Chapter 50: Return

August 27, 1944

Sunday Evening

"Yeah?" Harry asked as he casually approached her. "What'd you find then? You can tell me how you got here after that, too."

Elaine held out her hand, and in it, was a letter. One that she'd already opened by the look of things. "I can tell you how I did so after you read the letter. I'm afraid my entrance will be the least of your concerns in the coming months."

Harry didn't like the way that sounded, and so with a shake of his head at her mysterious nature, he grabbed it from her. Once he did so, he looked at Elaine again to see if he could gauge anything from her, anything at all, but she simply arched a brow and looked pointedly at the letter that was now in his right hand.

He saw her insistence and withdrew the small folded piece of parchment from within. It didn't have much writing on it, not in the slightest, but he would read it if that was what she wanted from him.

' Elaine,

It is as was predicted, his forces have moved away from the Eastern part of the continent and are amassing in Holland. Brooms are everywhere, as are their owners. Grindelwald changed his plans. I can tell you no more than this, I believe I've been found out.


"Who's Precipice?" Harry asked when he set the letter down.

Elaine shook her head with the faintest makings of a smile on her face. "You read a letter that speaks of Grindelwald moving his forces for a potential invasion, one that you spoke with me about, and you ask about the person who wrote me the letter? Come now, Harry, you should fix up your priorities considering what this means for you."

She's not entirely wrong, Harry begrudgingly admitted to himself.

"What's it mean for me, then? I've heard from two people regarding this 'invasion', but isn't it too long a ride for them on brooms?" Harry couldn't remember people making such a long ride all that often, not unless they had the fastest brooms of the time.

"Grindelwald would likely use what sway he has with the Muggles to land on one of the channel islands, then a ship if it's necessary. If he did so, it wouldn't be too tiring a ride," Elaine grabbed his hand and led him inside. "Haven't you heard that Grindelwald uses the Peverell family crest? I half thought he was a cousin of yours until you mentioned to me that you'd like to see him fall. Once you told me that, I had a couple friends of mine do some digging and I uncovered his unusual thirst for knowledge regarding the tale of the Hallows. It's not out of the realm of possibility if one were to think that he wanted you, and an invasion is certainly a way to do so."

Harry shook his head. "He'd be spotted by the Muggles, and they'd get killed. If some of them or even most of them survived, our entire Auror corps is untouched. Grindelwald's forces wouldn't stand a chance, and that's mentioning Dumbledore or other powerful people that live here."

"Dumbledore is sickly and old, Harry. Our Aurors are at full strength, you're right, but how many are veterans that could match wand for wand against a follower of the Dark Lord? I can tell you that those who fight for Grindelwald have years of experience, true experience beyond that of a rogue criminal," Elaine shook her head and seated the pair of them on a bench in one of his many hallways.

"Alright. What'd you want to do then? I don't imagine you've come here as quickly as you did without any plan or course of action to follow," Harry said plainly.

He didn't feel the need to raise scenarios only to have Elaine crush them. What he wanted was the solution, or as near a one as he could get.

"I do have a plan, and well done on observing how quickly I'd come here. Truly, you've come a long way in your perception, though I should tell you that your political brain remains… underperforming," Elaine patted his cheek when she said that, though there wasn't any real remorse with her very direct statement. "We'll allow the Aurors to fight Grindelwald's forces as best they can, and when that fight is finished, we'll do nothing."

"Why?" Harry interrupted, confused. "We should fight them alongside the Aurors, it'd give us the best chances of winning."

Elaine shook her head. "No, it wouldn't. Don't interrupt either, it's impolite of a gentleman such as yourself - especially considering that it's your girlfriend you interrupted."

Harry rolled his eyes and raised his hands. He'd wait to hear out her whole plan, though he wasn't sure he'd like it based on how she'd started.

"Our Auror force and likely volunteers from the Ministry's other departments will go to confront the invasion. They'll lose, I'm sure, and then what remains of their forces will rally the former Aurors, Trainees, Reservists, and likely Volunteers from the general public. Once that happens whilst Grindelwald is consolidating his forces, there'll be a second attack. It'll be closer, I should think, though it'll be a loss in the end - if the rumours of Grindelwald holding the Elder Wand are true," Elaine's eyes bore into his at that point, and the pause lasted for a good few seconds before she picked up again. "With a sizable portion of Grindelwald's forces dead, wounded or scattered, it'll leave him with too small a force to push into the country. I'd imagine he'd be tied down until a majority of his forces are able to move again, but he won't be afforded that opportunity. You and I, along with many of my friends and those that are under employment by them, will go in to finish off Grindelwald's forces."

When it was apparent that Elaine was finished and waiting for him to share his thoughts on the matter, he did exactly that.

