anyone else fight my battles for me, I was raised better than that."

"Aye that you were lad." the king smiled at him.

"What of the fact you pushed Lord Tully to the floor twice." Jon Arryn said clearly trying to get to another part of the topic, one where the kings feelings for Ned Stark may play out more in Lord Tully's favor.

"Lord Tully fell my lord hand, twice, he really was quite drunk." Jon said and the king laughed again.

"Liar, you're a damn lying bastard, you pushed me, your true nature is showing here bastard."

"What about the words you spoke to Lord Tully young Snow." the queen said and Jon bristled.

"Words, what words." the king asked.

"He called me an oath breaker, said my house would fall with me leading it."

"Is that true lad."

"Not quite your grace." Jon said "I called his house oath breakers and said that a house ran by a drunken fool would surely find it's level quite soon." Jon said and this time even Robert looked taken aback.

"Explain yourself lad." the king said and Jon took a breath.

"Last night Lord Tully was so drunk he thought it prudent to attack a ten name day old boy, first with his words and then twice made an attempt to attack me physically your grace, both of which ended up with him falling on his arse, begging your pardon your grace." Jon said and watched as the king laughed loudly.

"Surely a man who would drink so much that he could barely stand let alone control his mouth or actions is not someone fit to rule a noble house, let alone be Lord Paramount one day, so I informed Lord Tully of this and apologized both to his lords and to the lords and ladies present for having to suffer him."

The King laughed loudly and Jon bit his cheek to stop from doing likewise.

"You also called his house oath breakers though did you not." Lord Arryn said.

"Aye I did my lord."

"You see the bastard admits it, from his own words he admits what he said." Edmure said gleefully.

"I'm sorry my lord, but either I'm a liar like all bastards or I'm telling the truth, surely it can't be both" Jon said and most of the room burst into laughter.

"I. I that's not what I was saying, I told you your grace bastards are…"

"Tricksy my lord, yes we get it, we lie, we tell the truth, we're tricksy, do we also stop the sun from rising or the moon from being full" Jon said and the laughter increased.

"ENOUGH QUIET. You still have not explained calling house Tully oath breakers and bear in mind young Snow that this is the house of my good brother and good father you call into question." Lord Arryn said and even the king looked shocked at the anger in the old man's voice.

Jon held his tongue, spelling out Lord Arryn's bias would do him no favors, it's the king he needed to convince and accusing his foster father of not being fair was not the way to go.

"I did for are they not." Jon said and watched as both the king and the hand looked at him angrily.

"Explain yourself boy." the king growled at him.

"House Tully swore an oath to a king and broke that oath, they swore to serve in perpetuity and broke that oath, your grace a man who kills is a killer, a man who steals is a thief, a house that breaks an oath are oath breakers are they not?"

"Not an oath to the damn dragons." the king said angrily.

"Your grace, what if someone was to say the same of the oaths they swore to you." Jon said and watched as first the king looked as if he would attack him right there and then seemed to calm himself some.

"No one would dare." the king said and murmurs of agreement were heard around the room.

"Of course not your grace, but it does not change the truth, someone who breaks an oath is an oath breaker."

"You speak out of turn boy." Lord Arryn said,

"I speak the truth my lord, as my father would if he was standing here in my stead."

There was silence for a few moments, Jon Arryn looked at him with hate in his eyes and Jon stared right back at the man, let him dare stand in judge of a dragon, one day soon the tables would be turned. He looked then to the king who seemed torn, which really was the best he could hope for. Around him the lords and ladies were speaking to each other, he knew some would care not what he said and would expect a bastard to be punished.

Others though perhaps would listen he could see Lord Darry, Lord Mooton and one or two of the Crownlands Lords who'd supported his father were impressed. The Lords of the Narrow Sea were looking on intrigued while the expression on the Lords of the Reach were mixed, the most devout shaking their heads, while the largest most loyal to his family previously were looking pleased. He saw Lady Olenna and Lord Mace were looking at him with approval and he nodded to them much to Lady Olenna's amusement.

