Chapter 53: Begining rescue

Grimlock23Ghost - Thanks, and I've got some ideas for it.

BlazarKaiser - I've already got scenario in mind for Vicky getting help. As for Carol, well aside from her eventual comeuppance I think I know how to handle her.

Barbaric Bob - The chaos of that 'Conversation' getting out is going to be great.

TheClowningPrince - See, I was perfectly fine with portraying her as bat shit insane, but I'd never thought of her as anything else. I don't think I'll change her, but I've got time till I finish the arc, so maybe an idea will show up.

LegionnaireBlaze - That's gonna be fun to write.

ArashiNokitsune - No other review popped up so you're good.

Thorfaxdragonkin - You've fuckin seen nothin yet. :3


An ear splitting alarm blasted through my ears, startling both my girlfriend and I into unfortunate consciousness. Too early for commentary. I would've snorted if I wasn't so Annoyed. Taylor and I grumbled as we tried to untangle ourselves from each other, but the sudden stop of the alarm made us both pause for a second, equally Confused.

That Confusion was washed away when our phones, cause that was where the loud fucking noises came from, did the static thing. "! Multiple explosions detected in Brockton Bay! We're in the bombing arc! !" And as if Zeus himself shoved his thunder dick, Why, into our veins, we were suddenly fully alert.

Taylor immediately started Shunting her Exhaustion and Alarm away, raising her body off of me, turning to start crawling over to our phones. With her up, and only taking a moment to appreciate the view, Not now, I was free to actually move, which led to the both of us scrambling off of our bed. As we both got off of it, and put on out Suits, which were in Standby at the moment, we spoke. ""Talk."" Unintentional, but with how often we'd done it we didn't care.

My Aunt appeared above my phone, looking kind of like Batman at the moment as she sat in front of a fuckton of screens with a holographic keyboard in front of her. "! At 6:03AM multiple explosions rocked Brockton Bay. The 1st target was Medhall, the building and surrounding 5 meters had been engulfed in what seems to be white phosphorous. The smoke is still rising, and fires spreading, but casualties are all but guaranteed to be in the triple digits. !" I felt my Other Half's Anger spike, then paused when she Shunted it away, Sending her a look from out of the corner of my eye, I had to admit that that had been real fuckin fast, Practice makes perfect, and nodded as I grabbed my phone. "! The secondary explosion(s) came along the Boardwalk, and seemed to be some form of cluster bomb. They're still going off at the moment... And I'm not actually sure when they'll stop. !"

Okay, that sounded bad. No shit. I ignored that and brought out one of the 'Early morning mission' gummies I made for just this scenario, my girlfriend mirroring me as we tossed em in our mouths, essentially getting an instant brushing done, staving off hunger, while also fully waking up. With us fully up, we suited up, our guns appearing in their holsters, and practically dashed out of my room. "! The 3rd explosion was at The Rig, not fully getting through the shielding, but getting way too close for comfort. The explosive is somehow kicking up a thunderstorm centered solely around The Rig, cutting off communications... Again, not sure how that works, but Powers are bullshit. !"

Agreement pulsed from the both of us at that, but we didn't say anything. We were both more focused on getting to the livingroom... And also running into Amy, who stumbled out of my girlfriend's room in her robe, guns holstered, pendant on, and daughter coiled around her waist like a belt... And looking like she was just woken up at the ass crack of dawn to deal with some bullshit. (Oh wait.) There was the briefest flicker of Amusement from my Other Half before it was brushed aside in favor of us hitting the brakes so we didn't slam into our friend and daughter/niece. ""Jesus!/Daddy! Auntie!$""

I would've been Amused if I had the time. "Did Erin fill you in?" And of course she went right for the main topic. "And good morning to you too Scylla." That was both adorable and Amusing as fuck to me.

Amy scowled. "Yeah. Bombs, gooOO...-" The yawn made the both of us bring out the gummies with our free hands, share a look, then made me put my gummy back. Amy and Scylla obviously saw this, both looking at the small sun shaped gummy, and back to us. "Wha...-" Taylor shoved the thing in her mouth, which tempted me to make a sex joke, the threatening buzzing that echoed through the mountain dissuaded me of that.

"Chew, then swallow. It'll wake you up." Amy was apparently easily coerced in the mornings since she did just that. When the effect took hold she stood a little straighter, and blinked away whatever drowsiness that was there before. "Good. You two ready?"

