Chapter 6: Social Dynamics

Riddle had taken him to the very edge of being late to class just to occupy his time so nobody else could and because of that, he got into his seat just before the late signal chimed. Something that annoyed him but with her earlier attitude he'd allow it, not wanting to make an enemy of her on his first full day of class.

When she'd finally released him to attend his lesson, all the front and middle seats had been taken, with just the furthest back being available; it was as if he'd been cursed to only be able to sit with those in the Green and Silver.

Beside him sat Corene and a friend of hers that he only knew to be named Caroline.

Aster and Reinhard had attempted to sit with him as they'd done everywhere else but had been routed by an unamused Corene, saying that Harry was new and should he need help, the boys wouldn't be able to provide it.

Silently thanking the girl with a half-smile, Harry put on a sad face for the boys who looked disgruntled, but still took their seats on the opposite side of the class from him, wishing to avoid Carrow's ire.

With neither girl making conversation, only preparing for the class with parchment and the correlating book for the class, Harry sat in silence for the half-minute or so before class began.

Much to his enjoyment, when class was due to start, Dumbledore walked out and stood at the front.

"Good morning class and welcome to our newest student, Harry Peverell. I'm sure we all look forward to working with you over the coming years."

Harry was slightly embarrassed at being singled out when a lot of his peers turned to glance at him but returned the 'Good Morning' along with the rest of the students.

Dumbledore then had everyone turn open their books and began going over the practical side of the vanishing spell - as Harry remembered from his last year it was fairly difficult but he counted himself lucky to be a leg up on the other students. Maybe without even studying he could glide through the classes, all but Arithmancy and Ancient Runes at least. It would certainly allow him to spend more time Riddle solving.

Corene nudged him and said under her breath to "Turn the page and stop daydreaming, Peverell."

He rolled his eyes at the girl but did as he'd been instructed. If Corene was going to be sitting with him in every class, he would need to revise his plans of simply going through the motions.

Most of the first half of the class involved reading about the partial vanishing spell; a lesser cousin to the full Vanishing spell, and the practicality of its usage compared to the complete vanishing of something. Harry chose to remain silent and just listen to the few answers offered which the Professor would improve upon after agreeing or lightly explain why an answer was incorrect if it proved to be.

As a show of how difficult the spell could be, the Professor had students pair with those they were seated with and try doing the partial vanishing spell - it's incantation being 'Pars Evanesco'.

While it seemed easy to do, Dumbledore had levitated a tray of vials filled with water to each table, asking the students to bring each vial down exactly to the mark that was highlighted, going under even the slightest bit could have 'amusing results', the Professor warned lightly before he assured everyone not to be discouraged should they fail, as vanishing was quite a bit harder than conjuring after all.

Caroline and Corene turned to look at him in sync once they were dismissed to themselves, Dumbledore watching and roaming to offer assistance while actively making sure nothing went wrong even if the spell being taught was on the safer side.

Magic was magic, after all.

"Go on then Peverell, let's see how you do." Corene said, attempting to mask her eagerness and mostly succeeding. Only her fidgeting with her fingers giving her away.

Putting on a smirk, he looked between the girls. "You two should be going first, it'd be rude of me to do so."

"Don't play coy Peverell, everybody's been itching to see just what you can do." Caroline seemingly wasn't one to beat around the bush while Corene gave him a look he'd only seen Aster receive before.

She took three vials from the massive mound of them, standing them up in front of herself and, with a look of concentration, said the incantation.

Harry looked on and saw that the first was done, then the second and after a brief break, the third. Corene had done well, not going under the mark on any of her three, but it was clear to all of them that her third was just over the mark rather than exactly on it as her two prior. He waited to see if she'd attempt fixing it but the girl shook her head.

"That's better than most of the others if you'd look around; you'll also see what happens if you go under it." the Carrow girl then motioned to Aster who was on an uncountable attempt. Rosier attempted the spell and went far under, causing the remaining water to shoot up at him.

If appearances were anything to go by, the boy had done that almost every time.

"Doesn't he know how to dry himself?" Harry wouldn't call himself a master, prodigy or any other word that would refer to him as having anything past a decent understanding of magic, but even he knew the spell to dry his clothes.

Caroline made a 'Pfft' like sound while Corene made a noise he didn't often associate with her; she snorted.

"Do you think he's bothered learning anything that isn't taught in class? You saw him last night in the common room didn't you?" Corene sounded disappointed in them both, Aster for his waste of education and Harry for not having picked up on something abundantly obvious.

