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♦Topic: Coil Snapped?
In: Boards ► News ► Heroes ► America ► Brockton Bay
OrionSnake (Original Poster)
Posted on April 18, 2011:
Guys, is Coil getting active and taking over ABB territory?
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► Grape Hunter (Cape Wife)
Replied on April 18, 2011:
That's not how Coil's men dress, at least it's not their standard
equipment. But if they are his people, the man's going to get a kill
order for that. Look at what happened to the city for it!
► Golden Foot
Replied on April 18, 2011:
Holy SHIT, look at that gun! I want one, where do you think he got
it? Does anyone have a vid of this? I want to see that monster in
► MrPigWitch
Replied on April 18, 2011:
Who cares if that is Coil or not?! AT least someone took that crazy
b**** down.
[DELETED - Hate Speech Will Not Be Tolerated. You are on
your second warning. - Tin Mother]
► TheNutter
Replied on April 18, 2011:
Oooh boy this is rather interesting, so Coil was hiding his true
strength given what his people just did to Bakuda there. The guy
showed he was a pro Going after a tinker in Her own lab the man
gave his People the gear they Needed to complete their mission, also
I disagree the Man did NOT Snap but he did something that was
done back in the day: enforce the Unwritten Rule, bakuda attacked
Oblivium's family Coil showed her and the others those are not things
that are done in Brockton Bay. As for him having a kill order ? Why
? HE is not the one who made those Bombs and put them
everywhere on the Docks.
► Stampfoot
Replied on April 18, 2011:
I personally applaud those people whoever they are because unlike
the so called "heroes"they get shit done. Also who says the Bombing
happened because Bakuda died ? t could be she got killed by those
guys because of those bombings.
► NotaName
Replied on April 18, 2011:
Holy crap, Coil's got a badass on his payroll. It takes balls of pure
titanium to just walk into a tinker's base. Did he die when the
bombs went off? Still, props to Coil for enforcing the unwritten rules.
► BullheadedA
Replied on April 18, 2011:
I do not think so, Coil would not have gotten through the trouble of
outfitting the guy with diffrent gear than his regular goons for the
guy to get murked that easily, My money is on the fact the gear had
some stuff in it that protected the guy and the woman who was with
him, either that or they got teleported away.
► KuroJacobby
Replied on April 18, 2011:
Psh...As if Coil could have something like that, true the guy might
have badasses on his payroll and good gear but if he had access to
stuff like teleporters he would have expanded his territory by now.
► BobMorane
Replied on April 18, 2011:
By the way do we know where Coil gets his gear from ? My theory
is that the guy is a Tinker who was smart enough to realise he
wasn't cut out to use his own gear on the field.
► IlFernando!!
Replied on April 18, 2011:
Say, if Coil is hiring Mercs so what doesn't he hire people like Watch
I mean given the numbers he has and the stuff he outfits them with
why not go for high class parahuman operators.End of Page. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
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► PhelliusMorenus
Replied on April 18, 2011:
Oh nonononnonope I do NOT want that pscyho Watch anywhere
near the Bay, this guy is totally screwed up and very bad news I'm
from Baltimore and I know some people who had to deal with the
guy...and it was not pretty (to be clear they were indepdant heroes
and were his targets, notice how I used past tense) But your way
of thinking is right why doesn't he hire Parahuman mercenaries ? I
mean The Bay has Faultline's crew.
► Regis
Replied on April 18, 2011:
Dude, if you are from Baltimore what do you care about the guy
coming to BB ? Plus if he killed heroes the guy should have a kill
order. Anyway I think he is not hiring the crew because from what
I heard they do not kill and are pretty indepandent, so if Coil is the
micromanaging type they are not a good fit for him.
► PhelliusMorenus
Replied on April 18, 2011:
Ah, sorry if I was confusing: I currently live in Brockton but I spent
most of my life in Baltimore, as for the heroes he did not kill them
he damaged their nerves and internal organs leaving crippled and
in constant pain and healers like Panacea can't help them because
well nerve damage and brain issues, so I repeat you do NOT want
that guy around.
