Chapter 32 It's still Awkward


Daenerys Targaryen


She looked at the parchment in her hand and felt like crying. It was not sorrow that drove her to tears, but happiness now. The news from Slaver's Bay was so much better than she could have anticipated.


The letter was written in Missandei's precise and neat handwriting. Astapor had fallen. A bloody battle with all the masters either put to the sword or crucified on the Walk of Punishment. She grimaced as Missandei mentioned how bloody the sack of the city had become. Many of the masters hadn't died clean deaths- not that she blamed the now, once more, former slaves for their bloodthirstiness. There had been far to much bad blood there for things to go any differently without her to act as a relatively calming influence.


Missandei and Grey Worm were ruling over the city now and the surrounding area. Dothraki from around Slaver's bay had joined them and had bowed to Grey Worm's authority as the general of her armies. So for the moment they were very secure there.


The slaves of Yunkai had also risen in a bloody rebellion. A coalition of former slaves and merchants had formed a council to rule in her name under the Targaryen standard.


As she pondered all the implications of her new inadvertent conquests- or should that be reconquests? It was confusing at times...


Her fingers itched to write back a reply commanding Missandei and Grey Worm to come to Pentos. She missed them both dearly, but the situation there would need to be stabilized more before she could command them to come to her with a clear conscious.


She forced herself to calm down and opened the second letter in front of her and read through it quickly. The letter was stamped with the sigil of House of Loraq, one of the Great Masters of Meereen.


She finished reading and stared at the words for a moment before laughing at the situation in Meereen now. Hizdahr and Daario alone and ruling Meereen without her. She'd have to send someone she trusted to keep Daario and Hizdahr from killing each other out of frustration. The question was who could she trust to keep the peace between them?


She paused as she thought of her former husband, at times he'd seemed politically smart, but at other times he'd seemed naive and foolish. He remembered where his plans had led him the last time, and this time she hoped that Hizdahr would be more sensible than before. His death in the fighting pits at the hands of the Sons of the Harpy should make him more cautious, and not as trusting.


So now she controlled Slaver's Bay again...even though communication with them would be hard, considering the distances involved. The messenger that had brought her the news was waiting to return with her orders. He was another Dothraki that had sworn himself to the Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea.


Between this news and her consolidation of power her in Pentos, things were going well. The message she'd sent to Winterfell should have arrived, though any answers would take some time to get back to her. Things were proceeding very well on all fronts and she hoped the same was happening in Westeros as well...but that was something that was currently out of her control.


She focused back on what she did have a semblance of control over. She had a meeting with a representative from the Iron Bank and there was also an envoy from the Sealord of Braavos waiting for her.


Musing over the upcoming meeting led her thoughts to other things. Things that were so different now. Between having Drogo serving her, Viserys actually trying to be useful and the former Lady Stark serving her to was a lot to take in. Despite all these things she found that, each day, she had more time to sit and think. After the initial turmoil, peace had settled on Pentos and the surrounding areas. And consequentially, she had time to sit and contemplate all the changes.


She missed Tyrion's innate insights, he would have helped her to adapt to the changes that had happened. Why had Bran done this? This wasn't the plan. Why did so many remember but yet not Viserys? She'd thought long and hard on it and not reached any satisfying answers.


She sighed deeply, she sat back in h er chair clutching at her midriff. Her thoughts coming back to one issue that had been plaguing her since the spell. The Lhazareen witch, Mirri Maz Duur, whatever she had done had been undone.


Does that mean I will be able to have children?


This question, most of all, haunted her more and more as the days passed by.


A knocking on her door interrupted her thoughts.


"Come!" she quickly called out.


One of Magister Illyrio's former slaves entered and bowed deeply, the man had once served the Magister as assistant in his financial dealings.


"My Queen, forgive the interruption, but the representative of the Iron Bank has arrived," the man informed her with a respectful tone.


She took a deep breath and stood up, steeling herself for whatever the Iron Bank would request...or demand from her.


"Show him in."




The representative from the Iron Bank was a Braavosi named Fabian Nestroris. He was dressed in fine silks and leather in flamboyant Braavosi fashion, which was in contrast to the serious expression on his face. His request for a meeting had been adamant and forceful, but the reason behind it was unclear.


