Throne 5.5

"The wandering tales of Shana-Ōh! Hassōtobi! (8 boat leap!)"



-April 29th, 2011, Sacred Realm Simulation-


My eyes slowly opened and closed as I felt an emptiness inside my mind. There was something missing and yet I couldn't put my finger on it, regardless I could afford to fix my memory issues later. The ground itself was covered in fog, though I knew it was wet, in fact it felt like touching a rather large puddle. Next to me Fi laid, blade first, in the ground. After standing up I grabbed the blade and pulled it out. It was then that I noticed something, I wasn't wearing my usual clothes. In fact, I was merely wearing a t-shirt and some jeans that for some reason weren't wet despite the body of water that surrounded me.


A ray of light came down from the heavens and reality split in two forming a small tear, a man walked out of the tear.


"Oh… Fuck me running." I whined as I got a clear look at who stepped out. Even if I couldn't have recognized his face (and I sure as fuck couldnt forget that face), the traditional green hero's clothes and his Master Sword would've been dead giveaways. I reached out to my shard, to Sylph, and found nothing… I remember now, only I can take this trial.


"This is your chance, prove yourself worthy of the grace you called for."


I felt a shiver run down my back as he readied himself, "Just so you know. I'm a big fan." I admitted before rushing towards him. I swung Fi with both hands in an attempt at vivisecting him. He raised his shield right on time and blocked the strike, sparks flew as the blade met the shield. I was so surprised at the fact that he successfully blocked it that I barely had time to react to his counter. Twisting away with a leap I dodged out of the way of his incoming slash, a wave of light followed in an arch after his slash.


"Hmmm." He grunted for a moment before charging in after me. I parried the slash and attempted to counter, however he had rolled out of the way. He swung his sword horizontally forcing me to move back, one heartbeat later and I was back on the offensive. His shield withstood the full strength of my swings, and that was perfectly okay with me as I only needed to get him to kneel due to the strength of the swing. I hear him grunt and see him slide back for a moment, before he manages to push me off the shield and thrusts the master sword into my rib cage.


He barely misses, a shallow cut adorns the right side of my rib cage. Is this what it feels like to fight someone better? Is this my limit? I steady my breathing, grip Fi tighter, and charge again. I fake a swing in one direction and swipe with the false edge at Link. He parries with his sword, but there's an opening. I tackle him, forcing him back and headbutt him on the nose.


"Well wadda ya know? The hero of time can bleed." I taunt him even as I press the attack, my swings crash against his shield, his parries slide off my blade as I continue my assault. Then another opening happens, I drive my sword where he is and at the last instant he dodges. I can feel time slow down as he slips into my side.


I was wrong, this wasn't the hero of time, it was of the Wilds. I push my body to its limits to swing at him, but I'm too slow, he cuts off my head…


The wet ground greets my surprised gaze once more. My hands run up to my neck, still attached to my body. My second death was no less traumatic than the first, but at least it hurt less. Fi was once again stuck in the ground and I pulled her out. Link walked out of the beam of light, looking no worse for wear, I smiled.


"Round two, Link!" I roared and charged towards him. The bastard has the audacity to smirk back at me.


-April 29th, 2011, 3:00 AM. PRT HQ, NYC-


The NYC PRT base was for all intents and purposes a really fucking tall skyscraper that could withstand anything short of behemoth dry humping it to extinction. We, this referring to me, Legend, Eidolon and several other PRT officers avoided the front desk by landing on the helipad. Amy and Vicky had opted for going back to Brockton, the twins had no issue carrying both of them back to our base. I could've sworn Vicky was blushing as Quinn princess carried her.


I stared at the empty water bottle in my hands, I was honestly surprised to find that it was just water in it. A rather significant part of my mind believed that despite everything, the PRT would fuck up and try to drug me.


You shouldn't be so negative about others, master. " Da Vinci advised in the depths of my mind. I smiled and replied, " It's less me being negative and more being properly paranoid. The PRT aren't good people, but they're the best this world has. "


For now. If what you told me becomes true then they won't be alone for much longer. Just so you know, I've delivered the children to Dragon. She'll keep them safe, right? " Leo asked, for probably the 5th time after I told her the basics of the plan.


Yeah, she's one of the few people I would trust implicitly. " I admitted with no hesitation, I could almost imagine Dragon denying the people part. I really need to make her a nice body, maybe some enhancements as well, Armsmaster wouldn't mind a tail, would he? Men like women that can actually breathe fire and benchpress trucks… Right? 


"I'm glad you have friends, master. " Leo snapped me out of my mental musings. " Now we do need to talk about your body, the fused state didn't do as much damage as your worst case scenario predicted, but internal bruising is not good for you. Plus there's the mental toll… Romani would tell you to sleep for a day or two, and invite you over for some sweets once you woke up. " Her wistful tone, and the fact that she mentioned Romani, made me realize just how worried she was. I owed her more than the bare minimum of attention I had given her.


"That… Certainly sounds like the good doctor. But I can't afford it at the moment, too much to do and not enough time. Leo, are you okay? " I asked in an attempt at finding out what was eating at her.


...You do realize I'm supposed to play the big sister role, right? Honestly master, this world is depressing, even without the information given to me by my summoning there's so much wrong. Alaya and Gaia should've acted before you, especially against that golden moron. Which is weird given how we've managed to establish leyline usage, it's as if it was sleeping… The other option is not something I'd like to entertain. " The ominous tone of her voice didn't escape my notice. I looked around and still no one appeared, the camera was still trained on me.


And it would be? " I asked, already having a gut feeling as to what the answer was.


That it did not exist until you saw it. Or rather this world was not perceived until you linked it. " Da Vinci's words echoed in my mind, a similar thought had occurred to me before. Especially given the fact that the sacred realm was being anchored to create a Tri-Force in this world. " Regardless, I'll be heading to your location master. Do I go loud or do you want me to surprise them? "


Stay in spirit form. The twins are already in the system and Leo… Thank you again. " I replied after thinking about it for a minute. Keeping her in spirit form would be very beneficial in the long run.


Anytime master. "


I stared at the figure that entered the waiting room. The fact that he thought that wearing a bandana with some holes for eyes would disguise his face was mind numbingly stupid, then again Taylor let her very distinctive hair be noticeable in her costume and no one called her out on it. Eidolon took one look at me and drank deep from his cup of decaf, the absolute monster.


"A negligent father and you drink decaf. Any other crimes you want to confess to?" I snarked, tossing the empty bottle to a trash can near the door.


