Chapter 12: The Rift in Social Circles

September 25th, 1943

Saturday Evening

After the startling kiss Riddle had placed on his lips which caused Walburga to run off, she'd pulled him to their usual seats while throwing up the usual spell for privacy - one that seemed more advanced than the one Aster had shown him. She then followed that up by telling him finally what it had been that caused the tension between her and Walburga. It was no surprise that she left Malfoy's sore arm out of their conversation, he had a very good assumption as to why.

From what she'd said to him, Walburga had only ever been tentatively in her group. That meant the girl from House Black had been invited to some, but not all functions of her social circle. While she played it off as not trusting the girl, he knew more had happened for Riddle to be so unwilling in accepting the girl who could prove very valuable.

She'd continued in saying that Walburga had challenged her over that a number of times, doing so again the night after he'd left and even while he'd still been at Malfoy's she had shown disrespect. It led to a meeting where both thought themselves right and the conversation breaking down, that carried over to Hogwarts where Walburga withdrew from the group in favour of making her own rather than staying with us any longer. Riddle told him that her group lacked many figures of importance at all and as such, that's why they were the ones in the corner of the room almost keeping to themselves.

As for Malfoy, well, the boy had proven himself loyal only after seeing what Walburga would offer him. Riddle hadn't been particularly joyful when she'd learned of that and had 'further educated him' as to ensure his loyalty. Harry hadn't the faintest idea what that meant and truthfully, he wasn't fond of figuring it out. He was no coward by any means but facing Riddle was almost as foolish as fighting a dragon without a wand; at least where he currently stood.

One day, be it a year or be it five, Harry would have the ability to defeat her, he knew it.

After she'd told him all of that, he'd thanked her for the information and entered back into the common room, or more specifically the boy's dorms before the girl could corner him for anything else. Harry had put on a strong front but secretly was still reeling from the kiss she'd given, its effects only proved to enrage the inner turmoil he was already feeling in regards to the girl.

"Hey, Harry? Enjoy your date with Riddle?"

"Harry was on a date with Riddle?"

Aster and Reinhard's voices greeted him the moment he'd walked into the fifth year boys dorms. Typically he'd sigh at the intrusion, insinuations or innuendos they'd drop - not this time. Harry was happy to be in a more careless presence, even if they proved immature at the best of times.

"It wasn't actually a date with Riddle. Cliff, Emilene and Sarah had joined us." Harry said as he passed the two lounging boys - both found to be sitting on a couch right beside the door with nothing to occupy themselves with. If he didn't know any better, they'd been waiting to ambush him for Merlin knows how long.

Aster was on his feet the moment Harry was a few steps away, "Still a date, just meant you had another couple and a third wheel. Unlucky for that one. You're getting off track though, how was the date?"

"Prolly kissed him she has," Reinhard said, bringing attention to himself when Aster looked over to him.

"Like you know that, you big numpty." Aster replied, dodging backwards when said 'big numpty' swung a large fist at him.

"Look at how red he still is! Besides, think Riddle will miss the chance to show up Walburga in front of the lot down below? Bloody unlikely is what that is." Reinhard had unknowingly told Harry that the ending to his evening could have been more planned than he'd first thought.

Aster scrutinized him after Reinhard's words and with Harry still being slightly red, more so after the mention of it from Reinhard, the boy came to the same conclusion. "Merlin's beard, you're right Reinhard!"

Harry sighed and went over to his bed with all his shrunken goods within a singular bag, he'd have to give Corene her gifts in the morning. He was half tempted to make the two friends of his within the room wait too, though he decided against it after realizing that they'd likely been waiting for him quite some time. To a degree it made him feel like he had two Ron's in this era.

"Take your gifts and hush up about my intimate life or lack thereof," Harry emphasized his point by tossing the gifts at their heads, both of them catching their items but Aster only doing so after having it ricochet off his head.

"Why's that, Harry? Afra-"

"Your sister is pretty fit Aster, think I'd have a chance?" Harry had been waiting to play that card for quite some time and based on the outrageous laughter from Reinhard joined with the wide-eyed look from Aster, he'd chosen the moment well.

"I'll be… u-using that in the future mate… good way to shut him up." Reinhard managed to get out between breaths as he took in the comatose Aster still sputtering at Harry. Such a sight was more than enough to have Harry join in on the laughing and he did so, not bothering to take in the other boy's appearance until it was too late.

"What?!" Aster yelled out, looking at Harry with the look of a kicked puppy, adding on a second later, "That's out of order mate! How would you like it if I said your sister was fit?"

Harry shrugged, "Say what you want, lucky for me I don't have a sister. Unlucky for you yours is more fit than any girl on the Holyhead Harpies."