The short stack nodded, while our daughter hissed. "$Yes Auntie!$" I was pretty sure she had no idea what she was about to get into, but so long as she didn't get hit by one of Bakuda's bombs then she'd be fine.

My girlfriend nodded, taking her hand off of Amy's face. The healer palmed the Hawkmoon on her hip, looking at the both of us. "Firstly, I'm gonna want some of those everyday." I snorted, while Taylor had a brief pulse of Amused Agreement. "Secondly, who goes where?" Now that was a good question.

Thankfully there was someone with the answers. "! Right now it would be good to check if Anubis can actually transform into anything not Swampfire. !"

I blinked, remembering that technically I should be able too considering what my Future Self said, and raised the Ultimatrix up. A quick priming, and a dial to the right later, I pressed down. In the blink of an eye, the flash went off, and I knew it worked. Power flooded my body, my senses expanded as scents filtered through my nostrils, and my tail swung through the air as I grinned. "BLITZWOLFER!" I was back at 100%.

Bakuda was fucked. Vindictive Agreement was my Other Half's response, while Amy just stared at my form, probably trying to dissect me with her eyes... And my daughter just blinked and tilted her head at me. "$Daddy?$"

Ah, she didn't know I could turn into anything other then Swampfire. Raising a claw to her cheek, I gently scratched her scales, getting a pleased hiss in return. "Yes lovie, it's a me, ya Dad." Amy's lips twitched, while my Other Half flickered with Fond Exasperation.

Before anything else could happen though Aunt Erin spoke up. "! This is cute as shit, but I gotta remind you all that we got a bomber on the loose. !" And there went the moment. I stopped petting my daughter, getting a low whine from her somehow, and looked over to the pair of drones that appeared in the hall. 'Standing' in front of us were all of my Aunts, which was sorta Surprising to be honest. "! We'll be going with you, because now that she's blowing everyone sky fucking high, there should be a way for me to figure out where the hell she is. So, my drone is going to work on finding the crazy bitch, !" I nearly snorted when Illiyana rolled her eyes, but kept it in. "! Meanwhile the rest of the bad bitch gang, !" I did snort at that though, I hate how much I like that, getting a smirk from my favorite Aunt, another eye roll from Illiyana, and a pair of sighs from Melody and Tess. "! Will be doing some other shit. Dragon's going to be coordinating on site with the PRT, Athena is going to be figuring out the bombs and how to find/counter em, while Medusa is gonna be on comms for you three...- !" My daughter raised her head, hissing at the redhead. "! Four, of you. !"

She settled down at that, returning to being Amy's belt. ""And us?"" At this point we needed a tracker of 'Unintentional synchronize moments.' I'll make one later. That was nice.

Erin was about to say something, then paused, frowning as she zoned out. Thankfully, Aunt Tess took over. "At the moment you three will be splitting up." I bristled at that, she wanted to split me from my pack, my Mate, pack mate, and Cub. I didn't like it. Understanding Affection came from my Mate, as well as a small brush on my back, helping keep me steady. Catching the interaction, and giving my Mate a smile, my Aunt went on. "Amy is going to be needed at the hospital, Taylor will be on S&R as usual," Makes sense. "And you'll be doing two different things. !" I hummed at that, Curious. "! Firstly you'll need to put out the fires, Heatblast is noted to be capable of absorbing fires, so the sooner you can shut that down, the sooner you can move onto your other task. Said task will be putting you in charge of retrieving as many victims as you can, and delivering them to Amy..." My Aunt paused, looking at me as she hummed. "Actually, can you change back for a moment and give Taylor your Builder? We'll need to set up Medical Fabricators to help lighten Amelia's load."

I blinked, then looked at Amy, who also seemed a bit caught off guard. Probably thought she would be shouldering the burden alone, that made so much sense. Knowing it was for a member of my pack, I wasn't opposed to this, and gave my Aunt a nod. "I can do that." Tapping the dial, I turned back into myself, grabbing my Builder and passing it to my Other Half.

