Chapter 15

A Darker Path

Part Fifteen: Reaction Piece

[A/N: This chapter beta-read by Lady Columbine of Mystal.]

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Topic: Four Down, Many More to Come

In: Boards ► Brockton Bay ► New Capes ► Atropos

Atropos (Original Poster) (Banned) (You Wish) (UnVerified Cape) (Can Actually Kill Anything) (Yes, Really) (Watch Me)

Posted On Jan 8th 2011:

Greetings once more to you wonderful people of Brockton Bay!

I don't even have to be ironic about saying that. Over the past week, I've killed five supervillains, which has in turn caused seventeen other villains to leave town for good. The average 'wonderful' aspect has definitely gone up a notch or two. (I've also done some other stuff, which has had its own beneficial effect, but we'll get to that later).

So, let's recap. All photos and footage (involuntarily) supplied by the PRT. Thanks, guys!

On Monday evening, I demonstrated to Oni Lee how proper gun handling was essential to a long and healthy life (mine).

[image: mask with bullethole]

Tuesday midnight was Coil's turn. He was always a two-faced asshole, so I cut his throat twice, once for each face.

[image: coroner pic]

Wednesday midnight, I stuck a katzbalger (rough translation: cat skinner) through Kaiser's head, and scattered the Empire Eighty-Eight far and wide.

[image: splitting headache]

Thursday just before midnight, the Dragonslayers came gunning for me. 'Somehow' their HUDs mistook Lung for me, and the Dragonslayers were slain by a dragon.

Oh, the irony.

Then Lung got to learn what it was like to burn to death, because irony cuts both ways.

[image: acid reflux]

And finally, just a little while ago, Skidmark became a real skidmark, along Lord Street.

[footage: Skidmark being yeeted]

[image: skidmark]

I understand they're mopping him up with a squeegee and bucket. Careful of that contact high, guys.

Now see, people might be upset with me for killing those guys, but the truth of the matter is that everything after Oni Lee happened because people don't pay attention. I warned everyone exactly what was going to happen. They thought they were untouchable.

Nobody's untouchable.

So, this is what's going to happen from here on in. Life is going to go on. The Undersiders are no more, and I'm going to give Faultline a little extra time to pick up her business and move it elsewhere, because while I do want her gone, she doesn't usually operate inside Brockton Bay so I've chosen to cut her some slack. As for the rest of the Brockton Bay criminal element, Imma leave them to the BBPD and PRT. They're probably unhappy because they've been left out of the action so far. You go, boys. I have faith in you.

On that note, there's still some corruption and incompetence within the ranks of the BBPD and the PRT ENE. You know who you are, and some of you know who they are. You get one chance to straighten yourselves and your buddies out before I come have a chat. You don't want that.

Just by the way: Uber and Leet, don't go anywhere just yet. I need to have a word with you.

One very specific note: the drug trade inside Brockton Bay *is* coming to an end, by word of me. I *will* find and destroy every last trace of hard drugs within this city, along with anyone who tries to stop me. Marijuana, coffee, booze and nicotine, I don't give a shit about. Anything harder than that will be gone. So will those who keep dealing it, after one warning.

Oh, and anyone who's thinking about doing copycat crimes or framing me for a kill, understand this. I have no problem with killing, but I take brand dilution *very* seriously, and I *will* murder the fuck out of anyone for even attempting it. Just ask the three ... well, two ... okay, one ABB guy whose idiot buddies were gonna kill some girls to cover their tracks. He was the smart one, and tried to stop them. Now they're dead and he's alive, and that's the way it should be.

And finally, the others. You know who you are. Those outside organizations and individuals who have suddenly realized that the criminal underworld in Brockton Bay just became a vacuum. You're all eyeing this city off like a bunch of hyenas closing in on a zebra with a broken leg.

I have one word for you:


If you come to this city intending to start shit, you will die.

If you come to this city intending to kill me and then start shit, you will die *really horribly*.

If you come to this city intending to gather information, you will get your ass kicked then handed over to the PRT or the cops (depending on whether or not you're a cape).

If you send underlings into this city under the mistaken impression that this makes you safe from my retribution, you won't get them back *and* I'll tap you on the shoulder when you least expect it.

Yes, Valefor, that means you too. Don't make me come over there.

