chapter: 34

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"Nothing here is from the Delacours right? You know Penny won't like it if you steal something from them." Nicholas asked as he inspected a silver watch that had diamond studs around its frame.

"No..." Harry said slowly as he pocketed a golden fork with the Delacour crest stamped on it. He thought it was cool and could be used as a 'trident' for his action figure.

"Good." Nicholas said in approval. He tested a watch and was pleased to find that it fit him perfectly. "Uhmm Harry... can I have this?"

"Sure." Harry replied after inspecting the watch. The young thief fished his pockets for a piece of chocolate wrapped in an exotic paper and slowly bit into the chocolate goodness.

"Don't tell Penny where I got it alright?" Nicholas asked smiling nervously."Tell her... that you bought it for me."

"Thief's honor." Harry promised, crossing his heart while his face took on an earnest expression.

"Does that mean anything at all?" Nicholas asked.

"No." Harry said simply as he fished his pockets for another piece of chocolate.

The box of chocolates that Apolline gave him was delicious, and she even promised to get him more if he wanted. The young thief narrowed his eyes when he fished out of his pockets a plastic cylindrical object with a gray cap, instead of the golden foil wrapper of his favorite chocolate.

"What's that?" Nicholas asked curiously.

Harry opened the gray cap and out came a smaller cylindrical shaped object that was yellow in color with various markings on it. The young boy could read the word 'KODAK' as it was the most prominent and largest word in the cylinder.

"This is a camera film." Harry replied as he made the small roll of film dance around his fingers. "I wonder how it got here?"

"There's something written under the cap." Nicholas said as he inspected the plastic object. "The word 'Dan' is written underneath."

"It must have belonged to Hermione's dad and got mixed up. I... saved his camera from being destroyed." Harry said. "I'll return it when I visit them tomorrow."

"Mama?" Fleur sat beside her mother in the sitting room. "Can I speak with you for a moment?"

"What is it dear?" Apolline asked as she put down the wizard magazine she was reading. She observed her daughter for a moment and stroked her long blond hair. "Is this about your betrothal to Harry Potter?"

The Delacour heiress nodded as she stared at her clasped hands. "I don't know what to do with... my future husband. He barely pays any attention to me when he visits, except when he likes to play with my hair."

"Boys in his age are like that dear, you just have to be patient with him." Apolline said. "Does he know that you will be his future bride?

"No Mama." Fleur grinned. "But I would love to see his face when he realizes it."

Harry was relishing the last of his desert while Penny and the old man were drinking their tea, enjoying its warmth amidst the surprisingly cold night.

"Are you sure you won't stay for the night dear? Ever since you found a safe house you have been sleeping there more often. At least tell us the address so that we can come to you if you need help." Penny suggested.

"I'm fine Penny." Harry replied. He suddenly remembered that Apolline had asked him to give a pack of chocolates to Penny and he fished it out of the bag beside his seat.

"Apolline asked me to give this to you." Harry explained as he handed the package to Penny. "She said that this was your favorite."

"I always knew Julian made a good choice with that girl." Penny replied. "I am sure my extended family is very pleased with you, having helped in saving their lives."

"And it was a very smart move on your part to ask Julian for some training. He was a dueling champion some years back." Nicholas added. "I'm surprised he agreed, since he never took any students and he is very secretive with his methods."

"I sensed that he wanted me to accept a tease all you want contract with her eldest daughter Fleur, and so I asked him that I will accept it if he trained me." Harry said proudly as he looked at the confused faces of the old man and Penny. "I told you I'm smart."

"Tease all you want contract?" Penny asked as she exchanged puzzled looks with her husband.

"You know..." Harry explained, waving his hands hoping the old man and penny would understand. "I'm Fleur's be towed."

"Do you mean betrothed Harry?" Penny asked as she exchanged a glance with Nicky. Her husband started to pour a good quantity of wine to his and her glass as he already suspected what happened.

"That's it." Harry nodded. "Julian offered me to be Fleur's betrothed. That means I can tease and annoy her all I want, and Julian told me yesterday that I can visit their large house whenever I feel like it. They even gave me a permanent room to sleep in!" The boy finished, looking proud of himself. He was puzzled at the old man's reaction since he was expecting Nicky to congratulate him for his negotiating skills.

Penny was covering her mouth with a napkin, her face red while her husband was pouring another glass of wine for himself.

Slightly concerned by their unusual behavior, the boy who lived gave a hasty goodbye and vanished into his mysterious safe house.

After several minutes of full blown laughter, the old couple finally settled down, though ever so often, one of them burst into a fit of giggles.

"I think I better have a long talk with Julian." Penny said.

"You don't disapprove?" Nicholas asked.

"I didn't like the way they took advantage of Harry's naivety, but I think it is a good choice." Penny confessed.

"Hmmf, the only reason you're not throwing hexes and curses is because that little bugger is now related to you." Nicholas said. "Admit it, you're happy."

"I am." Penny replied.

"Hi Kit." Andromeda said when she spotted the young cat walk in. "Had a nice stroll?"


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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