Finally he caught Margaery's eye and though she gave him a welcoming smile she looked worried, he couldn't help but smirk at her and roll his eyes, holding back a snort as she giggled. As the king took more time the voices grew louder, before finally Robert seemed to have reached a decision.

"Enough." the king shouted "What am I to do here, you both say one thing and neither of you has produced witnesses to prove your point, who am I to believe."

"The law is clear your grace." Jon Arryn said.

"I'm not taking the lad's hand for this Jon, what's next burning people." the king said and Jon Arryn stepped back abashed.

"Jon Snow, your king orders you to apologize to Lord Tully. Let that be the end of this madness."

"Of course your grace, I assume Lord Tully will apologize also." Jon said and the room once again gasped, he felt Edmure bristle beside him.

"Apologize to a bastard, I will not, never would I live the shame down." Edmure said angrily.

"Then your grace, I'm afraid I cannot apologize either, I can take the insult to myself and mine own honor, I will not let a man who insulted my mother, a man who insulted my father, walk away without offering an apology to both. As a bastard my honor is in question simply because of my birth, my mothers honor, my fathers honor however is not.

Since Lord Edmure is also a knight of the realm, if he refuses to apologize then he leaves me with no choice, under the chivalric code I challenge you Ser Edmure Tully to an honor duel."

Jon waited as the words filtered to the crowd, he looked to Ser Barristan who was smiling at him though the knight also showed some concern which he tried to alleviate with a nod. He felt Jaime take a step behind him and looked to see the assembled lords mutter to themselves.

"I accept the bastards duel, when I beat you bastard you will apologize, we shall meet with swords at his grace's pleasure."

"You are mistaken Ser, an honor duel is not fought with swords, is that not right Ser Barristan." Jon said.

"Aye lad you speak the truth, an honor duel is fought as knights fight, a joust." Ser Barristan said.

The king looked at him as if to say are you sure about this and Jon shrugged and laughed, the king couldn't help but join in laughing loudly.

"Very well, before the final of the joust we shall have an honor duel, let it be known the loser shall apologize to the winner or risk the wrath of the king." the king said loudly.

"Your Grace." Edmure said turning to leave.

"Your Grace." Jon said and the king smiled at him.

"Good luck lad." the king said as he dismissed him.

He turned to see Jaime glowering at him, Loras though was smiling beamingly, a joust for honor fitting right into the chivalry his friend loved. He whistled and Ghost jumped up and they made their way towards Tyrion and Gerion and the northerner's who now blocked his path. He nodded to Ghost and looked at Smalljon, the wolf immediately jumping up and knocking the large Northman to the ground much to Dacey's enjoyment.

"What were you thinking Jon, you should have just apologized." Jaime said angrily.

"He insulted my mother my lord, insulted my father, no way in hell I'll apologize to him."

"A joust Jon, it's too dangerous and even if it was not you may still lose."

"Aye but think of what it'll be like if I win, think of the story my lord."

"Forget it Jon, you should not be so careless."

"Careless Jaime, I thought it was being bold." Jon said and looked as Jaime seemed to finally understand.


Sitting in the crowd as the melee was about to begin, Tyrion thought over the conversation he had with Jon, he had been impressed to find that even after what had occurred in the throne room, the boy had quickly moved on. When he had come to him to discuss a deal involving the Mormont's Tyrion was surprised that he hadn't thought of it first, a west coast alliance would serve them well. Of course there were hurdles to be navigated, Jon had made it clear that it would require some investment on their part to get things started.

But the idea itself was one that deemed such an investment necessary, the eastern coast deal with the Manderly's had been a great boon to them. But there was more room for expansion in Essos than they could handle without hurting them in Westeros, until now. Using the Mormont's and Bear Island for the Westeros trade would allow them to expand further east, the potential was extraordinary. He knew Jon had wanted to help his fellow northmen and if that was all this was he may still have gone along with it, they owed the boy after all.

It seemed though that Jon had a gift for logistics, that along with his knowledge of the north allowed him to see something that Tyrion had not. If it made them even half what they did with the expansion to the east, then it was more than worth it. He looked to the king and Jon Arryn then and smirked, had he not been in the throne room himself he wouldn't have believed the story of what Jon had said and done.

