chapter: 31

If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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Harry froze up and cursed under his breath... he was sure that he wasn't seen and his planning was flawless. The sound of foots steps reached him closer and he was about to start running when his foot accidentally tripped the person behind sending the unfortunate bloke to the ground.

"There! Catch him!"

He looked at the person that fell and saw a young man that looked to be in his late teens sprawled in the ground with a woman's handbag beside him. It was the same bag that the mother in the family of three had and it seemed that an opportunistic thief also used Harry's distraction.

"Oh thank Goodness! " The woman sad as she ran towards Harry. She gave him a bright smile while the waiter of the café pinned down the snatcher.

"My camera! It's gone!" Harry heard a male voice and he quickly thought of a way out.

"It's here mister, the snatcher accidentally threw it to me as he fell." Harry said.

The man sighed in obvious relief. "You're British too aren't you? Thank God for a fellow countryman. This camera's a Leika, and cost me quite a few pounds."

Harry gaped as he recognized the man smiling at him and he smiled nervously back when he realized who he had attempted to steal from. These were the Grangers! And that must mean...


The young boy turned around and faced his first friend and he was forced to step back as Hermione flung herself towards him. "Oh it's good to see you! What are you doing here?" Hermione asked as she hugged her friend once more.

"I'm just sightseeing." Harry said as he forced himself to smile back. "What are you doing here Hermione?"

"We visit the continent every summer. This year we picked Paris! And you're here!" Hermione gushed.

Harry smiled faintly, his friend was in 'hyper' mode and he knew she would keep talking for hours if she was allowed to. Luckily for him Hermione's parents stepped in, forcing their daughter to stop her relentless verbal attack.

"We finally meet THE Harry Potter. I'm Emma Granger and this is my Husband Dan." Emma said as she shook the hand of the young boy.

"I have to say you really lived up to your reputation. You're a true hero Harry." Dan said as he eagerly shook the boy's hand. "You stopped that thief and saved my Leika from damage."

Harry breathed a sigh of relief when he realized that Dan Granger didn't recognize him.

"It was no trouble at all."Harry said, lowering his voice on purpose.

After the incident was sorted out, the Grangers left without filing a police complaint since it would only waste the rest of their day in Paris. The family insisted that Harry join them for lunch and finally Harry relented.

Hermione immediately attached to his side, beaming with happiness at the unexpected but welcome appearance of her friend.

"I tried to introduce you earlier to my parents at King's cross, but you suddenly vanished." Hermione said. "Where did you go?"

"I forgot my books in the compartment, so I rushed back to retrieve them. By that time I couldn't find you because of the crowds and decided to go home." Harry replied as he scooped some ice cream. Hermione nodded at this, accepting the explanation and she continued to smile at her friend.

"It's such a wonderful coincidence that we would meet here isn't it Harry?" Hermione asked. "I sometimes wonder if Divination is not that useless after all."

"Yeah... useless." Harry replied as he took another spoonful of ice cream.

"What are you doing here Harry? And who are you with?" Emma Granger asked. "It's not safe for a young man to walk alone in a foreign city."

"I'm with some friends." Harry said evasively. He spotted Dan Granger smiling at him from time to time while he fondly cleaned his Leika Camera M5 and he was forced to smile back.

"Well since we have some free time, why don't we fetch you home?" Emma suggested. "I'm sure your guardians would be happy to see that you have arrived safely. Where are you staying?"

"It's fine really." Harry begged off, but Emma was as persistent, if not more than her daughter.

"No, I insist. The sun's is almost setting, and it will not be safe for you to wander Paris alone in the dark." Emma persisted. She looked back at her 'husband' for some support. "Don't you think so Dan?"

"I agree, it's the least we could do after you saved this family's vacation." Dan Granger said.

Harry sighed and finally gave out the Address of the Delacour's residence in Paris. "It's in Foch Avenue."

"Why that's practically a five minute walk from here!" Emma said. "Let's head back."

"Wow... there are really big houses here Harry." Hermione murmured. "Who are you staying with?"

"I'm staying old friends of my parents." Harry said and the Grangers' expression fell slightly as they felt pity for the orphaned boy.

Five minutes later, Harry was standing in front of the house and was currently saying goodbye to Hermione and her parents.

"Will I see you tomorrow?" Hermione asked hopefully.

"I'm sorry Hermione, but my portkey back to England is tomorrow." Harry said and the young girl's expression fell.

"I'll visit you this July, don't worry." Harry said. He was now confident to visit his friend's home now that Dan Granger did not recognize him.

"Oh right! I'm excited about that." Hermione said brightly. "I can't wait!"

"Me too." Harry agreed. Hermione's neighborhood was for well to do families and he was sure there would be nice shiny things for him to pick up.

"He's a nice boy." Emma Granger said. "Though a bit quiet."

"He's like that mum. But he can be pretty mischievous when he wants too." Hermione said. She glanced back and was not surprised to find that Harry had now disappeared.

Harry donned his cloak and mask as he appeared at the true address of the Delacours and decided to tease Fleur once again. The heiress of the Delacour fortune was easy to rile up and it was funny to see her irritated.


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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