She easily took and holstered it, I also mentally made a note to get more of those made for all of us, making us turn back to our Au...- "! Another bomb went off. !" We all, Scylla included, stilled. Something about the way she said it put me on edge, and I could tell the rest of us mouth breathers caught it too. My Aunts all shared a frown, while we waited to hear what other issue was there. "! I managed to get a glimpse of... Something human shaped appearing for a moment, then disappearing before what looks like a glass bomb detonated, turning the area into glass... !" Her frown grew, a blurry image appearing in front of us. Like she said, there was something human shaped appearing just out of frame. None of us could get a look at what it was, making me frown harder. "! I'll try to get an eye in the sky, but make sure to keep an eye out for whatever the fuck that is. !"

After a collective nod, we hashed out the rest of the plan, which boiled down to Mo...- Aunt Melody, Startled Surprise came from my Other Half at that, and I knew why. [Later.] She mentally nodded at me, which was enough.

Anyway, Melody would be watching through our Suits as she usually would, while also taking control of our bikes, using them to ride through the city and map out the damage/check in on everyone that she could. It would also help to have eyes on the ground, which Erin could use to help figure out what the fuck was going on. It made sense, and with no sudden groundbreaking announcements being revealed, we got ready to go. I carried the drones, which was easy since they hardly weighted anything to me, while Taylor held onto Amy's shoulder.

With us all good, and our thoughts Muted, we ported over to the Bay, 'Ready' to deal with a bunch of bullshit.

As soon as we got to the Bay I took in the smoke filling the early morning sky... And felt my nose twitch a bit. It was real faint, but the smell of the white phosphorous was Annoying. I apparently wasn't the only one affected by it though since Scylla let out a strangled hiss that made me look over to her, and see the way she was trying to bury her head into Amy's robe. "$Dissssgusssting.$" Well... I should've expected her to do that at some point.

Amy obviously saw what our daughter was doing, and placed a hand on her body, rubbing it as she looked at out kid. "What's wrong?"

I knew that was for me since she couldn't speak snake yet. "The phosphorous stinks, and she doesn't like it."

Our daughter nodded at that, making Amy frown. "The hospital should be fine, right?" That just made me blink.

"! Firstly, if the hospital smells of hospital, then I don't think so. Secondly, talk later, you need to start moving. !" Well, she wasn't wrong on either count.

The three of us shared a nod, and after tossing both drones into the air, and bringing out our bikes for Melody to take control of, I brought up the Ultimatrix. [Run or fly?]

Her response was instantaneous. |Run. I can carry Amy and Scylla and still make it there in under a minute.| That made sense.

Popping the dial, I instantly brought it down, turning back into Blitzwolfer. Another tap of the dial and I changed again, retaking the form of one of my favorites. "XLR8!" The call was apparently enough for my daughter to look over towards me. The little snake matched my gaze, and I could practically feel myself preen at the Awe in her eyes.

She didn't look at me for long though, her eyes drifting towards Taylor, who had entered her Hybrid form. My daughter blinked, gave her a once over, then tilted her head. "$Auntie's like Daddy?$"

I had no idea why that Confused her, she'd seen Taylor in her Dryad form, so she should've had an inkling that there was more to it then that. (Actually, what level is she even at right now?) That was a question we were going to have to check out later.

Confusion pulsed from my Other Half though, tuning me back into the present. |I caught half of that, but she's saying we're alike, right?| I mentally nodded at her, getting her to hum and turn to Scylla. "Kind of. We're not exactly the same, but close enough." Scylla just blinked, then nodded. I wasn't sure if she actually Understood what she meant, or if she was just going along with it, but that was whatever. "Anyway," My Other Half sped to Amy's side, picking the healer up in a bridal carry, getting a yelp from her, and a Surprised hiss from our daughter. "Hold on tight, we're running." Amy's eyes widened for a moment, then she practically threw her arms around my girlfriend's neck.

With a quick nod towards the other, we got in stance, mine was normal while hers was different due to carrying Amy, who froze for a second, then had her eyes widen to the max. "Wait a minu...-" We didn't even let her finish, just shared a mental grin, then fucking booked it. "HOLYYYYYY SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII...-"

I was mentally cackling as I ran, Humor openly flowing over the Bond even as the city was rocked by another explosion.

Getting to the hospital took 15 seconds.

I obviously got there in like, 3, but took the time to run around the area, searching for anything that might be an issue. Thankfully, for them not me, there weren't any shitheads that needed to take an Dynamic Entry courtesy of XLR8 going at mach speeds... Which was kinda Disappointing in my opinion, but whatever.