"Point taken, but why does Riddle keep him around then? She doesn't seem to like underachievers." Maybe he could learn that she was using the Aster for his wealth and influence when he became older just as she was likely using Reinhard for his love of fighting.

"I suppose I can't blame you for asking a rather…" Corene looked for a word and eventually settled on one, "Unintelligent question - I'd forgotten your upbringing. Just because you like specific qualities in friends or those you'd want to date doesn't mean all others are disliked. While Aster may be less than studious and abysmal at most things without assistance or a reason to do them, he is exceptionally gifted at things he does apply himself towards. For example Harry, you'll not find a better wizarding chess player in our house."

So she liked him for his creativeness and strategy then, another way she could use him in addition to the political seats he'd come into.

"Your turn Caroline, then I'll do mine." Harry promised, carefully plopping a few vials in front of the girl.

"Don't go under unless you want to end up like all of the other fools upfront." Corene reminded her friend, Caroline waving away her words.

"Pars Evanesco." Caroline did the first one, leaving it slightly above the mark.

"Lower Caroline, we both know you can do better." Corene's remark was meant as encouraging but Harry could see the teasing look now on her face.

"Maybe you shouldn't have said something earlier." Caroline bit back at her friend.

"Perish any of the pressure my remark gave you - I just wanted to be of assistance, cousin."

Harry would take note of that just as he'd done with anything overly important Dumbledore had said earlier in the lesson.

Again, Caroline said the incantation and this time, the mark was barely beneath the water - the girl looked like she was concentrating just as hard as Corene had done.

"That'll do, don't want you expiring in class." Corene reached out around and patted the other girl on the back, not hearing Caroline mutter 'cow' under her breath towards her.

Harry wisely chose to stay out of the girls bickering.

"Peverell, it's your turn."

Dumbledore was at the table with Aster and Reinhard, looking amused and trying his best to explain to the boys the proper way of doing the spell. Both of them were seemingly watching intently though a more careful look at their faces clearly showed confusion or a lack of interest.

Seeing that they wouldn't let him get out of showing what he could do, Harry grabbed a vial and set it in front of him. Saying the incantation lazily and watching the water vanish perfectly to the marking.

Caroline looked a mix of jealousy and impressed while Corene narrowed her eyes at him, already dropping another vial for him to work on.

"Do it again Peverell."

Harry chose to play with the girl slightly and returned a "Yes ma'am." Before doing so again and just as before, he'd brought it to the mark perfectly.

Corene then reached for two but was stopped by Dumbledore appearing at their table, the man briefly checking in on the trio and noticing that they'd done well. He congratulated them both, shooting Harry a look and asking him to drop by that evening for 'an assessment' seeing as Harry only had Astronomy for the rest of his Thursday schedule.

Annoyingly for Corene, once the Professor was done speaking with them, he'd had the students pack up a few minutes early so they could clean up from their watery activities. Something quite a few students ended up needing help with, causing Dumbledore to have them line up as he hit them with the hot air charm; his lack of wand movement making it look far easier than when some of his classmates had performed it on their friends.

Marcus Potter even waited in the line, Harry was surprised at that, assuming at least a few of his former housemates could perform the spell. Then again, maybe Dumbledore's abilities granted it an added warming effect which the assembled fifth years could not manage.

When class was dismissed, Harry found himself sandwiched between Corene and her cousin with the rest of the Slytherins behind them; minus Abraxas and another boy who'd already gone off in another direction with speed.

"So sorry I couldn't do more for you." Harry apologized to the glaring Corene, the girl narrowing her eyes further at his unmeaningful apology.

"Don't worry about it, whenever you're invited over next I'll make sure the host has a stack on hand; unless you do something more impressive before our first break." He didn't doubt the girl's words.

Caroline piped up looking happier than she had after losing to her cousin. "She's just jealous that you may be better than her."

While he was already not planning to tell anyone he had already covered this, Harry was even more resolute in not doing so.

Corene regularly was very composed and polite. Corene, annoyed and jealous, was much funnier to him. Especially with how her steps seemed to slam down onto the ground and how she'd not even shot back a scathing rebuttal at her cousin who seemed to take it as a victory.

"Headed to the Great Hall?" He questioned, as that seemed like the goal with the path they were taking.

"Already memorized the halls along with the year's curriculum?" Corene asked in turn.

Probably should have seen that one coming and just let them bring him to lunch rather than open his mouth.

