Chapter 35: A Slug Club Evening

January 28, 1943

Friday Evening

Today marked the second meeting of Slughorn's Club that Harry would be attending, though unlike the first, it would be a majority of Hogwarts students with only minimal outside inclusion. Slughorn had told his favourites, as Harry called those in attendance, that this was to ensure bonds were built among the group. Harry wasn't sure if the man had a plan that fell through, another specific goal in mind or if he simply wanted to watch no small amount of drama unfold, because he had to know with the differences of those attending that something was bound to happen.

You couldn't exactly put Elaine in the same room as Marcus Potter, or Corene in the same room as some Muggleborn wizard without expecting confrontation - they were too different, the houses only made such differences worse with most of those like-minded individuals being sorted together and forming their own cliques. Harry recalled the small group of Gryffindors consisting mainly of Purebloods that tended to stay away from Marcus' group as a prime example. Houses be damned, those with similar ideals that conflicted with most of their houses at large would form their own sub-houses of a sort.

As unfortunate and stupid as that was, Harry couldn't help but feel he'd done something similar during his time in the future. He'd put himself in a faction with Hermione and Ron, spending his time with those that fit within the trios likes; Luna, Neville, Susan, all of those they'd included were those of similar thinking and views.

How Slughorn managed to have as many connections as Harry knew he did, as differing as they were and lacking a single confrontation during the last event was a mystery to the boy. Even as he stood in the entrance observing the multitude of his peers and the few guests in attendance interact.

"Harry Peverell!" Slughorn's voice greeted, the large man having come over during Harry's observance. "Do come in, do come in, I've told a good few friends you'd be here this evening - not to worry, they'll not be nearly as formal or stiff as the last time, only the drinks are stiff this time around!" Slughorn laughed and nodded to Harry to follow after him.

Harry said a quick greeting to the man and did as requested, following after him to a table in the far right corner with a thin curtain separating it from the room at large.

During the walk as Slughorn said passing greetings or remarks to those they were moved by, Harry took in the sheer difference the room held this time around; gone were the banquet tables filled with food and drink, the dozens of butlers with refreshments being carried around the room for serving with a moments notice, the Auror presence for the sake of security when the highly important guests had visited.

In their places were far less grandiose designs.

Smaller, wooden tables with covers thrown over them held the snacks and pitchers filled with any drink you'd like. Butlers had been replaced in favour of floating stands with the same type of refreshments from before, likely kept up by house-elves or servants out of sight. Auror presence was outright gone, the lack of any Ministry officials or an overwhelmingly large crowd deeming said presence unnecessary.

When it came down to style, the pillars looked to have less intricate carvings on them, the torches no longer flickered different colours in favour of holding the same Slytherin green that the House's common room did, the curtains about the room were simply made with less woven designs or custom looks to each one than their predecessors.

"Sorry about that, Harry! Always find myself drawn into every conversation that I'm passing by - comes with the territory, I'd suppose!" - Slughorn laughed and gestured for Harry to take the seat across him, there was only one left after the two men sat down - "I do hope we can converse for some time this evening, tomorrow being a Hogsmeade trip as it is I'll not be too surprised if you choose heading off early in favour of being well-rested for your date… with my finest student in decades of teaching, might I add! "

Harry remembered the promise of a Hogsmeade trip Elaine had gotten from him, and without showing any outward signs of the hesitance he was feeling, he smiled along with the man's words.

"Elaine's wonderful sir, really. Though I have to ask considering the vastness of famous people I've heard passed through these halls under your tutelage, is she truly the finest student you've ever taught? I know she's very talented when it comes to Defence Against the Dark Arts and Potions," Harry hoped his blatant attempt at fishing wouldn't be all that easily read, though if it were, he figured he'd add a follow-up remark in case it helped have the man loosen his lips. "Visiting her over Yule showed me as much too, I hope to have her over Peverell Manor sometime in the future - I'm sure you'd be a welcome guest during the summer too, Professor, so long as you'd be interested."

Slughorn's eyes widened for such a short amount of time, Harry hadn't been sure he'd seen it in the first place. Surely being as renowned as the Peverell's were and as big a deal as his four friends had made of their visit, the offer should've made somebody as ambitious as Slughorn react outwardly… right? Harry huffed inwardly, the man was a master of social interactions, he supposed that would mean he could keep everything in check as Elaine did.

That was something he'd need to get better at, though he knew he'd improved since his earlier time spent back in time as he was.

