Chapter Text

"Daenerys," Rhaella said her daughter's name, with trepidation. The little girl in front of her, who had an expression of shock on her face, was so beautiful and reminded her so much of herself before her marriage to Aery's. But she could see that her daughter had the same shade of haunting violet as her father though her eyes weren't marred by madness.




The girl opened and closed her mouth for a moment before running to her and wrapping her arms around her mother, starting to sob. Rhaella did the same, hugging the trembling little girl, and she was crying silently, and kissing her forehead.




The little girl looked up at her with tearful eyes, but before she could say something, Rhaella hears her son, "Who assures us that you are really our mother?"




Leaving her daughter, Rhaella started to approach her son, sitting at the table, and drinking his wine without even looking up at her.




"How can you say this, Vis. Did you forget me?"




"No. I didn't forget my mother. I said that I don't know who you are. My mother died giving birth to this wh-" she slapped him before he could finish and say that word, therefore making him spill the wine on the Magister.




"How dare you address sister that way?!" she shouted with hands on her hips, and as the terrible memories of Aery's started to resurface.




"I will call her as I like. She is my sister; I raised and took care of her since the moment Ser Willem died. Where were you, mother?" he asked, getting up and crossing his arms.







"Silence! I do not care where you were, nor who you are for what it's worth. I have more important things to do than hear the stories of a madwoman who claims to be our mother."



"Madwoman? Viserys. Why are you behaving like this? I'm your mother," she said, approaching him and place the palm on his burning check, but received only coldness in return. That didn't stop her from trying to convince him that she genuinely was his mother, "Viserys. I'm your mother. I carried you for 9 months in my womb, raised you, loved you, and protected you from your father's madness. Rhaegar-"


"Oh, I know what mother did," he cut her off. "And I know what she asked me a long time ago. Protect my sister, reclaim my throne, reign Fire and Blood on the Usurper and his dogs." Pushing her handoff from his check, "So you see, mother, that's what I'm doing."




"Viserys. Please. We have just met. There is "




"I'm sure you are hungry and tired," her son stopped her and turning to the Magister. "Illyrio, give my mother a room and some food."




"Of course, your grace," the man replied, waving with his hand, and a servant entered.




Rhaella was speechless and, knowing that there was Nothing she could say, for now, released a sigh, said, "All right, Viserys. I will leave you to your business." Then taking her daughter by the hand, added, "Come Daenerys. Join me in my chambers and keep me company during the meal. I want to know everything about you."




"No. She stays here," her son intervened, breaking their hold. "Until the Khal's arrival, you and she will stay apart. I don't want your influence to trigger a rebellion in her."




"What do you mean by the Khal's arrival?"




"Daenerys is going to marry the Khal in less than a week, in exchange for an army of forty thousand Dothraki."




"What did you say?" Rhaella asked, thinking she had heard wrong.




"Khal Drogo has an army of forty thousand men. Yes, they are savages, but they are feared, and he is the best among them. But to gain it, I need to give him something in exchange. A queen. Daenerys will be his Queen."




"Do you want to sell your sister to some savages?" asked Rhaella, not believing what she was hearing. "And for what? An iron chair for which there are no guarantees of victory?"




"The people drink secret toasts to my health, mother. They cry out for their true King to come and save them. They are sewing the banners of the three-headed dragons ready to rise when the true King comes."




Rhaella started to laugh at the foolishness of her son, who seemed to become madder than his father was, and shaking her head, she replies, "You are a fool for thinking that, Viserys. The common people pray for rain, health, and a summer that never ends. They don't care what games the high Lords play."




"All lies," he objected, shaking his head. "They are waiting for the dragons to return, and I am the Last Dragon. Whoever stands in my way shall know fire and blood."




"Your brother Rhaegar was the last dragon. You are Nothing more than the shadow of a Snake," Rhaella replied with contempt in her voice, hearing her daughter warn her, but she didn't care. "Your father, in all his madness, would have never sold his daughter or his sister to some savages."