As for Why Coil does not make use of Parahuman personnel, easy
because regular people are easier to deal with and control, plus
most Parahuman have an Ego.
► ConspiracyTheorist
Replied on April 18, 2011:
Good job from the Coil's organisation on enforcing the rules!! As for
Coil getting a kill order, well he might but it's not a problem since
there is NO Coil: I am pretty sure he is a character created by either
an organisation of normals, or low powered Tinkers and Thinkers
to draw ther enemies' attention on having them believe they just
have to kill "Coil"to end their organisation, and each of his
appearance is either an actor or one of their group playing the part.
► KuroJacobby
Replied on April 18, 2011:
Oh joy...Another rant of the nutjob, didn't have one of those in quite
some time. Although I must say that this one actually makes a
scary lot of sense.End of Page. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
♦Topic: Shard, Oblivium's Fairy
In: Boards ► News ► Heroes ► America ► Brockton Bay
Lady Cicero (Cape Nerd) (Original Poster)
Posted on April 16, 2011:
Ok, so I've seen several mentions ofyet anothernew power of Oblivium's,
so I am bringing together what is known here:
1) Oblivium can create a small Projection of a fairy, in the same light
blue-green light as the rest of his power. She stands around a foot tall,
with flames for hair and small insectoid wings.
2) She can appear to react independantly of Oblivium, moving around and
interacting with people, even if he isn't watching them directly (Possibly
can see through her eyes?)
3) There is some claim that she can use the same powers as Oblivium as
well, according to one of the Merchant rage-posts that got deleted over
on the Backup Buddies page.
4) She likes hugs.
Does anyone have anything else? I'll edit this post with new information if
people can provide some backup evidence for it.
EDIT: Ok, so apparently her name is Shard. I'll try and see about getting
a mod to edit the title.
EDIT 2: OK, the title is updated.
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► Groggaddict
Replied on April 21, 2011:
According to people I know and who go to Arcadia, the Lil' Fairy is
called "Shard" and has her own personnality and she seems to like
Panacea(but then who doesn't ?)
► PeppyGoodGirl9
Replied on April 21, 2011:
Squeeeeeeee!!! She is Soooooooooooo cute, I wonder how Oblivium
made her and what he used to give her hair like that!!! I want to
make one too!!! I wonder what she eats...I so want to go to
Brockton Bay so I could hug her!!!
► FelixSwoop (Confirmed Cape)
Replied on April 21, 2011:
Oh boy, the man managed to summon a fairy damn he is some high
class magician I am not sure even Epoch knows the rituals to
summon one like that, Man I hope Oblivium did not pss off the
Seelies especially with one of their Queens being on earth, or worth
that he signed a contract wither*shudders*
► Multipass
Replied on April 21, 2011:
Oh great one of THOSE nutjobs... sigh, anyway from what I have
seen at Arcadia the little girl never strays too far from Oblivium, so
that would imply some sort of range limit, also I got hugged in face
by her and I am still alive and have not cancer, just saying. Also
Oblivium refered to her as his sister in class, though he might have
done so to annoy the teacher.
►Lady Cicero (Cape Nerd)
Replied on April 21, 2011:
Anyone happen to get video of Shard's intro to Arcadia?
Replied on April 21, 2011:
Uh, no, but I do have a video of Oblivium walking on the ceiling.
►Queen Justicar (Cape Groupie)
Replied on April 21, 2011:
Hey, are you allowed to post stuff like that? That's like outing him.
Replied on April 21, 2011:
I think it's fine. His mom already outed him.
Replied on April 22, 2011:
Oblivimom's so fly, gravity can't even touch her kid.
►Lady Cicero (Cape Nerd)
Replied on April 22, 2011:
Ok, seriously, can we keep the Oblivimom jokes off of this thread?