"That would be marvellous! Visiting the ancestral home of a family as storied as yours would be a great honour, one I'm sure I'd never forget throughout what remains of my long life," Slughorn paused for a large sip of firewhiskey, Ogden's if he wasn't mistaken, and then he continued. "You're spot on with Elaine being truly phenomenal with those two courses, I dare say I remember her setting record marks on various subjects throughout her years here. From Arithmancy to Potions, all that she's taken have shown tremendous results."

Harry pressed further, taking a sip of a fruit-tasting wine to wet his throat before doing so.

"I can't imagine how much time she spends reading and practising, especially with how far ahead she is when it comes to Defence Against the Dark Arts - I'd say Potions too, sir, though I don't recall ever working too far ahead on that subject with her."

Slughorn chuckled and patted his stomach with one hand as the other went for some fish-looking snack.

"Not to worry, not to worry. Elaine's talent, as innate as it seems to be, comes with no small amount of after-class practice under myself or additional assignments from other Professors. Rarely do we see a young and upcoming talent such as her show such a strong drive in addition to the natural gifts they hold! You'll have to ask her when she joins u- ah, never mind, here she comes now!" Slughorn got up a bit too quickly, his bulk slamming the table and nearly causing Harry's wine to spill out of his glass in favour of his lap as the man motioned Elaine over to the pair of them through the curtain.

Harry overheard the large man speaking quickly to no small number of hopeful peers that surrounded him as soon as he'd made his exit from the curtained-off table. None of them were given too much attention by the name, not as he rushed to see Elaine, his self-proclaimed 'best' student.

Being that as it was, with the girl just having entered the party dressed as immaculately as ever, Harry was left to his thoughts as Slughorn ran off to entertain her for Merlin only knew how long. He knew she'd come to him, she always did, Slughorn would likely return too; in five minutes, ten minutes, twenty minutes… ultimately, however long they took would be up to Elaine.

That wasn't necessarily bad for Harry though, it meant he was given the chance to speak with a few people nearby, namely the one man on the outskirts of Slughorn's party that had greatly intrigued him. One he'd very nearly mistaken for Dumbledore, only the man he remembered him to be in his time rather than the younger albeit more tired, stressed looking one he'd come to see.

Harry figured the man was someone of importance, he wouldn't be at the party if he wasn't. Thus, with that as his thinking, he downed the remainder of liquid in his glass and took the few steps past the curtain required until he stood a few feet from the aged man. During the time it took Harry to get nearer the man, he observed his slouched posture, expensive-looking rings and a runic-style tattoo long since wrinkled on the back of his neck. All that did was make Harry more curious as to who he was and what he did.

"Excuse me, sir?" Harry said slowly and politely.

"Harry Peverell, isn't it?" The Old Man said, not turning to look towards Harry. "Your presence here is something else, isn't it? My successor was wise indeed in his choice of inviting you - tell me, does your family still engage in muggle-hunting?"

Harry coughed at the lattermost question he was given, no recollection of such an activity having been found in the Peverell home or library. The Old Man's comments regarding his successor - Slughorn, Harry assumed - as well as the one about his general presence put him further on edge.

Did the man know he shouldn't be here or was he talking about the last name he bore?

"Ah, I suppose such a question is impolite, not that I'd know what conversations take place in these halls anymore," This time, the Old Man's voice sounded disgruntled and tired. "Do go on and ask what you'd come to, I've not an entire evening to speak with the youths as young Horace does. "

Young Horace, Harry repeated in his mind, the absurdity of the grey-hair giant of a man being called young nearly making him chuckle. He reigned the urge in though, and got on with his asking the older man what he'd come to while Slughorn busied himself worrying over Elaine… he didn't know why, but it irked him to some degree.

"Sorry, Mister…" Harry trailed off in hopes the man would supply his name, and after nearly one whole minute of waiting, he did.

"Alfred Slughorn," The Old Man, Alfred Slughorn as Harry now knew him as, said - even then, the man was still watching Professor Slughorn moving about the room, an odd mingling of disgruntlement and appeasement visible on his face.

"Mister Slughorn… would you mind if I kept you company until Professor Slughorn returns? Your tattoo, the runic one on the back of your neck has me curious to the origins and intricacies of it," Harry injected confidence into his tone, more than he'd felt at the moment, and he only hoped the man would take to it kindly rather than angrily or grumpily as his posture suggested.

Alfred finally glanced at Harry, the look lasting for all of a few seconds before it went back to Professor Slughorn. Harry thought that was it, that he'd blown his chances of conversation with the man, but then, he spoke.

"Not many your age care much about Arithmancy or Runes, the former being needed for the latter. Tell me, Master Peverell, do you know much about either of them?" Alfred's tone was more neutral than Harry had heard yet, and the second glance he shot at him for an equally short amount of time raised the boy's hopes.

Maybe, just maybe, his observation before diving into conversation with the man who could turn out to be Horace's father had helped him out.