"My father, in all his glory, failed to destroy the lion," replied Viserys, But Rhaella ignoring him, took her daughter's hand, "Come Dany. We are leaving this place of madness," starting to head toward the exit of the garden terrace. But their path was blocked, and she heard her son say, "You are not going anywhere."




"Of course, we are going. I will not sit idle as you sell my daughter to the savages," she said through clenched teeth and pulled Daenerys behind her.




"You will do what I command, Mother. Both of you will. Daenerys will seal the alliance with the Dothraki, while you can whore yourself to a Lord of the Seven Kingdoms or the commander of the Golden Company, Ser Harry Strickland."




"What happened to you, Viserys? What made you become this man that I don't recognize."




"Exile, dear mother. I have run across the Free Cities of Essos hiding from the Usurper's assassins and taking care of that whore who only needs to spread her legs and deliver me the army," he replied, approaching them, and Rhaella tried to step in between him and her daughter. "She knows very well that it is never good to wake the dragon." And Rhaella could feel Daenerys grip on her upper arm, tightening, and glancing she saw her lower her gaze and almost tremble.




"And you should learn that too, mother. You strike the dragon once. Next time I will cut off your fucking hands," he added, smirking, before turning to the guards saying, "take my mother and sister to different chambers. They will be confined there till the day of the wedding."




And they were dragged away from each other as she called her daughter's name, and her son's name, till she was thrown in too a room.




Falling to the floor, Rhaella started to sob in anguish. Her son had become the very monster she had feared, and if she did not act, her daughter would be the whore of some fucking horse savage.






Narrow Sea…




It had been a few days since they had left Dorne, trying in every way to outmaneuver the ships sent by Sunspear, but without success, they were still pursuing them. Jon spent a lot of his time on the quarterback's dock with the Captain, and she instead spent her time lying on the bed reading one of the books he had.




"Your father will never stop until he has caught you, it seems," she heard Jon as he came through the door, as the ship rocking a bit.




"I know he won't. He wants pure Dornish blood on the Iron Throne. The child born from the union between Viserys and I would have married and the child born from the union between my brother Quentyn and Princess Daenerys."




"Why refuse such a high title?" Jon asked while unbuttoning his tunic. "You would have been the most powerful and influential woman in the Seven Kingdoms."




"Because I wanted what was mine by right. The throne of Sunspear. Ruling Dorne was all I ever wanted."




"And now?" he asked, leaning on the bed, with his face a few inches from hers, and she, licking her lips and glancing between his lips and eyes, replied with a grin, "Your cock." Wrapping her arms around him and pulling him in a heated kiss and settled between her legs.




His hands start groping her body, from her ample bust to her supple thighs, and she could feel herself beginning to get wet, but suddenly they stopped at hearing a knock at their door, and Jon got up immediately.




"What is it?" he asked, opening the door.




"We are under attack, Jon," said Loras Tyrell, breathless, before running away, and Jon immediately grabbed his sword, running after him, and the same did Arianne with the spear.




Once outside, Arianne saw the chaos, as their ship was boarded by two more, and the crew falling under the enemy's swords. Her wolf was fighting with furry and killing one after the other, and Arianne herself started to fight with the grace of a water dancer, but they were too many of them, and she felt a sharp stab on pain in her thigh where an arrow had pierced her garment, Arianne yelped in pain and fell over, she was about to rise again until she felt the tip of a blade at her neck, and then a voice spoke out, "Pull your sword down, or this beauty will die."




And Jon and his men threw down their swords before being clapped in irons and forced to kneel.




"Take everything of value. We need to leave before the Dornish ships arrive," the same man said as they were pushed to another ship.




"Are you all right?" asked Jon, crawling near her, and examining her wound, before ripping a piece of his chemise and wrapped it around her thigh.




"Who are they, Jon? Pirates?" she asked, and he nodded, "Will they kill us?"




"More likely sell us before raping you," he said, and her heart immediately started to beat fast, but "Do not worry, my Princess. I won't let that happen."




