Chapter 52: Part LIINotes:

(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Disclaimer: I own nothing, just borrowing for a while.


"North of the Wall they would say I was 'Kissed by Fire' for my red hair. Dornish people usually ask me about sunburn."

Lady Alys Dayne


Junction of the Kingsroad and the Roseroad – South of King's Landing – 300 AC

If Ser Barristan Selmy had been completely confident that if he sat down on the ground, as Lord Beric Dondarrion and his squire Lord Edric Dayne had done, that he would be able to quickly and smoothly stand up again he would have. Unfortunately he had overdone his exercises the day before and his back was still protesting about it.

Time was that his body could take terrible punishment and he would be right-as-rain the very next morning. Unfortunately those days were now at least ten years in the past and, although he prided himself on remaining unusually fit and agile for a man of his age, his ability to recover from over-exertion was seemingly fading with each passing name-day.

Fortunately there was a convenient tree to lean back against, and his two companions might think that it was only a reluctance to dirty his cloak or scuff his armour that was the reason he remained upright while they made themselves more comfortable.

This close to the city, and with the day barely having reached early afternoon, the roads were busy with traffic. Mostly smallfolk on foot, or driving carts of goods to sell in King's Landing, but the occasional coach or well-dressed man on horseback passed on by at intervals. With their own horses tied up nearby Selmy and his companions had established themselves in a small grove of trees by the side of the road, resting under some shade while they waited.

"You know there was no real reason to ride out here to greet her, before long she would have reached the Kingsgate and we could have met her there" Beric Dondarrion observed from where he was sat.

"Didn't you want to ride all the way down to Blackhaven and meet her halfway?" Edric countered, he himself more sprawled on the ground having used his own cloak as a blanket.

"That's different, Young Ned" Dondarrion replied. "I wanted to show her around her future home as Lady of Blackhaven."

"She stayed there anyway after traversing the Boneway" Edric pointed out. "With your invitation."

Dondarrion sighed. "But I wasn't the one that got to show her the castle. My cousin did as castellan and he played host to her and her entourage."

"With all due respect, Lord Beric, the only particularly noteworthy or unusual thing about Blackhaven is that bottomless chasm you call a moat" Barristan Selmy spoke up.

"I'd not claim otherwise, Ser Barristan, but it is my home" Dondarrion replied evenly. "And as moats go it is exceptional" he added, smiling up at him.

"No argument there" Barristan replied. "The first time I stood on the edge and looked down it frightened the life out of me" he admitted. "After that, entering the tournament being held there as a mystery knight was considerably less frightening" he told them.

"Weren't you ten, Ser Barristan?" Edric asked, that was a story told to squires and pages ever since, the tale of how 'Barristan the Bold' earned that title.

"I was an unconvincingly short, mystery knight, who had to try not to speak because my voice had yet to break" Barristan replied, chuckling. "I was only lucky Prince Duncan's lance didn't break me when he was the only one that would tilt against me. Mostly out of pity I suspect."

"I assume he was careful" Dondarrion asked.

"Yes, although afterwards he told me privately he wasn't sure if he should dub me 'Barristan the Bold' or 'Barristan the Bonkers' for entering a tourney before I could shave" the old kingsguard said, chuckling again. "On the subject of jousting I heard that you won a prize riding at rings, Squire Dayne?" he asked.

"I did. Though I would not be brave enough to ride against a man full-grown in earnest, though I am three-and-ten in years not ten alone" Edric replied.

"Less bonkers than me then" Ser Barristan joked, both Beric and Edric laughing in response.

"He's going to be better than me with a lance when he's older, that's for sure" Dondarrion told Selmy. "Handier with a sword before too long as well."

Selmy nodded. "Just don't expect to master the longsword until you're full-grown" he advised. "Technique is all-to-the-good but it also takes muscle to cleave through a man. For that matter, if he is clad in armour sometimes you just have to beat him insensible which is why I've never been a fan of the Braavosi Rapier. Elegance is nice but looking pretty as a picture fairs badly against full-plate."

"I suspect Ned assumes that he'll be wielding Dawn by then" Dondarrion theorised.

"No matter how strong and sharp the blade I've found it best not to underestimate decent armour" Ser Barristan advised from experience. "That being said, with my own two eyes I've witnessed Dawn do things to castle-forged steel that I scarce thought possible, and I've seen Valyrian steel blades cut kite shields nigh in half the long way more than once" he said. "Your uncle told me of one of your ancestors who once won a wager by running Dawn at too steep an angle across a whetstone with the stone coming off far, far worse."