"Not as much as I'd like to, but I'm learning. As you could imagine, my education prior to my family's reemergence in regards to Arithmancy and Runes is extremely outdated, much of the shortcuts used now are ones I'd not seen before," Harry's words were nearly pure waffle - he'd never done Arithmancy or Runes before being sent back in time, though that lack of experience could help him in times he needed to show the ignorance he still had in regards to much of the Wizarding World.

"Much changes in a decade, let alone the passing of centuries," Alfred responded. "What causes your interest in the two subjects of my former mastery? Most take up fields that're exclusively self-serving, Runes are far from such a thing."

"Wards," Harry responded immediately. "Wards, sir. I'd heard what they could accomplish, from defensive barriers around homes, alarm systems around a perimeter or something so simple as a noise being made upon the arrival of a living creature."

Alfred cut Harry off then, a small smirk on his lips as he watched Elaine leave his son in favour of walking towards the two of them.

"Not entirely self-serving then, good lad. Focusing on others before you've focused on yourself is a mistake you youngsters tend to make all too often - now, I'm off, an early night calls to me. Do correspond some time, my son can take your letters. Goodnight, Harry Peverell."

Harry only had the time to bid the man a goodnight in return before he was gone and Elaine was in his place; the man who'd followed her around since her arrival, Professor Slughorn, had ended up metaphorically tied down in a horde of eager to converse students.

"You spoke with Professor Slughorn's father," Elaine stated, looking towards where the man had only just been standing. "Good evening too, lest I forget to bid you one at all. Such a thing would reflect horribly on my status as your girlfriend."

"It's only the two of us, I don't think you'll need to worry about anyone noticing you'd not greeted me, and yes, I spoke with Professor Slughorn's father," Harry responded, his eyes flickering between watching Elaine's face and Professor Slughorn as he attempted in making his way over to the pair of them.

"He's not much for idle conversation, embarrassing as it is to admit, I struggled to get half a dozen words from him over the course of five minutes," Elaine's face, which only he could see with her back to the crowd as it was, showed anger. "You'll have to tell me what topics came up as you conversed, though it couldn't have been much if he'd only been with you for the few minutes that I saw."

"I can tell you after the party, it's nothing special, just figured we should get bouncing around the room before Slughorn gets us behind the curtains for the evening," Harry would tell her that he'd discussed the two subjects with Slughorn's father, he'd include the man's initial response too… as for the future correspondence, that could stay secret.

Elaine cocked her head, and only now, up close as she was, did Harry clock her appearance more than just the dress she wore.

Her cheeks, naturally pale as they were, now had a permanent blush from the makeup she wore. In addition to that change that already increased her beauty tenfold, around her eyes was a dark liner that gave her a sinister and fairly alluring look on account of her already near-black eyes. Pink lipstick that matched her usual blush shade and her perfectly straightened black hair were the final touches of perfection.

"Lost, Harry?" Elaine questioned, one eyebrow raised as a hand traced her neckline, bringing his attention to two prominent features she had. "I'll admit, your open staring certainly pleases me in more than one way, though for your sake, I'd suggest you stop. It wouldn't be pleasant having comments floating about the castle after this evening that you'd ogled me as openly as you have - boys so easily charmed only give credit to rumours of love potions or other means that ensnared them more than the natural beauty the girl in question possesses."

He nodded his head a few times, annoyed with himself for getting lost in her appearance. Elaine, as friendly as she'd shown herself to be, was still a girl who inspired fear in their housemates. Such a thing didn't happen by mistake, no, there was a reason the likes of Abraxas and Yaxley feared her. Aster's remark about it being near-impossible to lie to her only gave credit to the fact that others had tried and failed with bad repercussions; if they weren't all that bad, the boy wouldn't mind doing it if there were even a chance they could slip something past her.

"My mistake," Harry said with a smile and extension of his arm. "Was there something you'd like us to do, or could I escort you the dozen steps it'll take to get back to our table?"

"I'm more than happy to have you look all you'd like once we're alone," Elaine said, a teasing, promising look on her face. "Until such a time, however, it'll be best if we speak with one of the few guests from outside Hogwarts in attendance," - Elaine looped her arm through his, pressed herself firmly again him, and directed the two of them towards a table in the right-centre portion of the room, speaking all the while - "His name is Alexander McMacson, while not as important as the prominent guests from the last celebration, he's an upcoming Auror with a fair bit of renown for his age. It's assumed he'll be the future Director of Magical Law Enforcement in the next five years or so, your hope of becoming an Auror would make knowing him in advance quite an advantage."