As the men were loathing their ship from top to bottom, she supposes the leader approached them. He was tall, lean but very muscular with long dark hair and a well-oiled beard. He walked towards Arianne and smirked, "A Dornish Princess are you, eh? I heard you are good at sucking cocks and love fucking all the time."




She didn't reply, spitting in his face, and the man rose up laughing and cleaning his face, "I like the fighting whores. They make things more exciting and foreshadow a wild night in bed. Don't they, boys?!" and those who were around started to laugh. "Let us leave. King Heraklion's will want his spoils."






A few hours later…




The pirate ship on which they were taken prisoner docked at a port of the stepstones, and they were led in chains into what seemed to be their nest.




During this brief captivity on the ship, Jon noticed that they were not the only prisoners. He saw two other women also in chains and gagged. One of them had dark hair and haunting violet eyes. While the other had silver-blonde hair and two mismatched eyes.




Once they were brought into a large cavern, Jon saw a man sat upon a throne, with a hoard of gold around him, and several more men around him all dressed in sumptuous robes. They started to approach the throne, slowly or as slowly as the chains permitted, and he heard the man say, laughing and in a Bravosi accent, that Jon couldn't match, as he raised his hands, "Welcome. Welcome to Heraklion's Palace. The King of all Pirates."




They stopped a few steps away from the throne, and Jon could finally see him clearly. He was a middle-aged man with dark hair and a scar on his forehead. He was wearing exotic, colorful robes that reeked of heavy perfumes and wine, his fingers adorned with rings of many metals from silver to steel and even gold, and a great necklace of golden chains hung from his neck, and on his head, there was a golden crown. Next to him, Jon could notice a great battle axe of tyroshi make no doubt plundered from some pompous noble.




"It is a costume to bow when in the presence of a King," the Pirate said, and the got hit by his men, making them kneel. "Yes. Now that is better. Who are you, my friend?"




"Jon Snow."




"Jon snow? Hmmm. I heard of a certain Jon snow who fought against the Pretender Stannis Baratheon," the Pirate said, from upon his throne. "And I heard that he is offering a high ransom to whoever captures you and your friend and hand them to him."




"I also heard that he hangs the pirates," replied Jon, as he could feel his friends tense beside him.




The Pirate started to laugh with malice that befitted a man so vile before waltzing down the steps of his throne and began to approach them. "But as I can see, you are not the only spoils that my men took from your ship. What we have here?" the man said, grabbing Arianne's jaw. "A real beauty we have here, eh? Long, thick black hair, dark eyes. Full lips and quite a large bosom. Royal blood, boys, eh? I've never shoved my cock into a royal cunt, especially a Dornish one."




"Don't you dare to touch her!" Jon snarled, trying to break his chains to no avail.




"Oh! We have a fighting wolf here, eh?" the Pirate said, laughing, and those who were there laughed too. "Well, I see that this whore matters a lot to you. I will enjoy it even more, when I take her bloody tonight," the Pirate King said, grabbing Arianne by the hair after giving him a kick on the chest, making him cough blood. Ghost immediately growled from the cage bringing all the attention to him. "Well, Well, Well. A dire wolf thought these fucking mongrels were legend. I always wanted one."




"You will die before dusk, King of the Pirates," came a woman voice, and looking in the direction, Jon saw that it was the one with the Valyrian features.




"Who are you?" asked the Pirate approaching her, but Jon, getting up slowly, said, "King Herackleons. I challenge you to single combat," and everyone present there started to whisper.




The man turned to him, letting Arianne go, and chuckling, said, "Ha! Why should I accept it? You are my prisoners anyway."




"Because if you don't, your men will see you for what you are. A pompous, arrogant son of a whore who can't fight and who owes these riches to them." The men around them started to laugh, and Jon could see how the King of the Pirates struggled to keep his anger at bay and how his pride was outweighing his common sense.




"So be it. Let's fight. And before dusk comes, Herackleons will drink from your skull."