Anyway, if he is openly using his powers in public, then I think that
counts as tacit consent. Just don't go naming names unless you see
it hit the news.
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►Clockblocker (Confirmed Cape) (Wards ENE)
Replied on April 22, 2011:
I got a good shot from a friend of Shard face-hugging one of the
teachers. [LINK]
Replied on April 22, 2011:
She hugged me when I went to the hospital after the building blew
Replied on April 22, 2011:
Just got this from one of my sister's friends. Apparently, she took a
selfie with Shard. [LINK]
Replied on April 22, 2011:
That fairy is dangerous... Don't ask how I know...
►FlyingTires (Unconfirmed Cape)
Replied on April 22, 2011:
Aw, but she likes you, dude!
Replied on April 22, 2011:
Whatever she is, she's cute! Someone ask Oblivium if he can get her
some outfits to model! Isn't Oblivimom's talent sewing? And is she a
member of the Backup Buddies? He's saying she's his sister so she
has to be a member if she doesn't leave his side. Does anyone
know what her powers are?
Replied on April 22, 2011:
She seems to have powers that are similar to her brother's on the
top of being a faerie oh and she can get you in a hug faster than
you can blink.
Replied on April 22, 2011:
My theory is that Shard is an autonomous Tinkerbot that Oblivium
made complete with it's own IA and that he shaped it as a faerie
to fit his "magician" theme.
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♦Topic: Impact, the best Backup Buddy?
In: Boards ► News ► Heroes ► America ► Brockton Bay
ShadowSam (Original Poster)
Posted on April 18, 2011:
Seriously, the guy punched out Lung and everyone's talking about
Oblivium. Sure you can't understand anything he says, but look at what
he did right after the PR conference, slammed down in front of the bank
and stopped a dog that could take a TANK [LINK]
(Showing Page 4 of 11)
Replied on April 19, 2011:
Laziest Backup Buddy. He doesn't move an inch after Oblivium
throws him. Easiest power ever - Be a statue. The 'Immovable
Replied on April 18, 2011:
I bet Shadow Stalker could make him move. I'm telling ya, there's
something there.
Replied on April 18, 2011:
But no, I'm serious! Impact's mumbles are the secrets of the
universe. And, get this, when he is frozen, it isn't because of a
power. It's super-meditation. He has become one with the planet,
a living stone whose mind is free to gather all wisdom.
►Lady Cicero
Replied on April 18, 2011:
Seriously, Gobs, drop the conspiracy crap. Impact isn't some all-wise
guru, he's just a cape. Who punched a dragon. He doesn't need to
be any more awesome.
►Trapestry (Confirmed Cape)
Replied on April 19, 2011:
To late! Inspirasion has taken me! [The-helmet-of-fortune.gif]
Replied on April 19, 2011:
Dude, how long did it take you to illustrate that?
Replied on April 19, 2011:
Waht is it? The lin isnt working fo rme.
Replied on April 19, 2011:
First off, spellcheck. Learn it, love it.
Second, Trapestry made a gif image of Impact's helmet spitting out
random wise sayings on fortune cookie paper.
Posted on April 19, 2011:
Impact is truly the wisest of them all. "A strong punch robs the
dragon's teeth, and thus his will." So deep.
Replied on April 19, 2011:
Oh sure she could, even twice at that: Once when he tries to come
towards her and the second time when Oblivium toses him away for
getting too close of his girl.
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(Showing Page 5 of 11)
Replied on April 19, 2011:
Meh, stop spewing bullshit everyone knows ArachneXOblivium OTP,
now more on topic: Impact is awesome and has a very strong power
and he is very useful and quite likeable, however against soome
powers his lack of mobility could be a huge problem for him, not only
that but there has to be a timelimit on his breaker state, BTW how
long was he in the Bay before Halbeard fished him out ?
Replied on April 19, 2011:
Psh, that guy was a fucking Merchant he is no hero, I am pretty sure
he is on that team because he has to to avoid Prison. Some heroes,
between the druggy and the guy who tosses high end explosives
around without a care tch oh and stop disrecpting TRUE heroes like
Armsmaster with demeaning nicknames!
