The Collision of Worlds

After that mysterious voice beeped and then entered his head, Lincoln could see a kind of golden, half-transparent screen that looked more like a hologram floating in front of him.


[Experience points gained]

[You have risen to level 1!]

"So, the requirements for leveling up have remained the same."

Lincoln commented, still with one hand on his chin, as he watched that golden hologram still floating in front of him.


Before he could say anything else, that same beep came into his mind, and that screen disappeared and then came back with something else written on it.

[The requirements of the 'Mission: First death in the Collision of Worlds' have been met].

[You have acquired a bonus for killing a Grey Wolf].

After that message, another beep echoed in his mind, and once again, that same golden screen disappeared and appeared again, only this time with another message written on it.

[You have acquired the Bonus Skill 'Precocity'.]

As soon as I remembered which skill it was, Lincoln gave a slight smile.


Lincoln stretched out his hand towards the hologram and, with a smile on his face, said the following word:


After saying that word, the golden window disappeared and reappeared again. Only this time, it was completely different from the previous one. Instead of being all gold as it had been a few minutes ago, this particular window contained all of his Lincoln information, but in numerical value. And this particular window was white, with some purple details.

[Name: Lincoln Loud]

Level: 1

Class: None

HP: 100

MP: 10

PH: 10

CP: 10


Strength: 3

Endurance: 2

Agility: 2

Dexterity: 4

Magic: 0

Magic Resistance: 0


Common skills: None

Unique skills: Precocity

Lincoln, after seeing his current status, smacked his lips a little angrily. He almost cut his lower lip because of the amount of force he had applied to such an action.


*SFX to gnashing teeth*

"Just looking at these shitty statistics and remembering what my status was before I died is making me angry."

Said Lincoln, a little angrily, as he stared at his current status, which looked more like the statistics of a newly created character in a role-playing game.

With that white screen full of information floating in front of him, Lincoln stared at just one place that was catching his eye: the 'CLASS' option, which kept popping into his head.

*SFX for something being pressed*

After Lincoln pressed that option, another white screen appeared in front of him, overlapping the status screen in the background. Only this one was a little different; it didn't contain any options, just a short list of nine classes that had been generated based on the routine Lincoln had had over the last few years.

*SFX for something popping up*

"So, the classes I acquired over the years not only stayed with me after I died, but also came back with me... interesting."

Lincoln whispered, as he stared at the classes that had returned with him.

[Please select one of the available classes.]








Because it took me a while to choose one of the available options, another screen appeared above the class screen, like some kind of message.

[Would you like to activate random mode?]



Said Lincoln, sort of deactivating the system's random mode, and then selecting one of the available classes.

[You have just selected the 'spy' class. Would you like to confirm that choice?]



Lincoln said, confirming his choice.

After that, the screen closes and another one appears.

[To confirm this option, you'll need 1 PC. Would you like to confirm it anyway?]



Lincoln said, confirming his choice again.

[Making the class change, from student → 'spy'.]

[Skills acquired when changing class].

Silent steps

Improved vision

Improved Hearing


After seeing the skills he had acquired in the class change, Lincoln then pressed the 'Skills' option, and another screen appeared in front of him; only this time it contained a rather long list.

After choosing a few skills from that huge list. But one that made sense for his class, Lincoln took advantage of that moment and decided to level up the skills he had acquired, using the PH and PC.


Lincoln said, calling up his status window again.

*SFX for something appearing*

[Name: Lincoln Loud]

Level: 1

Class: Spy - Level 4

HP: 100

MP: 10

PH: 2

PC: 0


Strength: 13

Endurance: 12

Agility: 19

Dexterity: 19

Magic: 0

Magic Resistance: 0


Common skills:

Silent Footsteps (Lv. 2)

Enhanced Vision (Lv. 2)

Improved Hearing (Lv. 2)

Stealth (Lv. 2)

Physical Augmentation (Lv. 2)

Danger Sensor (Lv. 1)

Energy Detection (Lv. 1)

Inventory (Lv. 1)

Virus immunity (Lv. 1)

Unique skills: Precocity

As soon as he had closed his status window, Lincoln went back into the house. When he got to the kitchen, he grabbed another knife, since the one he was using before, as well as being full of blood, had also been blinded by the two wolves he had just killed a few minutes ago.

*SFX for something appearing and then disappearing.*

After picking up the other knife, which oddly enough was on top of the sink, Lincoln opened his inventory. He then pushed it into storage. But, always trying to make as little noise as possible so as not to wake anyone up in the process, he then left the house again. Outside, while using his 'Enhanced Vision' Skill together with 'Energy Detection', he was able to see and also sense the presence of some creatures not too far away. And given their absurd number, there were bound to be Spawn nearby.

After sensing the presence of these creatures, Lincoln, with a neutral countenance and without any remorse, said.

"Then... let the hunt begin!"

Said Lincoln, in a more serious tone, as he walked along the sidewalks of his city, his hand in his pocket and with no apparent concern on his face, all while whistling.

[WARNING: From chapter 26 onwards... this story will be written in the first person.]