"If I win. You will let us go free," said Jon, knowing perfectly that they will never do that, but it was something to lower the guard.




The man nodded, taking his axe and a shield in hand, as Jon took his sword from the pile of spoils, and without armour, stepped forward.




With a grin on his face, the Pirate King started to move from side to side, brandishing his axe, trying to lure him into attacking, but Jon was not that stupid. He knows very well to never make the first move. Especially when you are not well-armed




The man charged at him with a roar, giving sweeping, powerful strikes, and Jon tried to parry or dodge them when it was possible. The man was older than him, maybe stronger, but was smaller and slower. He will need to tire him down and strike.




However, suddenly a wall of fire burst up, scaring everyone who was in there, and catching Herackleons' attention, giving Jon the possibility to take advantage of the distraction and Jon gripped his sword with newfound vigour and swung with all his might cutting through tunic, skin and then bone Herackleons head rolled onto the ground his body fell limp and useless the so-called pirate king had fallen.




It was mass confusion as the pirates bereft of their master started a frenzy of slaughter eager to claim the riches of the compatriots without wasting any more time; Jon immediately set out in search of the key so they could leave this god's forsaken place.




"Jon! Behind you!" he heard Robar shout and managed to turn in time to dodge the blade of his aggressor. It was the jailor, a squat man with deep-set eyes and a flat nose. He wielded a jeweled dagger.




The Pirate kept attacking him very fast, and Jon could barely pair. The man was and deadly but lacked skill; after dodging several strikes, he saw an opening and managed to cut the jailor across the belly causing his entrails to spill onto the floor.




Now that their captor was dead, Jon bent down and took the keys, rushing immediately to free his friends and his lover, before turning his attention to the cage where Ghost was chained and freed him too. Looking around, he saw plenty of burned bodies, melted gold, and the hall looked like a real living hell. The flames were not extinguished, but almost every Pirate was dead or dying.




"What in the Seven Hells happened?" asked Loras, stroking his wrist.




"I conjured fire to distract them," came the voice of the other captive, and looking in that direction, he saw the woman with Valyrian features approach them, still in chains.




"Who are you?" asked Jon pointing the sword.




"Shiera Seastar is my name. Bastard of Aegon IV sister of the black dragon, bittersteel, and the bloodraven."




"Impossible. Aegon the Unworthy lived almost a hundred years ago. You look not more than thirty name days," said Loras.




"Yes. I have lived for many an age thought it was not a life of freedom I was held captive by the mages of the undying house for they craved the secrets of my blood alas I only escaped recently," the woman replied. "However, I would say we should leave now before more pirates come; they will have no doubt heard the commotion our little skirmish caused."




Jon nodded, unchaining them, and unchaining several more prisoners hoping they would provide a distraction while they escaped.




After taking their goods that had been stolen, their armour, the chest with the books, and their weapons, they all scrambled to the docks climbing on one of the empty ships that were destined for Pentos. Maybe now the Dornish ships will not follow them, and words will reach Stannis that they died with the pirates.






"Where have you been in the last few years, Lady Ashara?" asked Arianne, filling some goblets of wine and offered them to the two women. "We thought you killed yourself?"




"That's what I made them believe. I could not stay in Starfall, let alone Westeros. There were too many memories and sadness. I lost my baby. The man I loved married another woman. I lost my beloved brother. So, I decided to leave Westeros behind and wander across Essos, visiting every city, before stopping at Qarth."




"So, it's there that you too meet?" Arianne asked, taking a sip.




"Yes. I was a prisoner of the warlock, but with Ashara's help, I managed to leave that cursed place, taking the ship and going in search of the white wolf with red eyes that I often saw in my vision inside the tower."




"So, you are here for Ghost?" Arianne asked, knowing that Jon will not be pleased with this.




"Yes. We searched for the wolf, but I think the vision was referring to the boy. Jon Snow. Is he your lover?" Shiera Seastar asked, with a smirk on her lips, and sipping from her goblet.