"You want us to wait until two groups of people are wiped out before attacking with people who follow you, and when that happens, you want the two of us to take on the most powerful Dark Lord since Merlin only knows who?" Harry asked blandly, his eyes and tone showing just what he thought the quality of her plan was.

"Yes. Together, I should think the pair of us are unbeatable regardless of what wand he has. You should further your studying on wands that share their cores, Harry, and then you'll understand the source of my confidence," Elaine stood up and held out her hand again, when he took it, she spoke whilst leading him towards the kitchen. "Grindelwald only has a thousand or so followers, if that. Regardless of how many losses we take, the population of our country's Magicals is strong enough that it won't hinder or risk our continued existence. Think of those who lead the two attacks as heroes, for they'll be exactly that - more importantly, think of them as enabling our victory. Now, why don't we fit more practical fighting into your schedule?" Elaine shifted topics easily, she talked about the losses and potential deaths with the same air of ease as she did with the weather… It was unnerving.

Harry wasn't overly fond of that. Not with the parallels it drew to his time.

"I've just finished my prac-" He had been about to say, only, Elaine cut him off.

"Do you think you'll be given a breather whenever you'd like?" She asked with an arched brow and wide smile, the latter at odds with her serious tone. "No, you'll fight until you fall, so you'd better learn to stand for an extended period of time, my love. Come, we'll get to practising just as you'd done with Cade. I'll not go easy either, and I expect you'll avoid doing so too," Elaine kissed his cheek when she finished and just like that, he was headed back outside when he'd thought the pair of them were headed for a snack.

"Wait," Harry said right before he'd resigned himself to further training.

"Yes?" Elaine asked, the skip in her step stopping as she slowed their pace.

Harry blinked a few times, his eyes roaming her body - much to her pleasure - before they came up to settle on her face. "You never told me how you got inside."

"Oh, you're right," Elaine said, smiling at him. "Would you be angry with me if I told you it was that scarred elf of yours? Rot, I believe the creature's name was. He's an ugly and battle-hardened thing by the look of him, though he knows his superiors better than most house-elves."

Harry narrowed his eyes further at her. "Laddey's a good elf, most nearly all of them are so long as they're treated well."

"Sure," Elaine said, dipping her head and deferring to him. "If you'd like, you could order him to stop answering my call. I suppose if you did that, I'd have to rely on other means of contacting you."

I shouldn't… but I'll have to speak with Rot after, Harry thought to himself.

"No, no that's not necessary," Harry said, earning himself a smile and a lingering kiss on the lips. "I'll have Rot bring you to me whenever you call him, though I'll tell you know, that'll mean being in my bedroom or office a lot."

Elaine grinned at that, and belatedly Harry realised what he'd said, or rather, what he implied.

August 31, 1944

Thursday Evening

"Good morning, Elaine," Harry said with a yawn.

His eyes were still closed, but the presence beside him on the bed was very easily known thanks to the soft breathing and the smell. Elaine had a favourite perfume she'd use a lot of the time, it smelled of flowers and vanilla, fruit too… though that last bit could be the food that always lingered on one's breath.

"Finally awake, I see," Elaine said to him in a way of her own greeting. "You prefer to sleep in late and stay up well into the early hours of the morning a bit too much - Aster and Reinhard were bad influences on you."

Harry shook his head. He was still too tired to want to get out of the comfy confines of his bed, the exhausting training she'd made him do the last few days was entirely too much for him. He half thought she'd done rituals, ones that promised stamina or other forms of endurance, after witnessing how long she could go on.

"We've only been asleep for seven hours," Harry said with another yawn.

Elaine cocked her head and moved closer to him, one of her hands prodding his side in hopes of making him move. "That's more than enough time, especially with this being the last day that we can push this hard due to Hogwarts starting back up."

"Oh, right, Hogwarts. I'm guessing we'll be sitting with Corene, Abraxas and the rest of our closer friends?" Harry asked as he finally peeled back the covers from the pair of them.

Instantly, he missed the warmth and softness of them.

"As has always been done, we will join Professor Slughorn for a meal aboard the cart in an expanded cabin. Others will be with us until the meal ends, and when it does, the expanded cart will belong to us," Elaine rolled atop of him then, her body smooshed against his with her face barely an inch above his. "I'll let you rest another half an hour if you can do so with me where I currently am."

Harry would've moved her from where she was a month ago. Merlin, there was still the thought in the back of his mind that he should still do so regardless of his renewed commitment towards her - it was Elaine, after all.

But, instead of doing that, he surprised her by wrapping his arms around her back before letting his head fall back into his pillow.