►Lady Cicero (Cape Nerd)
Replied on April 19, 2011:
Ok, can someone clear something up for me? Where is the idea that
Impact was a Merchant Cape coming from? I saw it pop up in the
main Backup Buddies thread, but all I could find was the fact that A)
the Backup Buddies first met him at a fight with the Merchants, and
B) that it took them a while to pick him up from the Protectorate. Is
there anything else?
Oh, and I do have to agree with Brak about the nickname. Halbeard
was funny a couple of times, but Armsmaster has done some good
work, not just in Brockton Bay, and he deserves at least a bit of
respect. Even farther north up here, he's helped collaborate on some
take downs.
Replied on April 20, 2011:
When Oblivimom puts her foot down, the Impact hits the Bay.
►Lady Cicero (Cape Nerd)
Replied on April 20, 2011:
Oh, come on!
Replied on April 20, 2011:
Seriously, enough with the Oblivimom jokes I'm sick of those, hey
Mods could you do something about those ? Now I do not know
anything about Impact's alleged past with the Merchants but I think
Nicknaming Armsmaster is actually a good thing: The guy, when you
see him, seems like a robot oh there are other serious heroes out
there like Alexandria or Chevalier but they still feel human and I do
not get that sensation from Armsmaster and I think nicknaming him
humanises him, Hell I would like to see someone do it live on his
face to see him react as a human. And that's why Impact or
Oblivium are so great, they way they are and act with all their quirks
and little inperfections and jokes show that they are just regular
people that can do stuff most can't as opposed to look completly
remote and Inhuman.
Replied on April 20, 2011:
...I am speechless here, how the hell do you get that kind of vibe
from Armsmaster ? As for Impact well I live in the not so nice parts
of the city and heard multiple Merchant druggies raving about the
"cocksucking,shit eating mokeyfucking"traitor when they talk about
the guy, and some say Skidmark put a bounty in drugs and money
on his head.
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♦Topic: New Cape, Oblivium
In: Boards ► News ► Heroes ► America ► Brockton Bay
ChucklesTheClown (Original Poster)
Posted on April 7, 2011:
I was at the police station and overheard some guys talking about about
this cape that was all blue, do we have a guy like that or is this someone
Edit: one of the guys said the color was teal and he was shooting balls at
them and blocked bullets maybe he's got a forcefield power?
Edit: Thanks @Grape Hunter, Mods, can we get a title change?
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► Golden Foot
Replied on April 10, 2011:
I just saw the guy flying around, seriously tacky outfit though. All
that same color and it's like he's wearing neon lights. Maybe he IS a
forcefield user, Narwhal dresses in just her forcefields right? When
he's streaking through the sky he's REALLY streaking!
Edit: Someone pointed out we should track his new stuff. Flight and
follow ball.
► Grape Hunter (Cape Wife)
Replied on April 10, 2011:
Can't say the source, but his name is Oblivium
► ThatThreeGuy
Replied on April 10, 2011:
I saw him too, looks like he's out on the town.
Here's a pic [LINK]
► StubbornKernal
Replied on April 10, 2011:
What's with the balls following him around?
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► NotaName
Replied on April 10, 2011:
I thought I was gonna die, I was hanging out at my friend's place
and there was an explosion a couple of streets over, then Oblivium
flew out of there. He's not going very fast, maybe he's flying with
those forcefields - so the flight isn't a new power.
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► Erratic Bean
Replied on April 11, 2011:
I saw the whole thing on this one, he dropped down behind a group
and tossed an explosive into the air just to scare the shit out of them.
Guy's just like "My gun's bigger than yours"
Edit: So he's got explosions now
@NotaName I don't think you can keep pushing the forcefield thing,
I'm betting he's a tinker. You don't get explosions, flight and
forcefields without some bullshit and tinker is as bullshit as it gets.
