chapter: 24

If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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"Has Harry entered the chamber?" Albus Dumbledore asked as he stepped beside Severus Snape, his long beard and hair damp from a relaxing bath.

"I have not seen the brat yet." Severus said, his eyes never leaving the entrance to the third floor corridor. The Headmaster had asked the potions master to monitor the entrance of the third floor corridor and observe who had gone in.

"That is worrying." The Headmaster said, his eyes instantly stopped twinkling from the news. "Perhaps you missed him? I have recently given him his Father's Invisibility Cloak."

"What possessed you to do such a thing Headmaster?" Severus asked incredulously. "He will only use it to follow his father's footsteps!"

"I had to give it to the boy to gain his trust Severus. It was necessary." Albus said. "Though I am quite disappointed with young Harry... he has not even once used the cloak to wander the halls past curfew."

"He might be smarter than his father... by only a small margin." The Potions Professor said. "Face it Albus, The Potter brat is a true Ravenclaw. You cannot mold him to the Gryffindor Hero you had dreamed of."

"I refuse to give up... he is the son of James Potter." The Headmaster replied. He looked at his pocket watch to check for the time and his frown deepened. "How long has it been since Quirell entered the corridor?"

"He has entered the chamber three minutes ago Headmaster." Severus said. "Are you sure Harry Potter will come?"

"I am sure Severus. I had taken... 'subtle' steps to inform young Potter of the danger." Albus replied.

"You must have used that big oaf Hagrid no doubt." Snape said as he looked back at the empty corridor. "That Half Giant is as subtle as a bull in a potions laboratory, everyone knows he couldn't keep a secret to save his life..."

"I trust Hagrid, and he has proven himself reliable." The Headmaster said, defending the half giant. He looked at his watch once again and he drew out his wand and prepared to confront his defense professor.

"We must act... it seems Harry Potter is not coming after all." Albus said, disappointment evident in his voice.

"I told you Headmaster." Severus sneered as he drew out his own wand. "Let's head off quickly before he finally figures out the mirror."


"What in blazes?" Severus asked as a wraith like spirit burst through the wooden door. The potions professor's face paled when he saw the face of his former master. "Is that... Is that..."

"That is Voldemort." Albus Dumbledore replied as he stared at the retreating wraith. "We must hurry"

"Finished?" Albus asked.

"Nearly..." Severus said. He suddenly felt the urge again and headed back to the far wall to vomit.

The headmaster and Severus found the gruesome sight of severed limbs that have appeared to be torn from the decapitated torso. Immediately Severus Snape started vomiting as the Cerberus barked at them, showing sltrips of human flesh attached to its teeth.

Albus sent a powerful sleeping charm towards the Cerberus, and after memorizing every detail in the room he vanished the pool of blood and body parts that littered the room.

"We must hasten to confirm that the stone still remains in the mirror." Albus said as he began to unravel the various protections. A few minutes later, Albus and Severus found themselves staring at the empty third floor corridor as the walls and stones shifted back to their original place.

A minute later Albus Dumbledore was standing in front of the mirror of Erised, his eyes staring hard at his reflection. Snape watched curiously, eager to see a glimpse of the Philosopher's stone, the holy grail of Alchemy.

"It's not possible." Albus frowned as he tried again, imagining finding the stone.

"Headmaster?" Severus asked.

"It seems that the mirror refuses to give back the stone." Albus replied. "Why don't you try Severus?"

The potions master nodded and he stepped in front of the mirror. He tried focusing on the stone but there was no effect, only the image of a red headed woman continuously giving him the finger. He loved it when she played dirty.

"Severus?" Albus asked, interrupting the potions master from his thoughts.

"The mirror is not responding." Severus Snape replied. "What happened?"

"There can only be two possibilities..." Albus replied. "One is that the stone is not in the mirror, though that is highly unlikely. The Second possibility is that the magics of the mirror of Erised have interfered with process of inserting the stone inside."

"Can we get the Stone back?" Snape asked, eager to test the elixir that the stone produces.

"In time perhaps." Albus said. "I must analyze the mirror again, but for the moment I think that this is for the best."

"Why is that?" Severus asked. "The stone could be of great use to us."

"But if Voldemort manages to get his hands on it, it will only aid him to his rise to power." Albus replied. "No, the stone is best suited to remain stuck inside the mirror, until such time that we truly need it."

"He's not awake yet?"

"Yeah. He was still sleeping when I went down for breakfast." Michael Corner replied.

"Why didn't you wake him up?" Hermione asked. It was the morning after the school year feast, and almost everyone was excited to go back to their respective homes and enjoy the start of their summer vacation.

"I tried." Michael Corner sighed. "But he suddenly punched me."

"He punched you?" Padma Patil asked. "Why would he do that?"

"It's just a reflex. Harry's not really a morning person." Michael explained. "I mean, he's a nice enough room mate and he doesn't snore like those Gryffindors."

"I heard from Parvati that Ron Weasley's snores could be heard from their common room. The Prefects had started placing silencing charms on the first year dormitory because of all the complaints." Padma said, confirming Michael Corner's story.

"Do you mind if we head towards your room? I want to try and wake him up." Hermione said.

"Be my guest." Michael Corner grinned. "And remember to stay on your toes."

Hermione and Padma wondered if Michael Corner was having them on as they climbed up the stairs towards the first year dormitories.

"That's theirs, the fourth door." Hermione said, pointing to a wooden door where a plaque with Harry and Michael Corner's name were engraved hanged beside it.


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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