(Note that this also applies to anyone who tries shipping drugs or guns or any other kind of contraband into or through Brockton Bay. I *can* travel, I *will* find you, and I *will* murder you in a hilariously appropriate way.)

Specifically, everyone from the following list is banned from Brockton Bay on general principles (unless I make a personal exception):






Lost Garden

Damsel of Distress

Accord (& Ambassadors)

Cauldron (you know what you did)

Anyone else I add to the list later.

Anyone who even *suspects* I might not want them in my town.

You will note that this list does not include the Slaughterhouse Nine. That's because I'm going to kill them tomorrow.

Don't say I never did anything for you guys.

Anyways, you lovely people have a wonderful weekend, and I'll see you Monday. Or not.


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►Bagrat (Veteran Member) (The Guy in the Know)

Replied On Jan 8th 2011:

Oh, holy Christ. Where do I begin.

I attended the site where Skidmark died.

I've seen traffic accidents before. There are those where you have to laugh out loud at how stupid they are, those where you have to scratch your head and wonder exactly how that happened, the ones where you go 'ewww' at the sheer amount of damage, the ones where you have to turn away for a moment because of the tragedy … and the ones where you throw up.

I threw up.

Even Assault wasn't making inappropriate jokes (well, okay, one or two, but he gave up after nobody even groaned). It was just sheer visceral horror (and yes, that's part of what they're still scrubbing off two hundred yards of Lord Street).

Look, I'm just going to come out and say it. Atropos told us she would kill Skidmark if he didn't give himself up or get out of town. She made Lung's death so horrific nobody thought she could top it.

She topped it.

Skidmark is now a literal skidmark.

There, I said it.

On to slightly better news.

Squealer and Mush survived, the latter with a concussion because he wasn't strapped in when the vehicle stopped. Both are in custody, mainly due to the fact that Atropos didn't just kill Skidmark. She also killed the vehicle. Sometime before midnight, she gained access to Squealer's workshop and worked on the wheel studs (the things that lug nuts screw on to) with an angle-grinder and an oxy-torch to weaken them so that all forty-eight studs broke off at the same time (Armsmaster witnessed this personally), about five seconds after the vehicle came to a complete stop. All the wheels just fell off, and the vehicle ceased being a vehicle at that point.

Squealer was found still holding the steering wheel. It had come off in her hands at some point, but we're fairly sure that was just shoddy construction.

To further underline the sheer bullshit that is Atropos, she stole a can of yellow spray paint from Squealer's workshop (it was later matched up with other cans Squealer had in stock). She drew a rectangle on the road before the vehicle ever got there, and it stopped *precisely* inside that rectangle. She also drew six little x's on the road and sidewalk; when the wheels finished rolling around, each one landed on top of its own x. And finally, she left the can itself on the edge of the rectangle. When the wheels came off, the bumper landed on the can, crushing it flat and spraying everything around with yellow paint.

I don't even know what her rating is right now, but it needs to be upgraded.

Everyone on her list: stay the fuck away. I cannot emphasize this strongly enough. I don't *want* to see what she does to you. (Though … Cauldron? What the fuck is up with that?)

If anyone else said they were going to take out the Nine, I'd be dubious. Haha, nope. I'm going to stand way back over here and award points for style.

I suppose we should be glad that her attitude toward the PRT seems to be exasperated tolerance. It could be a whole fucking lot worse.

As for me, I think I need therapy. There is no way in hell I'm ever going to be able to unsee that.

If anyone wants me, I'll be in the shower, huddled in a fetal position.

►TheRealGloryGirl (Verified Cape) (Cape Daughter) (New Wave Member) (Temp Banned)

Replied On Jan 8th 2011:

What? Come on now!

She flat-out murdered Skidmark, just like she murdered Lung, right in front of you guys, and you let her walk away AGAIN?

What part of "murder is a crime" are we having trouble with, here?

If you murder a murderer, the number of murderers doesn't change.

Yes, things need to be fixed, but NOT LIKE THIS!

Since when did the PRT become the Atropos Cheer Squad?

ARREST her already!

►TeamMom (Senior Moderator)

Replied On Jan 8th 2011:

TheRealGloryGirl - do not poke Atropos. Just ... don't. Have a temp ban while you think about how stupid that was.

