Revelations and Plans

Akhtar shook as he spoke to the dark shape then shrouded in shadow. "W-we're human," he stammered, his words barely escaping from his lips.

Arjun clamped a hand across his mouth, eyes wide with terror. "Quiet! He could kill us," he urged quietly. As the figure stepped forward into a sliver of moonlight, Sam's breath caught in his throat. "The cop. Harry Carver?" he choked out, incredulity lacing his voice. Carver's gruff response confirmed their wildest suspicions. "That's right," he rumbled, his heavy voice laced with exhaustion. Akhtar gaped, his mind working feverishly to catch up. "You're alive?" he blurted. A flicker of bitterness crossed Carver's face. "Unfortunately," he muttered under his breath. Their curiosity burning brighter than the meager source of light, Sam and Akhtar bombarded Carver with questions. They wanted answers to this weird encounter and the unnerving situation they found themselves in. "So, we're from India. and." Sam began nervously. "I hate Indians," Carver interrupted him abrasive, malice in his tone. "Look at this mess. all because of one of them. Some power-mongering freak obsessed with science. "Akhtar's heart sank. He could hardly believe the animosity in Carver's voice. "He. he. We understand," he stuttered, choking on his words. "And he is their father." Something akin to understanding guttered in Carver's gaze. "Right, kids," he allowed gruffly. "Sorry about that, but it's true." "We're not children," Sam countered, glancing aside at Akhtar. "But do you know about the. the things we saw with the babies?" Carver's face firmed as he confirmed their deepest fears. "Baby farming, is it? Yeah, I'm aware," he replied, his voice grim. The revelation sent a shiver of shocked silence through them. Carver's words hung heavy, by some strange sort of eternity, in the air. "Baby farming? What in the hell? You serious, man?" Sam exclaimed, his voice racking with disbelief. Carver guided them into a hidden chamber, contrasting with the dimly lit room they were in, and here, amidst shadows, revealed the horrible reality. He showed them documents of the abominable experiments conducted in Lab 19. Akhtar's voice, imbued with a new sense of purpose, sliced through the thick air. "How do we stop this?" he demanded. Carver's eyes flashed with steel. "We don't have the full picture yet," he said, "but I know how to get started." Sam and Akhtar leaned forward, red-hot as their curiosity flared up. "How?" they chimed in unison. Carver finally rolled out his plan: a wormhole concealed inside Lab 19 and a portable teleportation system capable of traveling through time. "Take a breather today, you three," he said. "I have some food, and more importantly, a plan." The weight of all they now knew had settled in quite heavily as they bedded down for the night. It mixed with a nerve-chilling anticipation of the treacherous journey that was before them.