He would sleep a little longer… he'd need it considering how tough she'd been recently.

"Rise and shine, Harry," Elaine's voice said distantly.

He shook his head and rolled over, his face immediately getting covered in a soft curtain of something. It smelled pleasant, whatever it was, so he didn't mind.

"Wake up," Elaine's voice came again, closer and less muffled than it previously was. "My love you may be, but sometimes, a stinging hex will have to happen, won't it?"

That woke him up with a jolt, much to her amusement.

He threw down the sheets that had been covering the pair of them, revealing their entangled limbs and the pyjamas they'd worn to bed. Well, not pyjamas, not really, they'd gone to bed in their clothes from the previous day's exercises. Neither had cared to shower or wash, they'd do so in the evening of their final free day.

"I'm up," Harry said with a yawn as he brushed the softness which turned out to be her hair, from his face. "I thought we were sleeping in."

"We did. If you'd like to cast a Tempus charm so that you can see just how long we've slept in, be my guest," Elaine said, her arm under his head wiggling slightly to motion that she wanted it freed. "I had planned a lesson based around rituals and finished on potions, but I'll have to disregard one of those. Tell me, which are you more confident with?"

"Potions," He said immediately.

Elaine smiled widely at him, her pale, slightly flushed features from the coldness of their room making even a recently-woken version of her as beautiful as all the others. "Good, we'll discuss rituals for the few hours that remain in the afternoon. As promised, we'll not be spending any time in the evening preparing, practising or otherwise working. It'll be solely an evening of relaxation before our next year of Hogwarts."

"That's… kind of you," Harry eventually said, genuinely happy for an evening off.

Not often would the two of them spend time away from studying or their spellwork. When they did, for those fleeting moments, it would be spent snogging or eating. Elaine hadn't grown less lustful with the passing of time, though her aggression had been tempered thanks to their dating and his commitment.

"It is," Elaine agreed as she stretched luridly, his eyes tracing her figure quickly so that he could enjoy the morning view that she provided.

He deserved it too, it'd be the last fond thing he'd be able to see or do until their 'practise' was done. Practicing with her when it came to practical spellwork would always mean Elaine cursing him into oblivion before picking him up to start all over again; study-wise, she would explain something in so much depth that it'd be hard to follow. It was a testament to her intelligence, the latter, as what she currently understood and knew was far above him.

If anything, the only subjects where Harry was remotely close to her were those that focused around combat or Transfiguration. His Charm work had improved and it'd always been fairly decent too, but Elaine was simply levels higher than he.

"I do hope that you're prepared too, Harry," Elaine said, drawing him from his thoughts as she finally swung her legs from the bed and stood up. "We'll have an interesting year regardless of what happens, I'm sure. If it's not the invasion, it'll be the Ministry's new motions or the upcoming election. I hope I can rely on your help when it comes to a few specific Wizengamot sessions too - don't say you can't vote since you're not of age. There're certain ways that can be dealt with, nepotism being the strongest therein. If it fails to work, well, lucky for you that you're dating an older witch, wouldn't you say, my love ?"

Harry always felt distinctly uncomfortable whenever she called him that. It wasn't because of the word or the meanings therein, it was the way she'd say it. It was like something alien coming from her lips, and more than that, it was always said with a degree of possession. He threw his head back into the pillow when he thought of the word possession, as he'd have to deal with a more serious and aggressive version of Walburga this year; she would try and speak with him, Elaine had said, and she wouldn't rest until she did.

He wouldn't listen to Elaine entirely though, he'd hear Walburga out if only for his own curiosity. Perhaps there was knowledge that she had, knowledge that Elaine lacked… he'd be an idiot to pass up a golden opportunity.

It depended on what she wanted.

"Lucky for me," Harry agreed with a final yawn and rub of his eyes, the actions meant to cover his slow response. "I'm prepared, too. I don't think anything will happen to the pair of us, nor our friends. Not with us having the Chamber to fall back into if it's needed - don't think Grindelwald would be bold enough to attack Hogwarts anyhow."

Elaine shrugged. "He's unpredictable as of late, or so I'm told. I'll agree with your words about nothing happening to the pair of us. We're too strong when united, and nothing will keep me from staying beside you. We'll be together in perpetuity."

He didn't doubt her in the slightest when she said it with so much conviction.

"Come, sit with me," Elaine said, padding the chair beside her now that the pair of them were done with their impromptu duelling session following their ritual studying. "We'll rest on this bench for a few minutes."

"Wouldn't you rather bathe? We're awfully dirty, sweaty too," Harry motioned to the pair of them, their clothes ripped in various spots and dirt staining said clothes, there were copious amounts of sweat pouring off of them too.