Anyway, we stopped at the hospital, and Amy and Scylla needed a few moments to get over the sudden stop after going 'Whoafuckthatsfast.' Taylor and I stood besides them, keeping an eye out for anything that could be an issue. At the moment that was the few people starting to figure out that yes, me, Khepri, and Panacea were in front of the hospital.

The first person that tried to say something got a very threatening hiss/growl from me, my tail thrashing against the ground as I flexed my claws. "Don't."

He, and the rest of the people thinking about it, didn't. It wasn't like there were too many people here anyway, so intimidating em was simple. |It's a miracle that people aren't fucking terrified of you when you do shit like this.| I just hummed at that, no real comment coming to me at the moment.

That aside, Amy stood up, letting out a breath as she looked over to Taylor. "When everything isn't fucking exploding I'm going to punch you in the tits."

My girlfriend just snorted. "If you wanted to fondle my tits you could've just said so." God, I was so fucking Proud of my girlfriend. |I have an idea of what you just thought, and I want you to know I'm proud of myself too for not only being able to say that, but also for doing it as fast as I did.| Even Prouder!

Expectedly, Amy choked. Then her face went through so many different emotions that I would've had to actively decipher what all of them meant as they flashed by. "Wh...- No, yo...- UGH!" She eventually settled on just throwing her hands in the air and turning away.

Seeing a good opportunity to fuck with her, I went for it. "It's okay Amy, you can play with my tits later."

Amy groaned loud enough to wake the dead, then dropped her head into her hands. "Fucking... Ugh..."

My Other Half and I had a shared moment of 'Opportunity', but before we could capitalize on it another explosion sounded out, making us look in the direction it was in... Which was only a block or two away... Annoyance pulsed from Khepri, and I paused when she brought out the Builder and shoved it at Panacea, getting the healer to yelp as she did. |I'm heading up to the roof.| I nodded to her at that, watching her go as she ran UP the side of the building like she was The Flash.

Panacea took a second to realize what happened, looking between where Khepri just went, and the Builder in her hands, then turned to me. "You going?"

I nodded at her, then turned to my daughter, who was still wrapped around Panacea's waist, and looking at me. "I'm going, lovie. You know what to do if anyone bothers your mother, yes?"

My daughter bobbed her little head, 'Feathers' wiggling a bit as she did. "$I know Daddy! I bite em!$" She emphasized it by opening her maw, a bit of narcotic dripping from her fangs.

That made me smile behind my visor. Bringing my tail over, I scratched her chin, getting a pleased hiss from her as I did. It was unfortunate that my claws weren't good for petting, but my tail worked well enough. "That's my girl."

"I don't know who the worst influence is, but I'm just going to blame you now." I snorted at that, making Panacea roll her eyes. "Anyway, I'm going in." Looking down, she tapped our daughter's head, getting her attention. "We're splitting up now. Say bye to..." I could see the exasperation building in her, giving me a good idea of what she was going to say. "Dad, now Scylla." I mentally grinned at that, more teasing/blackmail material was always a good thing.

Bringing my tail back, and idly noticing a thin streak of white on a blue section of my tail, I looked at my daughter, who easily met my gaze. "$Bye Daddy!$"

I resisted the urge to 'HNNG', because she decided waving at me with her tail was something she should do, and settled on nodding. "Goodbye lovie, keep your mother safe, okay?" It was easy to ignore the way Amy blushed, but I filed it away for later because I wanted to keep fucking with Amy as much as humanely possible, and simpler to zone in on the smoke coming from the white phosphorous fires. (Alright, time to move.) That thought, I got in stance, then ran forwards.

I had shit to do, and by fuck was I gonna do it.

Coming to a stop at the Medhall building, I took stock of the situation. Firstly, and most obvious, was that everything was on fucking fire.

Like, holy shit there was so much fire someone could just say they were in Hell and they could technically be right. It was also everywhere too, the buildings, the sidewalk, the road, fuckin everywh...- I dashed out off the immediate blast area of a car, because for some reason not all of them had blown up when the bomb went off, which was fucking crazy. (Whoever that company is needs some fucking recognition.)

The next thing was the smoke... Because yes, where there was fire there was smoke. I knew that phrase was usually said the other way around, but fuck it, I was still right. Anyway, there was a fuckton of smoke, and even with my visor down, there was still a danger that I'd inhale some... I also couldn't exactly see through much of it because it was thick as all fuck and my visor was having issues scanning through it. (Note to self, get my Aunts/Mom(?) to touch it up.)