► FrozenTamale
Replied on April 11, 2011:
@Erratic Bean I was there too, got a vid of it. The new cape found
a stubborn one this time, don't shoot this guy, he holds a grudge!
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► Peaceful Spork
Replied on April 14, 2011:
I grabbed a link from this morning's post "Armsmaster Caught a Big
One", Apparently the new guy gave up on all the fancy stuff and just
started shooting capes at people.
His name should be 'Escalation King' [LINK]
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► ThatThreeGuy
Replied on April 16, 2011:
LOL the guy just NOPE'd out of the conference with Vista. I'm pretty
sure Armsmaster is going to blow a fuse.
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► Peaceful Spork
Replied on April 16, 2011:
Guys, he flew out of the conference with his team to stop a bank
robbery! How did he know before the PRT? Think he's a precog too?
Replied on April 16, 2011:
Nah, he is just competent unlike a certain organisation too obssed
with Looking good instead of actually doing their Job, hell they threw
a fucking conference when they had NOTHING to do with Lung's
capture pretty sure they bullied the new guys into playing along.
Replied on April 16, 2011:
Sigh...This is not the place for your anti PRT ravings Now as for how
Oblivium was aware of the attack before the PRT, well he might
have poeple he knows who spotted the Undersiders and called him
about it Or, as he seems to be a Tinker, has some kind of
surveillance network out there.
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► Erratic Bean
Replied on April 17, 2011:
He didn't do anything new this time, apparently just tossed Impact
then a grenade
► NotaName
Replied on April 17, 2011:
He killed a trashcan, got the inside all over Regent. I think his 'new
skill' this time was the one fingered salute.
Edit: Is he flying faster now?
Replied on April 17, 2011:
Yes he seems to fly faster, also him put trash on Regent was funny
so was the one fingered salute, oh do you guys think Oblivium is a
fan of Myrrdin ?
Replied on April 17, 2011:
A fan I dunno, but his powers seem to be in the same alley of
Bullshit and they totally look like fucking magic.
►Ereshkighal (Confirmed Cape)
Replied on April 18, 2011:
His powers don't LOOK like magic, they ARE magic He would be
welcome among the Adepts, he seems very strong and most likely
already knows some rituals, he is not as good as Epoch but still.
Replied on April 18, 2011:
heh, to you all who say the guy's a Tinker what do you think his
speciality is ? Go on find one that encompasses all he can do, you
can't Ooooh poor guys Well that's because the guy's a fucking
Trump and not a Tinker.
Replied on April 18, 2011:
Can manipulate powers in some capacity, altering, granting,
strengthening, weakening or removing them entirely, or has powers
that interact solely with the powers of others.
Does that sound like anything Oblivium does ? No, so Shut The Fuck
Up. As for his speciality the guy might be like Leet and not have one
Per Se but a condition to what he makes, like Leet being able to
make only stuff once.
Replied on April 18, 2011:
I dunno about that, but if he really is a Tinker Armsmaster must be
flipping his lead because the guy did not join the Wards proper and
as such he has no access to Oblivium's tech. Nor does Dragon for
that matter, she must be a bit peeved too to not be able to integrate
yet another Tinker's work to her tech.
Replied on April 18, 2011:
Oh come on Dragon is not like that, she is a good person and a great
Tinker by her own right. Besides aren't the Backup Budies affiliated
to the PRT ? if so they should get Oblivium's tech.
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♦Topic: E88 Vs. Undersiders!
In: Boards ► News ► Heroes ► America ► Brockton Bay
Gimme Bacon (Original Poster)
Posted on April 22, 2011:
I've been seeing some fighting between the Undersiders and E88 in Coil's
old stomping grounds. Did Coil get chased off? And if he did, I guess the
Undersiders took over?
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► Grape Hunter (Cape Wife)
Replied on April 22, 2011:
Coil's base was destroyed, I heard it was the BBuddies that did it.