"What are you smirking about?" Gerion asked.

"Just thinking about Jon earlier in the throne room," he said and Gerion laughed.

"He was something wasn't he." Gerion said proudly.

"Aye, I think he may have spent too much time around us uncle, we're rubbing off on him." Tyrion said laughing loudly.

"Good." Gerion said emphatically.

Tyrion turned to see his aunt enter with the children, Joy holding a bag of something in her hand, which all of the others seemed to have also.

"Papa." Joy said running from his aunt.

"Hello princess, where were you?" Gerion said grabbing his daughter and placing her on his lap.

"Auntie took us Jon, then pen nuts." the girl said holding a bag of peanuts in her hand.

"Peanuts Joy." Gerion said with a smile.

"Pen nuts yummy papa." the little girl said smiling as she popped one into her mouth.

"Aunt you look tired." Tyrion said.

"Children Tyrion, children." Genna said as she sat down.

Tyrion motioned to one of his cup bearers to give his aunt some wine which she took gratefully, her boys and Kevan's sat down, the boys all holding bags of peanuts and looking eagerly out as the melee got ready to start. Jon and Loras he assumed were watching from the wings, both boys getting some last minute sparring in before the duels began.

"Your Graces, my Lords and Ladies, men and women of Kings Landing and the seven kingdoms, in honor of his grace's glorious victory over the dragons, we hereby welcome you to the tourney of Kings Landing and to the first event the melee." the herald said and the competitors bowed to the king.

Tyrion watched on as the melee began, swords clashing, maces being swung, he looked to see the king almost itching to be out there himself, while beside him his sister the queen looked bored and spite filled as usual. Had anything happened to Jon today Tyrion felt his sister would not be long for this world, the looks Jaime gave her in the throne room left no room for interpretation. When she interjected Tyrion thought Jaime would attack her there and then such was the anger his brother showed.

Jaime was so annoyed that he refused to come to the melee, Tyrion had actually offered to stay with his brother back at the manse but Jaime told him one of them was needed to represent their house. When Cersei had seen his brother was not here she gave him a look of contempt and disgust, Tyrion though just smiled back at her, long passed was the time when he cared what his sister thought.

"So who'd you bet on?" Gerion asked forcing Tyrion's attention back to the melee.

"I went with Jon's suggestion and put some coin on the Hound."

"Aye, me too, I had thought Thoros would be his choice again, but the man's sickness took care of that."

"Maybe Jon hobbled him." Tyrion japed and they both laughed.

"Why didn't the mountain come?"

"I've no idea uncle, hadn't even known he wasn't here until today, it's surprising is it not?

"Aye it is, well it's one less headache for us." Gerion said.

"Ouchie papa." Joy said pointing at the man the large northern woman had just cracked over the head with a mace.

Gerion laughed at his daughter and she threw a peanut at him which he caught in his mouth much to her delight. Tyrion found he didn't really care for the melee for some reason, why the king had changed the natural order he had no idea, but it was standard to do the archery first. He looked on as the northern woman and a large northern man took out another two opponents.

Even though the melee was getting down to the interesting parts as both his brother and no doubt the king would call it, Tyrion found himself more interested in the crowd than the fighting. He had already received the first reports from Alayn, some of which he knew already, the tension growing between the Tyrell's and the crown, the crown princes behavior, but one or two things had caught him by surprise.

The rumor of the master of coin and the hand's wife seemed more than likely to be true given how much happier the woman looked with the slimy man beside her than she ever did when with her husband. The mans rapid rise through the ranks no doubt helped by both the hand and his wife's patronage, Alayn's notes that the man was most likely an embezzler interested him also. Finding out who was sleeping with who and which house was plotting against which house to Tyrion seemed more a battlefield he could compete on, which perhaps was why his brother liked fighting so much.

"Down to the final four Tyrion." Gerion said.


He didn't know whether to be angry at, proud of or scared for his friend, some of what Jon had done and said in the throne room had made him feel each of those emotions. In the end he probably felt relieved more than anything, when they had suggested taking Jon's hand he'd felt so scared that he couldn't see a way out of it. He had thought that was it, there was no way they'd allow Jon to just walk out of there, not if they were threatening him with the loss of his hand.

