chapter: 17

If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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It had learned from experience that the strange human boy that regularly visited its room was uncatchable, and since it was not doing any harm Fluffy began to tolerate it. The Cerberus barely moved its head whenever the strange human visited and it even began to warm up to its regular visitor as the boy sometimes brought food to it.

"Bye Fluffy." Harry said as he got off from his seat. The large dog merely barked and wagged its massive tail as it began to play with its new chew toy.

"Harry Wake Up!"

"Huh?" The young boy asked as he was shook awake. He sighed as he stared at Hermione, who once again decided to disturb him from his sleep.

"Honestly! Just because the teacher is a ghost doesn't mean you can just sleep the whole period." Hermione admonished her friend.

Harry looked around and realized that class was over and he yawned and stretched, feeling refreshed after his late night. He grabbed his bag and slung it over his shoulder and headed for lunch.

Hermione followed him and he stared at the young girl who had apparently decided that she was Harry's friend. The boy who lived tried to avoid her and even used his 'skill' at times but the girl was relentless. He still didn't figure out what the girl wanted from him.

"Why aren't you with Padma?" Harry asked. Whenever Hermione wasn't bothering him she was with the other girl who had a twin in Gryffindor.

"She's in the Great Hall already, saving us some seats." Hermione answered.

Harry nodded and continued on as Hermione walked silently beside her friend. Ever since she invited the boy who lived to sit beside her and Padma on that peaceful morning, Harry began to hang out more with the two of them, forming a study group.

At first the young boy felt suspicious that the two girls would want him to hang out with them without asking anything in return, but he slowly dropped his guard when he realized they were not taking advantage of him. Stranger still was that Padma and Hermione even began helping him with his homework which he regularly waits up to the last minute to finish.

Padma was very familiar with Astronomy (which Harry found to be boring) and helped the young Potter with his Astronomic Charts. Professor Sinistra, the Astronomy Professor, was not impressed with Harry Potter when she found him dangling a little toy ship in front of his class mates' telescopes.

Hermione offered to help Harry with his History of Magic, as the boy never fails to fall asleep in Professor Binn's class. Seeing the Boy who lived blatantly sleeping in front of a teacher, the other male students, even Draco Malfoy followed his lead and soon the History classroom was filled with soft snores and heavy breaths.

Hermione stared at her companion, well used by now to his silent and laid back nature. Harry still disappears for long stretches and no matter where Padma and Hermione looked they couldn't find him anywhere in the Castle. The boy was as slippery as an eel.

"Harry?" Hermione asked.

"Hmm?" The boy replied absently, his mind focused on the food he was beginning to smell.

"I haven't thanked you by the way... for helping out with Weasley." Hermione said.

Harry quirked a small smile and didn't bother to reply and continued walking while Hermione shot Harry a knowing look.

"I know it was you." Hermione said.

"It was funny." Harry admitted.


"It's Levioooosahhh, not Leviyoshah!" Ron Weasley mimicked the annoying Ravenclaw and his friends snorted and laughed at his impersonation.

"Honestly, no wonder no one likes her, she's terrible." The red head Gryffindor added.

A figure moved past him and he distinctly heard a few sniffs and watery eyes before the person before she disappeared around a corner.

"I think she heard you mate." Seammus said as he began to feel sorry for the girl.

"Who cares? She doesn't have friends anyway, now wonder no one can stand her." Ron argued.

"Mate, stop it, that voice is irritating" Seammus said.

"What's irritating?" Ron asked his voice still in the pitch he used when he mimicked Hermione Granger.

"Seriously, It was funny at first, but it's really weird when you keep talking like that." Dean Thomas added.

"I'm speaking normally!" Ron exclaimed just as a few Slytherins walked past them. The Snakes sniggered and laughed as they heard the ridiculously high pitched voice.

"Bloody Hell!" Ronald Weasley squeaked, literally. His two friends stared at him and began to laugh uncontrollably.

End of Flashback

"You're almost late." Padma said as Hermione and Harry sat on the seats she reserved.

"It took a longer time to wake him up." Hermione jerked her thumb to the boy who was inspecting the food on the table.

As usual the young boy ignored his two companions in favor of picking out what he wanted to eat, and after making a decision he began to pile food on his plate.

"I don't know why he keeps on sleeping." Padma said as she scooped out a good quantity of mashed potatoes on her plate. "I mean he already gets enough sleep at night doesn't he?"

"That's just Harry." Hermione replied, used to his friend's strange behavior."Hey, this seat taken?" Michael Corner asked.

"Go ahead." Hermione said pleasantly.

"Thanks." Michael said as he sat down beside his roommate. "So how are you on with McGonagall's assignment? I found it a bit tricky."

"It is" Padma replied. "Thank Merlin Harry's good at Transfiguration, he let me borrow his notes."

Hermione was about add her own opinion on the subject when they heard a strange voice.

"It is not Funny!" A girly voice shrieked from the Gryffindor table and the almost all the students in the other tables snorted in amusement.

"Madam Pompfrey didn't figure out a cure yet?" Michael asked as he stared at Ronald Weasley who was being teased by the Weasley Twins.

"I heard her talking with Professor Flitwick." Padma said. "She said the magic has to wear out, and by her calculations it would take a week at most."

"Why isn't he confined to the Hospital wing then?" Michael asked.

"Madam Pomfrey said that it's not a hindrance to learning, since he is physically and mentally well. It's just his voice that's the problem." Padma replied.


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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