Most of his guys died in whatever happened, I guess the Undersiders
just filled in for him when Coil went to ground
► Endless Path
Replied on April 22, 2011:
I've been seeing the Wards in some new routes too, a few going
straight into some of the smaller fights and hitting some new bases
E88's been setting up. I'm just glad E88 is leaving my neighborhood
alone for now.
►Sharpie-Head (Verified Not-A-Cape)
Replied on April 22, 2011:
Wait, the Undersiders are 'filling in' for Coil? Do you think that they
were working together before?
►Lady Cicero (Cape Nerd)
Replied on April 22, 2011:
I don't think that she is saying that, just that the Undersiders are
stepping into the gap that Coil's exploding base left. I've seen the
same thing happen up here when the Clique got taken in. The
Alleyfreaks came in and took over the crime around the college
campus, covered up the old tags, stuff like that. Speaking of which,
do the Undersiders even have tags? I've seen E88, ABB, and
Merchant gangsigns over on the Pictures forum, but nothing for
Undersiders, or Coil, come to think of it.
Replied on April 22, 2011:
If you hear dogs howling, you're in the Undersiders territory.
Replied on April 22, 2011:
Wait, so my neighbor here in Houston is actually an Undersider?
His dog keeps me up all night!
Replied on April 22, 2011:
I agree with the Lady, I do not think the Undersiders worked or work
for Coil, the guy is more about military style operatives and discipline
plus he doesn't seem to have any Parahuman on Payroll,so the
Undies don't quite fit. As for the tags well Coil desn't have them, it's
unprofessional, a street trash thing not a professional operator thing
and the Undersiders don't have because they most likely "take"Coil's
old territory because they or one them live in the area and don't
want shit happen on their doorstep, guys are thieves they don't do
anything requiring a territory.
Replied on April 22, 2011:
Well my dear Sparky they might be looking into expending and
become something more than just thieves. heh perhaps losing to the
backup Buddies made them want to branch out into another style of
Vilainy, what I find really surprising about them right now is that
they did not spring Grue out.
Replied on April 22, 2011:
Yeah well it might not be that easy, you know the PRT has lots of
people and there's also a thing called the Protectorate working for
them. Besides Grue is better off where he is because Kaiser is going
to gut the Undersiders and have them impaled on the top of Captain
Hill. Those guys have no chance against the Empire.
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♦Topic: Calm Before the Storm?
In: Boards ► News ► Heroes ► America ► Brockton Bay
Peaceful Spork (Original Poster)
Posted on April 23, 2011:
There hasn't been much activity from any gangs recently, After the
BBuddies took out ABB's heavy hitter, then Coil and almost got some of
E88's guys I think everyone's staying quiet. Something big is going to be
(Showing Page 1 of 6)
► FrozenTamale
Replied on April 23, 2011:
No way, this is basically just a 'scare post'. Sure the gangs have
been hit pretty hard, but they're still going out and trying to grab up
territory instead of fighting each other as much. It'll all even out
soon, no need to grab your survival kit and tinfoil hats.
► Erratic Bean
Replied on April 23, 2011:
Tamale, that's what Spork means, everything's calm and there's lots
of territory just up for grabs. What's keeping some new groups from
coming in? This is going to explode soon. Everyone get ready.
► Grape Hunter (Cape Wife)
Replied on April 23, 2011:
The Protectorate and the PRT are keeping an eye out, there's been
no word that we are getting an influx of gangs and capes to worry
about, and even if we do, that's what the heroes are for. We have
the Wards out checking around the town every night, and the
Protectorate heroes come by for anything the Wards might not be
able to handle. On top of that the BBuddies are out there.
Replied on April 23, 2011:
Why are they still called the Backup Buddies? I've only been reading
about them here, but it sound like they have been doing more for the
city than anyone else.
