427. Hades Reapers

There was only darkness. Everywhere he looked, shadows stretched endlessly, deep and unyielding. No light flickered in the distance, no sound disturbed the silence. It was as if he had slipped into a realm where nothingness itself was the only reality—an empty void that defied all sensation, all presence.

That was how Orion felt at that moment. It was an isolation so complete it felt woven into his very being, wrapping around his senses and dulling them. He could feel his own thoughts drifting like whispers in a cavern, echoing back at him in the emptiness. Every question he asked himself met only silence, and every attempt to ground himself in his surroundings fell flat against the void.

In that boundless stillness, doubt crept in. Had he truly been left alone here? Was this endless dark meant to be his final resting place?