"Well, if you mean that since we left Dorne, we fucked, then yes," replied Arianne, feeling her cheeks flush with embarrassment.




Before they could continue, they got interrupted by Jon, who entered the Cabin with a smile on his face. "The Capitan said that in a few days, we should reach Pentos if the wind is on our side."




"So, we are traveling to Pentos, eh?" asked Shiera, getting up and approaching him as Jon untied his sword from the hips.




"Yes," he replied before turning to Lady Ashara. "But I don't remember your name, my lady."




"Her name is Lady Ashara Dayne of Starfall. My lover," replied Shiera, and Arianne could see that he was taken aback by that revelation, but not because of her saying that the woman was her lover, but the fact that there were rumours regarding the fact that Ashara was his mother.




Approaching the bed and swallowing, Jon asked, "I would like to ask you something, my lady, but you don't have to answer if you don't want to."




"I know what you want to ask, Jon. And the answer is no. I am not your mother. And I do not know who she was. I wasn't even aware that Ned Stark came to Starfall with a baby when he brought my brother's sword."




Jon nodded, sighing and sitting down on the bed next to her.




"So, you are heading to Pentos to meet the Dragon?" asked Shiera, approaching them.




"I'm heading to Pentos to find the palace of the Lord of the spices and save Daenerys Targaryen."




"Good, we share a common goal then," Shiera replied, sitting on the bed, before taking a long sip. "But first. I want you to tell me everything you learned about the land of Middle-Earth."








Several days later…








They were standing outside Illyrio's mansion, waiting for Khal Drogo to arrive. Rhaella could see the impatience on her son's face caused by the Khal's delay, and that made her laugh, but at the same time, her heart was full of anger because of the fate that her son was forced on her daughter.




"Smile," Viserys whispered nervously, to Daenerys, as his hand falling to the hilt of his sword. "And stand up straight. Let him see that you have breasts. Gods know you have little enough as is."




Daenerys give a forced smile and stood up straight, then she heard Viserys ask, "Where is he?"




"The Dothraki are not known for their punctuality," the fat Magister replied, with his fake smile, but then she heard horses galloping and saw a host of what must be the Dothraki come riding up.




The Magister starts to approach them, greeting in language, and say, "May I present my honoured guests? Viserys of House Targaryen, the third of his name. The rightful King of the Andals and the First Men. Dowager Queen Rhaella of the House Targaryen. And his sister, Daenerys, of the House Targaryen."




"Do you see how long his hair is?" Viserys said, leaning towards Daenerys, but Rhaella could hear everything. "When Dothraki are defeated in combat, they cut off their braid so the whole world can see their shame. Khal Drogo has never been defeated. He is a savage, of course, but he's one of the finest killers alive. And you will be his Queen."




"Come forward, my dear."




Rhaella wanted to grab her daughter's hand and run away, but she knows they had no possibility. So, she remained helpless as Daenerys was ambling towards the Khal with fear in her eyes, and Rhaella herself was frightened by the big man on the black stallion.




But after a moment and cursory glance, the Khal turned his horse and rode away, as she immediately climbed down the stairs, "Where is he going?"




"The ceremony is over, my King."




"But he didn't say anything. Did he like her?"




"Trust me, Your Grace. If he didn't like her, we'd know," that the Magister headed back inside his palace, and Rhaella did the same, pushed by the guards, as her son dragged her daughter in. time was getting short, and she had to get around right away. This very night.






A few hours later…




Once she was sure that night had fallen, Rhaella blows out almost all the candles she had in her room and, taking on a piece of cloth wrapped around a wooden stick, set fire to the curtains and the bed.




"Help! The fire! Somebody helps me!" Rhaella shouted before grabbing her knife, and she saw guards burst in, shielding themselves with the hands from the heat of the fire. There were only two, so Rhaella charged at one, cutting his throat, before turning at the other, stabbing him several times, before pushing him into the fire; the man started screaming before running toward the window, jumping out.




