Choosing Abilities

As soon as I saw how excited Clyde was, I ended up giving a discreet smile, as it reminded me a little of how I used to be.

"Now that your system has returned to the information screen, you're going to press on the word 'skills' and choose one that will appear there for you."

I said this as I turned back to face Clyde. This time, he didn't answer me, just nodded, indicating that he had understood what I had said.

After Clyde pressed the option Lincoln had indicated, another screen opened before his eyes. However, on this new screen, a system warning and three skills appeared below it.

"Lincoln, I did what you told me. Only, instead of just the screen you mentioned, another screen appeared too. On this second screen, these skills appeared. What should I do now?"

Clyde asked, with a worried face, thinking he had done something wrong again. However, when he noticed that Lincoln wasn't going to say anything, he understood the message, which was for him to continue with what he was saying.

"These skills are appearing: 'Fearless Heart', 'Battle Intuition' and 'Physical Endurance'. Am I supposed to choose one of these?"

Clyde asked, still a little confused, but then paused to read the names that were appearing on his screen.

As soon as Clyde told me those names, I remembered that those skills were the 'Basic Skills' that you acquired with your 'Class'.

"No, man. Those skills aren't for you to choose."

I said this with a neutral expression and my hand in my pocket, keeping a calm and serene posture.

Clyde, not understanding at all, asked me.

"What do you mean?"

"Those Skills are the ones you got when you chose your class."

I explained with that same neutral look on my face and then received a nod from Clyde indicating that he had understood.

Once Clyde understood what I had said, I decided to leave the choice of skills up to him. After almost half an hour, he had finally chosen everything.

When he told me the 'skills' he had chosen, I was a little confused for a moment. After all, some of them didn't make any sense for the 'Class' he had chosen, but I decided not to comment on that.

As he still didn't have any experience, having only recently awakened, I asked him and the others to choose two Skills that would be of great help. They were 'Resistance to Fear' and the second 'Resistance to Stress', which I said would help them a lot in case they ended up panicking so much when they got scared in front of a monster.

As soon as Clyde had chosen those two 'skills' that Lincoln had indicated, he also took the opportunity to choose a few others that he saw ahead of him. They were:


Sharp eyesight

Sensing danger

Sensing hostility

Defense Instinct

As Clyde had chosen the 'Sense danger' and 'Sense hostility' skills together, they ended up combining and evolving to level 2, where they became the 'Fear Resistance' skill.


While Lincoln was passing on the necessary information to Clyde, he didn't even notice that Ronnie Anne and the others were getting more and more excited and looking forward to their turns.

"What classes are going to appear for us?"

Ronnie Anne asked in a whisper to the three next to her, but in such a way that Lincoln didn't end up overhearing what they were saying.

Zack, who was crazy about this conspiracy and alien business, began to whisper.

"I don't know about that, but one thing's for sure: they're spying on us through that thing."

Said Zack, discreetly pointing to the screen that no one was looking at except Clyde.

After Rusty heard what his friend had just said, he slapped himself in the face, not believing how stupid he had been.

"And here you go again with this conspiracy business. Stop being paranoid, man."

The only person who was taking the whole situation 'kind of calmly' was Liam.

Ronnie Anne, realizing this, turned to him and, with a curious look on her face, touched his shoulder.

"What do you think of all this, Liam?"

Ronnie Anne asked, with her hand on Liam's shoulder, still staring at him.

"Honestly? I don't think anything. All we can do is wait our turn; don't you think?"

Liam replied with a normal expression, not even noticing that he had managed to calm everyone down.

As soon as Ronnie Anne heard that, she let out a small smile.

"Man, you're just off the charts, I have to admit."

Said Ronnie Anne, unable to believe that Liam was actually so calm, even though he was in what was, in their view, a rather desperate situation.


While Ronnie Anne and the others were still talking about who would be the next to awaken and what abilities they would gain by choosing their classes, Liam and the others were so focused on the conversation that they didn't even notice that Lincoln had already finished talking to Clyde. At that moment, he turned around and was approaching them with a smug smile on his face, which if they saw, they would end up being a little afraid of.

As soon as Lincoln approached the others, that same smile they had a few minutes ago changed to its usual neutral expression.

"Have you decided which of you will be next?"

I said it with my usual countenance, as I put my hand in my pocket, expecting no one to answer.

As soon as I said that, I have to admit that I thought no one would say anything, or that only one of them would, but they ended up surprising me when all three of them raised their hands, indicating that they were really excited about it.

"I want to go first."

The three of them said in unison with a lot of excitement, their hands already raised slightly upwards, unable to hide their excitement.