"I should think you'd use this time to ask me questions regarding our final study session at your home," Elaine said, her eyes lazily drifting over to him from her spot atop the second floor grand balcony that overlooked his back garden. "If there's nothing you'd like to ask me, then yes, we can go to the baths in your bedroom. I'll admit, the grandiose scale of them is something the likes of Hogwarts, though far more perfect thanks to the lack of traffic."

Harry nodded his head alongside her. If there was one thing he disliked more than most others, it was the constant stream of people taking showers or bathing. It made it nearly impossible for one to have privacy, and when those moments came - few and far between - they wouldn't last long. Still, as tempting as those baths were, more tempting was the offer from Elaine to ask questions. She hadn't specified that they need be about Rituals or Duelling, so he figured he could ask her whatever he'd like.

Merlin knew there were a long list of questions and not enough time to ask them all.

"I can't promise they'll all relate to rituals or something else pertaining to what we've done today," Harry prefaced. "Though, I do have to ask… have you done a ritual? You're powerful, really powerful, and you can go on for so long. I know you've studied far more than I ever have, but still, that can only get you so far."

Hermione studied nearly as much as Elaine does, so why the skill differential?

That was his real question, though he needed to cover it up thanks to the obvious problems asking that exact question would have.

Elaine smiled and cocked her head at him. "I've done a couple, yes, though neither was for enhancement of my natural-born power or endurance. Each witch or wizard, Harry, is born with an inherent amount of magical power coursing through their veins. All that I'm responsible for is my physical conditioning, which is simply a result of… decent genetics and exercise that I've persisted in since my early days."

"I see," Harry said, nodding a few times. "You'll have to tell me what those two rituals were, someday. I won't press you for them now, but so long as they're not horrible, what's done is done."

"It is," Elaine agreed, her left hand toying with the ring that she always wore…

That's an innocent enough question I could ask, Harry thought.

"That ring," He said, nodding towards the one she was playing with. "I've seen you touch it dozens of times, what's the story behind it? Did your father give it to you?"

Elaine looked fondly at the ring, though her look momentarily soured when he mentioned her father, it was quick to recover. "This ring was in my family for a great deal of time, and no, it wasn't given to me by my father. Prior to our first meeting, it was given to me by my favourite person."

He realised that was all he'd get on that front and shrugged. Again, he'd not press her, not with how relaxed and, well, normal she was being. There wasn't any reason to jeopardize that.

"Does everything feel as different to you as it does to me?" Harry asked, continuing when she looked at him curiously. "Between us, I mean."

"You've finally accepted that we'll be together, so yes, there's much that's different. No longer are you nervous or hesitant whilst with me, and our affection is more freely shared - all that I should want and give is returned to me in full. I don't believe you're aware of how beneficial that is for me," Elaine's right hand sought out his left, and her cool one very quickly entangled itself with his warmer one. "Between the comfort my ring provides and the greater degree of that same feeling that you give to me, I can think of no better state of mind that I've been in. Everything is clearer when I'm near you, especially my goals. I can see them as if they've already been accomplished."

"Minister of Magic Elaine," Harry said with a nod of recognition. "We can do that, we can get you elected and reform as you want to… so long as you remember the promises that you made to me."

Elaine smiled brilliantly at him, "I've not forgotten one word that we've shared, nor one promise or one kiss. All that I've promised you, our equality, our goals, all of it is within my mind," Elaine's smile turned vicious, or angry, he couldn't quite decipher what it was. "I feel it's imperative that I tell you this - if we fail in my bid to become Minister, there'll be many amongst my camp who won't accept it. I certainly won't."

Harry nodded but remained quiet. There wasn't anything to say to that, not when she made it clear that one way or another, she would be the Minister with him at her side. Perhaps in time, he could change that, and if not, then ensure it'll be a peaceful transition.

Regardless, it wouldn't do to dwell on something so far away.

"You've all but moved in with me this past week," Harry started, changing the subject and getting a renewed sense of interest from Elaine. "What'll you do when we're back at Hogwarts?"

Elaine shook her head as if it were a foolish question. "Witches are allowed in the boy's dorms. I'll simply sneak into your bed and ensure the curtains remain shut regardless of who tries to open them."

Harry blinked a few times, and then he began to chuckle. Elaine had just as much to learn about comedy as Corene did. He stopped a few seconds later when Elaine blinked at him, her face serious and her hand that was wrapped around his tightening.

Oh Merlin, another problem I'll have to deal with, He thought.

He'd have to ask her about further lessons after he dealt with her very serious idea of sleeping with him whilst in Hogwarts. To think he'd nearly forgotten how impulsive and… overly affectionate, she could be.