But watching Jon speak, listening to what he said, he almost broke out in a smile before realizing the seriousness of what was going on, instead he composed himself like Lord Jaime had shown him and schooled his face as best he could. Once it was over and he realized that Jon would be facing Lord Tully in a joust, he couldn't wait to see it happen, to see whether or not his friend could beat the fish. He listened as Lord Jaime gave Jon a piece of his mind and watched as Jon defended himself. Eventually Lord Jaime reluctantly accepted, but he had left them to their own devices and didn't accompany them to the melee.

"Pay attention Loras, or else the next time I'll follow through on the swing." Jon said holding his sword to his arm.

"Sorry I was elsewhere." Loras said coming back to the spar at hand.

The two boys continued their warm up, neither really given it their all, but still trying to make up for their missed time that morning. Jon had had his early morning spar with Lord Jaime, something Loras still wasn't a part of, though Lord Jaime did give him a private spar later each day. But both boys had wanted to both spar earlier and to work on teamwork for the melee, feeling that barring a really bad draw they'd both make it that far.

"Well we're done." Jon said as he once again held his sword to Loras arm "You better pay attention during the duels, otherwise I'll be fighting in the melee all alone." Jon said only half seriously.

"Come on the melee will start soon, perhaps that will help clear up my head." Loras said.

"Aye, though since your head's empty anyway, do we really need it to be cleared up." Jon japed and Loras took a swing at him with his sword.

The two boys laughed as they walked to the side of the training area, the competitors for the melee all getting ready to enter and be introduced to the crowd. Loras had put his coin on the Hound after Jon had convinced him that with Thoros out there was no one to beat the man. He had initially wanted to back Rolland Storm having seen the man in the training area and seen just how big and strong he was. But in the end had gone with Jon's idea after Jon pointed out that while he may match the Hound's size and strength, he was far slower.

"Good luck Dacey and try and bring Smalljon back in one piece." Jon said and the large Northman glared at him.

"You're lucky I'm too old for the duels Snow, otherwise I'd put you on your arse." Smalljon said laughing.

"Aye, I suppose I'd just have to call Ghost again." Jon said and the large man paled as the white wolf suddenly appeared.

"Keep that fucker away from me, he's not right." Smalljon said as Dacey slapped him on the head.

"Good luck to you both, The North Remembers." Jon said loudly.

"The North Remembers." they shouted back.

Loras watched on as the competitors were introduced, he could feel both his and Jon's excitement building, one day they too would be taking part in a full on proper melee. Until then they could pick up some tips which may help them in their own one, they found a nice spot where they could sit and see clearly and waited for it to begin.

Watching as the first competitors were defeated and seeing them come back it suddenly dawned on Loras that the melee seemed to have much different rules than the duels. Where there it was points or a yield, here though yielding seemed an option, it was much more likely you would be too hurt to continue.

"Is that what our melee will be like?" he turned to ask Jon.

"I don't know, I suppose it will be a little like that, depends on the king." Jon shrugged.

"I thought it'd just be the same as the duels, you know a yield." Loras said.

"Aye, perhaps it will, won't matter though as long as we stick together we'll be fine." Jon said smiling.

He nodded and looked back to the melee, the different weapons fascinated him, he and Jon had trained in most, but both concentrated on the sword, as he watched he could see some weapons had advantages and disadvantages. Dacey Mormont wielded a blunted lighter version of the mace Jon said her family were known for, she was as dangerous a foe with it as he or Jon were with a sword.

Had he not known Jon he would probably have mocked at the idea of a woman warrior. But his friend said the Mormont ladies were as fierce as any man and the she bears of Bear Island were widely feared and hugely respected in the north. Watching as Dacey cracked skull after skull with her mace, Loras could do nothing but agree.

"Watch this." Jon said as Dacey with her mace and Smalljon wielding a Greatsword one handed, moved towards Lord Yohn Royce.