Aster was left speechless again while Reinhard's laughter was fully renewed. Harry, having deposited the goods and given the boys their gifts (which were still unopened at this point) took a seat beside Lestrange. Tomorrow was Sunday and as such, Harry was more than confident that he could handle staying up an hour or two later than usual. Spending time with the two boys that'd grown on him so much was worth it.

September 26th, 1943

Sunday Morning

Harry woke up at close to eight in the morning after having stayed up with Aster and Reinhard until one that very same morning.

Unlike his two friends waiting in the common room for him, he was tired, having found it troubling to get some rest for an unknown reason. His body had forced the feelings of elation and joy on him ten minutes prior to his getting in bed, the emotions staying with him for nearly an hour before abruptly ending, allowing him to finally get his rest. It was nothing to raise any concern about, at least that's what he told himself - at most he'd probably been hit with a rush after visiting Hogsmeade.

After a quick shower and dressing in casual clothing, Harry retrieved the goods he'd gotten for Corene, finally exiting the boy's dorms into the almost fully empty Slytherin common room. Only Aster, Corene, Reinhard and a handful of housemates were in.

"Finally awake I see!"

"Good morning mate, sorry again for keeping you up so late!"

"Good morning, Harry… I see you have something."

Aster, Reinhard and Corene greeted him in turn. Both boys sounded amused while Corene sounded impatient - a trait he'd never seen from the girl. It was very funny to him the love the girl showed towards the French chocolatiers.

"I do, I have quite a few things for you, follow me to a seat will you?"

Corene grasped his hand before he finished the question and pulled him with surprising strength for her small stature until they were near enough two chairs with a table between them.

"Here we are." She said, Harry, picking up on her tapping a finger on the chair closer to her.

"I'll let you resize them when you want to," Harry prefaced as he got to withdrawing the sweets he'd gotten for the girl, "One, two, three, four, five boxes of truffles"

As fast as he'd been taking them out, Corene had been picking them up. When finished, the girl set them on the table and pulled him into a tight hug, wrapping her arms around him while placing her head against his chest. He looked down towards her while she looked up at him.

"Thank you, Harry. I know the amount of which you spent, you're far too kind." Corene had clocked that he'd spent more than he'd expected, not that he minded with the fairly high wealth he'd somehow inherited.

He looked over her head during the hug to break the piercing eye contact Corene was giving him only to see Aster with a thumbs up and Reinhard clapping softly to avoid noise. Seeing that, he looked back down at Corene.

"Think nothing of it, you're a good friend to have Corene."

She squeezed him harder, the feeling going briefly uncomfortable until she pulled back from him.

"I won't keep you and the others from your breakfast, please do come to see me tonight however, I'd very much like to speak with you - it won't be too long either." Corene looked away from him as her cheeks went ever so slightly red.

Harry was anything but proficient in dealing with girls; toss a dark lord in front of him, he'll gladly face it down, do the same with a fit witch, he may capitulate within seconds. That reason is why he'd been so awkward in saying what he said next. "Uhh… thank you. Don't go just yet though. I, or rather, Riddle helped tell me something you c-, something you like. I figured I'd get one or a couple for you."

He followed the broken sentence up by taking out two of the three logs he'd bought on Riddle's suggestion, offering them to the newly parted girl.

Corene looked between the chocolate treats and him without reaction, doing so for a long enough time he'd half feared Riddle had set him up with false information. That fear was put to rest when Corene renewed her hug with more ferocity than she'd shown in the one prior. Mumbled words came from the very happy girl, "You and Riddle are truly very kind, Harry. I've not had one of these since my grandmother passed away a year ago, she would sneak them to me when my parents outlawed them. They'd feared I'd get fat but my grandmother always loved to defy them and spoil me."

Harry felt subtle wetness leaking through his shirt and went wide-eyed, mouthing to his two friends still watching, 'help' - neither of them did anything helpful. Instead, they both backed away from the exchange and retreated outside the Slytherin common room.

Traitors, Harry thought to himself as he continued keeping Corene embraced as she began to regain her composure.

When she finally did so enough to pull back from him, he had two galleon sized watermarks on his shirt. Something in which the girl pulled her wand out so as to heat the moisture from his clothing rather than leave behind the evidence.

"I'll not take up any more of your time this morning… don't forget to see me before you head to sleep." Corene smiled at him and hurried off to the girl's dorms, her newly acquired treats in hand.

When she had finally gotten out of sight, Aster walked up to him and clapped his shoulder. "You may have gotten yourself another witch you sly dog."

Harry looked at Aster while sighing before plucking his arm from where it rested. "Leave my romantic life alone or I'll be seeing your sister for the next Hogsmeade trip."

Reinhard got between the two, grabbing each of them by the back of their clothes and partially lifted them towards the exit. "Bicker later, eat now."