The man sat opposite of her her. He sat comfortably, his eyes scrutinizing her. He did not speak immediately.


She gazed back at him calmly, "You requested this meeting," she began with a sure tone, not letting his unblinking gaze unsettle her.


He didn't answer for another moment, before nodding and speaking, "There have been many recent...upheavals." He stated evenly.


She raised an eyebrow at him, "And?"


"This...remembering business. It has changed many things...but there are still debts owed to the Iron Bank. In light of your recent conquest, I felt it only prudent to come here and clarify what is owed by this city to the Iron Bank," Fabian stated.


Daenerys nodded, "My advisers have mentioned this to me. Let me assure you, the Iron Bank will get its dues."


"Perhaps..." Fabian began cryptically, "but your brother is not know as the Beggar King for nothing. And that is a name that does not fill me with ease."


Her eyes narrowed but she kept her expression bland and unexpressive, "My brother does not rule here, I do. Do not think that Viserys and I are alike, I keep my promises and abide by my obligations."


"That may be so...but these are not normal times. People remember the future- unfortunately I do not, but one of my companions did mention something about how efficient Cersei Lannister was in paying off her debts. War is likely coming and I believe it is obvious which side you will be on. I expect that only one of you will be able to settle the debts owed to us by the Iron Throne and Pentos," Fabian mentioned in a light, but meaningful tone, "And since the larger debt is owed by the Iron Throne..." His words were light but the threat was easy to see and understand.


Daenerys's placid expression turned dark and she glared at the Banker, "Perhaps...but did your man mention how reviled she was? By the end they were mentioning her in the same breath as my unlamented father." The man lacked knowledge of what was truly coming and who the relevant players- but that was no excuse for his rash threat.


The expression on his face froze, he blinked and then slowly said in a pained tone, "No, he did not."


"She became much worse than my father," Daenerys stated evenly. "The Iron Bank always gets it's due. I am well aware of this. And I am aware of all that the Iron Throne owes you. There is much you do not know...I have ask, did your companion mention anything else?"


Fabian shook his head unhappily and gave her another searching look, "He did not, but I am the highest ranking official of the Iron Bank here, I felt that it was prudent to remind you of your new obligations in light of the sudden and unexpected changes here. I am sure that my counterpart in Westeros is reminding King Robert of the same."


She nodded again, then smiled coyly, "Perhaps so, but you will find that in light of all these changes, you will soon find House Targaryen sitting the Iron Throne again," Daenerys added emulating the banker's previous tone.


Fabian nodded expectantly with a smug smile, "An invasion then. Wars are expensive."


"This one will be less so than you imagine, my nephew will most probably soon reclaim his throne," Daenerys stated in the same tone.


Again, Fabian froze, "Nephew? Forgive me, but did not Elia Martell's children die at the end of Robert's Rebellion?" he asked with confusion coloring his tone.


"They did. Lyanna Stark's son did not. He is safe and well in Winterfell," Daenerys stated with relish.


Fabian's confident and smug mask failed him completely now, "Lyanna...Stark's...son."


"There is much that will surprise you and those of your superiors that do not remember...but let me put you at ease, neither I nor my nephew intend to forget our obligations to the Iron Bank, but..." Daenerys gave him a hard look, "The Others are coming. The Dead are rising in the frozen North- and they are coming to kill us all. That must come first for all our sakes," she paused giving him time to absorb that shocking piece of news. A sudden thought occurred to her and she smiled sweetly at him, "Though afterwards it would be best if the Iron Bank began looking into other revenues of income in Essos other than the Slave Trade. That will change- providing we survive, and be sure to remind them what happened to the Sons of the Harpy if they chose to oppose me in Slaver's Bay...and elsewhere."


Fabian gave her a stunned and uncertain look before he bowed his head, "Obviously I have been operating under incomplete information...I do not understand...but I will relay the message to my superiors."




The next meeting, with the Sealord's envoy, went by smoothly with little fanfare. An affirmation of friendship and her assurances of peaceful intent towards Braavos was given to the Sealord's envoy and a few quick revelations what exactly she and her new forces intended to do in Essos. The Others first and the Slavers next...if they survived this time. The meeting was over before it could truly begin and the envoy would return to Braavos to deliver her words in person. She expected that there would be no trouble coming from that direction. With the same trade agreements being kept, and her known antislavery tendencies this would be probably be the beginning of a advantageous relationship for both parties.