"Sadly not. This is the path that I'd taken Goldhorn on a walk, not quite as far as the classroom though." Unless they'd followed him or asked the girl, they'd be none the wiser. He just needed to be smarter with what he'd said considering this was supposed to be his first full day in the mammoth of a castle.

"Mhm." Was all Carrow gave in response.

After the near slip-up, Harry smartly continued on in silence rather than risk further mistakes while in the presence of an all too observant group of fellow teenagers. Corene seemed fine with that while Caroline chose to keep pressing him about what he could do; the girl even wanted to make some sort of deal with him in return for assistance in class.

Cousins they may be, but deep competitiveness was clearly visible between the two girls.

Harry didn't deny assisting her in Transfiguration though. They'd not made a deal on what Caroline would exactly give in return but if she's close to Corene then there's a chance that she's close to Riddle too. He wasn't dumb enough to believe he could pry without it getting back to her, no, what he could do was bring her up passingly in conversation once he settled on something minor enough that she could give him as a cover.

Great Hall in sight, both girls raised their pace letting Harry fall back into the clutches of the two boys who'd likely become nightmare fuel for all the wrong reasons.

Aster and Reinhard kept Harry firmly packed between them as they guided him right past all the other tables until they were sat right in front of Riddle, the girl telling them they'd done a good job before sending them off towards another group further down the table; that one being led by Abraxas.

"Harry, good of you to join us for lunch." Riddle greeted him warmly once his trouble making companions had left.

'Us' being the four girls he'd often seen her with thus far. Corene, Daphne, Druella and Emilene.

"Yeah, glad I didn't get lost along the way - great foresight on your part having Corene and the others escort me along." His tone likely came out more hostile than he'd meant it based on the way Corene and Daphne looked at Riddle.

Her response was easily brushing aside any anger or annoyance he had, casually leaning forward to show that he had her attention. "I'm glad you think so. How was your first class?"

"Fine." Was his simple response, knowing an easy way to get to the girl was with shallow answers.

Corene didn't let it get to that when she scoffed, prompting Riddle to look at her.

"Harry seems talented - at least in Transfiguration, he'd matched me without seeming to struggle overly hard."

"You did one more than me." Harry reminded the girl who visually tossed aside his remark, still looking at Riddle.

"I'd done one more than him only because he'd waited to go last. By the time it was his turn Dumbledore had come over to speak with us, then had us pack up. Had that not happened, Harry likely would have continued on." Corene hadn't added 'Professor' in front of the man's name nor did she say it with very much respect.

Riddle looked towards the Professor's table and muttered something to Daphne before looking back at Harry. "Talented just as Professor Slughorn had assumed… perhaps that's why you don't feel it overly important to ask for my assistance?"

"As I told you before, I'm not overly interested in becoming the best of my year. Should I get it, brilliant; if not, I can study for it without needing to bug you for something as mundane as partial vanishing." Harry meant that and hopefully the look he sent her conveyed it.

Riddle smiled and reached a hand across the table, brushing one of his that'd been near his drink. "You wouldn't be bothering me, Harry. Maybe tonight you could show me how you'd done it and I could offer tips?"

"He has an assessment with Dumbledore this evening, then we have Astronomy." Corene spoke up.

Riddle's hand ceased the brushing of Harry's palm as her gaze flicked towards his - knowing what was coming Harry had preemptively looked away from her. All that likely did was cause more suspicion on his person.

"An assessment?" He could hear the doubt in her tone while she moved her head, trying to catch his eyes.

"Yes, Professor Dumbledore presumably wants to know where I fall in the course. Maybe he could bump me ahead?" Harry hoped to derail her train of thought with his question.

Rather than her replying to him, she grasped his hand and the cold he was used to from her was gone. In its place was warmth, no, that wouldn't do the feeling justice, it was hotter than warmth. It was hot, bordering on being unbearably so. Such a shock on his system caused him to look towards the girl, seeing if she'd done something but all he was greeted with were her eyes.

Finally looking at her, he saw the suspicion he'd felt from her earlier along with other expressions he couldn't place.

Most importantly to him, he hadn't felt the tickle in the back of his mind, nor did he feel the sharpness when Snape had done it. He suspected that with the level of Occlumency he had it was keeping her out and rather than look away, he stared directly into her eyes, not bothering to remember that their hands were still connected or how the moment might look to an outsider. Harry was fully in the moment, showing the girl before him that she couldn't go through his mind whenever she felt like it.

To him, it was a battle of wills that he was winning and when the girl looked back at the Professor's table with her cheeks flushed in exertion - a battle that he'd won while still holding the hand of his opponent.