Lord Yohn and his eldest son Andar had made the mistake of thinking two northern savages, one of whom was a woman, were no match for the famed knights of the Vale. Before they even had a chance to attack the Northman and woman were upon them, Andar making the error of smiling at Dacey and thinking a woman would be flattered. An error he'd not soon forget as he was now lying on the ground barely conscious, while Dacey and Smalljon attacked his father.

Loras couldn't help but smirk, they were playing with the man, toying with him, Dacey would occupy him for a moment before stepping back and then Smalljon would begin. He watched as Lord Yohn tired, the two younger warriors wearing him down, a hard strike from Smalljon almost costing the lord his head. Within moments it was over, Dacey's mace catching the lord's arm and loosing him his sword.

"I yield." Lord Yohn said looking humbled as his son began to come around.

"Well met Lord Yohn." Dacey said with a small curtsy and Loras almost guffawed, something he did but a moment later.

"Who's next to face Goatsbane." Smalljon bellowed.


Margaery couldn't wait until this day was over, each part of it had gone from bad to worse, from seeing Jon in trouble and worrying about him, although at least that mostly turned out all right. She would however be certain speak to him and chastise him for risking himself in a joust of all things. That had been bad enough but given what had happened earlier that day, this was turning into one of the most trying she could ever remember.

She had been invited to break her fast with the prince and queen. Her grandmother was delighted, she however was not, the night before had been a horrible experience, every moment she'd spent with the prince was one she hated. From his inane boasting, to his snide comments, to his put downs of Jon and his laughing at her brother. The prince proved himself a horrible person and this morning had shown just how horrible he really was.

She walked through the corridors her escort leading her to the small private dining area where she'd break her fast with Joffrey and the queen. As she passed what she assumed to be one of the royal children's rooms given the Kingsguard standing outside she could hear crying and a voice asking someone to stop. She moved to the door only for the Kingsguard to block her way, as she did so she heard a girls voice and could make the words out more clearly.

" Ouch, sorry Joff, sorry, please, sorry." a little girl cried.

Margaery turned to the Kingsguard and looked beseechingly at him, the mans pockmarked face looking as concerned as hers.

" Perhaps Ser if his grace knew I was here, he may care to accompany me to break our fast." Margaery said and the Kingsguard nodded.

" I shall inform his grace." he said and turned to enter the room.

Following after him Margaery was disgusted to see Joffrey standing over a small girl and boy, both were crying but the girl was especially upset as Joffrey tore the head off a rather beautiful doll. As she looked around the room she could see other broken toys and the look on the princes face was one of absolute glee.

" I told you both to stay away from my room, now you'll see what happens you useless little fucks."

" Joff we sorry, ser pickles, we looked for ser pickles." the girl said tears falling from her eyes.

" Your lucky I didn't find the damn ugly cat, when I do I'll skin the fucker."

" Your grace, Lady Margaery is outside, she was wondering if perhaps you'd like to accompany her to break your fast with her and your mother." the Kingsguard said.

" Tell the damn flower to wait her damn turn, it's not like she'll wilt without me is it." Joffrey said laughing loudly.

" Of course your grace, perhaps though you should."

" Are you telling me what to do, you pockmarked freak." Joffrey turned to look at the Kingsguard and Margaery stepped back to the door so as not to be seen.

" Of course not your grace, I was just saying your mother invited Lady Margaery herself."

" Very well, I'll deal with these two later, women useless things the lot of them." Joffrey said and turned to walk out the door.

Margaery hurried back outside to where her guards were waiting, she composed herself and a few moments later Joffrey arrived.

" My lady, I'd be honored to accompany you to break our fast." he said and the false smile on his face made her stomach turn.

Closing her eyes to try and dismiss the memory she shuddered as the prince turned to speak to her, his sickly sweet face and voice doing nothing to make her forget the true face she'd seen that morn.

"My lady are you enjoying the melee?" he said smiling at her.

"I am your grace it's terribly exciting is it not." she smiled back at him and out of the corner of her eye saw her grandmother watching them.

"When I'm old enough I'll be sure to do for them all, both here and in the lists." the prince gloated.