"Do you just enjoy pretending to know me or is it something that you've deluded yourself into believing? Besides, I know I have no children, much less a brat like you." He bit out while using a power to make his eyes glow ominously. Though at the time I couldn't bring myself to be scared, I was too angry at the implication of his words. I saw red, for a brief moment I considered seeing if I could in fact mimic Scar, but I barely pushed it down.


"Listen well you limped dicked bitch, imply or state that you're related to me one more time and I will rip your heart through your throat." I stated in disgust at the thought of mom fucking him. Or is it getting fucked… Nope, erasing that thought permanently!


"Anyways, where's my money?" I asked, changing the topic. He stared at me for a moment before beginning to say,


"I don't…" He tried to excuse himself before I cut him off.


"Do I have to go to Texas and demand my pay?" I didn't care for his excuses, nor did I particularly feel like being lied to at the moment.


"No. What don't you know?" He asked with clear bitterness in his voice. The thinly veiled contempt was almost palpable, so I decided to mirror it in my measured response.


"How many bullets it takes to make the flying chicken in the sky a lead zeppelin." I lied, since the answer was never enough dakka.


"..." He stared at me incredulously.


"You were the one who asked #1 absentee father of earth bet." I remarked flipping the empty bottle over the air several times and asked, "So who is dragging their ass? Becky and Tagg?"


"She'll kill you for that, and no. It's just Tagg, Jameson, McBrocken and Yung. They're making the argument that your destruction of Ellisburg should be enough for a birdcage, not counting the numerous murders you've done. Piggot and Armstrong have been pointing out the futility and utter idiocy of those suggestions for the last half hour." Legend says appearing next to my seat. I blinked in surprise since I really didn't notice him.


"I'll need to put a bell on you Legend. Fucking hell Tagg, of all the times to become relevant… Anyways I doubt that you're here for exposition, so I'm guessing it's time for me to piss off the PRT heads." I muttered with a smile full of vindictiveness. I made a show of stretching and headed out of the waiting room.


"The President is there as well. He's expressed interest in talking to you." Legend said, causing me to pause for a moment.


"Good for him, I'll piss him off later then." I gleefully admitted much to the apparent consternation of Legend and Eidolon. I headed through the doors and into the elevator. Legend came in, dialed the floor and down we went. The hallway leading to the meeting room was lined with guards. The PRT troopers were all armed with what I could only assume was tinkertech armor since the material did not look especially thick or durable. The rifles were definitely tinkertech unless someone had begun mass producing laser guns. They were fully masked but I could sense their tension, I don't blame them. I did kill a city.


The meeting room was aptly big, in the middle there was a massive holographic display showing the various heads of the PRT, I could recognize Piggot and Costa Brown's body double. A man sat on the desk in the back of the room, the suit was clearly well made, the two guards next to him reacted quickly, covering him with their bodies. 


"Good morning motherfuckers!" I gleefully announced with a clap of my hands, I touched the ground and the floor rose until I was above them. "Now, who the fuck thought it was a good idea to not give me the bounties?"


"You see! She's a-" A man with black hair and a voice like a chain smoker growled out. 


"Shut the fuck up Tagg. The only reason why you still breathe is because I can't be bothered to kill a nascent Ziz bomb." I cut him off and a silence fell into the room. "What? I'm not going to mince words anymore. Everything you do, to even the amount of times you don't fuck your wife was already planned by the pigeon. Now who were the other spineless fucks that thought that not giving me my money was a good idea?"


"Maeve, are you threatening a PRT director?" Piggot cut in distracting me for a moment, I glared at her and she glared back at me. Good, she still has some backbone.


"Piggot, I know you have hang ups with parahumans due to your experiences in Ellisburg and your own personal experiences within the PRT and because of that I am willing to ignore the blatant stupidity of your question. I do not make threats Piggot, I make statements and I follow through." I said, in a very threatening manner. Fuck, I really am sounding like a parahuman brat.


Coughing into my hand I added, "Regardless of your feelings on the matter, I just killed Nilbog. The same parahuman that fucked you over and gave you enough trauma to refuse healing. If I wanted to fight the PRT, I would've let Mama Mathers meet him and then swoop in as you struggled to contain a viral outbreak. All I want is my money so I can fuck off and build some toys in peace." I explained as Da Vinci arrived in spirit form. Good to know I had backup just in case.


"And what do you intend to do with the bounty money?" A man with a rather large beard said, I blinked at him and replied with a mix of snark and honesty.


"Pay for a lot of Siberian smut to piss off Manton and have him die of cardiac arrest. Also remind Jacob he never escaped the basement, maybe feed him his intestines for something he'll say to piss me off, make crawler whimper in pain, remind sphere of his dead wife and kid, kill bonesaw. Make shatterbird into a pair of slippers and make the dumb pyro swallow a bomb… I feel like I'm forgetting one but he doesnt matter. Never have or will matter" I replied and I got to see Legend, Eidolon and Becky stiffen ever so slightly. 


"Manton?" Piggot asked, ignoring the reaction of her boss.


"Yeah, William Manton. You know the Siberian is the projection of his dead daughter right? Fucking perverted hack can't even put clothes on her. He's the dumb fuck in the pedo van that follows the band of murder hobos that shouldve been nuked to orbit, if it wasnt plain suicide to shoot him I'd suggest using a sniper or two. Mind you the suicide part only applies if the Siberian or crawler are there." I summed up, breaking the unwritten rules in their face and loving every single micro reaction from Costa Brown.


"..." The silence at the blatant disregarding of the unwritten rules was astounding. That or they never tried to do a face search on the Siberian… Which is entirely possible given how fucking dumb some of these guys are.


"Okay, fine I was joking on the smut part. But I do need the money to kill off the nine. And to piss off the pigeon." I lied about the smut part, I was absolutely going to do that even if I had to waste the bounty of Ellisburg on it. Manton needed to get fucked and broken in more ways than one. 


"So you're claiming to know what the simurgh will do?" Costa Brown asked, I could taste the fear in her tone. If I could predict her, then what else could I predict? That unspoken question might as well have been written on the surface of the moon with how obvious her mind worked.


"Yes. Brockton Bay will be attacked by Leviathan soon. Because the creator of the endbringers is a bitch on a power trip that feels inadequate whenever someone with a shinier power comes up. And because whether I like it or not, I have become a person of interest." I began to explain, "Think back on what I've done so far, took down several gangs without the PRT, and I just cleared an S class threat in addition to wiping out an entire family of the fallen. Whether I like it or not I've begun representing something that Bet doesn't have, hope for a better future." 