Harry realized the contact they were still in and pulled his hand from hers.

Feeling the loss, Riddle answered his earlier question while still looking at the table filled with staff. "You can't be moved ahead."

Obviously, he'd known that… or at least suspected as much. Hermione would have ditched Ron and him if it were possible.

"He could be right you know." Emilene said to the other girls who turned to her - all but Riddle that is. "Dumbledore could just want to see where Peverell falls in his lessons. I wouldn't be surprised if Dumbledore gave him additional work just to make sure class wasn't too easy for him."

Corene hummed in response while Riddle finally turned back from the Professor's and looked at Emilene. "You may not be completely wrong." Then Riddle looked back to Harry, the redness gone from her face, "When exactly will your meeting be taking place tonight?"

"I wasn't given a time - I'll probably arrive at seven or just prior." No point in going before dinner in case it actually was an assessment as well as the talk the man wanted to have with him.

"You have the rest of the day free then, other than Astronomy." Riddle remarked, her words not being a question but nonetheless he answered.

"Yes, Aster and Reinhard can probabl-"

"We'll have our tour tonight before dinner, Aster and Corene are already free for that time. Before then, we can go over Arithmancy as you wanted and I'll help introduce you to Ancient Runes." Harry was cut off by Riddle who'd taken it upon herself to plan the rest of his day for him.

Not bothering to argue with her as he did actually need the help on those two subjects, Harry invited Corene and Emilene since they were in his year. They seemed close to Riddle and he wasn't particularly fond of the idea of being alone with the girl, even if it were on Hogwarts grounds.

He'd had enough of the supposed safe haven that was the castle.

Both girls accepted after they looked to Riddle and once they'd finished their lunch, the four of them were off to the Library. Riddle had Harry wait with the others by the entrance while she speedily checked out a few books to assist primarily him.

When they were done there, the group then found itself a quiet, unused classroom on the outskirts of the castle where they pulled a few desks together to study away from outside intrusion. Only taking a few small breaks as the hours passed by for the sake of Harry - all three girls had seemed like they could continue on without rest. He reassured himself that since it was an altogether new topic for him, it made sense that he'd be overloaded in preparing for the first class.

Riddle had told him at the end of their first lesson that they should meet every day before his first Arithmancy and Ancient runes classes just to get him as well versed as magically possible. All of them knew he'd still be a ways away from his peers but they could do their best to bridge that gap.

When the group had finished and left the classroom, they all made their way over to the common room.

Corene, Harry and Riddle looked to pick up Aster for their agreed-upon tour while Emilene was looking to hang out with her friends until Dinner was being served.

Aster was found by the trio playing wizarding chest again a sixth year, this one doing far better than Reinhard but still coming out on the losing end.

With the last of their group found, Riddle then took Harry on a tour that stretched on for more than the hour he'd thought it would take with Aster and Corene offering helpful information occasionally, such as:

" Behind that statue is a classroom that hasn't been used in ages, makes for a great place to duck in from Prefects when you're past curfew!"


" This suit of armour is angled perfectly for you to be unseen when other's pass you by. They'll think somebody's disillusioned before thinking to check behind this guy if you want a bit of fun!"

While Aster's were more… immature in the eyes of the two girls, Harry found them useful and amusing.

Corene's tidbits were far more academically inclined, so much so that he couldn't recall her sentences as he could Aster's - not that he needed to. What she'd shown often involved shortcuts to cut down on travel time, a few that he'd not known along with quiet spaces where one wouldn't often be interrupted.

Riddle took it upon herself to point out as much as she could while only making him fifteen minutes late to their dinner. She'd showed him every class that was worth seeing, every path worth taking, a few of the more common but still supposedly 'secret' paths throughout the castle. Nothing seemed to escape her, with everything he'd known about the castle being known to her.

It was an unfortunate thing that he didn't have the Marauder's Map and even more unfortunate he hadn't bothered learning every path while they were visible to him. If only he'd figured out how to make the map as they had.

Then again, it was probably better that he hadn't made it; lest it falls into the wrong hands. Hands such as the ones attached to the girl that'd been beside him the entire stretch of time.

By the time Harry was brought back to the Great Hall with the others, it was twenty minutes past the start of Dinner, leaving him with a half an hour to eat before he'd want to begin making his way over to Professor Dumbledore's office for their meeting.

He chose to sit beside Aster, who began eating as soon as his butt had hit the bench, not stopping to converse with his friends, something Harry imitated while still keeping his table manners about him.

