Chapter 25: Finding a libraryNotes:

Do you think my summary at the beginning of the story is good? I think it could use some improvements.

Do you have an idea how to better summerize the plot? Help would be greatly appreciated.

EDIT: 6000 Hits!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 25

Dinner was a rather dull experience for Tanya. Everything had been vastly complicated by the revelation that Emilia´s spirit could read emotions and likely detect lies. This changed her complete approach for subtle information gathering and manipulation. Every word that she uttered and expression that she displayed had to be genuine which made the process so much slower.

Still, not all was lost! Tanya was lucky that sixteen years of Being X´s cruelty had not been able to dull her heart or turn her into a raving fanatic. If anything her many losses and victories had shown her what she had lacked in her first life as a salaryman. The memories were fuzzy and distant, but she remembered that she had no real friends or colleges that she was genuinely proud of. There had been no people she was glad to have met, that she would cherish.

Her first life had also lacked a true fulfilment. Yes, she had worked good and hard and earned a fine pay, but what had she ever truly accomplished? What was left of her after her untimely demise at the hands of a vengeful co-worker?

No, money and status alone did not make happy. Her beloved battalion had brought her no such things and she had still felt content when spending time with them. When it not rained bullets and grenades or the unforgiving weather drenched her to the bones or froze her fingers off then the presence of her comrades had made her feel... cheerful?

She had trained them, moulded them, forged them into unbreakable beasts of flesh and iron and that made her proud. Together they had taken on the impossible and won! They all were connected through a bond that ran deeper than any family ever could. They had bled together! Cried and despaired together and come out on top! In this moment Tanya missed them all so dearly like never before in her life.

True happiness could not be bought with money or riches. It had to be earned by accomplishing the goals that you set out for yourself in the world no matter the cost. And it had to be done together with and for the people that were precious for you. After opening her heart during the fires of war she could never imagine to go back to the narrow-minded, hyper focused state of her initial career. The world was a bigger place than just numbers that dictated the most rational decisions every time, because otherwise there would be no room to simply "live". All her hard work had to amount to something other a nice pension and a paid off house.

So, it was possible to say that the Great War had not killed off Tanya´s compassion, but rather awakened it. She still would not foolishly trust somebody she just met or actively search for a person to form an emotional connection with, but she was no longer opposed to the idea. If it served not only her work, but also her happiness then she would not resist. Her survival was still her utmost priority; her thoughts were not solely controlled by that however.

Allowing herself to care for Emilia for that matter was not that difficult, because it not only felt good but was also a logical decision. The young half-elf had many qualities to be admired like her friendliness and empathy that made her pleasant to talk with and could be guided to produce a more secure and less naive young woman. With enough time Tanya would make a shining star out of the girl; she was sure of it. She had to be sure to convince Puck that she had no ill intentions. Feeling genuine emotions was the only way to deceive him. Damn it, forcing feelings was hard!

After the rather awkward meal she had the goal to find a book about yin magic in the Forbidden Library, but remembered too late that it was apparently protected by a bizarre "door-crossing" spell that switched its placement in the mansion randomly. Seeing as she couldn´t just open every door in the whole building to find the correct one she asked one of the maids for help.

"Excuse me, but would you happen to know a way to access Lady Beatrice´s library?"

"No Milady, I do not. But Subaru has a strange talent of finding her whenever he wishes to. You should ask him for advice."

Asking him led to the boy striking an embarrassing pose and proclaiming that he alone commanded the eldritch power of summoning "Beako". She hoped he was joking.

"Aaaaaand there she is!" screamed the fool while seemingly opening a door at random which indeed revealed the Forbidden Library. His alleged ability appeared to be real which brought Tanya to the dreadful conclusion that she would have to ask Subaru more for his help in the future. Why couldn´t someone competent and professional like these two different coloured maids divine the location of this place? It would make the whole affair that much more bearable.

Beatrice arguably agreed with this sentiment as she asked:

"Why do you disturb Betty again, in fact? Have you made your visit not already this morning? Go and be a nuisance elsewhere, I suppose."

"Actually I was here to bring a guest, but getting to see you pouting like that was really worth it. You are just too cute! Maybe I should come more often?"

"No! Leave now or you will feel the wrath of the great Beatrice! Just visiting once per day is enough, I suppose!"

"Aww, I knew you cared about me! I will definitely come back tomorrow and then we can go to the village. Playing with children your age is healthy for you Beako."

"Enough! I am four hundred years old in fact! Stop treating me like a child!"

"But it´s just too adorable to see you flustered. I will take my leave now and leave you with Tanya here. I bet you two can become friends fast. You know, being blond lolis and all that..."

Tanya wanted nothing more in that moment then to punch him, but reigned her murderous urges in, because one if her punches would have severely injured him and she needed him tomorrow. Nonetheless did she take the time to glare menacingly at him for his insolence. How dare he!

"Excuse this pitiful butler. He seems to have forgotten his place and will need to be taught a lesson."

Subaru paled and visibly shivered under her cold gaze and hastily retreated down the corridor like a wounded dog. Her fierce look was enough for a grown man to piss himself and it was astounding that he hadn´t done so. Maybe fighting the mabeasts in the forest had made him grow a spine.

"Hmmph. He is an annoying pest I suppose."

Tanya allowed a small grin to creep on her face.

"That much is certainly true. Would you mind if we talked about something more enjoyable for the both of us? Because I am sure we will be able to learn much about magic from each other today."








What would you write in the summary?