"So you're saying you're a pawn in the Simurgh's game?" Tagg asked, and I shook my head before answering,


"Nope, I'm a blind spot for her. However, that doesn't mean she can't plan around me or my actions. That's her purpose, her function, so I will abuse her limitations. Besides she did sacrifice Mathers to see if I would react, so I owe the bitch some measure of payback." It wasn't a lie per se, I'm unsure if I really am a blind spot or if it's all orchestrated by her. Then again if she could interfere, I wouldn't see the end of this path. Regardless she needed to die and I needed a bigger gun to put her down.


"That's extremely arrogant, how do we even know if what you're saying is true?" Tagg asked, masking his fury with skepticism. I glared at him for a brief moment before smiling like I had seen Lisa do. Allowing my eyes to go fully blue on blue I changed my pitch to sound suitably dramatic and acted as the oracle one more time.


"Easy, my predictions will always come true, for I am the only one who sees past infinity. Even if you do not believe me, I will be right. Now I will tell you 3 truths and one lie.

My name is Marie Flynt.Leviathan will attack Brockton Bay on the first of May.The Yangbang will fall soon after.I will meet with Glaistig Uaine before the year ends to signal the end of the golden morning."


I had several choices on how to go forward available, I could try for a more pleasant approach. And yet I hesitate to even attempt it, their fear of parahumans is well reasoned but it blinds them. I could offer some healing potions and medicine ampules, it'd save lives from the ground troops but they wouldn't accept it, they would ask for a trial that would take months. 


Automation is out of the table until Eagleton is erased at least, and like hell I'm giving them spice or eridium. I give them a gun and within an hour the Elite or the Yangbang have a copy. Plus they would ask for the twins to be hobbled or destroyed and… just the thought of it makes me angry enough to see if I can call scion by repeating his name. I need to convince them in such a way that they'll believe that they're playing me. Time to act like the brat I'm supposed to be.


Nodding to myself as the idea solidified I jumped down from my seat and looked at Legend before smiling mischievously,


"Anyways chucklefucks, I think it's time I gave you an offer. In exchange for my services, not only will you pay me, you'll let me go to the birdcage and kill Teacher, give me the northern half of the Ellisburg crater and sign me as an ally to the PRT."


"And why would we do that?" Costa Brown asked, her voice sounding very tired.


"You want leviathan dead? You'll give me what I want. I'll even sweeten the deal for you. If I'm wrong about Leviathan's attack I will join the PRT for 10 years under whoever you pick. Anything I build, it'll be yours. My image, name, everything at your disposal." I said with a smile on my face, in spite of me enslaving myself to a corrupt and broken system.


"And if you are right?" Piggott was the first to ask


"What I asked and 15 minutes with Glaistig Uaine in a room with no way to listen in to what we'll be talking about and no interference from anyone." I immediately said without any hesitation.


"And why would we do that?" One of the directors said, I glanced at their direction and saw them flinch.


"Because I'm being nice and asking. If I really didn't feel like being nice I wouldn't be wasting my time here. I'd be there already, killing the taught and getting the little queen interested in a different future. Let me be clear ladies and gentlemen, I am being extremely nice here. Instead of going on a murderspree and getting rid of several parahuman groups I am here talking with you. Instead of building anti endbringer technology, I am here waiting for you to get your asses in line and do your fucking jobs!" I yelled letting my anger out, " This is just an act. " I lie to myself and continue my rant.


 "I am sick and tired of this cops and robbers game, I am tired of watching children break again and again until there's nothing left because: The parahuman could be useful against the endbringers. Or this bitch is useful against the dumbfuck who could be useful against endbringers. Screw that! Nothing is worth the cost. How many have to suffer for an endgame your useful pawns will never see?" The last question made Eidolon physically flinch in spite of himself. 


"I hate repeating myself, but I will say this until everyone understands. I will not allow their tears to mean nothing, for what they believed in to hold no value in the end. For their sacrifice to mean nothing. " I can feel the glare from Costa Brown meet my own, Eidolon's knuckles crack as he closes his hands, Legend merely looks ashamed. Good man.


I feel the headache coming and I grumble out, "Regardless, do we have an agreement? If we don't then I'll just leave. Oh and before I forget, in around 5 minutes your thinker tank will finish the report about my changer form, listen to them for once and don't fuck it up."


"Can you give us some time?" Legend asked, preempting the response from Tagg and Costa Brown. I shrugged and walked away from the room. The numerous guards all aimed their guns at me for a moment before I walked past them. I could smell their fear even after the elevator doors closed.


It took them 15 minutes to draft up an agreement.

If I was wrong about Leviathan I would be essentially enslaved to the PRT until I was 30.If I was right, in exchange for not taking the bounty on the fallen, I would get the northern half of the Ellisburg crater.In addition all crimes committed by the undersiders would be given a pardon.I would be given a pardon for my rampant murder of the empire, in spite of it being excusable under the unwritten rules. As well as a general pardon for other potential crimes.I would be given preferential status within the associates of the PRT.I would be allowed to execute Teacher without consequence and be allowed to talk with the Fairy Queen.I would also be given a signed life sized statue of Mouse Protector. Made of cheese. (I asked for this just to piss off Tagg)I would need to submit myself for a full psychological evaluation.I was allowed to choose the PRT doctor, so I chose Yamada. PRT would get preferential treatment on any health related technology I create.I would be forced participate in any and all endbringer battles.


All in all, it had been a waste of time that could've been avoided had they believed me from the word go. The ride home was uneventful, Da Vinci spoke a lot through our mental link, keeping me awake as we landed on the Rig. My team wasn't there, they were all asleep, with the exception of Taylor and Emily, who awaited my return at the docks base. By the time I actually entered the base the smell of bacon assaulted me instantly, Dinah was snoring on the couch, next to Missy Biron, between them a semi realistic Fou plush…


"Why is Missy here?" I was already dreading the answer.


"She asked to meet with you." Voyager explained materializing next to me. There was a hint of amusement in his voice, as if remembering a joke.


"Voyager, why did you bring her here?"


"She asked nicely, and Miss Alcott said that this was the best time for it." He shrugged and flew away.


"Fucking oracles…" I muttered without any actual anger, Missy being here does solve an issue that could crop up, this would allow for faster deployment across Brockton. Regardless, "Leo, did you make a Fou plush?"


"Yes. You also have one in your room." My servant materialized with a knowing smile on her face, "Though I doubt you'll be heading there anytime soon Master. I'll meet you at my workshop so we can get started on creating and linking the black barrel." 