Then she rushes down the hall, taking the small crossbow from the dead guard and making her way to her daughters' room. She needs to be quick least Viserys stop her.




She saw only one man guarding the door, though she hears screaming and the sound of more guards rushing through the halls. So, trying to aim at the neck, Rhaella shot the crossbow, and the man fell to the floor holding his bloodied neck.




Throwing the crossbow down, Rhaella run to the door, trying to see if it was open, but it was not. Bending down, she started to search on the dead body for the key, she was breathing fast and trembling.




When she finally found it, Rhaella immediately got up, unlocking the door, and saw her daughter, who was lying on the bed, immediately got up, cleaning her tears. "Mother?"




"Come, Dany. We are leaving this place," Rhaella said, grabbing her daughter's hand, and they left the room, starting to run through the hallways towards the main door.




They ran and ran, but just as she was about to open the door, Daenerys was grabbed by Viserys, and she felt a firm slap on her cheek, making her fall to the floor.




"You aren't going anywhere, whore!" Viserys shouted, giving a slap to Daenerys too, and despite the pain from the slap and the fall, Rhaella immediately got up, pushing Viserys away, who stumbled, falling to the ground, hitting his forehead.




"Dany," Rhaella immediately rushed to her daughter to help her got up and hear her son scream. "Guards! To me!" and they immediately got blocked by some guards.




Two other guards helped Viserys to get up, who looked like a mad man, and putting his hand on his wounded forehead, he shouted, "You'll pay for this!".




With that, he left, running away, while Daenerys was dragged back to her room, and Rhaella was taken and locked in another room, without candles, and without large windows. Almost a dungeon, but more comfortable.




Now alone, Rhaella lay on the bed, crying. She failed in helping her daughter run, and now Daenerys will be forced to marry that rapist savage.






Day of the Wedding…




The wedding started at dawn, on the cliff near Pentos. Tents were erected, meat and wine were offered, and fights were held right in front of the newlyweds.




Rhaella has never taken her eyes away from her daughter, who's expression resembled a court fool beaten by his master, not the proud daughter of Valyria she would have raised. She wanted to spare her this fate, but that madman would not heed her words. Not even when she offered herself instead of Daenerys.




"Who are those guests?" her son asked, pointing in a direction, drawing her attention away from Daenerys and to a group of what seems more Westerosi judging by the attire. There were three women and three men, but what cough her eyes was the young one seated between them. He was lean, clad in full plate, and a sword on his hip. He had long dark hair and dark violet eyes. He was a handsome young man. But as she looked at him from afar, she felt that she had already seen him somewhere but could not remember where. Or maybe he reminded her of someone dear to her.




As she was looking at the young man, Rhaella noticed his fixed gaze on her daughter, Daenerys, who was looking down, and the same did the girl leaned on his shoulder and whispering something. At that moment, something came to her. A plan that may free her daughter from the Khal's grip. So, getting up, she was ready to go to the young man but was stopped by Viserys. "Where in the Seven Hells are you going?"




"To speak with some people that are not savages or you," she replied, shaking his grasp, and resuming her walk. As she approached them, she started to see some resemblance with a man long gone but never forgotten. Her sweet Rhaegar. Her First Born. The only difference was regarding the hair since the young man had dark hair, and maybe in some parts of the face.




Stopping in front of them, Rhaella said, "Good day, young man. May I join you?" and saw him give a quick glance up and down her body.




"Of Course, Queen Rhaella," replied the woman with the Targaryen features, moving a bit away to make space for her to sit down.




"How may I help you, your grace?" the young man asked, sipping from his cup and looking her in the eyes.




"Well, I'd say that before we get there, you should introduce yourself."




"Of course. Excuse my manners, your grace," he said, taking her hand and giving a kiss on the knuckles. "My name is Jon snow. A sellsword from Westeros." A bastard from the North, she thought. "And these are my companions. These beautiful women are Princess Arianne Martell, Lady Shiera Seastar, and Lady Ashara Dayne." And Rhaella was stunned and speechless. Two of them should be dead, according to the tales. And the other one, the Princess, should be in Dorne, waiting for her son.