Atropos - Please don't kill her. Idiot teenagers are idiots.

►Atropos (Original Poster) (Banned) (You Wish) (UnVerified Cape) (Can Actually Kill Anything) (Yes, Really) (Watch Me)

Replied On Jan 8th 2011:

Oh, I had no intention of it. Everyone's entitled to their opinion, no matter how misguided. Personally, I think she's just butt-hurt because I've done more to fix crime in Brockton Bay in one week than she's done in three years.

See you around, GG.

►TheRealPanacea (Verified Cape) (Cape Daughter) (New Wave Member)

Replied On Jan 8th 2011:

Vicky just broke her keyboard. She's going to be impossible to live with now. Atropos, I hope you're proud of yourself.

►Atropos (Original Poster) (Banned) (You Wish) (UnVerified Cape) (Can Actually Kill Anything) (Yes, Really) (Watch Me)

Replied On Jan 8th 2011:

*adds 'one keyboard' to kill list*

*whistles nonchalantly*

►Reave (Verified PRT Agent)

Replied On Jan 8th 2011:

The PRT would like to verify the statement about the two ABB persons who Atropos has claimed as kills. We were called to an address in what used to be their territory, and found two males who had been killed the same way as Coil, and one unharmed (though traumatized) male. His statement gave Atropos the kills, and indicated that they had been about to murder him for refusing to go along with their plan to kill a number of their prostitutes and blame Atropos for it, to cover their tracks when leaving town.

Atropos - I would like to reiterate our offer for you to cease working at cross purposes with the PRT, and come in to see us face-to-face. We can work something out, I'm sure. DM me.


Replied On Jan 8th 2011:

*reads opening post. Puts in a new order to the popcorn company. Just back the truck up and leave it there*

►Atropos (Original Poster) (Banned) (You Wish) (UnVerified Cape) (Can Actually Kill Anything) (Yes, Really) (Watch Me)

Replied On Jan 8th 2011:

Reave - while that's a truly sweet offer, I'm gonna have to say no. First, because there are still people inside that building who sincerely wish me harm, and it might get awkward if/when I have to kill them. Second, if you hadn't noticed, I'm currently doing okay on my own. Third, the only person who gets to say whether or not I kill someone is me. If I come in, someone (*cough*Armsmaster*cough*) might get the mistaken impression that I have to follow their orders, and I hate to see a grown man cry.

I'd say it's not you, it's me ... but it's totally you.


Replied On Jan 8th 2011:

Hollllyyyy shit that was brutal!

Is it okay to say I love it?

What does that say about my state of mind?

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►TeamMom (Senior Moderator)

Replied On Jan 8th 2011:

*sigh* Yes, you're allowed to say that. Just don't make suggestions. She might follow them.


Replied On Jan 8th 2011:

Those idiots thought framing *Atropos* was a good plan? I'm not even in the city anymore and I wouldn't try that.


Replied On Jan 8th 2011:

Literally a Skidmark...

Love it!


Replied On Jan 8th 2011:

God damn, this puts a smile on my face like the news never does.


Replied On Jan 8th 2011:

I'm a little confused. Did Skidmark accidentally trigger the ejection seat at the wrong moment? How did Atropos manage to do that with a finger-gun?

►Reave (Verified PRT Agent)

Replied On Jan 8th 2011:

Analysis of the vehicle after the fact revealed that remote triggers had been installed to a) turn off the cloaking after a timer ran down, and b) to activate Skidmark's ejection seat. Why did he have a working ejection seat? We may never know.


Replied On Jan 8th 2011:

Finally! I haven't been able to stay up this late before, but my mom said it was okay because it's not a school night.

Atropos - I've got an important question to ask you. Do you solve other murders? Because, you know, you've got a unique insight into the mind of a killer. Anyway, a girl at my school was murdered on Monday, and the cops have got nothing, and there's a whisper that capes were involved, but the PRT's not telling us shit. So, um, if you could help, that would be great. If you don't work for free, I guess I could empty my savings account or something.

►Miss Mercury (Protectorate Employee)

Replied On Jan 8th 2011:

Void, you idiot.

►Atropos (Original Poster) (Banned) (You Wish) (UnVerified Cape) (Can Actually Kill Anything) (Yes, Really) (Watch Me)

Replied On Jan 8th 2011:

Hmm... let me consult my crystal ball ... I'm getting something ...