Replied on April 23, 2011:
It's their name. If they want to change it, they can, but it's up to
►Clockblocker (Verified Cape) (Wards ENE)
Replied on April 23, 2011:
Hey, I know the BBuddies are a hot topic, but they aren't the only
heroes in town. They may have made a bigsplash when they first
showed up, but we are still heading out to do our part as well.
Replied on April 23, 2011:
HEy, Clocks! Is it true that SS is leaving the wards? I heard she's a
Backup BUddie and she's might be doing that all the time.
►Clockblocker (Verified Cape) (Wards ENE)
Replied on April 23, 2011:
Shadow Stalker is hanging out with them, yeah, but she's still a
Replied on April 23, 2011:
You're all off topic. I think that the big thing is going to be the E88
going all-out. I'm going to stay inside until they all get taken off of
the streets.
Replied on April 23, 2011:
Hey, I just saw on the Midwest news board, Barrow is moving east.
Maybe the Fairy Forest is coming to the bay?
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►Vlad Vicious
Replied on April 23, 2011:
I think that the Undersiders are going to get taken out. Maybe put in
the ground, given how uppity the've been getting. Be what they
[User Has Recieved An Infraction - Careful, you're getting
close to breaking the ban on threats. - HoveringUFO]
Replied on April 23, 2011:
HEY Clockblocker you do realise that your statement that you are
allegedly doing something too is very susicous and a tad too
defensive ?As for the Backup Buddies of course they are the only
ones doing something that truly matters, same as the Brockton Bay
Brigade before they lost their way and became New Wave. THEY
were the one who took down Marquis who ridiculed the whole
Protectorrate team more than ones by himself. THEY were the ones
keeping the Teeth and Allfather's Empire in check while the
PRT/Protectorate and the Cops cowered in their quarters. Today the
Backup Buddies are the same: THEY took down Lung and the ABB at
large while the local Protecorate couldn't do shit. THEY were the one
who neutered Coil and on the top of it THEY almost got a group of
E88 capes if not for Bakuda and Miss FUCKING Militia letting those
Nazi degenerates go the Empire would be short three capes,
Hookwolf among them and DO NOT tell me it didn't happen I SAW it
with my own eyes as I live in the area where it happened. As for
Shadow Stalker I understand she had enough of the wards and
wants to be in a team that actually does stuff.
Replied on April 23, 2011:
Naw man, she is with the Backup Buddies to stay close to her
Boyfriend Oblivium.
Replied on April 23, 2011:
I think the Empire is not making much waves right now because they
are planning something big: given their numbers they can take all
the curret factions present in the Bay without any problem, but to do
so they need to plan their strike properly, and Kaiser, despite being a
nazi is rather smart an cunning I am pretty sure he is planning a
strike to take over erything at once.
Replied on April 23, 2011:
I'll just say this, are we sure there aren't any new gangs in town
already who keep a low profile to have time to build up their
strength ?
Replied on April 23, 2011:
Heh, if the fairy forest comes to the Bay, then the city will have two
of them. Wonder how it would get along with Oblivium's fairry whose
name I just forgot.
Replied on April 23, 2011:
Shard, that's Oblivium's fairy's name. Now you know what I am
really afraid of ? is that the Vacuum in the city is noticed by the
Butcher and that the Teeth come back here, I lived though the time
they were a power in the city and those guys are very very
dangerous and utterly batshit, but this time there is no Marquis
around to teach them manners so yeah...
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♦Topic: New Player in the Game
In: Boards ► News ► Heroes ► America ► Brockton Bay
Tri_Dog(Original Poster)
Posted on April 21, 2011:
Frozen Lotus is coming to town
(Showing Page 1 of 2)
► ShadowSam
Replied on April 21, 2011:
Word of Fairy Forest, the Teeth and now this? Who the hell are these
► NotaName
Replied on April 21, 2011:
Some guys up north, haven't heard much on them though.
Supposedly they managed to take out some new hero and think that
makes them tough. As much as I hate to say it, all the other gangs
trying to push their way in might protect us from trash like this.