"What's he done that has him so well known? Is he inherently powerful or did he handle a risky catching of a criminal?" Harry's question was asked partly out of an innate curiosity in the field they were discussing and partly to gauge the power the man held; if he was a friend of Elaine's, he could be a future enemy of Harry's.

"Senior Auror McMacson is said to have a good deal of magical power, not that I'd know without personally witnessing it. As for where he earned his renown, you could say from two tasks he'd complete," - Elaine slowed their pace so she could finish speaking without talking about the man in earshot, and in the process, she grabbed two glasses of firewhiskey from one of the nearby floating trays for the pair of them - "Fresh out of Auror training and as a Junior Auror, he went with the Auror assigned as his supervisor on a hunt for a murderer. Normally, that wouldn't happen due to the danger presented, but the place they'd been searching was said to have an almost negative chance of finding the man they were looking for. However, as it so often happens due to the degree of competence within the Ministry, the intelligence they had was entirely falsified."

Elaine paused to take a sip from her wine glass, Harry did the same, and then she redirected the two of them towards an empty table to loiter by as she picked up her tale.

" Junior Auror McMacson and his supervisor engaged the man in a duel after springing one of his traps, the latter was injured on account of his going ahead of his charge. They'd duelled for five minutes, the level of spells and ferocity slowly increasing throughout the fight until it reached its crescendo - McMacson's supervisor was killed and he was left to face the man alone. Against all odds, when the backup team of Aurors arrived on account of them not reporting back, they found him unconscious with nearly a dozen injuries sustained, but he'd killed the fugitive."

Harry spoke up then, confusion on his face as he asked his question.

"He killed him? I thought Aurors were supposed to take somebody in or extend the fight until more arrived to help them do so?"

Elaine shook her head and laughed.

"Why wouldn't they snuff out the life of a murderer or otherwise violent criminal? No regard for fellow magical persons is given, not by the likes of them, so are they deserving of that same care themselves? I think not, and as it stands, deadly force is authorised so long as it's matching but not exceeding the force they meet - no more interruptions until I've finished now, then, you can ask me a question or two before we go visit our guest. Don't forget this is for your sake far more so than it is for mine, Harry ."

Harry gave Elaine a look that conveyed how he felt being told to quiet down, especially when she invoked his name in a manner that reminded him of a woman scolding a child. How she considered him her equal when she spoke down such as she currently was confused him, you didn't speak down to those you thought were equivalent to you. Merlin, if you weren't a bad person, you didn't speak down to anybody.

Elaine smiled widely at him, showing off her teeth and the dimples that formed. Clearly, she was amused by his reaction, at least she didn't hold that look too long before she picked up again.

"His second instance of strength and skill that earned him a position as a Senior Auror with the help of nepotism happened half a year ago - shortly before you'd arrived. He took on and defeated a smuggling ring that dealt in muggle items, banned magical items, magical creatures as well as those with near-human intelligence too. Auror McMacson went undercover for nearly six months with the use of Polyjuice potions to gain their trust and then he single-handedly took the whole operation down thanks to a damsel in distress that he was too noble to leave behind," Elaine's face contorted, though not into the look of disgusts Harry would've figured, more into one of confusion with another unreadable emotion swirling within. "For whatever reason, he deemed the safety of the girl of equal importance to his own as well as the assignment as a whole and risked everything to save her. Ironically, that selfless or selfish action, depending on who you ask, cost him support from traditionalists who'd supported him while raising massively the support of those newer members of the Wizengamot."

Harry waited for more, but she didn't say anything. Instead, she took a slow sip from her glass and sighed happily as the alcoholic liquid went down her throat.

"Ah, wonderful. I tend not to drink all that often, it's horrible for the senses and body, though I suppose with magic coursing through our veins there's nothing we can't undo," Elaine took another drink, this time swiping her tongue across her bottom lip while maintaining eye contact with him. "It's very sweet, you should taste it."

He wasn't sure if she meant her lips or his glass, the former thought coming from the hormonal side of him that held no small amount of control over his actions, much as it inconvenienced him. Kissing pretty witches or otherwise getting affection from them was a weakness he'd not be gaining control over until he had enough experience with it.

"I will, but could I ask you something first? If you're finished, that is, the stories of Auror McMacson are very interesting."

Elaine arched a brow and motioned for him to speak, so he did.

"If he's lost support from those who'd initially been in his corner and gained some back from those who'd initially not supported him all that well, how's he advancing as rapidly as he has? Surely they'd see he couldn't be controlled or guided all that well, which is something I imagine most anyone in the Ministry isn't all that fond of," Harry finished with his eyes locked on Elaine's, he hoped to catch any expression that she pulled if any was given.

