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♦Topic: Armsmaster Caught a Big One
In: Boards ► News ► Heroes ► America ► Brockton Bay
Clockblocker (Original Poster) (Verified Cape) (Wards ENE)
Posted on April 14, 2011:
[LINK] pic
Armsmaster the fisherman out on the bay with his hovercycle and
fishing halberd. Caught a new cape and a sleeping dragon
(Showing Page 8 of 26)
► Sugarpants
Replied on April 14, 2011:
Does anyone know HOW Lung ended up in the bay?
► Works4Doughnuts (BBPD)
Replied on April 14, 2011:
Yeah, we were called in to pick up some Merchants close to the area but
Lung showed up. What the hell happened?
Edit: We weren't given a name, maybe a new cape took them down.
► Tattletale (Unverified Cape)
Replied on April 14, 2011:
I'll just leave this here: [LINK]
► Sugarpants
Replied on April 14, 2011:
Hah! that's gold
@Tattletale: Seriously? Running from Lung and you take a selfie?
► Psyrun
Replied on April 14, 2011:
OMG that's awesome! Tattletale, you're officially my favorite. Watch that vid
frame by frame, it's hilarious.
For those of you at work,
Summary: There's a lot of laughing, Lung is chasing Tattletale for a minute
while she's riding one of the Undersider's demon dogs. Once it makes a jump
Tattletale stops and throws a thumbs up and smiles for the camera while Lung
stops to roar like he does in the background.
The next part happens too fast so you have to play it in slo-mo (Hey could
someone edit the vid for this?) frame-by-frame you see some guy in a
biker suit and glowing with Oblivium's energy light stuff doing a spinning flying
super punch and Lung FOLDS around the guy, then they're just GONE.
The rest is Tattles laughing so hard she can't turn the phone off.
► Grape Hunter (Cape Wife)
Replied on April 14, 2011:
Biker guy's name is Impact. Apparently he can't speak well, but Armsmaster's
suit has some sort of translator. When asked who he was, he managed to say
"It's Impact" before passing out.
► Richard G Maximus
Replied on April 14, 2011:
So, the new guy, Impact, just punched out LUNG?
► Grape Hunter (Cape Wife)
Replied on April 14, 2011:
If the video is anything to go by, it looks more like Oblivium's new team did it.
There's a third cape in the back, can't see him well though.
Is Oblivium going out and grabbing all the new capes?
► Agent_Man2274 (Verified PRT Agent)
Replied on April 14, 2011:
I don't think they're part of a team, the other two left after throwing Impact
at Lung.
► Richard G Maximus
Replied on April 14, 2011:
Holy shit, Impact is just another one of Oblivium's powers.
Think about it, last week there was a report of a guy rescued by Oblivium and
he was shooting little explosives. Next time we hear about him he's tossing
out bombs just to scare thugs. Last night there was a report of a HUGE
explosion in the ship graveyard and sightings of StormTiger and Oblivium
in the area.
Now his power is just making new parahumans and shooting them at people.
Next week he's going to be tossing out Endbringers.
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