September 1, 1944

Friday Morning

"Here at last, our next year of Hogwarts begins," Elaine said from beside him, her hand holding his as it always seemed to be doing since they'd gotten closer.

Harry nodded a few times, thinking for her, this next year would also be the final one she'd have within the walls of Hogwarts. He imagined she wasn't thrilled by that, not if the school meant half as much to her as it did to Tom. Elaine and he both had something in Hogwarts, a piece of themselves, as it was thanks to the storied castle that the pair of them had been given new leases on life.

"It felt like summer went by all too fast," Harry said as they watched the hussle and bussle of their peers - many of them had families with them too, making the normally crowded station even worse.

"Not fast enough," Elaine said, her body turning towards him. "I have a few errands to run before we meet with Professor Slughorn for snacks and conversations. Unless you'd like to join me in tedious and undoubtedly boring talks with the likes of Abraxas and others, I'll next see you at our meeting."

Harry felt conflicted until he saw two familiar and smug faces gesturing to him. "I'll go with you so long as that's not a problem."

Elaine's face showed, for all of a second, surprise. She hadn't expected him to agree, he realised. Perhaps her offer hadn't even been real either, but something she did out of courtesy.

"Very well," She said once that second of surprise and wonder passed them by. "We'll go to meet with Abraxas first, I should think we'll have whatever issues linger between the two of you squashed by nightfall. If that happens, I'll reward you handsomely, Harry."

"Yeah?" He questioned as she began moving, her hand that was still connected with his making him do much the same.

Elaine looked back at him long enough to wink once, and when she spoke again, it was whilst she was looking forwards. "Of course, have I failed to hold myself to my word in the past? I've been honest with you far longer than you've been honest with me - move quicker, I'd like to avoid the person trailing after us."

Harry looked over his shoulder with a disguised cough, and sure enough, he was Walburga slowly making her way towards their general direction with those same two witches she always had at her side. He looked back at Elaine then, curious as to why she'd be avoiding them.

"Who else will we be meeting with post-Abraxas?" He asked, avoiding the Walburga topic.

"Daphne, for one. She's been given a position at Hogwarts, though it's different from the one she was initially granted the rights to. Dumbledore's meddling, I believe," Elaine shook her head, a small smile gracing her beautiful face. "He's not very trusting of me, but luckily enough, his ailing health means he'll not be at Hogwarts at all this year. Wonderful, isn't it?"

Harry looked at her with furrowed brows then, and he very nearly stumbled on his feet. "Where'd you hear that?"

He had been with her for the past week or near enough, so for her to only say that now… he was thoroughly confused. There wasn't any mail at his home, she always floo'd over to her residence for that.

"Earlier this morning. I had considered telling you the moment I found out, but evidently, I decided to wait until you saw who his replacement was. You'll be pleased, without a doubt, though a little mortification may be present too," Elaine stopped and knocked on a cabin door then, and once she did so, she turned towards him again. "Tell me, did you like Robin Dunbar?"

"Robin Dunbar, as in Cade's fiance who graduated last year and was good with healing magic?" Harry questioned, connecting the dots and dreading them.

Elaine kissed the edge of his lips, but even that felt aggressive thanks to the force she put behind the action and the tightening of their still connected hands. "Wonderful recollection, and completely correct. Robin was considered a prodigy in Charms, the healing branch especially, but she was also incredibly gifted in Transfiguration. I won't tell you she's the new Professor, for no amount of nepotism currently present would allow somebody without a mastery to take a position at Hogwarts, but she is an assistant this year. Daphne is to-"

"Elaine, Harry," Abraxas' voice said as soon as he opened the door the two were standing in front of. "It does me well to see you. Please, come in."

Elaine cast one last look at Harry, her tongue swiping across her bottom lip as she did so, and then she moved inwards. Harry was dragged in behind her thanks to the extra tight grip she had on his hand.

Once inside, the pair of them immediately seated themselves next to one another and looked across the cabin towards Abraxas. He had sat directly across from Elaine, though his focus was split thanks to the constant flickering of his eyes from one person to the other.

"I trust your family and those close to you are well, Abraxas?" Elaine questioned after a few seconds of prolonged silence.

"They are, Elaine, my thanks for asking about them," Abraxas responded dutifully, his eyes partially downcast and his tone more respectful than Harry ever recalled hearing from the boy, at least whilst he was in his presence.

Elaine smiled beautifully then, her teeth showing and a warmth about her that made Harry feel more at ease. He had half thought this would be a Death Eater meeting of sorts, or something that would turn into one with the passing of time, but it felt more like two co-workers getting back to one another's company after a long break.