Dondarrion laughed. "Thousands of years of polishing alone should have worn it out long ago but the blade never seems to show any wear. Would that my own House was lucky enough to have such metal fall out of the sky in our vicinity."

"Perhaps it did but it landed in your moat" Edric suggested in jest. "You should climb down and check."

"Now why would I do that when I could just tie a rope around my Squire and lower him down instead?" Dondarrion replied, managing to sound half-way serious about the notion.

"It's not the worse thing I've seen a Squire made to do" Barristan responded, playing along. "Campaigning on the Stepstones I recall a knight gorging himself on depraved oysters that played merry hell with his bowels. Unfortunately this was the night before we faced Maelys the Monstrous in battle and you cannot stop what you are doing to visit the privy in the midst of combat."

"I assume it was the knight's squire, rather than the knight himself, who had to clean up his braies, breeches and mail chausses after the battle?" Dondarrion surmised.

"Given the lack of available servants to undertake the loathsome task of course it was" Selmy confirmed.

Edric grimaced. "As the gods are my witness, Lord Beric, I will never complain about cleaning your boots again" he promised. "But if you ever try and dangle me on a rope to search your moat I'm telling my aunt" he warned. "The mines the Valyrians dug in the Fourteen Flames were not a quarter as deep and far less foreboding."

"Your moat continues to inspire dread in the hearts of the Dornish as intended, my Lord" Ser Barristan sagely observed.

"Naturally, Ser Barristan, tis the way things should be" Dondarrion replied, grinning at his squire.

"Hilarious" Edric responded, tone indicating he thought it anything but.

For thousands of years the lords of the Dornish Marches of the Stormlands, Noble Houses which included that of both Dondarrion and Selmy, had warred with the Dornish. Long before Nymeria had led the Rhoynish to the shores of Westeros, armies of Stormlanders heading south, and armies of Dornishmen heading north had fought bitterly over the border regions. This was a large reason why the pass between them, though officially the 'Stoneway', was usually referred to as the 'Boneway', as the skeletal remains of soldiers that met their fates in ambushes littered the route.

Less than three centuries ago the so-called 'Vulture King' led an army of thousands out of the Red Mountains of Dorne seeking revenge for the devastation wrought upon Dorne by the Targaryens and their dragons. Given that the Stormlands were the nearest kingdom that bent the knee to the dragonlords the Vulture King and his host fell upon the Marcher Lords and managed to capture and burn Blackhaven castle after a bloody siege.

During the fighting Beric's ancestor, Harmon Dondarrion, had his nose cut off resulting in a long-running joke at his expense: 'Lord Harmon lost his nose to a Dornish sword', 'Lord Harmon lost his nose to a Dornish sword? How does he smell?', 'He smells awful'.

The Dornish however didn't think it was quite so funny later when Harmon 'No-Nose' Dondarrion later helped lead an army that was dispatched to hunt down and kill the Vulture King and his followers. You might not think much about your nose normally but when it's gone you'll miss it and harbour great resentment to those responsible.

Beric Dondarrion rather suspected that 'No-Nose' was probably a tad peeved about his descendent being betrothed to a woman from Dorne, but as yet his ghost had yet to appear to complain about it. Just as long as No-Nose didn't appear to complain on their wedding night itself because that would surely sour the mood, Beric decided.

Edric suddenly perked up and looked off into the distance. "I think I hear them" he said. "Yes, I see our banner born by horsemen" he added, scrambling to his feet.

Selmy and Dondarrion looked off into the distance down the road. "Ears like a bat and vision like a Myrish Eye I swear" Beric observed, getting up himself though more sedately. "I'm getting old."

"I'm older than your father would have been if he was still with us, Lord Beric, so please don't complain about your advancing years in my presence" Ser Barristan requested. "You were right, no carriage" he noted as the Dornish horsemen, and at least one Dornish horsewoman, came more clearly into view. Smallfolk on the road parting to let them by.

"It's a bad idea to try and take a coach through the Boneway and My Lady always prefers to ride in any case" Beric noted.

"She taught me after getting me my first pony" Edric remarked as the three of them walked up to the side of the road to greet the Dornish when they arrived.