She recovered from her shock when she hears the young man continue introducing his companions, "Then there are my brothers in arms: Ser Loras Tyrell and Ser Robar Royce." And the two young men raised their cups in a toast. "And then there is this boy. My best friend. My Family. Ghost." He added, pointing at the dire wolf.




"A pleasure to meet you all," she replied, giving them all a glance, before returning her attention back to Jon snow. "You mentioned that you are a sellsword, am I right?" and he nodded. "So, I wondered if I could hire you."




"How much gold did you have?"




"Nothing. But I can give you one night," she said, trying to be as convincing as possible and offering the only thing she had.




The young man looked down, twirling his goblet, and Rhaella placing her hand on the thighs, said, "Not many can say to have bedded a queen. You may be one of the first to have such a high opportunity."




Taking a sip, the young man replied, "A very tempting offer, and only a fool would refuse it. I am that fool. I don't like to sleep with women for gold or because they are forced to do it."




"Please. I beg you to help me. If you want, I will lie with your men too, Ser. Just help me save my daughter from a cruel fate," she begged, taking his hand and feeling tears trickled from her eyes.




"You don't have to sell yourself, Queen. That is the reason we are here," said young Martell, grinning. "So, I suggest you stay as close to us as possible because soon the seven hells will break out."




Rhaella nodded, even though she was confused by her words.






The Dothraki ate, drank, and fought each other to the death, while Jon pondered the perfect moment to provoke his enemy.




Suddenly, as he looked around, it was announced the arrival of the members of the Golden Company, and in fact, he saw about twenty men arrive, waving the banner of the golden skulls on a spear with a black background, led by an older man he was portly, with a big round head, mild grey eyes and thinning grey hair that he brushed sideways to cover up a bald spot, and with him, he noticed a young girl. Maybe twenty years, who resembled Arianne a great deal, with hair as black as obsidian did in an elegant braid that fell almost to her waist. She glanced at him for a moment before continuing, and Jon, on the other hand, heard the two women next to him gasp.




"What is it?"




"She looks like little Rhaenys," both replied at the same time, as he glanced between them and saw the widened eyes.




"Who? Rhaenys Targaryen?" he asked, getting a better glance at the girl, clad in armour, and a double head axe on her back, as the company was offering the gifts to the Khal, before heading to spot opposite to theirs, giving him a chance to take a better look at her. She was still smiling as she looked at them all, but this was false as a celibate whore, she was angry, and she hid It poorly.




"The dusk is coming. When do you intend to act?" asked Queen Rhaella, who was quite impatient.




"Soon. The Khal will not leave his wedding feast alive, and he will not touch your daughter. I swear to you," replied Jon, fixing his armour and putting his hand on the hilt of the sword concealed under his cloak.




Suddenly he heard howls of lamentation and saw a large cage brought forward by some men led by a relatively wealthy merchant. Everyone stopped from what he was doing, looking in wonder at the cell's content, the same way they did when he came with Ghost by his side.




The merchant said something in Dothraki, and he hears Arianne point out, "He looks like your wolf Jon." And getting up, he saw clearly who was in the cage. It was Lady.




In that same moment, the Khal got up to approach the cage, looking in wonder, but since the merchant moved away a bit and was a few steps from them, drawing out the sword and pointing at his neck, Jon said, "Free the wolf or I will cut your throat."




The crowd around them started to whisper as the Dothraki took their arakhs in hand, ready to attack them.






Rhaenys was watching what was happening in front of her with great attention, taking her axe in her hand, ready to jump into the fray should an opportunity arise to kill that rapist Khal.




As she looked at the young man who himself had a wolf, Rhaenys also glanced between her aunt and her uncle, who in the meantime got up from his seat, and had a hand on the sword, as well as the tall blonde man next to him.