I wanted to retort, and yet my stomach growled loudly enough to give me pause. Taylor walked out of the kitchen area with bacon and scrambled eggs on a very hot plate. I love my cousin.


Breakfast was a silent affair as I devoured the food in front of me. Taylor looked like she hadn't slept at all, her normally messy hair looked closer to a lion's mane, her hands tapped the table in a simple 1,2,,, 1,2 rhythm. There was no anger, no actual judgment from her eyes and that worried me.


I breathed out, letting the warmth of the food flood my insides. Taylor by all standards should've been still resting, she must've pushed herself to come here, but why? Did she suspect that I needed to do something foolish? Or was she just worried about me? 


"Marie, I took some of the spice." She admitted with some shame coloring her tone, her hands stilled, opened and closed in rapid succession. "You said that the spice reveals the future and sets it in place. However, in spite of it, we are free. Right?" That was an odd tangent, however I don't mind explaining.


"Yeah, spice reveals the future to us as we forge it. However due to how I modified our genome we are more resistant to its addicting properties or rather we are immune to its more esoteric properties. So in essence, we don't get the cravings, get to see/create the future and can act accordingly; without mutating into worms or worse." I summed up, not bothering to explain the nightmarish math required to make that possible. She nodded and slowly stood up, tapping the table as she moved around.


"And you said that so long as we're alive we cannot be seen or even perceived by future sight. Clairvoyance is a fool's errand when it comes to our future, right?" Taylor asked for clarification and I nodded,


"Yes." I answered pushing back on the itch that built in the back of my mind, the triforce was calling. It took her a few seconds but she eventually nodded to herself and asked me,


"Then Marie, can you promise me that you won't destroy yourself against Leviathan? That no matter what happens you will not kill yourself killing it?"


My eye twitched, first Emily, now Taylor! "I'm not suicidal. I don't want to die, Taylor." I bit out in frustration. I really don't want to die and I promised already to not do something stupid like self destruction.


"That's not what I saw. I… I saw a broken city, no bodies littering the streets, nothing but debris and water, you alone fought against Leviathan. I know this because I saw your corpse stab it and then the world burned in light." She announced much to my shock, there was a chill in the back of my spine. She had foreseen a possible death for me, that or I died and the respawn system did not work and I didnt revive. Which would allow for her to see my corpse…


What would my corpse do to her? What emotion or actions would it bring forth? No…


[Marie! Move!] Sylph screamed in the back of my mind, Taylor's hands touched the table and chains held me for a second as a swarm fell on me. I had grown so accustomed to her swarm that I hadn't noticed that she was preparing to use it to hold me down. 


"EMERALD!!!" I scream out in desperation and my kaleidostick appears in my hand, mana flows freely out of my body in an instant, shredding the swarm. This takes seconds, I can almost hear Taylor say checkmate.


"I'm not going to lose you, to lose my sister again." Taylor muttered as another circle lit up below me, I recognized it. I could feel the lightning crackle along the floor, Leo screamed something at me, Voyager had moved both Dinah and Missy away. I know it's too late to stop her as she's already chanting, but even so I force my body to move.


I'm not going to lose Taylor! " Is my only thought.


"-From the Seventh Heaven, attended to by three great words of power, come forth from the ring of restraint, Protector of the Balance!" She screams out as her body glows with power. The smell of ozone fills the room, and I can't bring myself to care about that, Taylor is burning up. My hands are shaking as I hurriedly drain the heat from her body. I need to be careful otherwise I'll kill her with my cold. Alkahestry, alchemy, magecraft, science all of my options are forgotten as I try to desperately revive Taylor. I couldn't hear her breathing, her heartbeat... 


I refuse to lose her here! To let her die! There has to be a way. If I give up everything maybe? T- "


"What a troublesome master." A man's voice pulls me from my focus on Taylor. I recognize it, and I swallow the retort. "Oh? You recognize me. What an interesting mongrel, you've become Fujimaru. Or perhaps Emiya or even Kishinami fit you. Regardless, you are not my master, she is." He says to me as he opens his hand and a bottle falls from a golden portal into it. The man wore a blue shirt that I was 50% sure was worth more than a car at this point, his red eyes sparkled with amusement at my face.


"Give her this, I do not wish to lose my newest master in less than a minute." He says even as he hands me the bottle. I pour the elixir into Taylor's mouth and feel as her body relaxes. I use alchemy to check her, everything is looking good… Actually that's a lie, it's looking better than good. Her pathways, or magical circuits, are fully healed, and restored to peak human condition. Peak human as defined by the bastard next to me. Fucking hell, now I'm jealous of how well her body is.


"My king, I thank you for your generosity. Without your intervention my cousin would've suffered greatly." I state while bowing my head to him. The king of Heroes, the other golden bastard, the one and only Gilgamesh. At least it's his caster version, I'm unsure if his Archer version would've saved Taylor.


"Ah yes, I'll trust that you're capable of explaining to her who and what I am." He says as Da Vinci manifests next to me and Voyager floats behind him, "Glad to see more of our old friends are here. Summon the shield girl next time, she should meet the woman behind the mask." And with those words he returns to spirit form. I can easily hear him laugh to himself and I cannot help but shudder.


"Leo," I muttered as I checked the pulse again, "What happened?"


"Both you and Taylor don't know how to regulate your circuits. While it's less deadly to you given how many redundancies you've installed into your body, she did not have the luxuries. That said, now that I know of this I'll start making some notes for you and her to go over." She replied with a small grimace adorning her face. "I'll also talk to Lisa about this, she should know." Leo added before shifting into spirit form.


The swarm around us lies still on the ground, I pick up Taylor and slowly make my way to her room. After making sure she's well and truly asleep I walk out and head to my workshop.


"Belle, Quinn… Make sure I'm not disturbed." I order the two as I head over to the bench, papers stacked on top of one another mock me as I begin grabbing the materials I need to form the black barrel. Alchemy simplifies the process, however it cannot be assembled that way, ritualistic elements cannot be skipped, and I needed to focus on something that wasn't the blinding rage at myself.


What did I expect would happen? Why did I just give her a crest with everything? I knew Taylor wanted to do more and this… This is all my-


"Self pity?" Gilgamesh interrupted my thoughts yet again with his voice. I look back and somehow he summoned a throne, wine, and…


"Is that a holy Grail?" I asked as he drank from the Grail.


"Perhaps," he replied with a smirk, "But that's not the real question that you have, speak I'm in a good mood mongrel." I could swear I heard something metal snap as he called me a mongrel.