Ser Barristan wasn't sure if the women of Dorne had always been accorded more autonomy and independence that those living in the rest of Westeros, or if it was a consequence of a thousand years of cultural influence from the Rhoynar and their warrior queen, but it was certainly the case that the women there were freer, less closeted, and considerably more prone to speaking their mind.

They were also less inclined to ride side-saddle, resulting in them favouring breeches on horseback rather than a dress, although otherwise they favoured fashions that were unlikely to see them mistaken for men unless they wanted to be.

With her expensive silks the young woman that called the Dornish to a halt clearly had no wish to be mistaken for a man as she noticed Edric stood by the side of the road before he could call out to get their attention.

The Dornishwoman dismounted and began to unwrap the silk scarf wrapped around her head and face to keep off the dust of the road as she headed straight for Edric.

"My Lady" Edric greeted her with a deep bow.

"Lord Dayne" the woman responded formally, with a slight curtsey that perhaps suffered a little in style for the lack of her wearing a dress. "I've missed you Edric" she added, smiling broadly.

"I've missed you too, Aunt Allyria" Edric replied, beaming as she pulled him into an affectionate hug.

Barristan smiled, though with a well-trained eye he weighed up her escort. Half a dozen horsemen, well-equipped with the mix of weapons you would expect of the so-called 'Stony Dornish' and they looked like they were capable and well trained in the use. Their clothing too indicated what part of Dorne they were from, mostly the light flowing fabrics of a desert people but with some similarities to how men dressed in the Reach as well.

As well as her guards the Lady Allyria had a young maidservant with her, the girl also mounted on horseback, and the party had a number of pack-horses in tow.

Beric stepped forward. "My Lady" he greeted his betrothed, putting extra emphasis on the 'My' as he did so, smiling.

"Lord Beric" Allyria responded, smiling back. "Thank you for taking such good care of my nephew. I swear he's a whole foot taller since I last set eyes upon him."

"If you had told me how much he eats I might not have agreed to take him as my Page and then Squire" Beric joked.

"Oh, I'm sure I'll make it up to you when we're married" Allyria responded with a theatrical wink that once again reminded Barristan of how libertine Dornish women could be.

"Allow me to introduce Ser Barristan Selmy, Lord Commander of the Kingsguard, here on the orders of the Lord Regent and King Joffrey himself" Beric Dondarrion introduced the older man.

"My Lady" Selmy presented himself with a bow. "When he learned of your impending arrival Lord Eddard Stark, the Lord Regent, requested that you be greeted formally as befits the station of the Lady of Starfall" he explained his presence. "King Joffrey offers accommodation in the Red Keep for yourself, your guards and any servants you may have arrived with" he continued. "I inspected the apartments being put at your disposal personally and they are very fine" he promised.

"That is very generous, though I am surprised that he would dispatch the Lord Commander of the Kingsguard himself on such an errand" Allyria replied quizzically.

"As a close friend of your late brother Arthur I requested to undertake the task myself as a mark of respect to his family" Selmy explained.

"Ah, I see" Allyria replied, smiling again. "You served together for several years I know."

"The two greatest knights of the Seven Kingdoms" Edric spoke up. "Everyone says so."

"Too kind a description, at least as regards myself" Barristan responded modestly. "Regardless of that, with your permission Lady Allyria I will join Lord Beric and your nephew in escorting you to the Red Keep, assuming that the Lord Regent's offer and my presence by your side a while is acceptable?" he check.

"I would be honoured to accept both offers, Ser Barristan" Allyria told him. "Perhaps we could walk a while, the horses would likely appreciate the rest" she suggested, looking to one of her guards, presumably the man in charge and nodding.

"Dismount" the guard ordered, the horsemen doing so immediately, the servant girl following suit soon thereafter.

When travelling a long distance riding a few miles then leading the horses on foot for a few more was actually faster than remaining mounted, simply because the horses would tire more quickly if they never got a break from carrying the weight of a man on their back. If speed was of the essence, you would have two or three mounts for every rider, and rotate which steed was being ridden, but Allyria was in no particular rush treating the journey to King's Landing partially as a sightseeing tour.

As they led the horses towards the city, the tops of the towers of the Red Keep appearing on the horizon before too long, Barristan Selmy considered the Lady Allyria Dayne.