It had been a random thought that made me recognize I saw Melody as something closer then an Aunt, but I hadn't brought it up because other stuff was happening. I would bring it up though, because I had no reason not too really, and having a Mom that I could see daily was kind of appealing to me.

Shooing that train of thought off, I could delve into it more later now that XLR8 was back, I went back to taking in the scene around me. Third thing about this whole thing were the bodies. On the sidewalks, buildings that were going up in flames, and even in some of the exploded cars, all I could see were corpses. (Why the hell are there so many people though, it's the ass crack of dawn, and I'm seeing atleast 40 people just on the sidewalk.) Some were even still alive, screaming as they burned and were turned extra crispy. (Yeah, everyone's fuckin dead.) I watched for a second as one of those 'Extra crispy' people stopped screaming and just stayed there on the sidewalk, just still burning. (Yup, fucking dead.)

Shaking my head a bit, I tapped the dial, turning into "Heatblast!" Raising a hand, I focused on the fires I could sense all around me, then pulled. Just like the testing, all the flames around me shot towards me, gathering into a sphere of fire the size of a soccer ball.

Then a beach ball.

Then a small car, like, one of those mini cars that only has 2 seats.

Eventually the ball of pure flames was the size of special bus, and practically turning the ground beneath me into magma with how hot the concentrated flames were. (Let's get rid of these then.) With a thought, the flames were absorbed into my hand, my body getting just a bit hotter and brighter as I assimilated them

When it was all said and done, I was left standing on the sidewalk, corpses and damaged cars/buildings surrounding me, slightly sinking into the ground as it bubbled and melted beneath me. Taking a look, and seeing smoke still coming from some areas, I idly wondered if I should deal with it, or just start playing taxi. (I mean... I can do both. It won't take long, but I don't wanna...) Scratching my chin for a moment, I thought about it... Then shrugged. (I'll probably get shit for not doing both though, so I might as well.) Tapping the dial, I changed into "Terraspin!"

And immediately remembered I was standing in boiling concrete. "SHITSHITSHIT!" Jumping, and doing my best to ignore the Amusement pulsing from the Bond, I retracted my flippers, bringing myself into my shell and reorienting myself. Bringing my body up, I rose from the ground and into the air, which was way easier then it should've been considering I had been standing straight a moment earlier, but hey, I was a flying turtle, who gave a shit about physics?

Anyway, now that I was airborne, I positioned myself towards the smoke, then started blasting. It was Interesting to see that the air I blew out was tinged with green, making it extra visible. I'd thought it would've just stayed as a show effect, but this, and the rest of my aliens powers that shouldn't have them in real life actually did have em, which was cool in my opinion.

That aside, I blew the smoke away, clearing the air. It was easy when I was capable of making hurricane/tornado tier winds if I put my back into it.

When it was all done I dropped back down towards the ground, bringing my body out and looking around the area. Things seemed 'Fine' enough, though I wasn't sure how long that was going to last given the fact we were in the bombing arc, and I had no idea what would happen. Well, I did, Bakuda was going to blow shit up, but the changes I'd butterfly'd in were probably going to come and bite me in the ass at some point...

Shaking my head, I tapped the dial, turning back into XLR8(Think later, run now.) I had to check if there were any survivors first. "Ha... Here we go." And so I ran into Medhall, the building was the target of the bomb, so there would probably be the most casualties/survivors inside of it. Though considering how early it was I doubted there would be that many, mainly just the guys like the janitors or people with jobs along those lines.

So, there weren't as many people here, just like I thought.

Issue though, one of the people here was the CEO of Medhall, Max Anders... Aka Kaiser.

And his two bimbos, but mainly Kaiser.

They were unconscious and somehow still alive, they were in an elevator that crashed to the bottom floor, and I wasn't sure what to do. On the one hand I could bring them away to Amy, get her to fix em up and leave it be as 'Not my problem.'

On the other hand I could either leave them here and 'Forget' about them, or just stab em with my claws and tail, getting them out of the way for the future... Which was tempting... VERY tempting. Though apparently I'd been thinking about it too long since a familiar voice sounded off in my mind. |What are you thinking?|

I hummed, tilting my head towards Kaiser and his bitches. [Kill Kaiser? Yay or Nay?]

|Would you be able to justify it?| I blinked, then scratched my chin as I thought it over. There was a part of me that was Happy that she asked that instead of flat out denying it, though it was put aside so the rest of me could think. At the moment all three of them were dead to the world, and only alive due to Kaiser's Powers or some shit, so even though they were right there, I wouldn't be able to justify putting my claws in their skulls.