Which was far different than the situation she found herself in now...


She'd been summoned by a panicked servant to deal with a precarious situation that had been developing for a time now, in spite of her and Jorah's attempts to cool the situation down.


Irri stood silently by her side, as Jorah flanked her, silent and glowering. A pair of Unsullied guards stood behind Jorah, and in front of her was the tempestuous and delicate situation she'd been summoned to deal with.


The former Khal Drogo, stood with two of his men in the training yard. They were facing off with a dusty and flustered Viserys. Someone had awoken the Dragon and Viserys was blustering angrily.


Drogo stared at her brother with the same murderous look in his eyes he'd had that day Viserys had been given his golden crown. Drogo was listened to Viserys with rising ire.


"Perhaps the Beggar King needs his golden crown," he stated menacingly at Viserys in dothraki.


The men with him laughed nastily at the jape.


Viserys's tirade stopped and he glared back at them without understanding, "What did you say?" he retorted angrily. "Speak common, barbarian! I am the Dragon's brother! You should know your betters!"


That was a step too much for Drogo, he stepped forward and grabbed Viserys by the neck, lifted him up, and bringing him close, "We are not in Vaes Dothrak now fool! Nothing to stop me from spilling your blood!" he smiled a toothy wolfish smile as Viserys suddenly began to understand the depth of his predicament. Viserys was pale and there was fear in his eyes now.


"Drogo! Put him down!" Daenerys glared at the former Khal, her eyes hardened chips of flint. This was what she had feared for some time, Viserys would anger Drogo, and Drogo would kill him again...except this time maybe she could save Viserys- despite his self destructive tendencies. He'd been so changed by events. He wasn't the same brother she'd feared and hated at the end.


Drogo looked to her, locking his eyes with hers. She gave no ground to him and slowly he lowered Viserys down before completely releasing him. Viserys sputtered, breathing deeply as he was let go and fell back from Drogo, quickly moving to Daenerys's side.


"That Barbarian attacked me!" he screeched, stating the obvious as he coughed, clearing his bruised throat.


She ignored the comment and glared up at the towering Drogo, not in the least intimidated by his large stature.


"Why do you protect him, Moon of my life?" Drogo demanded snidely.


Inwardly Daenerys winced at the name, "I am your Khaleesi! You will remember your place!" she retorted angrily, casting forth her displeasure at his familiarity.


Drogo's eyes burned and his jaw clenched at the reprimand. They stood there, their eyes locked in a battle of wills. The tension built as the others around them stood watching in trepidation.


She did not relent, Drogo relented.


He controlled his defiance and went done on one knee, "Forgive me Khaleesi." He didn't bow his head and his eyes still smoldered but he was submissive now. Or at least what passed for submissive for Drogo.


She held in her sigh, "Viserys is my brother. You are not to touch him." She glared at the rest of the riders with Drogo, "None of you! He is mine to deal with and punish...do you understand?" she glared pointedly at Drogo as she finished.


Slowly, Drogo nodded, "As the Khaleesi commands."


Daenerys held his gaze for a moment, "Good! Now go, before you anger me further," she commanded imperiously.


Drogo rose slowly, "Yes, Khaleesi." He jerked his head away and the men with him followed him as he walked away.


Viserys had watched the whole tableau play out in silence, they'd spoken Dothraki and he had no idea what was said but as Drogo walked away, he snidely shouted out, "And don't you forget it! These barbarians sister, they never know their place."


Daenerys ground her teeth and turned to glare at her brother in annoyance.


"...really Dany, we have to teach these barbarians proper manners before we return to Westeros," Viserys continued oblivious to her rising ire.


She almost let out an exasperated sigh at the comment, but again held it in. This Viserys was new to her, she had to handle him with care...but apparently not everyone agreed with that assessment.


Next to her, Irri glared at him and told her, "Why save him, Khaleesi? You should have let him die again, Khaleesi. He is worthless worm," she advised in the common tongue.


Daenerys gave her a pained look but the damage had been done.


Viserys looked confused for a moment before his rage returned, he turned on Irri, "Let me die again? What are you talking about you little whore?!" he stepped menacingly towards her and made to grab her but Jorah was there and stopped him.