Neither Harry nor Aster said anything more, they knew better than to get in the way of Reinhard at mealtime.

When the trio arrived at the Great Hall, Harry had made it only a few steps before noticing the figure of Sarah waving him down from the Gryffindor table. He'd looked between her and his two mates while thinking on his feet which group to sit with for the morning meal. Thankfully enough, Reinhard noticed and flicked his eyes towards the Gryffindor's table while also giving a slight nod.

Harry dipped his head in thanks as he changed course to sit with Sarah along with the others who sat near her, those being; Marcus Potter, Veronica Weasley, the Prewett boys and Indigo Birch.

"Good morning Harry!" Sarah was first to greet him and rightly so after being the one to call him over.

She was followed up with a multitude coming from her friends.

"Hi Harry!" Indigo had said while smiling widely and brushing a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Peverell, mate." Both Prewett brothers had said, Henry, saying it ever so ahead of the other one causing some bickering.

Veronica chose only to wink at him and Potter, going last, stood up to shake his hand. When Harry offered his own in exchange, the other boy spoke to him, "Harry, I've been waiting for you to join us here sometime, glad to see you've finally done it. Do sit beside me, could probably get to have an enlightening conversation rather than being sidetracked by the two buffoons across from me."

The buffoons in reference were the Prewett brothers who were still so wrapped up in their bickering as to who greeted Harry first that they'd failed to notice the name-calling coming from their housemate. They half reminded him of the Weasley twins in the playfulness exhibited.

"Sorry for having made you wait so long, Slytherin has proven to be a time-consuming house. I doubt Gryffindor is nearly as much."

A few snickers from those around them and a nod from Marcus were the response to his words. Marcus then took his seat again and Harry followed after the boy, sitting himself on his right while Veronica was on Marcus' left. No immediate words were said as they'd allowed him to pile some food upon his plate first, followed up with taking a few bites. Once they'd seen him get a bit of breakfast down and while enjoying their own, Veronica looked to Marcus who started. "I have to ask Harry, for my curiosity you see, how is being in Slytherin? See Riddle doing anything suspicious or those in her group?"

"Well that's rather forward isn't it?" Veronica asked while smacking the boy upside the head, "Least you could is make small talk first! I swear you boys are as simple-minded as pets."

Marcus rubbed the back of his head but stayed looking at Harry while waiting for an answer.

"I couldn't compare Slytherin to another house having not been in one." Marcus' face showed understanding but disappointment, causing Harry to work with the words in his head to ensure nothing dangerous came out before adding on, "At best from the interactions I've had with those not in Slytherin, the house seems serious and more politically focused. Riddle and the others are no exception of course, but I've not been privy to any rule breakings or other infractions from them."

Other than being out past curfew Harry said to himself, knowing that it was as minor a thing as could be punished for within the walls. Merlin knows he'd done it dozens of times - most students probably had at least once! Besides that one minor offence, he'd not seen or heard the Slytherins do anything bad. He wasn't sure if that was because of their caution or if they truly were as innocent as they appeared to be.

"I see… well thanks for shining some light on that, mate. Why don't we move onto the next topic of discussion, is it true you're contracted with Walburga Black for marriage?" Marcus seemed unimpressed at the possibility and took the chance once finished to spoon pudding into his mouth.

Harry blinked a few times at the words and shook his head negatively once he'd gotten past the initial shock. "No, that couldn't be further from the truth. Who told you that?"

Was that what Riddle had been warning him about? Gossip that'd been spread to raise Walburga's power? If it were so simple a thing then he wasn't sure what could possibly take her a month or two, but regardless of that, he'd given her the time and wouldn't go back on it. At the least, it'd be interesting to see what she'd come out with.

"Good thing that, dreadful woman Walburga is," Veronica added after swallowing a huge portion of bacon that she'd stuffed into her mouth.

"Veronica! Be nicer to her, she's had it rough." Sarah chastised the girl, turning her attention over to Harry next, "I'd told them it wasn't true. Why else would you be taking Riddle and Indigo out on dates if it were?"

Oh. Right. He'd agreed to take the girl across from him out on a date. Harry looked over at the girl who was pretty enough and smiling confidently at him - worse fates could be had.

"Yeah yeah, you know everything Goldhorn." Marcus rolled his eyes while looking at Harry so only the boy and those behind him could see it.

"Not everything, just most things." Sarah smartly responded

"So you heard about Grindelwald's latest crime then?" Henry Prewett piped up, finally having settled the argument with his brother.

Harry furrowed his brows and tried to remember anything about the name, he'd heard it before, he knew as much. Rather than finding out himself where he'd heard the name, he saw Sarah shrink in her seat while shaking her head 'no'.