He should've known better considering who he stood across from, Elaine's emotions would only show if she wanted them too - there were no guarantees the ones that were visualized were her true feelings either. Harry had seen how quickly her visage could shift determined by who was near or interacting with her, the last Slug Club meeting especially had been a great example of that.

"That's a very good question that I could only theorise the answer to," Elaine said, smiling at him and nabbing a small pastry from a floating tray that'd come closer to her.

"Will you?" Harry asked.

"Hmm? Will I do what, Harry?" Elaine asked back, a teasing grin on her face as she bit her lower lip.

"Never mind," He shrugged, thinking internally there were other sources of information - Corene and Sarah coming to mind first. "Should we go and speak with him then? I don't imagine Professor Slughorn will be busy forever."

"He'll take longer than you'd think to get to us, the lack of meetings this year will see to it that the ones he does end up hosting last longer than advertised. Every conversation held by our wonderful host will extend equally as long as the party as a whole does," Elaine said factually as if the reason she'd given had been told to her rather than something she guessed at.

Harry supposed she'd been to a fair few Slug Club meetings before, so it wouldn't be entirely mad if she could predict how gatherings like this went. Still, Harry would rather not stay past curfew when Prefects, the Head Boy and especially, the Head Girl, would be out. Giving Abraxas any reason to stop him and issue some form of punishment would be absolutely horrible. On the off chance Elaine could stop the boy from doing as much, what power did she have over the other Prefects or the Staff monitoring the halls?

He knew for certain that Mulciber, the Head Boy, was firmly in Walburga's pocket; Daphne, the Head Girl, was likely to punish him regardless of what Elaine wanted, only she and Corene expressed all that much autonomy within Elaine's circle.

Elaine must've read what he was thinking based on his expression, he certainly hadn't felt a probe in his very strong Occlumency shields as he had before. For, as he'd come out of his quick thinking about her words, he saw how she'd tilted her head with that same teasing smile she'd worn earlier.

"Worried about being out past curfew? You know I could easily ensure neither of us was caught, though I'd suspect my needing to do so isn't needed - Slughorn always writes excusals should one of his guests be intercepted, his gatherings wouldn't be half as populated as they are if there were punishments for those caught out once they'd ended," - Elaine grabbed his hand, pulled him closer and looped his arm through hers - "We'll go to speak with that man now, I don't think it'll be all that long considering his being a fan of few words. Professor Slughorn doesn't tend to speak about anything serious until the final few meetings either, and I have it on good faith there'll be two or three after this one passes."

Harry didn't respond to her teasing in regards to his curfew worries, nor did he reply to either of her statements; he did make sure to remember the information she'd given him though, especially the bit regarding Slughorn. If the man wanted to get in Harry's good graces and visit the Peverell home, he'd need to be willing to help Harry with the information he needed.

Starting with that which was relevant to Elaine.

"Good evening, Senior Auror McMacson," Harry greeted. "I'm Harry Peverell, I'm sure you've already met my date for the evening, Elaine Riddle."

Elaine did a beautifully fluent curtsey, smiled shyly and greeted the man politely. Harry wasn't at all surprised by how demure she could be, her affinity with manipulation had been something he'd seen early and often. Her counterpart in his world was said to have that same level of charm too, Harry remembered the stories where the man had talked family into fighting family.

"I have, Elaine's the talk of many in the educational section of the Ministry - I check in with them once every so often, it's good to see the potential Aurors as they rise," McMacson looked at Harry appraisingly as he made that remark. "Speaking of potential Aurors, I've heard you could potentially be one upon your graduation, assuming you don't return to a life of privacy with the rest of your family."

Harry nodded a few times.

"Becoming an Auror is certainly something that's fascinated me. I couldn't begin to tell you if I'd be perfect at the job or anything of the sort, but I'd like to give it a try once I'm out of Hogwarts," Harry looked to Elaine briefly, turning his head back to McMacson seconds after. "Elaine's helped me a fair bit too, there's no small amount of differences from what I was used to."

Elaine smiled at Harry and pressed herself further into his side.

"Thank you," She started, "Though I can't claim the entirety of the credit, your innate intellectual capacity and the quickness in which you learn spells is astounding. To think you'd gone from knowing next to nothing in Arithmancy and Ancient Runes to achieving a moderate proficiency in half a school year especially shows your gift with magic."

McMacson looked between the two with an openly happy, romantic smile on his face - Harry had seen that look from Missus Weasley often enough, though then, it'd been between him and Ginny.

"I think the two of you together could do a great many things if you're as naturally gifted as you make one another out to be," McMacson's smile grew as he took in a deep breath and looked towards a woman who'd just entered the room. "My wife's here, finally, I hate to dash on a conversation but I fear I'll be on the couch again if I miss her! Before I go though, Elaine, are you still in line for that position within the Ministry?"