The victim's initials were ... S H ... or maybe S S ...

She was ... athletic ... vindictive … arrogant ... violent ... a total asshole ... could never take a hint ...

Yes, now I see it ... the killer is coming into plain view ... I have a face and a name ...

Oh, wait. It was me.

Ta-da! Mystery solved! (Put your money away, I did that one for free).

As for why … well, as I just said, she could never take a hint. She was given a clear warning, and chose to ignore it.

You've seen how that works out.


Replied On Jan 8th 2011:


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Replied On Jan 8th 2011:

But ... why would you do a thing like that? She was just a kid!

►Reave (Verified PRT Agent)

Replied On Jan 8th 2011:

XxVoid_CowboyxX - Shut up.

►TeamMom (Senior Moderator)

Replied On Jan 8th 2011:

XxVoid_CowboyxX - have a temp ban while you think about the inadvisability of arguing with someone of Atropos' capability.

►Atropos (Original Poster) (Banned) (You Wish) (UnVerified Cape) (Can Actually Kill Anything) (Yes, Really) (Watch Me)

Replied On Jan 8th 2011:

No, it's fine. He doesn't need to be banned for that.

Void, there are things about the matter you're not aware of. Specifically ... ahh, fuck it. Her family's in protective custody and the Empire's on the way out anyway, so I'll just say it. She was a cape. Worse, she was a cape who liked to pretend to be a hero while taking pleasure in hurting people who she thought couldn't fight back.

I fought back.

She was also the type to never admit that she was in the wrong, or that she could be beaten. If I'd just kicked her around then let her get back up, she would've kept coming until she got some kind of win, no matter how petty or spiteful.

I wasn't down for that, so I killed her. Problem solved.

She got warned twice, she ignored it twice. She died of stupid.

Just like Coil, Kaiser, Lung and Skidmark.

I don't play.


Replied On Jan 8th 2011:

Damn right you don't, sister! Holy fuck, the mess you made of Skiddy! Could you do that to my mom's dealer, too?

►TeamMom (Senior Moderator)

Replied On Jan 8th 2011:


GreatAndTerribleAisha - please do not encourage acts of violence on here. This is your first and last warning.

►Atropos (Original Poster) (Banned) (You Wish) (UnVerified Cape) (Can Actually Kill Anything) (Yes, Really) (Watch Me)

Replied On Jan 8th 2011:

Not precisely, but he might object when I take his stash away from him. No promises, but there might be broken bones involved.


Replied On Jan 8th 2011:


Also, my annoying older brother has invited himself along. I promise to make sure he doesn't say or do anything stupid. Hope that's all good?

►Atropos (Original Poster) (Banned) (You Wish) (UnVerified Cape) (Can Actually Kill Anything) (Yes, Really) (Watch Me)

Replied On Jan 8th 2011:

Sure, sounds like fun. I'm looking forward to it.


Replied On Jan 8th 2011:

What even is this.

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Replied On Jan 8th 2011:

It's a new day for Brockton Bay, that's what it is.

With the gang leaders gone, what's next? I mean, the Nine, sure, but after that? Global problems? Hey, Atropos, do you intend to show up and fight the Endbringers when they attack?


Replied On Jan 8th 2011:

Much as I'm in favor of the gangs being defanged, I'm going to have to take issue with that kind of sweeping statement. Yes, the gangs will be losing a lot of their power with their cape leaders gone. But they weren't really the cause of Brockton Bay's economic downturn, so much as they were a symptom of it. Which means that removing them won't automatically usher in a golden age for the city. A year from now, we'll still be stuck where we are today, unless someone does something to dig us out of this hole.

►Atropos (Original Poster) (Banned) (You Wish) (UnVerified Cape) (Can Actually Kill Anything) (Yes, Really) (Watch Me)

Replied On Jan 8th 2011:

CrazyAndy - Fight, no. I don't fight. Kill, yes.

Ijuset - You raise some valid points. Fortunately, I can end more than just people. I'll get right on that.


Replied On Jan 8th 2011:

*sits forward, ignoring a mouthful of popcorn*


Replied On Jan 8th 2011:

Did … did you just say you can kill Endbringers?