Henry didn't give an answer to the group, the boy instead passed across the table a copy of the Daily Prophet, it's front page reading 'Grindelwald's latest crime! Massacre at Metz!"

Marcus Potter snatched it up with a surprisingly serious expression on his face, reading it aloud for the benefit of those with him, "Grindelwald's most recent atrocity. French resistance members were followed back to a safe house in the small wizarding village of Toussaint, where they were attacked by the Dark Lord. First-hand accounts say Grindelwald duelled nine French wizards at once, beating them all soundly before putting the entire village to the torch. Very few were fortunate enough to escape the violence."

Harry looked around the table at the news, taking in the shocked and appalled expressions present. It was at that moment he realized who this Grindelwald man had been - he was considered the predecessor to Voldemort, some would say worse even. It made sense when considering the atrocity of putting an entire village to the ground all for the purpose of sending a message.

"Dumbledore's gone again," Marcus spoke up, breaking the silence that had fallen over the group while looking towards the Professor's table.

"He always leaves the castle when there's news like this, my parents say he's too cowardly to fight," Veronica said, Harry hearing the disdain that her parents had likely imprinted on her towards the man he knew was anything but cowardly.

"Is this the worst he's done?" Harry blurted out in question. Not for the first time since being sent back in time did he curse his stupidity for wasting time while at Hogwarts. If only he'd studied and used the time with Hermione constructively rather than procrastinating and using it for leisure activities.

All eyes snapped to him but before anything could be said, Marcus raised his hands peacefully, his mouth already moving, "Harry's just entered our world again recently, remember that before any of you decide to berate him over his lack of knowledge on this subject. Besides, it's equally our fault for not discussing it with him, the lack of activity or news from the continent can be blamed to some extent, I think."

That seemed to remove the looks of shock and some with annoyance when reminded that Harry hadn't any right to know what was spoken of.

Sarah in her ever gentle and sweet tone chose to answer his question, "Harry, the man has done far, far worse than the massacring of a village. I'll have my parents forward a set of papers for you to read filled with what he's done during your time away… I'll include other matters of importance too, the ones I can recall at least."

"Thank you," Harry said as his simple response, not wanting to say or ask anything more in regards to the Dark Lord after seeing the crestfallen faces of those at the table.

Marcus seemingly didn't want to speak on the topic anymore either, sidetracking the group with something that was sure to cause a few arguments.


"Anyone saw how shite the Cannons and Catapults are this year?"

Nobody could respond faster than Henry's brother did, the tall ginger boy looking devious when speaking, "Henry you're a fan of the Catapults aren't you? What happened to them? Are they even still in the league?"

"At least I'm not a fan of the Harpies! You only like them because of that Capt-" Henry's response was cut off when Potter waved his wand discreetly at Harry's side, putting up a privacy spell similar to what Riddle had done but unable to do it wandless.

"Well, that moods lightened now, was there anything you'd wanted to talk about Harry or was this strictly a social visit?" Marcus had gotten serious at the Grindelwald paper reading and had stayed it so, looking at Harry with a welcoming but still serious visage.

"You love showing off that spell, prat." Veronica's voice joined from Marcus' side, "Too bad you haven't gotten good enough at it."

Marcus showed no outward surprise at her being within it, it made sense when he'd spoken next, "I'd intended to include both you and Sarah - it was the others I wanted to be distracted while we speak of whatever it is we're going to. Assuming Peverell here has anything he wants to ask before we go back to horsing around as we so often do-" Marcus turned to look at Harry, "I figured you'd have something to say at a minimum with how Sarah was pushing for us to speak with one another.

Harry had to give it to his ancestor, he was talented and smooth, especially so if he'd not actually intended on including the ladies as he claimed. "Well, I'd truthfully only meant to visit and spend some time getting to know you lot. I do have one thing I could ask, it may seem a bit weird though."

Marcus shrugged his shoulders, Veronica looked at him curiously and Sarah for whatever reason paid him no attention.

"Do any of you know anything about House Gaunt? What they used to be? Really anything would do, I found something belonging to them and wish to return it." Harry felt horrible for lying to them but didn't want to risk any information getting out, be it accidentally or them reading into it enough to realize he'd found something.

"The last one of them is in Azkaban… that's it." Veronica offered up unhelpfully, that tidbit of information being one already known to him thanks to Corene.

"Yes she's right, Morfan or Morfen Gaunt, whatever his name is, got caught killing some muggles. Besides that, I think they used to be powerful a few generations back and started to wane for the last century or two before their extinguishing." That was more useful than Veronica had been at least.

They all waited for Sarah to say anything and saw the girl was looking across the table watching the Prewett brothers mucking about.

"Sarah? Anything to add?" Harry asked without acknowledgement.