"Your family has done much for me, I would see them elevated and taken care of thanks to their kindness," Elaine said, her tone genuine-sounding as her grip loosened on Harry's hand. "Please, tell me what's transpired over the summer. I hear much and more regarding a potential conflict escalation between our Ministry and that of Germany's. Your father being on the Wizengamot as he is and with as many contacts as he has, I'm sure he knows more than most. Leave nothing out, please, Harry and I are ever so curious."

Harry knew that tone. Elaine's voice had gotten steadily deeper as she spoke, and eventually, her tone developed into the one she'd used when she was being incredibly serious. It seemed as if she was taking the incoming conflict more seriously than he'd first thought. Not only that, but with how Malfoy reacted with his eyes lowering further, it seemed as if this wasn't the first time Elaine had been so completely oppressive whilst speaking to him.

Briefly, ever so briefly, Harry felt a flicker of sadness for the Malfoy boy across from him. He could see how Lucius had turned out the way he had, and further still, how Draco had been as he was.

"Our Ministry has expanded the Auror corps funding," Abraxas began, his eyes essentially on Elaine's feet. "They've always seen fit to lower the minimum entry requirements in addition to calling up a portion of the reserves for 'training'. Father says they're expecting war, or acting very much like it. If I may… I believe the rumours you've informed me about, the one's regarding that potential invasion, could very well be true."

"Interesting, isn't it?" Elaine asked aloud, not letting anybody answer before she continued. "Go on then, tell us of any more bills that passed or deals that were struck. I'm sure your family has found itself up to shadier dealings as is typical for those like us - how else would we keep to our standard of living and our traditions as they're banned?"

Harry hid his confusion then, as he didn't recall Elaine liking everything regarding the Purebloods. Quite the opposite, really, if he recalled that time in the Chamber correctly. She spoke against the rampant nepotism that Purebloods experienced, and as for their traditions, she seemed indifferent to a great deal of them.

Oh, right, He thought. Manipulation.

Abraxas' face rose up when she finished speaking and a few seconds had passed. It was hesitant, but it went higher and higher until he could look either of them in the eyes, though he didn't.

"You're right as always," Abraxas said. "My father, he's been looking into restoring you as a Gaunt, and…"

"Go on, Abraxas," Elaine immediately prompted, allowing the boy no moment of hesitation.

"It would require no short supply of bribes, many of them immense," Abraxas said with a grimace. "Tens of thousands of Galleons to the staunchly traditional members, less to those who're simply in it for bribes and more to those who would see you as a potential vote against them."

"Are the Malfoys unable to shoulder such a burden?" Elaine asked, one of her brows arched as she leaned forwards.

Harry went the opposite way, spreading his legs wider and leaning back into the cushioned seats of the train. There wasn't any reason for him to interfere, in fact, there were many and more reasons that he should watch as long as the two spoke. It would offer him insight into her inner-workings and at the same time, his presence would establish him to Abraxas. Harry knew the boy wasn't overly fond of him last year and that those feelings were likely to carry over to this one, but with him beside Elaine as she spoke of matters as intimate as the ones currently on her lips, he figured Abraxas would reconsider.

"We can," Abraxas said, fidgeting slightly in his seat as his eyes began to lower once more. "That would be all too, unless you'd like for me to go into the two bills that're currently on the floor."

"No need," Elaine assured. "We'll see you during our meeting with Professor Slughorn, Abraxas. Please tell Daphne it's time for her to visit."

Abraxas stood so quickly Harry half thought the seat would be on fire or otherwise visually uncomfortable. "Thank you, and I'll do so immediately. Good morning Elaine, Harry."

Once the other boy was gone and the compartment door was closed, Elaine turned to him. "He's not grown a spine, has he?"

"I thought you'd said in the past that there's more than meets the eye when it came to Abraxas," Harry commented, his head still resting on the cushioned seat and his eyes gazing aimlessly at the ceiling.

"There is," Elaine said as her other hand found its way to the top of his head, where it began playing with his hair. "His wealth, his connections, his establishments, his family. You can't find many families such as his who're willing to assist you so long as you provide for them whatever it is they'd like to hear."

Harry nodded. "You don't plan on doing what you're telling him, or if you do, you weren't completely honest with me in the Chamber… which is it?"

"I've told less than a handful of lies to you, Harry. None of which have happened whilst we were in our birthright," Elaine turned towards the door then, and a split second later, it was opening without the person doing so knocking.

He could guess who their new companion was by that action alone.

"Elaine, how wonderful to see you," Daphne said as soon as she stepped in, her eyes seeking out Harry only after she gave Elaine a standing hug whilst the girl remained seated. "Peverell, we have much to talk about."

"I didn't think we did, not with the absence of letters," Harry said not unkindly, his tone more neutral-sounding than even he would've thought.