Elaine smiled and nodded her head once.


McMacson seemed pleased to hear her answer, and then he turned to Harry.

"If you're seriously, moderately or even somewhat considering being an Auror, visit me at my office. Young blood's needed for the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, especially those with sound moral character and talent to boot. I'll be watching you with incredible interest… so long as you don't refer to me as anything but Alexander going forward," McMacson had one of the friendliest expressions on his face when he finished speaking, and to further that, he'd held out his hand to Harry.

Harry took a half step forward to close the gap, grabbed hold of the man's hand to shake it, and responded during the process.

"I'm pretty serious about it, and thank you, Alexander. It was very nice meeting you."

Alexander nodded his head a few more times and mumbled something under his breath that sounded like ' Definitely has potential '. Following that, the man kissed Elaine's hand, apologised once more for needing to leave, and made his exit from the couple.

Not too long after that'd happened, Harry found himself walking alongside Elaine until the pair of them were back at the table he'd started his evening off with Slughorn. Unsurprisingly, as soon as the two of them were seated at that table with fresh drinks and snacks served by those floating trays or the very rare butler, Professor Slughorn made his appearance in a much more… colourful state than he'd been in before.

"Sorry about that, you two! Fancied meself a conversation with an old colleague and then found myself deep in my glasses as I spoke with the rest of these lovely guests!" Slughorn half sat, half fell into the chair he'd pulled out. "Why do-don't we get to business then? We'll start by discussing the newest bill on the Wizengamot floor, the one in regards to Centaurs losing a tenth of their land - Elaine, why don't you start us… us off! Merlin's beard!"

Elaine dipped her head respectfully all the while side-eying Harry.

"Of course, sir."

Elaine had been right that they'd not be talking about anything serious this evening - there wasn't any chance with how drunk their Professor was. Ah well, at least Harry had gleaned information in regards to Elaine's marks and found a contact at the Ministry that didn't seem enthralled with his girlfriend.

As it turned out, Elaine had been right at least twice that evening.

Harry had planned to wait to leave alongside Elaine so the girl wouldn't speak with Slughorn alone, despite his inebriated state. That plan had been thrown for a loop when it was her that retired early on account of needing to finish a paper before he took her to Hogsmeade. He wasn't sure if she'd been truthful, or if she'd had something else that needed doing, but he'd been left with Slughorn for the last half hour of the gathering.

He had hoped to learn something, anything, useful with the time he'd been allotted. Unfortunately, as the evening went on and on, so too did the drinks - by the time Harry had left his Professor, he could hardly stand let alone talk coherently thanks to the amount he'd consumed.

As such, he got to where he was now; in the halls of Hogwarts with the occasional torch acting as his guide while holding a slip signed by the very man he'd just left. Sure, he could whip out his wand and cast a Lumos spell to guide him, though that was certain to alert any Prefect or Professor going by that he was 'wandering' the halls past curfew. Regardless of the slip he held in his hand, he'd be stopped and asked a few questions.

Harry wasn't in the mood for that, least of all if it were Abraxas or Daphne who caught him.

Thankfully, with the passing around every corner and the descending of stairs, the chances of him getting caught grew slimmer. It wasn't until the final half dozen or so turns until he heard the first patrolling person, they were so loud he easily waited them out until the sound was gone for him to make his move. Another few turns, when he was incredibly close to the Slytherin Common Room entrance, he heard two people coming from behind him.

One sounded female, the other, male; he guessed they were a Prefect pairing making their final rounds before tucking in for the evening.

Stuck as he was in the hall with them hot on his tail, he made a break towards the entrance as quietly as he could, and as luck would have it, or as it owed to him on account of the many times it'd had him off recently, he made it inside without encountering whoever he'd heard.

Unfortunately, the luck that'd gotten him through that event had also led him directly to Walburga and the three girls standing behind her.

Can never have an eventful night without something bad, can I? Harry mused in his mind.

"Hello Harry, I dare say it's been far too long since we last spoke," Walburga's voice was deep, like Elaine's, only it was filled with an easily decipherable false sense of warmth - with Elaine's, he always had the feeling it was true, even if it was all for show.

"Walburga," Harry greeted cordially, a small smile on his face and a relaxed posture taken thanks in large part to the alcohol coursing through him. "I don't think we've spoken since the first few weeks I'd left my home," He looked between the girls and the entrance to the boys' dorms, noticing how they'd slowly shifted to block it off. "I'm assuming there's something you'd like to speak on? That book you'd given me, maybe, though I'll admit I've not made much progress."