Veronica narrowed her eyes at Marcus and turned towards the lone Hufflepuff at the table, jabbing a finger into the girl's side after a second of waiting.

Sarah jolted and turned to look at Weasley, her words were muted but he could read her lips fine. 'Have you finally gone barmy?' was what she'd said.

Weasley whipped around and raised her finger at Marcus. "Aha! I knew you hadn't mastered it yet! You didn't include Sarah, you great big dolt!"

Marcus hung his head and started mumbling while waving his wand under the table. As soon as he'd finished, they all heard Sarah's voice, "How rude!"

Instantly Veronica turned on the two boys, turning towards them while putting Sarah behind her. "Yeah Marcus, how rude of you to exclude Sarah!"

A squeak came from the Weasley as she scooched in the seat towards Marcus while rubbing her side.

Sarah was waving around a finger menacingly. "And you too, Veronica! That poke was hardly light or necessary! Shake my shoulder when you want me!"

Deciding he should spare the two others from any more angry Hufflepuff outbursts, Harry leaned forward so the girl could see his head and spoke, "Sarah, think you could help me out? These two had a little bit of information to give but I figured if anybody would know it'd be you."

Abruptly she stopped her scolding of the two between them. "Aw, thanks Harry, who were you asking about?"

"House Gaunt. So far we know their House used to be powerful and the last member is in Azkaban after murdering muggles." Paraphrasing to some degree but Harry figured she'd get the gist of it.

She stood up and made her way over to Harry's other side, causing Veronica, Marcus and him to slide down to where she'd been sitting. Once she took the seat and everyone had slid around their food, she answered.

"Didn't want to raise my voice this early in the morning, my mother says it can cause undue stress on the body," Veronica laughed but tried covering it in a cough while Harry and Marcus remained composed. Sarah gave the other girl in the group a glare before returning to her words, "House Gaunt was politically one of the strongest back two-hundred and twenty years, give or take a decade on that end date. After that, they'd been faced with a sudden spike in squibs, resulting in a loss of magical power when push went to shove. Not too long after that increase, the Lord who'd taken over the House collected a debt due to the constant bribes he was giving out while trying to keep the family relevant. It was so bad they sold their two manors and the other remaining properties they had until they were left in only the ancestral home. Even that would eventually be sold to cover their families backs, not that it'd help them last more than another two or three years. Once all of that was gone, so was the last of their power until the family faded into obscurity a good two or three decades ago."

Harry, Marcus and Veronica were all looking at Sarah in awe, the foremost one replying to the Hufflepuff.

"You remembered all of that information regarding a collapsed family?"

Sarah laughed at him, taking a drink of pumpkin juice before responding with a slight blush adorning her features.

"I may be way too engrossed in history… and the family might not be collapsed"

That was an understatement she'd made at the start and a shocker she'd ended with.

"What do you mean they might not have collapsed? Everyone and their mum know that bloke in Azkaban was the last of their line." Veronica added in after taking a much larger drink of her morning juice of choice.

"Well, they have two members of the family missing with their fate unknown to this day," Sarah said it so matter a factly that he'd thought she was joking.

"Missing for how long?" Marcus questioned, looking interested. Harry nodded along, it was a good question to follow up with and for whatever reason hadn't bounced around in his mind.

"A little over three decades I think was the more recent of the two, as for the second, that one was fifty years ago or close enough to," Sarah answered as if she'd been reading the answer over their shoulders.

"Dead by now, where else in Merlin's name would they be!" Veronica said loudly.

"In hiding, trying to recuperate, maybe they'll return in a few centuries," Sarah said that with as much confidence as she'd said anything else on the day, she'd even emphasized her point by looking at Harry.

"Sarah may not be wrong, think about it, what did Peverell's family do?" Marcus said that while tapping on both Harry and Veronica's backs.

"How many times has a family not come back? Peverell's an exception, not a new model for families to imitate." Veronica didn't seem to buy into Sarah's theory at all, changing the subject matter as soon as she'd finished the prior sentence, "Forget about them anyway, no matter what they're doing or who they are, we're not going to know by sitting here. What we can know though, is how much better the Arrows have gotten!"

Marcus let his head fall onto the table while Sarah sighed, Harry looked between them both in question and the latter only shook her head at him.

Veronica noticed the look too and took it as a question. "Know anything about Quidditch mate?" Harry took a second to laugh in his mind at how similar this scenario was to the time he belonged in, that time was sufficient enough for Veronica to take that as a yes and she started on a whole tirade, "My team is the Appleby Arrows, ranked eighth last year - luckily they got a new star player, Troy O'N-"

Harry tuned out and realized just why the other two had given up.