The Khal started to shout words in Dothraki, as the dire wolf was freed chaos erupted The dark-haired boy killed the merchant by slicing his throat, the women and the two men that were with him started to attack the Dothraki with fire and their weapons.




Next to her, Rhaenys heard Jon pull out the sword and say, "We need to leave, princess." But she, ignoring him, with an axe in hand, jumped into the fray, striking right, and left killing every Dothraki in her path, trying to reach her aunt's position.




She stopped for a moment to look around and saw the Khal fighting with the boy, who was clearly having great difficulty fighting a larger opponent, and so leaving the matter regarding her aunt aside, she runs to help him.






The Khal was nimble as a jaguar and wild as an aurochs, and despite sustaining several grievous wounds, Khal Drogo did not stop from attacking him; he was an enraged bull. Charging at him and knocking him to the ground, and began unleashing a flurry of punches trying to pummel Jon to death.




Then suddenly, the Khal's assault stopped, as he saw the girl, Rhaenys, push the horse savage off him, but was knocked she too when the Khal slapped her. Jon tried to recover from the punches, shaking his head, grabbing his sword, started to attack the Khal until he saw an opening and cut off the Dothraki's hand; it was then Rhaenys swung her axe with tremendous force slicing him from cock to stomach, the Khal fell to his knees covered in blood and his own entrails looking up he faced Jon with a look of defiance on his face though this didn't last long as Jon removed the Khals head.




He was breathless, tired, and in pain because of the punches, but nevertheless, he tried to stay focused and saw the girl run towards Rhaella and Daenerys Targaryen.








Rhaella was hugging her daughter and staying hidden as the battle erupted all around them. She saw the Khal dying and was glad, but they needed to flee right now. Escape her son while they still can. "Dany. Let us go."




And getting up, they started to run, trying to avoid the blades and the men fighting or burning. The sellswords of the Golden Company were fighting against the crazed Dothraki.




Suddenly, Rhaella was grabbed from behind and knocked to the ground, screaming. "What have you done, whore!" shouted her son, ready to strike her with this sword, but was immediately stabbed by Daenerys, who was crying and trembling. "Your little whore! How dare you attack your King!"




"Leve her!" screamed Rhaella in tears, trying to get up, but in that same moment, the White Direwolf jumped on Viserys, knocking him to the ground and starting to rip into his shoulder, as her son was screaming in pain. Another wolf came, the one from the cage, attacking him between his legs and ripping away what made him a man.




"Daenerys!" the woman from the golden company bend down next to her daughter to see if she was hurt before helping her up, and when she saw Jon snow was running towards them, his sword stained with blood.




"We need to leave. I have a ship in the harbour of Pentos," he said, helping her up, and Rhaella, taking her daughter's hand, started to run after him, as well as the others.








When they reached the harbour, they saw the city was in chaos as the horse lords were driven into a blood frenzy by the death of their Khal; Jon immediately shouted to the Captain, "We need to leave. Now!"




And all the crow started to run back and forth, getting ready to sail, as they were waiting for everyone to climb on.




When everyone was on, and the ship finally took sail, Jon released a sigh. What a dam day this was. Coming here, he never expected to unleash such chaos, but seeing lady in the cage made him mad.




"Are you all right, Jon?" asked Robar stepping next to him, and Jon saw his companion was coated in blood, the runes of his armour flecked with gore.




"Yes. Just some scratches here and there. Fortunate that we were wearing plate; otherwise, the Dothraki would have killed us."




"Ser Jon," came the Queen's voice as she approached, and turning, he saw that she looked a real mess, "Thank you for helping us."




And he nodded, "I hope you and your daughter are well."




"Yes. Just a little shaken because of the fight."




"Go and rest, your grace. I will come later to speak with you and make sure that you both are all right," Jon replied, seeing Loras coming, and the woman smiled, moving away.




"Where are we sailing now, Jon?" Robar asked as Jon turned his attention to the horizon.




"West. We search for Middle Earth."