Sighing, I admitted it. [No.] Which was bullshit. [Stupid world and its cops 'n robbers bullshit.]

My girlfriend mentally snorted at that. |Then for now just bring them aren't important enough for you to be thinking about them right now.|

I snorted at that. [Yes, the main Nazi isn't important. Wonderful remark Mi Reina.] A pulse of Smug Fondness came from her at that, making me grin. [Well, three Nazis coming right up.]

That said, I wrapped my tail around Kaiser's waist, tossing him over my shoulder like a sack of potatoes. I didn't bother fully securing him, I might not be able to kill the fuck but if he 'Fell' off of my shoulder while I was running at 500MPH then whoops. With a cackle, I shot off, blitzing out of the building, the street, and zooming towards the hospital. As I ran I kept an eye on Kaiser, the fucker not waking up from how fast I was going... Which sucked, because I wanted to legally torment the fucker, but unfortunately I couldn't.

Putting the thought aside I stopped in front of the hospital, dropped Kaiser onto the ground, then fucked off back towards Medhall. Someone else could bring him in... Or shank him, either or.

While I was running back towards said building, my HUD flickered, and I saw a vid window open up... Revealing an Annoyed looking Aunt/Mom Melody. "# Phoenix. #"

(Uh oh.) I knew that tone, she'd used it on me before. "Uh... Yes? What's up Auntie?" I wasn't stupid, I knew what she was appearing for. Didn't mean I couldn't try to play stupid.

Unfortunately she just deadpanned at me. "# Did you have to do that? #"

Well shit. "Do what?" The Unamused raised brow came out, and I tried to ignore it as I stopped in front of the elevator, putting one of Kaiser's girls on my shoulder. Though she most likely knew what I was doing, deciding to raise the brow higher. Knowing that she wouldn't let it go, I groaned. "Can we not? We both know who that fucker is."

That seemed to do something, since she dropped the brow and sighed, kneading her head. "# While Anders is guilty of acts that would see him thrown in a cell, those can't be used against him without violating the Unwritten Rules. I know you know this. #"

I huffed as I ran, Annoyed at the topic. "I get it, I do, but I also think it's fucking stupid. All these rules, expectations, and regulations are shit. Things like that are counter intuitive and you know it."

My Aunt/Sorta Mom sighed again. "# I understand why you think so, but sometimes you have to work within the system. I'm not saying I approve of all of the rules/regulations, for obvious reasons as well, #" 'Being a slave to them' went unsaid, but I heard it anyway. "# But we need to go along with them, especially in this situation. #"

I growled beneath my visor, coming to a stop in front of the hospital, dropping one of the twins on Kaiser, who was still here because I was fast as fuck and the staff was more focused on the people inside then the random fuck laid on the ground outside. "Fine. But when they slip up I'm maiming at least one of these Nazis."

Surprisingly, instead of saying something against it, she shrugged. "# That's the best I'm going to get out of you. #" And wasn't that was the truth.

Suddenly as I was running, another vid call opened up, a wild Aunt Dragon appearing. "Still think we should have a talk about proper use of force." Melody and I snorted, getting the woman to roll her eyes. "I'll convince you someday."

I scoffed, wrapping my tail around the last twin. "It'll be a cold day in hell before that happens Auntie."

After another sigh the woman shrugged. "Anyway, make sure you're safe, and do your best. I'll contact you, Khepri and Panacea when the local PRT is ready to begin their own S&R measures."

I hummed in Acceptance and kept running. "K, bye bye."

"Goodbye for now Anubis." And with that she closed her end of the call...

Leaving me and Aunt/Mom Melody. I looked at the copy of Rider, who just looked back. "# What? As long as you're XLR8 or in your base form then I'm staying. #"

Well... "Okay." I mean, what else was I supposed to say? I wasn't opposed to this, free commentary was free commentary. That said I came to a stop in front of the hospital, dropping the last twin on Kaiser and her sister.

With the Nazis gathered in one spot I shot off back towards the street. Shit had stopped exploding, but the sooner I got out the normals, the better my chances of not being in an exploding area were.