"… That's why the Arrows moved up to third in the league! Highest they've ever been when you're not counting alphabetical order!" Veronica laughed at her joke, guzzled the remainder of her bacon and stood up from her seat.

That move signalled to the other occupants of the table that the mealtime was done and they could finally be spared from all of the Quidditch talks the Weasley girl had given. After such an in-depth conversation, Harry didn't have to wait around the decades to realize who this woman would eventually be the grandmother too. He only hoped he could spare his poor friend the fate of becoming a Cannon's fan.

"See you in class on Monday, Harry!" Sarah said to him while waving goodbye from among her group, the others also giving him different forms of farewells of which he returned as they walked off with him still seated comfortably at their table.

It felt a bit weird or unnatural now, being seated at Gryffindor table. He'd never have thought only after a month it would feel that way, but for whatever reason, it did. Perhaps Riddle's time spent with him along with the influence those in her group provided was rubbing off on him.

Right behind him a body suddenly collided with his back, sending him slightly forward while a loud thud sound could be heard. Whoever it had been that ran into him hadn't fallen, no, it was more similar to a heavy book or tome hitting the ground.

Harry turned around as fast as he'd recovered from the small hit and saw a thin-looking boy from his own house, one that he wasn't at all familiar with.

Said boy met Harry's gaze with an unimpressed look, motioning downwards with his eyes towards the book the sound had come from. When he saw Harry glance at it for a second before jumping back to him, he leaned forward to speak so only Harry could hear.

"Walburga heard you'd been looking for something about a specific family. She sends her regards and hopes to meet with you soon."

As soon as the final word exited the boy's mouth, he stood up and made his way towards the exit of the Great Hall without even a look over his shoulder. Harry knew better than to look towards the Slytherin table but failed to resist the urge; when he caved, he saw Walburga staring directly at him, she even winked upon noticing his eyes. Riddle's words flashed in his mind as did the early question of an 'engagement' with the girl, both signs were sufficient enough in making him look away from the daughter of House Black.

What replaced her in his sight was the book that'd been 'dropped' below him. He picked it up, taking in the title, he saw it was a homemade or private book rather than a published one.

'Gaunt, Gone and Forgotten, a complete History'

Why anybody would have a book made over the decline of one family, Harry wasn't sure. Maybe they had been that powerful or influential in history as to warrant a book on them, maybe it was a man paranoid or interested in the family. Whoever had gone through the trouble of learning about this family, the book was now in his hand as was hopefully the answer to who that girl had been. Harry feared that if this book didn't contain some sort of family tree, he'd never find one.

His hand reached for the first page and he halted it a second later. Hogwarts' Great Hall was no place to read the contents of the book, it could have important matters or knowledge not meant for the public!

But would it hurt in reading the first page? To get a feel for the book and how well it was written?

Harry placed his hand on the book and with his thumb, readied himself to open to that first page that he was so curious about. Right before he did it, Harry forced back his hand and dropped the book back towards the ground while shaking his head.

For the time it was in his hand, he'd gotten engrossed in it, far too engrossed for it to be natural. Walburga had charmed it, she must have or why else would he have reached for it twice without wanting to? He knew better than to read it in the Great Hall, one could never focus in such a noisy environment!

Frustration boiled over as he brought his hand to the bridge of his nose and pinched. Of course, the moment he received a book that could contain the answers to some if not most of his questions in regards to the Gaunt family and possibly the Slytherin Study, it'd been charmed and likely cursed by somebody who could be trying to trick him into Marriage or worse. Why could nothing ever be cut and dry? Point a to point b.

He blamed the being that'd sent him here.

Harry recollected himself and using a napkin, wrapped the book in it before placing it in his satchel. He'd not be risking another look at it until he figured out what was on it and how to remove it.

Maybe Corene would know, Marcus and Sarah he would check with next. After all, Carrow was likely feeling generous towards him after the number of sweets he'd gotten for her.

Yes, she would be the one he'd visit… after he headed to Slytherin's Study again.

Harry had slipped down into the dungeons after breakfast, being extremely observant due to his wanting of privacy. It'd truly be horrible if one of Riddle's followers or one of Walburga's found the place he'd made his private getaway. Marcus or Sarah finding him acting as suspicious as he figured would be bad too, but they wouldn't fully understand the sentiment, or at least he hoped they wouldn't.

Harry ducked into the classroom before the one containing the study and took a seat. Should anybody be following him, they'd end up joining him in this empty and dust-covered room. Additionally, if anybody else was using Slytherin's study, Harry would hopefully hear them - there was always the chance that unlike him, they knew enough magic to make their presence fully undetectable.

Ten minutes turned to twenty and Harry stood up from the seat he'd chosen quietly - not a single sound had been heard in his meditative stance, leading him to believe he was truly alone in the deepest depths of the Castle.