There was eating, eating fast and then eating like Ron. Harry was content to choose the middle option, rather than take the loss of respect and blow to his dignity that eating like his friend would've caused.

Before long, Harry had finished his plate along with the small second portion he'd taken and excused himself from the company of his housemates, telling them that he had somewhere to be, and that he'd meet up with them in the common room before their Astronomy lesson.

Aster and Reinhard didn't seem particularly bothered to lose him considering where they were, they simply waved goodbye to Harry as he made his way to leave the Great Hall. When he looked back at the staff table to see if Dumbledore was doing the same, he'd noticed the man was already gone.

Here he was thinking they'd arrive nearly the same time though it seemed the older man had a different idea.

Harry cruised through the halls of Hogwarts, going from walking, to speed walking, to jogging. He wanted to have as much time as possible just in case his old Headmaster really did plan on giving him an actual assessment rather than the discussion he'd mentioned the night prior.

He never could predict what the man would do, nor could those who had known him far longer than he had.

Breaking his jog when he was within sight of the door, Harry took a few seconds to make sure any signs of exertion were gone before knocking politely.

"Do come in, Mister Peverell." Dumbledore's voice calmly responded.

Huffing, Harry opened the door and entered to see him sitting at his desk grading papers.

One day he hoped to know as much about magic and this castle as the veteran wizard before him did.

"Good evening, Professor Dumbledore." Harry greeted politely, sliding into a desk at the front of the class.

Dumbledore looked up from his papers and had a polite smile with his usual welcoming expression. "Good evening to you as well, would you mind it terribly if I called you Harry?"

"Not at all, Professor." What did he care what he was called?

"Wonderful. Now if I'm not mistaken, you seemed as eager for this meeting as I. Did you have something, in particular, you wanted to speak about?" Perceptive as ever, for even fifty years younger, not much seemed to get by him.

"I do, I'm just not sure how to go about it saying it without coming off as entirely too mad to be believed." Harry's shoulders sagged at the revelation - he'd been so focused on getting to meet with the man that he hadn't put much thought at all what he'd say when their meeting actually occurred.

Seeing the struggling young man, Dumbledore stroked his beard and said kindly, "From the start is usually as good a place as any."

Harry took the advice and with a deep breath, began attempting to relay his thoughts. "I don't belong here, in this time I mean."

"I imagine you're right where you should be, Harry." Harry's former Headmaster said easily, trying to alleviate any self-deprecating thoughts the boy could be having.

I'm from the future is what Harry wanted to say, but he struggled to get it out. A flash of a memory surfacing in his mind as he did so.

He was back in a wide-open, white space with no others but one figure in sight. It was covered in dark robes with no distinguishing features available to be seen. For a moment he'd thought it was Voldemort, but that was just due to the colour it was wearing and general shape of the body.

When the figure finally spoke, it was in a raspy, feminine voice.

"To save others from a fate similar to that of which befell your time, what would you give?"

Harry hadn't expected to hear his voice reply in a tone as solid as steel. "Everything."

"Are you alright my boy, you seem a bit flushed." Dumbledore was gone from his seat and standing beside his table, looking down at him in worry.

He wanted to yell, he was so much closer to answers but they weren't given; only more questions were.

"I'm fine Professor, sorry. Could you repeat what you'd said last?"

Attempting to lighten the mood or simply for the sake of relating to the boy, the older wizard chuckled softly. "I find myself having those very same occurrences." the man walked back over to his desk and plucked something from a bowl on it, offering one out to Harry. "Lemon drop? Sour as they may be, they work wonders at clearing the mind."

"No, thank you, sir." Those weren't something he'd enjoyed and he was more than content to wait for the younger but still aged wizard to repeat himself.

With one of his favourite candies in his mouth, Dumbledore did as Harry had hoped. "You seemed as if you couldn't quite get out what you feel is necessary, so I'd told you there's no rush."

"Yes… I think I've gathered myself now." Harry was ready to finally say what he wanted to, his will strengthened by the mysterious memory that'd been stirred to the forefront of his mind simply by speaking with the man.

"Professor, let me ask you a question, do you believe in magic regarding time? Like a being magically powerful enough to send witches and wizards through it?"

His former Headmaster looked at him for a moment with a sharpness he was unused to, almost as if the man were looking past his eyes and into his soul. When he finally responded, his tone was less grandfatherly than it usually was.

"Magic can do a great many things as I'm sure you're aware, Harry. It can be the greatest of gifts or the worst of curses."

Harry was worried at the response he was given, especially by the seriousness in which it instilled in the Professor.