"Why her?" I asked, ignoring the insult/affectionate name. He frowned for a moment before replying,


"She asked for help and I answered. Come now, ask the right question. The one hidden behind your eyes, I promise I won't bite." 


"Fine. Why are you so happy? Modern society should annoy you at the very least." I was fully aware of how insolent my tone was and expecting something akin to a fireball or a lighting attack to strike me. Instead he smiled and waved his hand, the throne and everything else dematerialized into motes of light.


"Hmm… For my younger self it is true, however this world both values and refuses to value its people. It's besieged by aliens and the only people who are aware of it are desperately trying and failing to rally others. It is a tragedy and yet, there is beauty in it." He replied with unabashed confidence, there was no arrogance in it, actual admiration for the struggle and the suffering. "How could I not admire that? Besides, she made such a heart-felt plea."


"Fine. Now what can I do for you, my king?"


"Nothing, you're creating replicas. While useful they do not shine like an original work does. When you make something original, if it is pleasing I will accept it as tribute. Oh and remember, you are not a warrior, do not limit yourself to one." He says before slipping into spirit form, I stare at the half finished black barrel and resist the urge to smash it into the ground. The itch… the call was getting stronger and I was losing the battle of wills.


It took an hour but I was done, the bulk of the gun itself had been reduced by at least 20% in comparison to Mash's own. I suppose that's the advantage of using better materials… Regardless, the gun itself looked like Mash's variant, down to the anchoring. I traced my fingertips along the barrel, feeling the various runes within it activate and reacting to my touch.


"Quinn, come here." I spoke to the empty room and within a few minutes, she arrived.


"Mom, Belle and I are so-"


"Don't. Just don't apologize for Taylor. It ain't your fault," I said after pushing down my surge of anger, my hands shook as I continued, "I'm giving you the black barrel. Belle will get her own, later. But I want you to have it for now, I need you to hold it while I engage the ritualistic components."


"Ritualistic? Wait, what does that mean? What is being linked?"


"My command seals to the gun." I summed up what is the equivalent of a class in runes and advanced alchemy in a single sentence. I triggered the spell formula and ignited my magic circuits, the roar of them cycling power through my body and into the barrel itself was distracting for the seconds it took. I could feel… warmth? Concern? Lots of varying emotions across the link between the barrel, Quinn and me. Oh… Maybe I should've asked Leo to supervise. 


Coughing embarrassedly into my hand I said, "Well congrats Quinn, I just successfully connected your core to my soul."


"Mom…" Quinn's voice seemed to toggle between fear and wonder with that one word.


"I might've overcharged the spell a tad. But uh good news, the link between us is similar to a master servant contract. Which would be impossible if you didn't have a soul. So congratulations, you and therefore your sister have souls." 


To her credit Quinn did not blue screen on me, though she did in fact stand perfectly motionless with the black barrel holding her steady. 


" C̸̰̿o̴̡͚̿̆̐m̵̰̗̺̆́ẻ̴̼̠ͅ,̸̞̙̟̃ ̸͙̗̪̌́i̷̧͊ẗ̸͖̦̋͆ ̸̞̂̈́͝ị̵̗̫̌͊̄s̶̖͉̖̈́ ̶̬̫̅̀̈́ṭ̸̡̉i̸̗̓̆́m̴̦̈́e̵̯̣͊̆̓.̴̧͇̑͜ ̸̺̅̀̉P̸̥͍̣̃r̴͍͍̂̆͑o̶̬̽̆̕v̵̰̻̞̆̓̽ȅ̵̘̹̹̈ ̷̙͚̼̇y̵̜̐ͅo̶̧̜̠̽̑̒ù̶̧̱͇ṟ̴̬͕̒̑s̸̺̈͝͝ê̵̥̯̩̐̈́l̵̩̼͇̑̚f̵̦͈͍͝ ̵̣̫̾̆o̴̼̖̦̊̅n̷͈̠̞͂e̵͉̊̓̚ͅ ̵̦̤̗͊m̸̢͙̉̉͠o̶̼̫̐̏͝r̴̛̜͝ͅẽ̵͇ ̴̙̻̭̑ṯ̸̨͂̍i̷̺̒̓̈́m̶̡̄̃ę̷̞͛͌͝.̴̤̙̾͌͝" 1


Three voices echoed a command deep in my mind, I could feel a pressure building inside my head, like a spike being driven into my brain by a gentle but firm hand. I opened my mouth, and breathed out in pain. I couldn't leave her like this. I need to let her know that this doesn't change anything for me…


"Quinn, I have to try and get the triforce ready for Leviathan. I know that you can feel my mind or soul deep within you now, so if you can't trust my words trust that feeling. I am proud of what you and your sister are and what you can grow to be. You are just as human as I am." My one regret when it comes to saying that is that I couldn't keep the pain from my voice. I turn around and head towards the room with the Triforce.


One step…


Four steps…


Why does it feel like an eternity? And when did I draw out Fi? " Thoughts echo through my pained mind as I enter the room. The sheikah symbols light up like a starry night, soft blue light contrasts sharply with the golden glow of the triangle in front of me. 


Power, courage and wisdom. The three characteristics of the goddesses of Hyrule, the three things that need to be in balance for anyone to hold and use the artifact. On the back of my left hand a golden triangle shines out as if trying to match. I feel my circuits activate and my siren tattoos light up as well, to be precise the only thing not shining is Fi. Though there is the sound of chimes echoing softly in my ears.


