chapter: 40

If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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"I'd rather stay with Julian." The young thief said. "But I don't like how he tricked me into agreeing to marry Fleur."

Nicholas laughed. "Treat is as a learning experience then Harry. Never forget, that there is always someone else that is smarter than you. Overconfidence can lead to your downfall."

"I've better get back." Harry said after he contemplated the old man's words. "Professor McGonagall might be looking for me."

"Go on then, and be sure to visit tomorrow. Penny's making pie." Nicholas added.

The young boy's face broke into a smile when he heard this and he waved goodbye before he faded out of sight. The Master Alchemist immediately headed to his floo and tossed a good amount of Floo powder.

"Delacour Mansion!" Nicky called out. He had to hurry and warn Julian of Dumbledore's plans.

The young boy was enjoying the alley, careful not to be spotted by his current minder who was just seated at the café in the middle of the street. A gleam of something shiny and colorful caught the young boy's attention, and he decided to investigate the commotion.

"Can I have an autograph Mister Lockhart?" A young witch asked, holding a quill and a thick book. The other witches were doing the same as they jostled for position around a tall man with a golden cape wearing a charming smile.

"Settle down ladies." The man said as he combed his hair, earning a sigh from the dozens of witches surrounding him. Instead of using the quill offered by the previous witch, he drew out from his robes a large quill that Harry thought was made from a peacock's feather.

The young thief's sharp eyes noticed that while the flamboyant wizard was busy signing autographs, his other hand was discretely copping feels of a particularly voluptuous witch's assets.

'Gross.' Harry thought. The young thief soon lost interest and decided to return to his minder, wondering if he could have some breakfast.

"Professor." Harry greeted the Transfiguration Mistress busy reading the daily prophet.

"Harry." Minerva greeted her young student. "Have a seat. Did you find any good books?"

"I found a few, but I decided I will buy them later when I shop for my school supplies with Hermione next week." Harry replied.

"Make sure to buy the Advanced Theory of Transfiguration." Minerva suggested. "I know it is not required in the book list, but it will help you understand the advanced concepts in my class. Would you like to order something dear?"

"If they have good sandwiches... I didn't have breakfast yet." Harry said.

"You should have told me that earlier." Minerva chided her favorite student's son as she called for the waiter.

"I forgot." Harry said as he looked at the older witch. The old man said that she was a decent witch and a good person and decided to ask advice on his current predicament. "Professor, what do you think of my betrothal to Fleur?"

Minerva removed her glasses and placed them on the table. "I must confess I was surprised at what your father was thinking when he arranged for you to be married."

Harry remained silent, eagerly listening to what the older witch thought. He had listened from both parties and he thought McGonagall could give her unbiased opinion on his predicament.

"But after thinking things through... this might not be such a bad idea. There are students in your batch that have betrothal contracts and yours is not a unique case." Minerva said. "I have not met the Delacours personally, but from what I heard, they are a good family."

"I read about them in the bookstore." Harry lied. "They are among the oldest families in France."

"Yes they are." Minerva agreed. "And like your father, Julian Delacour decided to break with tradition and marry a halfblood."

"You don't approve of that?" Harry asked.

"Of course not Harry." Minerva said immediately. "I don't share the same views like the traditionalists in our society. Magic is magic, and blood and ancestry does not necessarily mean you are a better witch or wizard."

"So you approve Professor?" Harry asked. "What about the Weasleys? The family the Headmaster was suggesting that will take custody of my guardianship."

"The Weasleys are fine people." Minerva said. "But like all families, everyone has flaws. After seeing how you were treated at your old home... I'm starting to question Albus' judgment."

"The Weasleys are very loyal to Albus, like I am. But Molly Weasley tends to see everything in black and white. There is only light and dark for her and no middle ground." Minerva said cautiously.

"I think I understand Professor." Harry said after a moment. "Thank you for sharing your views."

Minerva smiled as she patted the young boy's hand. "Just come to me whenever you need more Harry. My door is always open to you."

"Professor McGonagall! It's a surprise to see you here!"

Minerva closed her eyes for a moment when she heard the voice from the wizard. "Gilderoy."

"Have you bought my book yet Minerva?" Gilderoy Lockhart said as he seated himself on the free chair, ignoring the young boy with the transfiguration professor.

"I did not have time Gilderoy. I am busy preparing for the new school year." Minerva said politely.

"Ah yes! The new school year! I am excited to share my experience and wealth of knowledge to the students." The wizard said, taking a sip out of Harry's tea. "Of course, I have yet to make an official announcement, or else Hogwarts will be flooded by new transferees!"

"You better prepare your lesson plans then Gilderoy." Minerva said.

"Of course. Molding the minds of the future generation is a sacred calling." Gildeory Lockhart said looking far away for effect. "I better be off... I have a book signing to attend to. I'll see you at Hogwarts then?"

Without bothering for a response, the flamboyant man stood up, flourishing his cape as he did so.

"Who is that?" Harry asked watching the man disappear into Flourish and Blot's

"That is Gilderoy Lockhart." Minerva thinned her lips. "Your new Defense against the Dark Arts Professor."

"He's very strange." Harry observed.

"I wonder what Albus was thinking hiring that man." Minerva said. She realized that Harry heard him and tried to explain her earlier statement. "I mean... It's not proper to talk down a colleague..."

"You don't like him." Harry grinned. He enjoyed this side of Professor McGonagall who wore her emotions on her sleeve. She was not the strict disciplinarian he knew at Hogwarts.


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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