►Atropos (Original Poster) (Banned) (You Wish) (UnVerified Cape) (Can Actually Kill Anything) (Yes, Really) (Watch Me)

Replied On Jan 8th 2011:

What part of 'Can Actually Kill Anything' were you unsure about? If it can die, I can kill it, and yes, Endbringers can absolutely die.


Replied On Jan 8th 2011:

Wait, you're saying you can kill *economic problems*, too? How does that even work?

►Atropos (Original Poster) (Banned) (You Wish) (UnVerified Cape) (Can Actually Kill Anything) (Yes, Really) (Watch Me)

Replied On Jan 8th 2011:

The same way I kill everything else. I bring the right weapon to the fight. (Duh)


Replied On Jan 8th 2011:

Okay, I'll bite. How do you stab a depressed economy to death?

►Atropos (Original Poster) (Banned) (You Wish) (UnVerified Cape) (Can Actually Kill Anything) (Yes, Really) (Watch Me)

Replied On Jan 8th 2011:

You don't. You stab the things that are holding it down. With money. Lots and lots of money. *After* killing off the people who have a vested interest in keeping it depressed.

You *did* see the part about how I'm going to be killing off the Slaughterhouse Nine tomorrow, right? I'm not doing that just for shits and giggles, you know.

Though I have to admit, I would've gotten around to them eventually, even if there was no reward for doing the deed. Jack Slash is just so damn tacky. He gives serial killers a bad name.

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Very Early Saturday Morning

Director Piggot

Ignoring the aches and pains, and the feeling of sandpaper under her eyelids, Emily stared at the screen. The sheer gall implicit in the challenge to the various gangs which might threaten Brockton Bay left her shaken and breathless. Either Atropos was the most stupidly arrogant, self-assured cape Emily had ever encountered—and she'd met a few, in her time—or she could actually pull it off.

In all honesty, Emily wasn't certain which was the scarier possibility.

Her phone began to ring. Glancing at it, she saw that it was Armsmaster calling. She acknowledged the call and put it on speaker, then went back to scrolling down the screen.

"You're reading PHO too?" she asked rhetorically.

"Yes, ma'am." He sounded almost as shaken as she felt.

"Your views on her statements?" She decided against pointing out the implication that he'd cry if Atropos refused his orders. It was neither the time nor the place.

"On the one hand, nobody's ever pulled off what she's claiming to be able to do." His tone was cautious.

"But?" That there was a 'but' involved, she was utterly convinced. She even had most of an idea what form it would take.

"But nobody ever did what she's already managed to do, either."

Mentally, she paid off on the bet she'd made with herself. "Do you think she can manage it?"

Even now, he didn't want to commit himself. "I'd feel a lot more secure about it if she was sharing her plans and accepting resources from us … and doing less killing, of course."

In other words, if Atropos was under his orders. "She seems to think otherwise."

It wasn't that she was on Atropos' side … exactly. The law was the law, and she was oath-bound to uphold it as best she could. But …

… Atropos had made a bold statement, and carried it off without a hitch, working around the interference posed by the PRT as if they hadn't even been there. And some small part of her had silently approved of the sights of Kaiser and the others dead, after all the death and devastation they'd caused.

"The Nine are a lot more dangerous than even Lung was. She's likely to need assistance, even if she doesn't know it herself."

Emily pursed her lips in a frown. Armsmaster had a touch of the glory-hound in him. She'd long since seen and recognised it for what it was. For the most part, it didn't hamper his heroic endeavours, but if he kept pushing for this, it might end up as a problem.

The very last thing she wanted was Atropos getting annoyed at Armsmaster. There was no doubt in her mind as to who would survive that particular encounter.

"You will stand down on that matter," she ordered him. "You will only supply assistance if she specifically requests it. Is that understood?"

His tone was audibly reluctant, even over the phone. "Yes, ma'am."

"Good. Do you have any idea what she wants with Uber and Leet?"

"None whatsoever. They haven't even weighed into the thread yet."

"Hmm. Okay. Was there anything else?"

"No, ma'am."

"Understood." She cut the call, and went back to reading through the PHO comments.

And she was the one who took out Shadow Stalker, after all. Well, fuck.

Right now, that was the least of her problems.

End of Part Fifteen