"I see, sir." He didn't, not really. Better to leave this trail of questions cold for a few days before trying again though, especially based on the response it caused.

"May I make a suggestion, one that may come off a bit personal?" Dumbledore asked him, looking back towards his desk - more noticeably, a small box on the desk.

"Of course, Professor." Harry accepted the offer, hoping it was something that'd just taken a few moments for the man to want to say - he wasn't prepared for what followed.

"Don't go mentioning this… specific line of conversation to others. Others have done so in the past, often to horrible results if you believe in the tales."

That was all Harry needed to know to be sure his role model was hiding something from him. Something that was major and likely could help him in a big way, he just couldn't figure out why the man would do so.

"I understand, sir. That will be all, I take it?" Harry desperately wanted to finish up so he could think over the recent information he'd gathered; however, Dumbledore seemed to have other plans for the boy.

"On the contrary, while I'd still like to speak with you regarding your family, that will have to wait for another night in the coming months. You didn't think you'd be avoiding an assessment now did you?" Light sounding and past whatever had caught him earlier, Professor Dumbledore laughed at the face Harry pulled.

"Worry not my boy, I hear you're quite the prodigy from our mutual friend Horace, and I simply wish to know if he's talking up one of his House as the man so often does."

Harry groaned as his former Headmaster led him over to a table with caged animals and other various objects.

He could tell the man planned on finding out exactly where he would fall.

"Our missing friend has come home, Reinhard!" Aster's loud and cheerful voice was the first thing a tired, agitated Harry heard upon entering the Slytherin common room.

Followed up quite quickly with an increase in chattering and a booming greeting from the large Lestrange boy.

"Peverell! You missed Aster here beating Malfoy in a match of chess, should've seen the look on his face!"

That made him more agitated than the test had; he'd have given away a few thousand galleons at least to see a Malfoy get put in his place - especially in public with his master watching.

"Yes, it's so very entertaining and surprising that Aster beat me in the match. I can't help but feel the hundreds of hours difference in experience between us had something to do with it." Abraxas' arrogant voice spoke up from his left, when he turned to look, Harry saw the blonde git leaning against the wall looking at a golden watch.

"Waiting for me as usual?" Harry asked as he made his way over to the boy, already presuming the answer to be a yes, which it was.

"Clever." Abraxas' tone thought it was anything but. "Our mutual friend wants to see you by the fireplace, I wouldn't keep her waiting if I were you."

Based on the way Abraxas had said that, the sour expression on his face and the fact that he kept rubbing the same spot on his arm; Harry came to a conclusion he doubted others would be so quick to come to without his insider knowledge.

Riddle had done something to the boy, the only problem, was what?

Had she had a meltdown or something equally problematic while he'd been away? He wouldn't lie to himself and say he overly cared what happened to the ancestor of Malfoy, but perhaps it would suggest that he should stay closer to her than he'd initially planned. For the sake of his sanity and the lives of everyone in the castle - no other reason.

With more effort than it should've taken and no small deal of willpower, Harry made his way over to the girl rather than keep her waiting even a moment longer.

" Harry ."

Riddle had said his name in such a way that he felt goosebumps across his body, a mix of revulsion and something that he didn't pay any attention towards lest it comes between them.


Normally, a game of words would ensue between the two. Imagine his surprise when the girl stood up, grabbed his hand and stayed silent.

His first instinct had been to pull back from her and ask just what she thought she was doing.

Then he saw how everybody was pointedly looking away or paying more attention towards their conversations than they'd been before and figured he could allow the future menace and current problem a few seconds to gather herself with the minimal contact she wanted. Not to mention he was curious as to what had set her off, so he put thought to words once she'd pulled back from him.

"What exactly did I miss?"

Riddle looked at Abraxas, then Walburga and finally, back at him.

"Nothing that hasn't been dealt with."

Ominous as ever.

Obviously, she didn't want to talk about it and he was more than smart enough not to push the girl.

Harry took the seat that was empty - the same one he'd sat in the evening before - and waited for her to begin asking questions regarding his and Professor Dumbledore's meeting.

Her gaze followed him to the chair and she pulled out her wand, waving the same intricate patterns following it up with moving her chair until it touched his. Her gaze switched from what she was doing over to Walburga and the few people sitting with her.

Without breaking eye contact, she sat beside Harry and pulled his arm off his rest and over to hers.

"Don't sit with or otherwise engage with Walburga; especially if she tries befriending you." Her tone suggested he shouldn't bother trying to argue the point, but he wouldn't take heed of it.