Viserys glared at him but didn't say anything to him, he shook himself free from Jorah and turned towards her, "Dany, what is this whore talking about?!" his tone as hard and as arrogant as it always was, the Dragon was well and truly awake now.


But he was no dragon. She was the Dragon and would not be cowed by him ever again. This was the Viserys she knew and had dreaded dealing with again.


"Do not insult my handmaiden," she turned to Irri, glaring at her, "Do not overstep your place, he is still my brother."


Irri blanched and bowed deeply, "Forgive me, Khaleesi."


Partly mollified, she cast a glance at Jorah, who gave her a commiserating smile, before she turned to her brother.


He was staring at her abashed, his lips pressed together in a thin line.


"Come, it is best we speak somewhere more private," she didn't give him time to react and instead turned on her heel and walked away.


They followed in her wake and as she led them back to her solar.


As the door closed, Daenerys turned to face them. Viserys was standing there with a closed angry expression on his face.


"What is this...girl talking about?" He asked irritably.


Daenerys didn't answer immediately, she didn't actually know how to start this conversation, she'd known that she'd have to tell Viserys the whole truth eventually, but she'd hoped that it would have been after a long time. After he'd had more time to change. This time she let her sigh come out.


She sighed deeply unhappily at the situation, "Do you remember what I told you?"


Viserys frowned for a moment, "About what?"


She braced herself, "You died. In the last life you died."


Viserys froze his expression turning blank, "You didn't explain what happened."


She paced for a moment before quickly explaining the circumstances and just what Drogo had done in response.


Viserys sank down to his knees, his mouth open in a wordless denial of her words. His lips began moving but no sound was coming out. He looked utterly devastated.


"...it's not possible," he finally managed to say. "I...I...I...would never hurt you! I swore to mother I would always protect you!" he screamed the last part.


She stepped up to her kneeling brother, hardening her gaze and giving him no room to deny her words.


"You were drunk and you held your blade to my pregnant belly. You threatened to cut out out my unborn son if Drogo did not provide you with the army he promised you," she repeated firmly.


Viserys stared at her despondently for a moment before breaking down into sobs, shaking his head, mumbling, trying to deny her words.


"It is the truth, both Irri and Ser Jorah were there. They saw it all happen. Jorah, he tried to stop you, to protect you but you ignored him...and Drogo killed you. And I didn't have a single reason to save you after what threatened to do."


He cast wild looks at Irri and Jorah.


Irri nodded with derision and disapproval in her eyes.


Jorah was expressionless, "The Queen speaks the truth," he said in a grave and dark voice.


He had been devastated before, but now he was truly despondent and shattered. He sobbed, shaking with emotion.


She stood there watching him at the lowest she had ever seen him, unhappy that she'd been forced into this but it had only been a matter of time till he'd found out anyway.


"Many remember the old Viserys. You have to guard your tongue, because some people may try to curry favor with me by killing you," she warned him grimly.


He stared at her wide eyed, "Why are you protecting me? After what I did...why?"


The edges of her lips curled, "Because you're my brother. Family looks out for family...and once long ago you were different." Once he had been a good brother. Back in the house with a big red door in Braavos, when Ser Willem Darry had still been alive. Even after that, he'd been good to her until...until he'd had to sell mother's crown.


Viserys nodded slowly. He was sitting back on his knees, heartbroken, his eyes red with tears still streaming down his cheeks, "You're a better sister than I deserve..." he mumbled.


She looked at him and declared dryly, "Yes I am...and I don't think you're going to find anyone that disputes that." She paused and pursed her lips, "Brother, this is a second chance for you...do not disappoint me."


Viserys's eyes lit up and he nodded quickly and manically, "I won't Dany...I promise you!"


She looked at him and wondered...he was earnest, and seemed honest in his desire...but was this just a different facet of his instability? Or did her brother truly have a chance to become something good? Or was he truly their father's son?


It was yet another issue she'd have to keep an eye on...


She turned around and stepped away from Viserys, beckoning Jorah close, she whispered as Viserys began wiping away the tears on his face, "Keep a close eye on him."


Jorah nodded gravely, his eyes focused unhappily on Viserys, "Yes my Queen."