Here's a [LINK] to the speculation page on them. Their big thing
seems to be ritualistic murder. Looks like nine possible victims so
far but no one's even sure how many capes they have.
►Navi The Crone (Girl In The Know)
Replied on April 21, 2011:
Ugh, if you are going to talk about people, use their proper names.
Barrow is the central figure of Lost Garden, not 'Fairy Forest', that is
just a nickname. As for Frozen Lotus, is it possible that they are a
revival of Goetia's split of the Adepts? For those who don't know,
Goetia was a cape in the late 90's who tried to introduce ritual human
murder to the methodology of the Adepts. Epoch kicked him out, and
he started his own briefly led version over in Detroit, before the
group suddenly vanished. This set-up sounds like it is similar.
Replied on April 21, 2011:
Navi, what's wrong with using a nickname? You know what we
meant they know who we meant, everyone knows what you mean
when you are talking about the Fairy Forest.
►Hypester (Unverified Cape)
Replied on April 21, 2011:
Dude, I really hope it wasn't Road Rage who bit it. He was one of the
only ones who could give me a run for my money up here.
Replied on April 21, 2011:
Seriously?! Someone is dead, and you are cracking jokes. We've got
some Slaughterhouse wannabees running around, show some
respect for the situation.
►Hypester (Unverified Cape)
Replied on April 21, 2011:
You gotta laugh, otherwise you'll cry, so cheer up, cause we're all
gonna die. Someday.
Replied on April 21, 2011:
These guys worry me quite a bit...they seem very dangerous from
what I heard most of their victims were more than capable of
defending themselves. One of them even was a mercenary who
survived Moord Nag's takeover of Namibia and when you know how
bloody that was well that's nothing to sneer at. As for the story about
the mannequins being animated I do not see why it was discarded;
Parahuman powers are weird so the fact that the mannequins were
undamaged and found at the exact same place means nothing.
Replied on April 21, 2011:
Yeah because a power would clean everything it does, tss... Now
Navi I thought that Goetia and his group got killed by An Elite Murder
Squad in detroit because one of the people Goetia used for one of his
ritual was working for them. But then it just be a rumour, thing is if it
is Goetia how come he only comes back now ?
Replied on April 21, 2011:
What I wonder is how the Nine will react to those guys I mean they
are copying them and for some reason I do not see Jack Slash as
the kind of guy that likes people biting his style.
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(Showing Page 2 of 2)
Replied on April 21, 2011:
You know that speedster that got killed well he was a real badass,
saw him fight once that guy was not only fast and could do things
with fire, but the guy was also a beast in H2H. I saw him fight some
group with a mover and a brute and he utterly destroyed them.
Replied on April 22, 2011:
Yeah well if those guys come to the Bay I do not see them getting
past the Empire, because I do not see them putting up with that kind
of shit and given their numbers and the strength of their capes I do
not see what these fuckers could do. And if the villains don't take
care of it well there is the protectorate as well as New Wave and the
Back up Buddies.
►Navi The Crone (Girl In The Know)
Replied on April 22, 2011:
@ForgeGuy: Do you have a link to the info about the mercenary, I
hadn't heard that part?
@Potemkin: I'm pretty sure that is just a rumor, AFAIK, the Elite
have never had much of a presence in Detroit. And I don't know why
he wouldn't have come back until now, unless the rumors about
Epoch having a much greater time travel ability than he has displayed
are true, and he shot Goetia forward in time.
So, I just saw a news bulletin about the death of a security guy at a
mall. Link here. The victim is only twenty-three, and the cause of
death was blunt-force trauma rather than a knife wound, but there
are some chain-like marks that could be burns that you can see in
the second picture. Do you guys think this could be related? It would
be in the path for these guys to be heading to Brockton Bay.
Replied on April 22, 2011:
Welp, that's it, I'm out. First my street gets blown up in this gang
war, and now some SH9 wannabes are rolling into town. I ain't
waiting around to see how this turns out. Houston, here I come.
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