"Professor Slughorn gave her name as one of those who'd help me; you know that."

"Please, she can't even help herself." Riddle said it in such a way that he couldn't be sure if she meant that in terms of more than just their academics.

Harry looked over to the girl who was speaking with those who were likely more afraid of the Black family name than the girl wielding it and then back to the Dark Lady in waiting.

"Black looks to be getting by fine and I doubt Slughorn would've assigned her unless he was confident in her." Harry hadn't known the man very long but from what he could tell, Slughorn was anything but stupid.

A hiss escaped the girl's mouth beside him as her hand dug into his, pressing so hardly a mark would surely be present. "Disregard our Professor's words, he is not infallible. You'll come to me and if you can't, you'll go to Carrow. Goldhorn number whichever could even do; don't go to Walburga."

Riddle seemed to be in a rather sour mood, Harry looked back at Walburga and saw how so many of the Snakes passed her by without so much as a greeting or look. Whatever she'd done had gone beyond her remarks at Malfoy's home - speaking of the blonde git too, he was still standing beside the entrance occasionally massaging that same spot on his arm.

Dread formed in the pit of his stomach as Harry remembered something that Voldemort had done in his time; marking the loyalist of his followers. Harry didn't know when that'd started and doubted he ever would, but it wasn't important. As he's seen thus far, there's been differences.

Maybe his being here accelerated her plans, forcing her to brand her inner circle far earlier than planned.

Maybe she was simply further ahead in those very same plans that Tom had done.

Harry added yet another note in his rapidly growing mental study.

Get a look at Abraxas' arm and soon!

Should he throw away everything he knew or suspected about the girl thus far, that one identifying mark would be more than enough to condemn her in his mind.

Looking back at the girl, he could see her still looking at Walburga, face marred with loathing to the highest degree. At least her wand wasn't drawn with curses being thrown - instead, she was just crushing his hand with hers while the other kept playing with the ring as he'd seen her do before. Whenever her mood improved, he'd make sure to ask her of the ring though it was of tertiary importance, if it rated that high.

Deciding he'd rather get their conversation over and done with than pretend to enjoy her company, he tapped her hand with one of his fingers while at the same time prompting her to speak.

"I want to study up a bit before Astronomy, did you want to ask about how things went with Professor Dumbledore or can I go?"

Apparently, his last few words didn't go over well with the girl as her grip tightened more than he'd thought possible.

"Stay." She looked at him now, her expression shifting to serenity. "Please, I suppose I should add for manner's sake."

Talk about personality shifts, she's just as barmy as suspected!

Harry tried his best to relax into the chair, her grasp and gaze combatting his efforts.

"Did you do well?" Her question was half-meant at most, her real attention was spent on watching him while she switched to caressing his hand.

"Passably, I was told." His answer was the same as her question, truth be told Harry had done very well in Transfiguration; knowing a majority of the curriculum can often do that.

Riddle said something incoherently and when he asked what she said, the girl hummed. Evidently, her interest in what he'd done was lacking, the girl seeming content just to be in his presence.

While he doubted she'd tell him much of what had transpired in his absence, he figured it was worth a try.

"Could I ask you a questio-"

"Go ahead." She hadn't even let him finish the word 'question' let alone the rest of his sentence.

"You may have wanted to let me finish that." Her cocked head and a minor shake of the head relayed her unbothered attitude.

"Nothing you ask will bother me, what does is when people beat around the bush rather than dive straight in." Riddle likely, bordering on definitely, didn't mean it in the way he interpreted it.

Harry blamed the flush of his cheeks and cough on his teenage hormones. He looked away to hide his suddenly inflamed face, missing whatever her reaction was - though it couldn't have been too bad with her continuing the massage on the back of his hand.

It took the boy half a minute in his mind while in actuality it was more like two. Eventually, he turned back to his greatest unknowing adversary and asked the question.

"I know I asked earlier and I know you don't want to speak about it. But, what did I miss between you and Walburga that seemingly caught poor Malfoy in the crossfire?"

Riddle uncharacteristically giggled for all of a second, slamming it away when she remembered just who was in her company.

"I'll tell you."

Thank you lady luck!

"First, what will you give?"

Curse you to the bottom of the black lake, lady luck!

Never would it be easy working with, interacting with or otherwise being in the general presence of such a materialistic person.

"How could I possibly know something that'd be close in cost? Moreover, what could you want from me when you have a group of people far better versed in anything outside the home I was raised in?"

Riddle kept her hand in his, using the other to tap on her lips in thought while her head remained cocked to one side.

