
Part 4

It didn't take long to reach the halls, and with them relative isolation. And hence, I had to ask.

"So... not Rune?" I asked again, relatively sure I was right on that assumption.

"Is here really the place?" she asked tensely.

I raised both eyebrows at her. Without context it wasn't exactly a dead give away what I was asking.

She met my eyes, then rolled her eyes, "No."

I exhaled, "Well... that's a relief."

"Seriously though?" she asked.

"I just like to cover the worst case scenario," I replied defensively. "So... uh..." how to phrase this. "Who is your 'Favorite Parahuman'?" I asked with careful enunciation.

She clued in fast, "Who's yours?"

Ah... how to answer that... Did I really want to admit I was brand new to this stuff? If she was connected to the gangs-

...Well I'd already have heard of her.

Maybe she was an independent? Or someone new to the area?

Ah screw it. She'd seen my eyes glow. There was no way I wasn't using that power again at some point, so there was equally no sense in hiding it from her.

So how to put it?

"I... haven't decided yet. Only really got into capes a few days ago," I said cautiously, smiling sheepishly.

"S-seriously!?" She started, looking at me. "I mean... you... just started learning about capes?"

"Well... yeah," I scratched at the back of my head. "So... how about you?"

"I..." she hesitated for a moment. "I'm new to it too."

Now was my turn to be surprise, "Seriously? I would have thought you were more... uh... experienced."

"Only once," she said red faced and not meeting my eyes.

"Huh..." I thought on that for a moment.

So... she was new to this too? Wait, I think I heard of this before. Group triggers. Did that mean she had magic as well?

Well I mean obviously she did. She showed up under detect magic after all, but did she have powers like mine? Or did she have a normal full strength parahuman power?

She stopped walking, and I missed a step as I was processing all of that.

"So..." she said. "This is my locker."

I exhaled, "Uh... honestly I figure I should just go home. I mean I might..." I tapped right by my left eye.

"That makes sense," she replied quickly. "Do you think you..." she trailed off.

"I'm pretty sure I got it under control," I stated though I wasn't sure how much of it was to her and not my self. "But it never hurts to be sure right?" I questioned.

Then a thought hit me, and I grimaced, "My brother's going to freak. I mean he was already suspicious..." I sighed. "I probably should have told him from the front."

"What!?" Taylor asked in alarm.

"Not about you!" I added in quickly. "Just... well I have to tell him, something. He saw me working on... stuff. And warned me he'd be checking in today to make sure I didn't skip since I missed the morning." I worked my jaw for a moment in frustration. "This is life changing stuff you know? I need to tell him at least. Owe him that much."

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" she asked warily.

"It's try to hide it from school and him. Or tell him, and maybe have some backing in dealing with the first part of that," I summarized. "I mean it only takes one slip. And it's not like he isn't involved. He's my family." The only family I had left.

She seemed to flick her eyes over me for a moment, "Your choice."

I shrugged. "I'm... probably going to be missing a lot of school. You want to keep in contact?" I questioned, trying not to sound to eager.

If she really was new. I mean we were both in the same boat right?

"Sure," she agreed more quickly then I expected.

"Give me a second," I reached into my bag. "I'll give you my cell number. Not sure I'll be able to meet at the library until things calm down on the home front."

"You sure you want to do this?" she questioned again.

I paused. Did I?

Well no. I didn't want to do it. The very idea freaked me out, but well in the comics...

...Why the hell was I basing my reaction on comic books?

My jaw clenched for a moment, then unclenched. "No."

"Then what do you want to do?" she asked me.

"What I want... is for life to not be so complicated," I grunted, thinking over things again.

Then again I doubted I was alone in that.