F̴̛͇͓̳̃͑a̵̢̫͒̈́͜c̴̞͋̀͋e̷̪͘ ̵̜͍̓͝t̷̬̲͓́h̴̥̭̿̚i̷̲̳͛s̵͕̭̚͜ ̴͖̝͠c̸͉̳͋̿h̸̛͇̙̆ạ̸̦͊̿͆͜l̶̝͐̿͠l̴̘͚̯̇̅e̸̮͙̞͌̓n̷͔̱̏͋g̴̱͔̞͂ẹ̶͕̚ ̷̤̣͗́͜͠a̵̖͎̕n̶̢̹̎͆d̸̛͕̋̿ ̶̗͍̪́o̷̧̼͑͘͠u̵̻͕̜̍r̵̗̮̐̀ ̸̫̅͝g̶̟̯͋͂̀r̴̨̗͇̽̐ả̷̮͎̬͝ċ̵̢̬̘͠͝e̴̛̠͓͂́ ̸͙̀͂͆w̶̡͉͍̏͠ĭ̷̤͋͠l̸̩̘̗̂l̴͇̖̔ ̵̨̰͖̓͗ḃ̶̟̜͎è̷̙̟͐ͅ ̵̡̱̏͆̂ỳ̸̲̺̔ǫ̸͌̚ũ̵̟͕͋͝r̶͕͑̔́ṡ̷̻ ̷̠̟̇͐͝t̵̩̂̽͛ỏ̷̞ ̶͍͍̒́͝ẁ̴̱͑̕i̸̪͍͖̍è̸͓̀͊ļ̵̛̩̻͛̆d̵̥̒̽.̶̛̭͍̍ ̴͈̮͙̒Ŏ̷̲͎̚h̵̺̹̀ ̴̤͒͌c̶̗̏͌h̶̦͊̔i̸̱̓̕l̶̢͇̖̍̒d̸͇͙̲̾́ ̸͓́̊o̴̙̍̆̒f̷̥̗̭̌ ̷̩̼̜͌̓̉c̴̳̰̺͐ǔ̷̖̈̿r̷̞̖̼̂̊̓ḭ̸̩͒̎͂o̴̯͑̏s̶̰̼̑ỉ̸̛͎̍ṯ̶̛̬̼͑ỳ̷̼͖̗́,̵̢͝ ̷̲̈́̿̈́f̵̻̝́̈́i̸̯̬̽̿̈́g̵̛̤̐h̷̩̯̄͝t̴̞̓͒͠ ̸̫̣̚a̶̛̞͗̑n̷̪̜̏̓ͅd̸̠̺͙̀͘ ̶͙̊̽l̸̮̠̞͆̀͛ȋ̷̞v̵̪̰̏̉͊ȇ̷̫.̴̼̃̽͠ " 2


Their command was the last thing I heard as I drove Fi into the ground in front of it. I saw light, piercing me, Sylph cried out in pain. Her outstretched hand slipped through my own.


-Current cycle, 100 lives lost to the champion, 1 tie, 0 victories, Sacred Realm Simulation-


I gulped down the blood that threatened to escape my mouth. No wonder Ganon gets his ass handed to him so often, Link is a beast. He's a lot stronger than his body would imply, there's no hesitation in his moves and the games never told me he could fucking grapple me into the ground while driving a sword through my guts. I've lost limbs, eyes, necks, so many times I've begun to stop dodging, pain is temporary only the result matters.


One slash, twist the blade away, drive Fi into the leg, time slows again…


My eyes have finally adjusted to it, the flow and how he manages to do it. Less forcing his body into maximum speed more genuine time dilation. 


The blade takes my ear as I dodge the thrust, I scream in pain and anger, my blade slices into the hylian shield and drives itself into his arm. He doesn't even grunt, instead he uses this to tackle me into the ground. The blade is at my throat for a moment, there's no hesitation, but rather curiosity? No, he's expecting something. A heartbeat passes and he slices my neck open.


My eyes are greeted by the same hell, I grab Fi.


What is the answer? " I ask myself as I begin this damned dance of blades. Sparks fly as both master swords glow blue, beams clash as water turns to steam. More and more I fail, and yet.


There's an answer. I just need to find it. What am I missing? " That thought rings past my desire to let it end, to walk quietly into the empty night. I built the barrel, even if I fall…


" I'm not going to lose you, to lose my sister again ."


Something inside me roars at the memory, at the sacrifice . Taylor's origin… it must be sacrifice . Link swings the master sword at me once more,


Fi, do you trust me? " I ask my sword even as I use it to block her counterpart.


She answers and a schematic forms in my mind, it's an echo of a noble phantasm, something that can't be replicated in truth. But that's only in the real world, this is either in my own soul or in the sacred realm itself. I let the blow knock me away, as I fly through the surface of the water I grip the blade with my left palm. And I slice through it, blood bathes Fi.


I ignite everything inside me once again, "Oh holy blade, bathed in the blood of man. Accept my sacrifice and take form once more." I feel a stronger connection to Fi, as if my body is a sword as well. Flesh turns to steel, blood into fire and our souls…


Ä̸̧́h̸͔̕ ̶͈̇m̶̺̉ÿ̵̖ ̷̥̓ṁ̸̻a̶͉̿s̸͕̄t̷̗͆ḛ̴̅ṛ̴̍,̶̰̐ ̵̙̽ȳ̵͜ö̷͍u̵̎ͅ ̵̬̇l̷̹̈́ė̸̟a̷͖̋v̶̡͘e̵̘͐ ̸͇̿m̶͎̿e̴̙͌ ̸̥͝a̶͔͆g̵̰͝ā̴̟į̵̔ǹ̵͈ ̴̙͗a̴̪͛ñ̴͈ḏ̵̈́ ̵̀ͅỹ̸̳e̸̱̎t̵͖̀;̷͖̈́ ̵̭̄m̶̤̄ẙ̷̺ ̷͎̇p̸̹͝u̴̮̍r̵̮̿p̸͇̂o̷͍͐s̸͉̾e̷̖͘ ̸͔̋į̷̊s̷̩̄ ̵̡̒f̷̘̍ủ̵̫l̶̨̏f̵̱̑ĩ̷͈l̴̢̅l̶͎̈́e̵̛̺d̸̼͝.̶̼͠ ̶͔̄Y̷͇͋ò̴̭ȕ̴͈ ̵̲̂k̸͉̄e̷̟̚p̴̟͝t̷̳̀ ̷̛͙y̸̮̿o̵͔̾ǘ̷̝r̶̥͂ ̶͔̉w̵͇̏ó̵̡ṛ̵͝ḍ̸̓,̶̙̃ ̶͖͗I̵̮̓ ̷͕͋w̵̹͑i̴̚ͅl̵̙͌ľ̶̝ ̸̬̈́m̸̰̑i̸̢͂s̶̥̾s̴̭̈́ ̵̧̑y̸̠͋o̶̖͆u̴̘̍ ̶̟͝m̸̜͐y̴͔͆ ̴̩̆m̵̫̔á̷̜s̵̲͆ț̸̅ẽ̶͙r̸̮͋.̶̬͑ ̵̛̪E̸̪͒v̴̙̐e̶̛̲n̶͓̄ ̶͖͌i̷̭̕f̶̟̚ ̴̩̈į̸̉t̵̲͘'̴̩́ș̴͘ ̶̼̾î̵͇ṁ̶̲p̷̟̆õ̵̟s̸̟͋s̷͕͝i̶̬͂b̸͙̓ḻ̶̒e̸͓̊,̵̹͐ ̵̮̈m̶͉͝a̷̦͗y̴̪̎ ̶̱̊w̴͍͊e̴̩̓ ̶̬̾m̷̳͊e̵͚̽ë̴̩t̷͕̓ ̵̠̈́a̵̼̍g̷̜̽a̸̧͂í̸̟n̶̢̈.̶̹͛ ̴͚̈É̸͉v̷͓̚e̵̙̓n̶͔͘ ̵̯̿į̶́f̷̭͠ ̸̟͌ï̷̟t̶͉̆ ̵͖̾i̶̫̓s̴͍͐ ̴̭͝i̶͖̓n̵͇̅ ̷̧̋á̸͎n̶͓͌ǫ̸̊t̸̬̓ḧ̸͕́e̵̹̎r̷͖̂ ̵̟͘l̸͇̂i̴͕̋f̵̩́e̴̙͐,̸̺̏ ̴̱̍I̵̗̎ ̵̣͠t̴̹̚r̴̡̉u̶͈͊l̵̗͠y̴̲͘ ̴͙̏h̵́͜ọ̴̍ṕ̴̮ḙ̶͒ ̶͖̿t̶͕̀o̷̼͑ ̶͈̓ǎ̵̰c̵͔̔c̴̽͜ŏ̴̮m̷̢̅p̶̹̄a̵̰͛ṉ̵͋y̶̰͛ ̶̳̂ỵ̷̇o̸͙͌u̷̧̍.̵̡͋.̷̨͗.̶̤̇ ̷̖̓o̸͈̔n̴̝̆c̴̣͊é̵͔.̴̲̀.̷̠̔.̷͍̀ ̵̥̅m̷̢̓o̵̙͂r̴̠̀e̵͍̋.̶̻̀.̵̲̤̄.̶͖̗̍͋͐ " 3 A fragmented memory of Fi invades my mind, I can feel the crushing weight of the ocean on my back. She loved Link, even in pain, she loved him.