Harry waited for the girl to make some outlandish claim or desire followed by a time in which he could complete it; such a request never came. Instead, it was something he was far more hesitant to give.

"I want to take you to Hogsmeade, there's much to do and I feel as if it'd strengthen our friendship more than any amount of studying."

Narrowing his eyes at the girl's faux innocence, Harry weighed the risk to reward factor that flashed in front of his eyes.

On one hand, it could be something of substance that'd happened between the two girls and Malfoy. Riddle hadn't masked her intentions very well at all in her attempts to bring him within her group of like-minded individuals. No, she'd gone with the element of brute force. Would someone so paranoid as she really give over anything too good? The answer was a resounding no, at least to him.

More likely, it was something trivial enough that her care of it getting out was extremely low. Though It'd still have to be something big enough to warrant broken ties between the two camps and one injured blonde git.

Either possibility could contain at least something noteworthy, it depended on her mood which was evershifting along with how much she valued his company. Worst case scenario, he ditches her halfway through the trip feigning illness while having his pair of dunderheads escort him back to the castle. Harry would have to make a few stops for sweets and chocolates before anything happened, regardless of the outcome.

Corene had mentioned La Fudgerie which may have a small shop at the small village and Harry wanted to get something small for Goldhorn as a token of appreciation.

"Would others be joining us?" Harry wanted to ensure he wouldn't be alone with the girl.

"Not that I'd planned, I was hoping to get to know you more intimately - without others interjecting themselves." Riddle finally released his hand from hers, using the newly freed hand to brush hair behind her ear while looking out one of the windows to her right - the direction Harry was opposite of. As the girl looked into the lake, she hesitantly asked, "Are you so opposed to spending time alone?"

He had to give it to her, she played shy very well, but he wouldn't fall for this not so subtle attempt at manipulation.

"We could spend time alone in the library or other places on school grounds."

"We could." She agreed, still looking away from him.

Both stayed in silence as the minutes passed them by, neither one wanting to make the next move.

Abruptly, Riddle stood up from her seat and turned back to look at him. "We'll go to Hogsmeade with Emilene and Yaxley. You've not gotten to know them as well as others in my circle of friends."

"And you know they'll agree to go?" Had she already asked them?

Riddle laughed lightly, patting Harry on the shoulder. "You're the only one I bother checking with."

She began walking away from him and towards a few housemates that seemed to be waiting for her; for the first time in their brief knowing of one another, Harry initiated the contact. His hand that she seemed to always grab took hold of her forearm.

Immediately upon contact, he saw the girl shiver and swivel on her feet to face him. He took in how her cheeks had gone rosy and her breathing became erratic, fearing that he'd offended her he let go just as quickly as the impulse had hit him to stop her.

This time it was Harry who made a self-conscious appearing move, rubbing the back of his neck with the offending hand. "Err, sorry - you just didn't tell me what happened."

Riddle didn't respond and was looking at the spot he'd touched her.


Was she about to have a second meltdown on the day? Hopefully not. Maybe he should just slowly exit the common room and tell Abraxas the girl wanted to see him.

"Yes, my apologies Harry, I'd just remembered something." Riddle responded before again turning away from him. "I'll tell you all about it, you have my word."

"Goo- where are you going then?" Harry thought he'd gotten what he wanted but the girl again made her way away from him - this time towards the girls' dorms rather than her group of waiting friends.

"I have something that needs urgent doing, don't worry, I'll tell you tomorrow evening. Goodnight Harry."

Riddle didn't even wait for him to return the courtesy before she was already out of the common room and went through the entrance towards the girls' dorms.

She was awfully weird about contact though he couldn't particularly blame her. It was a firm possibility that she'd had a similar growing up to him.

Not wanting to have the girl dwell in his mind any more than necessary, Harry decided to head to bed.

Bidding goodnight to Aster and Reinhard as he passed them, the boys being back at a game of wizarding chess, he'd just made it past Malfoy who had finally ceased rubbing his lower arm when the boy said something to him.

"Looked like you made her angry Peverell, do be careful."

Harry shot back. "I could say the same to you, Malfoy. I thought for sure we'd have to take you to the medical wing with how long you'd been rubbing your arm."

Malfoy laughed and shook his head, mumbling something Harry couldn't make out before going over to a chair that had nobody around it.

Taking that as a victory over the other boy, Harry made the journey to his bed and plopped himself on it with a loud sigh.

It seemed life in this house would be infinitely more tiring than life in Gryffindor had been.