That was exactly what he wanted.

He made his way into the familiar classroom and right over to the door to the study, putting his hand to it and twisting it open with barely a pause.

What greeted him upon his doing that was the usual sight of the room. Not a thing looked to have moved since his last departure and until called upon, the portraits were once more inactive.

" Hello." Harry wasted no time in waking them, Slytherin was his very reason for coming this far into the dungeons.

" Returned a second time I see, were you able to find the answers you were seeking?"

" Yes." Harry hadn't technically lied, he'd learned a lot about the Gaunt's, just nothing about that girl in particular yet. As for the room he was currently standing in? His knowledge had grown by not even one fact or guess, it'd stagnated the moment he'd last left it.

" Congratulations then, though I must confess confusion at your return if it's not to question me."

Harry shrugged his shoulders, going over to the desk where the book and blood quill were still situated; he'd noticed the empty portrait above it quickly be filled with Slytherin.

" Tell me why I should sign this." Harry's plan, if one could call it that, was the bullheaded demand for the knowledge that could be gained from spending time in the dank-smelling area.

Salazar smiled widely, as if the man had been waiting for that very question and had heard it many times over, " Power, my dear boy, Power . Have you wished to cast without your wand? Without incantation or elaborate movement? Only having to visualize what you want to be done and with a wave of your hand, the simplest thing is completed. Maybe that doesn't interest you, perhaps you find yourself more intrigued with your natural talents and how to excel them so much that the next closest wizard or witch would be many degrees lower. Regardless of your desires, from those that I've said or gone as far as the creation of spells or rituals, whatever you wish to learn could be yours upon the signing of that book."

Harry listened completely to the spiel given and at this moment in time, he was very tempted to give in.

Slytherin's study could contain enough information to bring him close to Riddle; and quickly too!

" What does it cost? Why are you so willing to share with us? " Slytherin couldn't be this giving, Harry's heard the rumours of the man.

" No price could come close to purchasing the knowledge within these walls. I share the services of this room to descendants of mine, by blood or by right, and I share them with you, Son of House Peverell. 'Why you?', you may ask, but my reasons are my own and unless I see fit to give them when you've aged, they'll stay within the portrait of my confinement."

That had to be yet another reason House Peverell had been given to him, too many things were stacking up in owing to the house for it to be purely by chance.

" How do I know you speak the truth?" He doubted the man's words were completely honest, they couldn't be.

" There are two ways in which you can learn the truth, speak with one who has already signed their name within the book before you, or find my journal in the place where it was kept, a place so safe that it has never been found by any but my Heir's." Slytherin looked incredibly smug, likely doubting that Harry knew or had any guess as to what he was speaking with. Unfortunately for the aged wizard, he was dealing with a boy who didn't belong in this time and had knowledge of the future - a future in which he was all but forced into Slytherin's chamber of secrets.

" I see, excuse me then, I will find out for myself if the words you've spoken are true. You'll not see me again until I can confirm them if ever I do." Harry dipped his head to the former founder of Hogwarts and exited the room. It'd been a short conversation and a long trip, but in the end, he justified it to himself.

Slytherin had unknowingly given him a place to look, Harry had hoped as much would happen and knew of which group he owed the minor victory.

After his enlightening conversation with Slytherin, Harry had milled about the Castle, content to kill time as he waited for the approaching night for his conversation with Corene. He could only hazard a guess as to what it could be about but he needn't bother, soon enough it'd be had.

During his walking, his thoughts had been entirely focused on the Chamber of Secrets and Corene, only bouncing around between the two until he'd turned the corner at one point and saw Aster tucking away into a hidden passage. When he saw that, Harry could only assume the boy was up to something no good. Spying or pranking came first within his mind, but he didn't rule out that Aster had finally snapped, going crazy within the walls of Hogwarts. Either way, whatever it was didn't likely pertain to Harry and so he knew he should leave it well enough alone. That was why he turned around and went back the way he had been coming from… a few seconds back that way and Harry cursed, he was too curious.

Seeing Aster using a passage and being sneaky gave Harry only one true course of action.

He followed the boy through the secret pass.

Aster hadn't gone anywhere when he'd entered and instead, sat within the very walls of the castle.

"You alright mate?"

Rosier nodded his head sadly.

Harry'd never seen the boy act down before and attempted to see what was wrong.

Aster's response nearly had him in stitches.

"Riddle said no more wizarding chess until I take our classes seriously."

After composing himself so as to avoid hurting the other boy's feelings, Harry patted him on the shoulder. "Don't you worry, I'll speak with her and get you back to playing in no time."

"Thanks, mate." Aster stood up and returned the pats on the shoulder to Harry, leaving the entrance after doing so.