Daphne raised her eyebrows at his response and briefly looked at Elaine before her eyes darted back to him. "You're different," Daphne said plainly, finally taking her seat across from the couple. "As good as that is, there remains a problem with our ability to communicate."

Harry guessed where she was headed and cut it off. "Elaine could've received whatever letters were meant for me, and if not her, Professor Slughorn. Anyhow, I take it your family is still interested in communicating and working towards a stronger relationship based on your earlier words?"

"I imagine it would take more than a minor slip-up for Daphne's family to distance themselves from a family as old and renowned as yours, Harry," Elaine said with an amused look on her face. "As right as I'm sure I am, why don't we save this conversation for another time and instead focus on the one that required your attendance, Daphne?"

Harry shrugged and Daphne did much the same, her ability to look Elaine in her eyes far greater than Abraxas'.

"Like I told you a few days ago, I'm to act as a dual assistant in the Hospital Ward and Ancient Runes - my duelling class is to be weekly, with only fourth years and higher permitted to attend," Daphne looked like she was finished speaking, but with a sigh, she continued. "No happenings of note have occurred since last we spoke. If anything, I could only inform you very informally regarding the Muggle conflict near my ancestral home."

Elaine looked at Harry. "Interested in a touch of knowledge regarding that Muggle war? I fear the next couple people who mean to speak with us won't be half as interesting or otherwise engaging for you."

"Let's hear it then," Harry said, his hand squeezing Elaine's this time whilst he spoke to Daphne.

If the latter was surprised by hearing from him rather than Elaine or the fact that Elaine had sought approval from him, she didn't show it.

"Muggle forces that're fighting against the Germans have finally pushed out of that northern containment they were forced into. Many and more of them died because of it, you can thank Grindelwald's ordering more to the Western despite the Eastern closing in - he's very interested in something, apparently. Many people hear whispers that he's coming closer and closer by the day to some secret weapon that'll aid him in winning the war," Daphne finished with a sigh and rolling of her eyes. "I should think most of them are fools, though I figured you would want to hear about that nonetheless, Elaine."

"You figured correctly, and I thank you for it… tell me, Daphne, will we be needing to address you as Professor or Miss Oleander whilst in Hogwarts?" Elaine finished their conversation with a question, as she stood up which prompted Daphne to do much the same.

Daphne shook her head. "Daphne is as fine as it's always been, though I can't promise to show favour to those within our group if they act too far out of order."

"Harry will handle Aster and Reinhard, the two of them have gotten very close to him," Elaine looked at Harry then. "Isn't that right, darling?"

Harry finally stood completely up from his seat, their connected hands already having him do so partially. "Aster and Reinhard won't mess around with Daphne, they've already said pranking her in the previous year was off limits on account of her… revenge."

Daphne seemed pleased with that, and Elaine was much the same, only with his answer instead of their apparent fear for her. Harry wouldn't and didn't mention the plan that he had spearheaded over Summer to prank the new duelling instructor. He figured that could happen right at the tail end of the year, when repercussions and the amount of time left she'd have to plan would be minimal.

"I'll see you two in the Great Hall," Daphne said after she hugged Elaine once more; Harry received nothing physical from her by way of farewell. "Have a good trip, and do enjoy the treat that Slughorn obtained this year."

Elaine bid her own farewell, and a few seconds later, their next guest showed up. When that discussion began and Harry was left gazing aimlessly out of the window thanks to the tedious, boring discussion, he realised Elaine had been right. He would've had more fun with his friends, perhaps he could've enjoyed his own information from Corene too, but he was much too concerned with Elaine's contacts.

He knew he had made the right choice in listening in to everything she spoke of, the topics ranged widely too; bills that were rumoured to come to the Wizengamot and information regarding the war, Aurors increasing their numbers and lowering the requirements, new Professors and assistants to them at Hogwarts, Dumbledore's complete absence from the castle this year.

There was much that he'd learned, all of it useful and much of it a cause for concern. What worried him above all else, or rather, what managed to tie that position, were two pieces that he'd learned of - Dumbledore's absence, and the failed Muggle invasion in Northern France if they were only now pushing free of their pockets. Harry wasn't a history buff by any means, but even he knew when they'd left England for France, and following that, how quickly they'd pushed out of the beautiful looking country they'd liberated.

This timeline, the one he'd landed in, was growing more and more detached from his own.

"Harry, Elaine," Slughorn greeted when he opened the compartment door, the man looking rounder and happier since last he saw the pair at Harry's birthday. "Come in, come in! You're the first to arrive and quite early at that, I can't say I'm surprised with how punctual you've always been - always thirty minutes early, Elaine is, Harry. You'd do well to take after your girlfriend… or is it fiance by now?"