"Are you not old enough for the duels your grace?, I believe Jon Snow won when he was but six name days." Margaery said coyly.

"The bastard, you dare compare me to a bastard." Joffrey angrily said loud enough that people around could hear.

"Of course not your grace, I was just wondering if you would take part in the duels." Margaery said trying her best to look abashed and not smile as large on the outside as she was inside.

"My mother would never allow me to compete against such unworthy foes." Joffrey said trying to sound nonchalant.

"Of course your grace." Margaery smiled allowing Joffrey to think his answer the cause of it.

She turned to watch as the final four competitors readied themselves on the melee field, smirking to herself as she imagined Jon landing hit after hit on the prince. She wondered if she asked him would he go especially hard on the pompous prince, would he hit him in the places it would hurt the most. While the image brought her some respite, she knew it was just a dream, the coward beside her would never face Jon in a battle, the outcome would be more than his pride would allow.


The bold indeed, of all the stupid, senseless, ridiculous notions he'd ever heard the one coming from his king had to be the worst one ever. Think of the story, the story, he was thinking of his damn safety and the king wanted the story to be told. He understood of course, the moment he'd mentioned the bold it became clear to him, but he liked it not and had he a way to stop it he would.

While his king may see himself as Barristan he'd soon find that Edmure Tully was no Prince Duncan, not only was the man a poor jouster, but after this morning Jaime believed the man not only a fool, but a dishonorable one too. He had lied continuously while facing the king, had deliberately provided no evidence for what he said because Jaime had no doubt he couldn't get a lord to lie for him.

Why Jon had not just had he and Loras speak he knew not, but it irked him and he had been in a foul mood ever since. He admired his king standing up for his principles, admired him even more so for defending his family, how he used Robert's feelings for his uncle to manipulate the king was a thing of beauty. But a joust was no place for a boy, no matter if it started Barristan's legend or not, so he refused to go to the melee and instead was now standing waiting for Master Mott in his shop.

"My lord how can I help you, I hope there were no issues with your equipment?" the man asked.

"No as usual the workmanship was extraordinary Master Mott." Jaime smiled, flattery and gold were always the way to the Qohorik's good graces.

"Is there something else you need the my lord." the mans eyes gleaming at the potential profit.

"Aye there is, I need a suit of armor and a shield, but not for me for my squire, the dark haired lad you made the sword for."

"A boy's armor, for what use my lord, ceremonial, fighting or joust?"

"Jousting, I need it done quickly, but of the same standard as mine own, can you manage it Master Mott."

"A strange request my lord, but surely the boy's not jousting, I don't think I could allow my work be used for such a thing, why the boy's loss could reflect upon me." the man shook his head.

"No not in the actual joust itself Master, the boy will be taking part in a single joust, an honor duel, should he win then your work would no doubt be spoken of for years to come." Jaime said and noticed the gleam reappear.

"But should he lose my lord."

"Have you ever heard how Ser Barristan got his epithet Master Mott." Jaime said and the smith smiled.

After leaving the blacksmith's shop lighter by a lot of coin and with the knowledge that the smith would be sending his apprentice to the manse to measure Jon for his armor and to take the design for the shield, Jaime gave in and headed to the melee. Upon arriving he quickly made his way to his uncle and brother, stopping to glare at his sister when she smiled at him. Sitting down he turned to Joy who held a peanut in her hand and offered it to him.

"Pen nut cousin Jaime."

"Why thank you my lady." Jaime said with an over exaggerated bow, getting a laugh from the girl.

"What have I missed?" he turned to his brother.

"We're down to the final four, two northerners, a Mormont lady and the large giant man Smalljon, a stormlander Rolland Storm and the Hound." Tyrion said as Jaime looked out to the field.

He was surprised to see the northerners had made it this far, Jon had told him all about Ser Jorah's family so the fact one of the infamous she bears could fight was not a surprise, but making it to the final four was. Each of the two who were knocked out now would still receive one thousand gold dragons, Robert's extravagance knowing no bounds. With the runner up receiving five thousand and the winner ten thousand there was a big incentive to win the thing, so he expected most put in their best showing.