His tone was filled with confidence, and when he'd finished speaking, he made his way to stand behind a chair, resting one of his hands on the back of it for assistance in balance thanks to the volume he'd drank at Slughorn's behest. Bringing up the book as he had may not have been the brightest move, but beating around the bush would only prolong the conversation. Harry had no doubts that one way or another, Walburga would've gotten around to asking or telling him whatever she'd like thanks to his being caught out as he was.

That wouldn't change either, not unless the Slytherin Prefects arrived soon; assuming they're with Elaine's group… some of them opted to stay out of all large group affairs altogether, and those were the ones he'd be unable to rely on.

Walburga's eyes tracked him as he moved, the smile on her face falling slightly at his confidence or another factor he couldn't begin to guess at. It didn't matter all that much, he'd already seen through her facade easily enough, and the girls behind her were those that were always in her presence. Briefly, Harry wondered if one of the three answered to Elaine from the previous conversation they'd had regarding Walburga's group, but he decided it was unlikely with those three being her inner circle.

"You've kept yourself well under wraps, haven't you?" Walburga asked, looking over her shoulder to nod at the three girls to remain in place as she took a few steps towards him. "I'd helped you, provided information regarding Elaine that none but my family has discovered, yet you've not opened the book, have you?"

Harry's long-standing question that had been only partially answered in the past was finally answered for certain then, regardless of what Walburga's wording had been - there wasn't any way she'd know he'd not read the book unless the magic on it was meant to alert her or Corene had dobbed him in. Call it foolishness on his part, but he knew with almost one-hundred per cent certainty that Corene was bouncing between him and Elaine, Walburga didn't fit into that equation.

"What makes you say that?" He asked with his friendly, slightly drunk smile still in place.

Walburga wasn't amused by his attitude. Her smile, false as it'd been, fell from her face only to be replaced by a far less pleasant look.

"You think yourself smart, yet, you don't know the half-blood whore you're dating. Yes, I had charms amongst other magics placed on the book I'd gifted you, none of it was offensive, it would've done something to you by now if it were. I'd heard the Pevere-"

Her ranting was cut off as two people began descending the stairs of the boys' dorm, Harry hoped to Merlin it was anyone from Elaine's group, Abraxas included. Dealing with Walburga wasn't possible, not with his inebriated state and the girl's mental shifting of attitudes.

"Hey Pev, mate. Got a bird problem?" Aster's voice sounded, a deep chuckle following his words, alerting Harry to the other boy who'd come down alongside him.

"Figured we'd come down and look for you, not one to break the curfew, now are you?" Reinhard pushed past the much shorter, thinner girls until he stood beside Harry. Aster had followed in the larger boy's wake.

"Sorry, Black, Pev's needed for some urgent business elsewhere," Aster smiled, gave a small bow, and walked back whence he came with Harry following after him; Reinhard took up the rear.

Walburga stayed silent as she watched the three of them leave, her face telling him she was deep in thought despite her eyes tracking him until he couldn't see her any longer.

Harry thanked Merlin for listening - it hadn't even been Abraxas that'd come to help him!

January 29, 1943

Saturday Morning

"Hogsmeade's a wonderful place, wouldn't you agree?" Elaine asked, looking at Harry with her trademarked smile from across the table.

"Yes, Hogsmeade is pretty great," He said, returning the smile and focusing back on the food that'd been placed in front of them.

Truthfully, he was using the food they'd ordered as a distraction - the Hogsmeade trip with Elaine had started off and continued to be far too normal for his liking. From the time they'd met in the courtyard with not one person following after either of them, which was very unusual, he'd had a sense of anticipation.

He'd arrived earlier than she had for a change, wanting to ensure nothing had been set up prior to his arrival despite the public setting they'd meet in on account of the carriage rides picking students up from a centralised location. Nothing had been found by him, and more importantly, he'd been left relatively alone with not one person from her clique bothering him. Sarah's group, as well as those who'd he met from time to time through the girl, had stopped to converse with him for a few minutes each, but such was a minute thing in comparison to the in-depth conversation most of his fellow Slytherins wanted to hold; it was also political this or muggles that when they got going.

When she'd arrived, she'd walked straight past all those who she'd normally stop to speak with and made her way directly over to him. Her dress, the jewellery she wore and the styling of her hair made him thank… thank… Merlin, it was hard to say… thank Abraxas Malfoy for the assistance the boy had given him with his own dress as well as hair styling. He'd been prepared to go in a formal-enough set of dress robes that he'd received over Yule, but Abraxas had looked personally affronted by the statement.

Elaine had looked very pleased, so Harry supposed he owed Abraxas something for the assistance rendered.