Light surrounds me and Link rushes to stab me. The goddess blade meets the master sword, as Fi drives her own body into Link's exposed side. A second goddess blade strikes again and again, as Link wisely retreats. I look at my left arm, silver lines dance under the siren tattoos. I see a new marking, on my wrist, a replica of the master sword… 


Fi asks, manifesting herself in full once again. She looks like she did in Skyward sword, down to the last bit of fabric like flowing metal. Soft blues and deep purples grace her form and lines of green and black accentuate her legs.


"Long story short, we're connected, literally. It's a form of the soul bond, or a pale mimicry of what Rengoku and Okita Alter have. Only difference is that I don't have a spirit origin so I had to use my soul as a base." I summed up and yet couldn't help but feel she was still confused.


She replies as she forms a copy of the goddess blade in her hand. 


"We're in this together now Fi, so let's move!" I shouted and I feel her nod in return, my wounds have sealed up as I clash with Link. Fi takes an opportunity to strike, but the madman actually parries her, his counter is interrupted by my own strike. He grunts with effort and forces my sword into the ground, the edge of his shield smashes into my face.


Fuck that hurts. " I think as I stumble back, a thrust follows suit, but Fi is there in an instant, parrying it and smashing her heel into his face. 


She orders and I follow. Link throws the hylian shield at me and I dodge out of the way, a sword beam follows suit and it hits Fi. I hear her grunt and I can feel the impact on my body as well. Yet I keep moving forward, he readies himself and swings again. My blade meets his, and he drives me to my knees. Yet neither he nor I can move; Fi drops from above, slashing his chest open as he barely dodges her strike.


More… " a thought cries out in the depths of my mind. Fi shifts into her sword form and I drive her and the goddess blade into Link. More blood greets me, 


Faster, more precise, focus. " I tell myself as I continue slashing, a bomb forms in Link's hand and he detonates it blasting us apart. I hear a fairy and I curse, he stands with wounds sealed up and on his left hand the symbol of the triforce lights up.


Fi begs for a moment as she shows me her plan. I always did like beam struggles. Fi fused herself back into the master sword and I felt something click inside me, and the power flowed outwards into the master sword. Link's own shone like a star, and yet I smiled.


"Fi, take everything and make this one blow end this battle." I ordered and my blade ignited like the sun, we swung at the same time…


"And that is enough. " A voice said and everything stopped. Not a single second passed, not a single breath was taken. I couldn't move a single muscle as a golden woman descended. Imagine the radiance of the sun shaped into a human-like form, that is what I saw for a moment. Then she shed her golden skin, revealing a hylian girl, with long blonde hair and a beautiful if ordinary white robe. I didn't need to guess who she was, every cell in my body cried out.




My dear champion, you did well. " She said to Link, who began moving. He looked at her for a moment and his expression softened before he knelt. She smiled kindly and pressed her hand against his face. He turned into light as the world faded.


And you, oh challenger of fate, the trial is over. You have been found worthy, for your soul did not burn when interacting with Fi's. " Hylia announced much to my confusion. Not at the announcement, but at the fact that we were now in a perfect replica of the temple of time from Ocarina. The master sword laid on the pedestal and I could feel Fi being bathed in light and power.


The power of the master sword must be earned, lest the champion fail. Know that should you call, we shall answer. " Her voice was like thunder, I still couldn't move.


Don't worry, she's nicer than she sounds. ] Sylph said in my mind and Hylia glared in my direction.


I can hear you, shard of curiosity. Regardless you needn't worry about time lost, a mere 100 seconds have passed outside of this realm. " Hylia said and I could move my body again.


"What was the point?"


To see what you would do. For you, my world is one of many you visit. A mere form of entertainment at best. I wished to see what you would do, would you risk life and limb for what you once considered fiction? Or would you discard it? I know your words, but I need to see your actions. " Her tone only held a tinge of anger, though I could tell it wasn't aimed at me but rather at the idea that her suffering was mere entertainment.




Leave, it is time for you to face reality once more. " She cut me off and darkness drowned me. I have no idea how long I was in the void, though I'm well aware of the scent of flowers for a brief moment, the chittering of insects in another and then… I arrive back in my body.


I stare at the master sword for a moment, nothing has physically changed. And yet I feel a humming coming from it as if it's receiving more and more power.


Fi replies as she exits the blade and helps me back to my feet. She can physically touch me… 


"Fi, am I hallucinating or are you there and solid?" I ask dumbfounded at the sight.



"Is that a joke?"



I blankly stared at Fi before staring at the triforce. Gentle golden light emanated from it, I breathed in before picking up the goddess blade and Fi entered it again. I could hear the wind and chimes as I turned away from it and headed outside. There was warmth.


