
Part 4

Getting a smidgen more practice in, I finally got out of my crappy home made super suit. After packing it up along with the metal cut outs, I intended to use to make it slightly less crappy, I made my way back to the bus stop, fighting back both a yawn and the abomination that was my stomach.

And once I got there I was also hit with the horrific realisation that I hadn't done any work on the comic book project.

I groaned, "Taylor is going to kill me."

Actually... given her shyness. It was more likely she'd just be... sad. Or disappointed.

"Ugh!" I clenched at the front of my shirt, "That's worse!"

Damn it! I'd really hyped things up too!

"Make up excuses?" I asked. Nah, that was the coward's way out. Also very likely to fail. People didn't like even reasonable excuses. Made up ones were worse.

"Rely on my supernatural, eldritch knowledge of all things normal?" I pondered. It might work. Kind of risky as a cross comparison since Aleph actually had known capes, and my implanted knowledge stretched a few years ahead in time.

"Fuck it. No choice, cram session," I decided with a grit and determination. Trying to catch a power nap would only leave me more tired anywaaaaa- Shit it would actually have helped according to elder knowledge.

"Curse you hindsight!" I swore.

Ah well. Awesome armor was worth it.

Now all I needed was Kevlar... and a helmet. Head protection was important! I had enough mental issues without the fun a concussion could bring with it.

The bus pulled in, I stepped in, and looked at my fellow sleep deprived unfortunates. A handful even had the energy in them to notice me stepping on board!

Ah the deadeye shift. What wonderful, enthusiastic people.

My stomach growled at me again.

Soon, dread beast. Soon, your hunger will be sated with the blood of unborn chickens and the flesh of innocent barnyard critters. Wait just a bit longer my most dark and vile master.

Needless to say, I was one of the sort that got a bit loopy when sufficiently sleep deprived. Or maybe that was just the result of a changeling spending a night around so much iron, even if it was largely wrought into comparatively harmless steel?

"Need to take a shower," I muttered to myself as I stepped off the bus as it reached my stop.

Then came the slow process of dragging my feet back to my apartment.

With a groan I realized I was going to have to walk all the way to school as well.

"Fuck it," I groaned, "I'm skipping the first half of the day." If I was this miserable now, I would be useless in the second half of the day anyway.

Breakfast first though. Or was it just really late supper? Whatever. Eggs. Bacon. Toast. Done. Fuck butter, too much effort to spread it.

I combined these magical items into the holy sacrifice that was breakfast sandwich. Ritually consumed said offering, walked into my room and collapsed face first onto my bed the moment my bag of stuff hit the ground.

...then I remembered I hadn't set my phone alarm yet and cursed again.

One final issue completed, I let unconsciousness take me.