Part 8

I got home only a few minutes later.

Todd still wasn't home of course. He was either at the docks or even maybe out in the ocean itself. He was a sailor, a 'true fisherman' as he put it. One of the few jobs still running out of the bay itself here.

Well 'running' anyway. The days of massive fishing trawlers was done, but there were still plenty of small and mid sized boats jumping in the gap.

How the hell Todd managed to work in a job like that, with what had happened to our father and the rest of my family...

Then again, I was about to become a superhero with all that entailed. So didn't that just make me one huge hypocrite?

"Guess the whole family is nuts," I commented to myself in utterly amusement.

Right, schoolwork, or head our more hero prep?

...I think there was a bike shop down in Queens.

Sorry Taylor. But this was to important to put off.

I grabbed my coat, checked the mask in my pocket, then headed back outside.

Motocros armor and spray-paint for now. When it got dark out I could move onto step two. If I could make something workable I'd shave two hundred bucks off my budget. As things were, I'd be stretching my 'free' savings pretty tight.

I might be able to fix that with time, but something told me being a superhero wasn't exactly a job that left you rolling in money.

Though who knew? Maybe it'd be more like adventuring and once I got over the first few hurdles I'd be rolling in more dough then I knew what to do with.

Provided I got over those first few hurdles.

Though that thought also reminded me I should bring my backpack. It'd be a long while before I could whip together a handy haversack, belt of hidden pockets, or bag of holding or anything like that, and if I was going to do the armored mage thing, I'd need something to carry it around if I didn't want to be conspicuous as hell.

Heading into the kitchen I focused first on throwing together something like supper. I was going to be out later, and training was going to be hard enough without an empty stomach.

Hunger was also the enemy after all.