5.5 end-

Glitch text translation

Come it is time. Prove yourself one more time.Face this challenge and our grace will be yours to wield. Oh child of curiosity, fight and live.Ah my master, you leave me again; and yet my purpose is fulfilled. You kept your word, I will miss you my master.



Same time as negotiations In NY. Brockton Bay, Hebert Household-


The pain in my head has not subsided since Lisa woke me up, not that I blame her, I did ask her for this. I had a nagging feeling that it wouldn't be pleasant, most things Marie does ever are, but this pain is definitely new. It feels like a million ants crawling and biting my nerves, but that's all it was. Lisa had opted to sleep the rest of the night and was snoring next to me, a very small part of me found it adorable. My hand brushed gently against her brow and I hesitated for a moment, I could just go and sleep. But I wanted to know and the two AI that were in my living room could inform me.


I slowly made my way downstairs and saw Belle and Quinn quietly staring at each other. Coughing loudly to grab the attention worked and Belle carried me to the sofa.


"Aunt… Why are you awake?" Quinn asked in an oddly raspy voice.


"Couldn't sleep, too worried about Marie." I mumbled out, letting my exhaustion show. The twins looked at each other and nodded once. From Quinn's eye a small projection appeared, Marie was unmasked and seated surrounded by several other projections. I recognized one of them as the director for Brockton Bay's PRT.


Whatever they were talking about I couldn't hear them, but Marie was smirking. I could tell she was pissing them off; however I needed to know what was going on. "So what is Marie doing?"


"You know, the usual stuff, annoying the PRT heads." Quinn replied lazily, though she suddenly frowned. "Huh, that's a gambit."


"Gambit? What's going on?"


"Mother has bet her freedom on Leviathan." Belle answered with frustration seeping into her tone.


"- If I'm wrong about Leviathan's attack I will join the PRT for 10 years under whoever you pick. Anything I build, it'll be yours. My image, name, everything at your disposal-" Belle's mouth opened and Marie's voice came out of it. It was slightly unsettling to say the least but I couldn't help but feel worried.


"Would they even take a deal like that?"


"They will." Belle replied with resignation, "Mom is not really giving them a choice. If they ignore her and she's right she can use it against them. If she's wrong then they have one of the more annoying parahumans firmly on their side.


[Spice.] Queen Administrator suggested. And I grimaced, I hated the trance. To the point I've been avoiding it due to seeing what it does to Marie. But my power was right, this was a way to make sure nothing happened. If she could see Leviathan, then I should be able to do it too.


"Auntie, are you going back to sleep?" Quinn asked, her eyes glowing blue.


"Maybe later." I replied, "Actually, do you think you can get me some lemon tea?"


"Sure, I'll bring it up in a few minutes." Belle answered much to Quinn's apparent annoyance. Though the robot shook her head and silently laughed. I headed up and left a few bugs looking at the pair, it would take them a few minutes at the very least for them to make the tea. I opened my closet and found the vial. It was half filled, but the clear blue spice shone like sapphires.


"Here goes nothing." I drank deeply and tossed the vial back to the closet. I made it to my bed and saw.


Brockton Bay, or rather the simulated city that was inside the vault, lay destroyed as Leviathan pounced on top of a blur. I couldn't make out what it was, the blur shone like an Emerald in the sunlight, sending beams and curses at the endbringer. Where was everyone? The answer was immediate, they had left. Forced to leave because the Endbringer had proven stronger than anticipated. The small Emerald star kept fighting, forcing wounds on the endbringer that seemed to open every second and yet it wasn't enough. Death by a thousand cuts was not enough. 


"%&#*#%@&*@%&" A static noise filled the air as a sword appeared. I recognized it, for a brief moment the blur flickered into my little cousin. Dozens of versions of her flickered into view, each revealing a different approach. Some used the buildings as cover, others transformed into other creatures, one even turned the remaining city into a chain that held down the monster for a brief moment. The blade shone pure sapphire for a brief moment and Marie disappeared.


I blinked and it was over, Marie's corpse lied still on top of the endbringer. The endbringer used the second it took for Marie to drive her sword into his heart to drive his claws into her back. Leviathan smiled as he died and Marie… Marie smiled as well, driving her blade deeper into as one last act of defiance. 


"Sorry Tay…" She muttered as she slumped on top of the endbringer who began glowing as an explosion destroyed the vault from the inside.


[Taylor!] Queen Administrator yelled as I could feel something drag me from the trance. I looked around trying to find the source of it for a brief moment when I felt it, a planet, billions of eyes, all moving in synchronization, glass like surface and clear shapes. The chittering of insects, the golden worms crashing, everything, I could feel it again as my room came back to focus.


Queenie, was that you? " I asked my shard as the door to my room opened. Belle had come in with the tea, the scent of honey was actually noticeable.


[Affirmative. Learning metaphysical form and human speech for host Taylor.] She replied with a hint of emotion. The way she said the word host, it carried a weight that I couldn't quite describe. Still I had time to figure out what she meant later, Marie came first.


What was clear from the vision is that we needed more firepower, and outside of getting more parahumans or even some piece of tinkertech we would need to get something powerful. I drank some of the tea and thought for a moment. If I told Marie my vision she'd probably tell me to not worry and promise me that she would be okay. 


She'd leave me behind again to deal with something else… I'm strong too! I can protect her as well. " I thought as the warmth of the tea spread across my body… The same body that now could cast magecraft. And summon…


The formula for the summoning filled my mind for a moment, with the red stones I could lower the cost and exertion on my body. It could work, but I shouldn't jump into it without a backup. The communicator that Marie built was thankfully active and Lisa picked up her phone,


"Tay?" Lisa asked grumbling.


"Hey, Lisa… Are you at the base? I want to run something by you."


"Tay, it's not even 5 in the morning." She complained, and she was right to do so. 


"That's not a no." I pointed out and heard a familiar snort in the background. "Amy, you there?"


"Yup. Lisa was making sure I was alright." Amy said with some bemusement in her voice. And if I was reading her tone right, she was tired. Whatever Marie had her doing must've been tiresome. "But yeah, come on over."


"No. You need to sleep Ame." Lisa chided and I could almost see the frown on Amy's face forming. "I'm serious."


"Fine, you're lucky you're so cute when you're being the responsible one." Amy mumbled as I heard Lisa pick up her phone and leave the room. I didn't disagree with the sentiment, although Lisa looks cute even when she's being reckless. As I changed clothes I considered explaining my plan to the twins, but I knew that if I did that, then Marie would know. And she wouldn't let me summon. She's too overprotective.


Intermission End.