Already with the gossip and information fishing, Harry mentally sighed as he took in the eager look upon the Professor's face.

A useful contact he may be, but Merlin, he was far too interested in the personal lives of those he favoured. It felt a bit weird, really, though Harry figured that was on par with everything else he'd come to learn of this time. From their old-timey ways of talking to their lack of hostilities amongst themselves. One Professor that seemed to involve himself with his students like a friend would wasn't the worst that he'd seen, he supposed.

Elaine's hand squeezed his and then she cleared her throat, the action awkward-sounding enough that it made him turn to look at her. The blush that was on her face and the way her eyes were averted from either of the other people in the room nearly convinced him that she was shy when it came to discussing their potential and inevitable marriage. It was only thanks to how intimately he'd gotten to know her in the recent few months that he recognised it was her playing to what she figured Professor Slughorn wanted.

"No, sir," Elaine finally said, her voice timid and her free hand twirling errant strands of hair around a finger. "We've not… we've not spoken further regarding an engagement or marriage. Harry and I thought it'd be best to take one more year, considering the real test would begin when I graduate and he remains at Hogwarts."

"I see," Slughorn said, his tone interested before he clapped one large hand across his stomach and motioned with the other towards two seats. "Ah, where are my manners - your seats, please. One of you on my right and the other on my left, who else but the two of you would be deserving of the spots closest to me? Don't tell the others, but, I must admit you're my favourite students."

Elaine giggled, and after a brief delay, Harry forced a chuckle as the two moved to their assigned seats right beside the Professor. Their conversation paused only long enough for the three to seat themselves, and with the lack of others in the room after a few minutes, Elaine asked Professor Slughorn a question.

"Professor," She said, getting the man's attention before he could ramble about something else. "I don't suppose you have my Head Girl badge, do you? There wasn't one in the letter sent to my residence, and if I recall correctly, Daphne had received it at that time."

Harry didn't recall being told by Elaine that she'd achieved the title of 'Head Girl', but he supposed she'd forgotten or otherwise saw it as a given. If he were a betting bloke, he'd bet it was the latter considering how advanced she was in comparison to any other witches in her year.

"Prefects weren't given their badges either, my dear," Slughorn said, one meaty hand raised as he quickly assured the girl there wasn't an issue. "Security measures are stricter this year on account of a few bad apples, I dare say. It's nothing to worry about, not with Hogwarts as heavily defended as it is - that's not to mention the Auror presence we'll have either. Merlin prove me wrong, but Hogwarts may just be the safest place on the planet."

"I'll get it at Hogwarts then, sir?" Elaine asked.

"Yes, you and Harry both will receive your badges no later than this evening," Slughorn smiled and clapped Harry on the shoulder. "That elf of yours wasn't able to hear me last I called for him, though I'll admit I wasn't exactly doing so whilst sober, but you've been assigned as a Prefect this year. I'd not forgive myself if I didn't allow you and Elaine more time together!"

Right at that moment, with Elaine thanking the Professor and Harry smiling at the man as his thanks, the compartment door opened. It was the first of the other students who would be joining them for the annual Slug Club meeting to kick off the year; Marcus Potter.

Harry received a wave, Slughorn a bow and Elaine a much less formal of the latter.

Please, please let somebody else be close behind him, Harry prayed silently to whatever being had sent him back. The last thing Harry needed was Marcus and Elaine trading barbed comments or insults masked as compliments with him in the middle. It wouldn't end well for anyb-

"Hi Harry, Marcus, Elaine," Sarah said as she nudged Marcus out of the door's entrance. "Hi Professor Slughorn."

"Sarah my dear, just in time," Professor Slughorn said with a grandiose gesture of his arms, his right one nearly hitting Harry's head. "Please, take a seat beside Elaine, our appetizers are soon to arrive - Marcus, lad, if you'd be so kind as to sit beside Harry."

Like that, Sarah Goldhorn, the kindest and most gracious girl he'd met had saved him once more from a terrible inconvenience. He couldn't be more thankful, and he resolved to give her a gift come yule that was twice as expensive as the previous set. It was the least she deserved for her unknowing assistance.

"Friends of old and those new to joining us," Slughorn began, silencing the many conversations at the table as he began his introduction thanks to the final guest finally having joined them. "Welcome, as always, to our merry little gathering. Food and drinks will be served, conversations will be had, but most of all, friendships that last will be formed. With that said, may I be the first to welcome you all to another year of Hogwarts and the first again to toast our many gatherings that're yet to come."

Slughorn bowed, the students clapped, and a new year of Hogwarts felt as if it'd finally begun.