She certainly reminded him of her older sister Ashara, the eyes, hair and skin tone especially but also having similar features. Allyria was not as beautiful as her sister had been, but that was an unfair standard to hold any woman to, the old knight realised. In his opinion Ashara Dayne had been the greatest beauty in the Seven Kingdoms, and he was hardly alone in considering her to be so.

Allyria was not the greatest beauty in all of Westeros, but that did not mean that it would not be a rare occasion indeed that she was not the prettiest girl in the room by some margin. Barristan idly wondered if that was the reason she had not been called to attend court as her sister had been, Cersei Lannister would not have appreciated the competition, particularly as not all men favoured a woman with blonde hair but preferred long flowing raven locks such as Allyria boasted and her sister before her.

Ser Barristan Selmy had loved Ashara Dayne, though he had never told her being a Kingsguard sworn to celibacy and too honourable a man to abandon his vows. All he could do was admire her from afar and seek to find a way to show his esteem for her in some way.

Selmy's greatest regret in life was that he had failed to defeat Prince Rhaegar Targaryen in the joust at the Tourney of Harrenhal. This was not only because if he had then Rhaegar would not have been able to crown Lyanna Stark as his Queen of Love and Beauty, and that in this way the series of events that led to Robert's Rebellion might have been avoided, but also because Ashara Dayne was more radiant than any other woman there by far and by the gods the title should have been hers and would have been if I had unseated Rhegar, Ser Barristan thought to himself sadly.

Edric's boyish enthusiasm broke Ser Barristan from his thoughts as he regaled his aunt with stories of his sojourn to the Wall and the time he spent beyond it. It was nice to see how close they were given she was the only remaining family he had beyond distant cousins, but it was also amusing to watch poor Beric Dondarrion trying and failing to get a word in edgewise.

"Oh, and I told Lady Sansa and Lady Arya that their half-brother Jon was my milk brother, I hope that was alright, you didn't tell me not to" Edric gushed. "They didn't know who Jon's mother was."

"They didn't?" Allyria responded in surprise.

"No, it was a little awkward when Lord Stark walked in while we were talking about it" Edric told her.

Allyria sighed. "I'll have to apologise to him I suppose."

"Why? You didn't know it was supposed to be a secret either did you?" Edric asked rhetorically. "I can't wait until you meet Lady Alys."

"I'm looking forward to it too" Allyria replied.

"She's a good northern lass, and like all good northern lasses she'll collapse of heatstroke the moment she enters Dorne" Beric observed wryly.

"She'll get used to it, I got used to snow and ice" Edric responded. "She'll need different clothes though" he continued thoughtfully. "And a hat to keep off the sun."

"That is assuming your aunt agrees to the match" Beric reminded him.

"Oh, I'll let any girl take him off my hands that is fool enough to want him" Allyria joked.

Beric laughed. "Thank the gods for your low standards. If they were high you wouldn't have agreed to marry me either."

"Alys is wonderful and perfect" Edric stated with conviction.

"He's besotted I tell you, or bewitched" Dondarrion opined. "Though truth be told she is a very nice amiable girl from a good family."

"Then I'll try not to scare her off" Allyria promised, hoping that the girl was a suitable as her nephew and her intended husband believed her to be.


Note from the Author:

The Stoneway, often called the Boneway is a pass through the mountains that leads from Dorne to the Stormlands. There are easier routes but it leads to Blackhaven.

With her parents and siblings all deceased Lady Allyria Dayne became the Lady of Starfall and guardian to her nephew Edric. Lord Beric Dondarrion taking Edric as his Page, and later Squire, was part of the conditions she set for agreeing to marry him (though they do seem to get on well, Beric being a thoroughly decent human being and fond of his charge).

The Daynes are 'Stony Dornish' with a First Men bloodline and less Rhoynar in them than Dornish from further East. Nevertheless Dornish culture generally is less restrictive as regards what women are allowed to do.

Ser Barristan Selmy was practically besotted with Allyria's older sister Ashara (who was considered a great beauty). His failure to defeat Rhaegar in the Tourney at Harrenhal still aggrieves him many years later.

The Dornish are old enemies of the Marcher Lords such as the Dondarrions of Blackhaven. The ghost of Lord Harmon 'No-Nose' Dondarrion may no be enthused at where the next Lady of Blackhaven hails from!

The Stoneway, often called the Boneway is a pass through the mountains that leads from Dorne to the Stormlands. There are easier routes but it leads to Blackhaven.