Harry followed after Rosier and as they both began going their separate ways, Harry asked for a favour, "Could you draw me a map or put on parchment all of the shortcuts you know? Ones like these could help me quite a bit."

Aster nodded back to him, "Get me back my chess rights and I can give you the world Pev."

Out of all the things he'd been told since returning to the timeline and with the knowledge he had, that was towards the middle on the scale of believability.

That interaction with Aster had been the only eventful thing to happen on the rest of his day before he spoke with Corene. He didn't know why that was, but he supposed life at Hogwarts when one wasn't the boy-who-lived was far easier and much more mundane.

By the time Harry had begun making his way to the Dungeons for the conversation with Corene as she'd requested, it'd been night for a little over an hour - that didn't mean he was concerned with being late, she'd told him to speak with her in the evening and he would do just that. His reasoning for not arriving early was for the sole fact of not appearing too interested or desperate, Aster had taught him that and from what he'd seen before, it could be believable.

Harry laughed and shook his head, taking the remaining steps to the Slytherin entrance while doing so; his last thought before entering to speak with Carrow had been just how brilliant but foolish Aster Rosier could be.

"Hey Pev, Carrow is waiting for you across from our usual chest table like she always does." Reinhard's voice greeted him upon his entering.

"Pev! Pev, I got a question for you mate." Aster looked incredibly suspicious at that moment, causing Harry to unconsciously take a step backwards.

It didn't escape his sight that Reinhard brought a hand to either ear and closed his eyes.

"What is it… ?" Harry asked, fingering his wand.

"Does Carrown you?" Aster winked and wiggled his eyebrows the moment he'd spoken.

Harry brought a hand to the bridge of his nose and pinched it in annoyance; he didn't need to respond to that, he wouldn't respond to that… he didn't respond to that. He instead walked on by Aster, who was now getting a large fist on the top of his head from Reinhard, and over to Corene.

When he entered within a few feet of her, the ambient noise of the room completely disappeared from notice and only her very soft breathing could be heard.

She raised her gaze at his idling form and away from the book that had been in her lap. "Hello, Harry."

He smiled at her, "Hi Corene, had a good day?"

Corene dipped her head once. "Yes, it was wonderfully bland after our conversation this morning."

He snorted, her way of saying things was just so utterly different from how he and his mates in Gryffindor typical did.

"That sounds fun, I'd gotten to spend a large amount of time with our two friends. Totally opposite to any blandness, really."

Corene smiled, getting her to laugh was always a difficult feat. "Well, before you go thinking this is anything revelatory or crazy, I just wanted to thank you again for this morning. I hadn't expected you to get me anything and if you had, I thought it would be at most a singular box. My surprise can not be overstated when you'd come down with the amount that you had, not to mention the wonderful gesture with the chocolate roll."

Harry smiled awkwardly, not liking or being used to such a heavy-handed thank you. "Corene, you've been incredibly helpful, hard not to want to do something like that for you."

"I want to thank you," Corene stopped to glare at him when it looked like he'd been about to speak, it shut him up and let her continue, "I know you hadn't expected or wanted anything in return, but that doesn't remove the invitation in which I'm about to give. Think of it as my gift to you, should you need a reason to justify it."

He nodded in understanding at her words and the girl dipped her head once in acknowledgement as she spoke again.

"My family usually hosts an elaborate and very formal get together over the course of Yule, normally I play the hostess in hopes of learning to do so as well as my mother does. But this year, I'd like to enjoy the festivities for a change and to do so, I would require a partner for a night. I realize this may sound selfish, but it would prove beneficial to you as well; anybody who's anybody will be visiting."

Harry took Corene's offer with a grain of salt, on the one hand, she was right in saying that it could be incredibly beneficial for him. He'd have the ability to make contacts, see the power players themselves and maybe make a few allies in this world. Either way, he'd not dedicate himself to one option or the other just yet.

"Thank you, Corene. It's a bit soon for me to respond, as you know, but I won't make you wait overly long for my choice."

"That's quite alright. When you know what you'd like to do, simply tell me and I'll write home," Corene dipped her head respectfully again before smiling somewhere behind him, with her eyes still looking at whatever it was that was over his shoulder, she spoke, "Now, did you hear what happened to Aster earlier?"

Harry figured it out immediately who had likely been behind him and shook his head, leave it to Aster to cut into a serious conversation.

That'd been the point that Harry felt Corene was finally comfortable in his presence, for as the night went on they'd spent it together finally as friends instead of classmates. Her movements were more relaxed, her posture lest straight and her emotions easier to read if still lacking in comparison to others.

Laughing with Aster, Corene and Reinhard into the late hours of night made him feel like he was back in Gryffindor Tower; with the friends he'd met years ago and that were now decades from existence.