Following the initial meetup of theirs, they'd boarded a carriage that held only the two of them; such was another occurrence that caused him to worry as the earlier avoidance of any within their group had. Usually, he could get out the rumours or newer information from the friends he shared with Elaine, this time, he hadn't a whiff. Then again, that was assuming all of this was wholly premeditated - he'd seen the looks Elaine sent towards those who followed after her like lost puppies when they'd started to approach the pair of them.

Harry figured once she had him alone on the carriage for a good while until they reached their destination that it was then when she'd decide to speak with him about their mutual secret in the bowels of the school. Again, he'd been wrong, as Elaine had fancied a conversation regarding Yaxley's disappearance for the first time without him being the one that brought it up. No new information had popped up in the weeks that'd passed since his reported absence, and Elaine's face was far too difficult to read, her sentences were carefully worded too.

Had he not known who she was, he'd believe her well wishes and hope that Yaxley would be discovered.

Finally, that led them to where they currently were; in a restaurant, one of the ones that no longer existed when he'd been in his time thanks to the poorer economy and lower population, eating a fancy meal while she gazed at him with that beautiful charming look of hers that he hated so very much.

"You should relax," Elaine stated suddenly, shaking him from his distracted thinking. "It's not often we get Hogsmeade trips, why bother worrying when you're on them with your beautiful girlfriend when you could be enjoying yourself?"

Harry watched Elaine take a long sip of firewhiskey, the alcoholic drink making her practically growl as she downed it.

"You're right. I've just been thinking about what you'd said during one of our previous conversations, the one regarding secrets and the more recent one about a discussion whilst we're on this trip. You're probably waiting until the evening or tomorrow, aren't you?" Harry hoped his sudden questioning caught her off guard, and for the briefest of seconds, he thought he'd seen a flicker of surprise in her eyes.

Her wide, toothy smile that followed the surprise he thought he'd seen made him question it.

"Bold today, aren't you?" Elaine's tone and the look she wore told him she found it amusing.

"Did you know I spoke with Walburga this morning? It was in the early hours of the morning, I don't recall seeing anybody else around," Harry spoke casually, finishing with a drink of water to keep his senses about him after the prior evening - how Elaine could drink again, he didn't know.

What he did know was that Elaine lost that look of amusement and the sense of teasing she'd previously had once he brought up Walburga. He hoped she'd realise now he was being serious, that he wanted answers to the questions he'd asked regardless of how inconsequential they were. It'd certainly set a better precedent if she realised he had some bite to him, her infatuation with him gave him all the confidence he needed in speaking out without fear of anything horrible happening.

He figured worst-case scenario, her jealous side would come out and they'd spend an evening snogging.

Elaine stood up from her seat, her hand slowly creeping down her side with her fingers wiggling, and began taking the few steps over to him that were needed. Harry instantly had one hand holding his withdrawn wand in case she tried anything, not that he thought she would, thanks to the huge crowd around them. Once she got to the seat beside him, her eyes dark and her cheeks flushed, she dove at him.

His immediate reaction was to slide his wand away thanks to the absence of hers and attempt to grab hold of her, though her lithe build with the quickness she'd exhibited before made it through his try at grabbing her. If anything, his attempt to stop her only pulled her more firmly against his body as she used one hand to turn his head towards her incoming face while the other steadied his hand that was still clutching his drink. If it hadn't been for her latter action, the vicious kiss filled with biting and tongue would've made him spill it, though that'd likely have been just as much his fault as it was hers.

Harry certainly hadn't expected the switch she'd taken as he thought it over while snogging the girl in the dark corner of the restaurant, the only light coming from candles and the nearby fireplace. It certainly had a romantic feel to it, other than the sheer aggressiveness, that was for sure.

He wondered if she'd done it to throw him for a loop too, as from that moment on, their Hogsmeade trip was filled with nothing but her being incredibly touchy with him while acting out a cutesie persona. As bothersome as it was, at least it gave him more time to add to the plans already in place when she confronted him about the Chamber or his ability to speak Parseltongue during this day or the following one; he wasn't stupid enough to think she'd push that off.

"Harry," Elaine said, pressing a kiss against his jaw as the two moved at a slow pace through the streets of Hogsmeade.

"Yeah?" Harry asked, not turning to face her lest she pull him into another embrace.

"Could you lead us back to the carriages? I'd very much like to show you somewhere very special to me."

He hoped he'd hid his quick intake of breath well, but with her pressed up against him peppering his face with kisses as she was, he doubted it.


Harry knew what conversation would be taking place when they made it back, and he was resolute not to follow her down into the Chamber - there wasn't a chance he'd forgotten the writing on the wall when Ginny had been taken.