He looked out as the large Northman, the Smalljon, Jon had told him he was called, his father was even bigger and called the Greatjon much to Tyrion's amusement, faced off against a man who was actually bigger than him in the Hound. While to the other side Rolland Storm faced Dacey Mormont her mace to his shield and longsword. He watched excitedly as the battles began the Hound and the Smalljon's blades meeting fiercely, the sound reverberating across the grounds.

"So who's my coin on?" Jaime asked having left the betting to Tyrion.

"We're all in the same boat brother, should the Hound fall so shall we." Tyrion japed and offered him some wine which he took.

"Why'd we put our coin on Clegane, now wait, this another of Jon's ideas." he said laughing.

"Aye, the boy's a damn prodigy when it comes to the betting ring. Come on Clegane, my girl wants a present." Gerion said.

"Present papa" Joy turned to look at her father,

"Aye, after Jon and Loras's fight's we'll go get some presents princess." Gerion said and Joy threw him a peanut which he caught in his mouth yet again.

Jaime laughed and turned back to watch the fighting, the Smalljon and the Hound were in full swing, the Northman's greatsword allowing him extra reach. But the Hound was well used to fighting against such a blade, having spent all his life pretty much training should he get the chance to face his brother truly. He watched as the Hound ducked and dodged then as he moved inside the Smalljon's guard, the Hound finally began to work.

The blows he caught the Northman with would have stopped a damn elephant let alone a man, yet the Northman continued to fight on. Eventually though it proved far to much for the younger less experienced man and Jaime watched as a blow took him from his feet and knocked him hard to the ground.

"I Yield." Smalljon said as the Hound helped him back up, the man patted the Hound on the back and made his way to the back.

Jaime looked to the other fight, Dacey was more than holding her own but most of her blows hit the shield of Rolland, his however did not and when she after being hit in the arm missed her counter it was over. Rolland moved quickly, his shield catching her in the chest, his foot tripping her up and when she fell she yielded quickly.

He too like the Hound before him helped up his defeated opponent and she nodded and smiled at the man before making her way to the back also. Jaime watched as the two large men paced around each other, Rolland smirking all the while.

"Are you just gonna stand there with that stupid grin on your face, or we gonna fight or what." the Hound said as Rolland's face changed into a grimace and he attacked.

The two men were tired, both had received more than one hit that day, yet to look at them you'd never know it. Jamie watched to see where their weaknesses lay, technically both were pretty even, as they were strength wise, but the Hound had the man for speed and that would prove to be decisive. Jaime watched as they parried the opening blows, he watched as with a stunning riposte the Hound knocked the shield from Rolland's hand.

Now with both men only holding swords, the only chance Rolland had of winning was lost, it took a while, but the Hound's faster strikes, his quicker movement, allowed for him to land more hits. Finally the winning blow came and when it did Jaime was glad to be a spectator. The Hound after Rolland had missed swung and caught him so hard and so true that Rolland Storm was knocked almost five feet away from him.

It would not be a yield that won this fight, the man was out cold, Jaime watched surprised as the Hound went to the other man, before he called for people to come out to help. Taking water from them he sprinkled some to wake the man up, which after a while he did, the large man came to coughing and spluttering. Luckily there was no blood but at best his ribs would be bruised badly, the man nodded at the hound and he helped him to his feet.

"Your Graces, My Lords and Ladies, men and women of Kings Landing and the Realm, I give you the winner of the Melee, The Hound Sandor Clegane,"

Jaime and his family clapped along with everyone else, he had no idea how much Tyrion had bet but judging by the smile on Gerion's face he felt his uncle had bet a lot, he looked to his aunt who shook her head before laughing. Suddenly feeling the need to relieve himself he got up and motioned to Tyrion he'd be back in a moment, heading to look for a privy.

He was walking back from doing his business when he smelt it, the wafting air of cloying perfume, it was a smell he remembered well from his time in Kings Landing, but one he had not missed. Turning he saw the silken robes and the egg shaped head, the sickly smile on the man's face as he moved towards him.

"Lord Jaime."

"Lord Varys," Jaime said as the spider smiled.