
If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

{P} {A} {T} {R} {E} {O} {N}


He heard footsteps in the distance and immediately moved to the shadows, curious to see who was still up this late at night.

"Hurry up... I want these crates ready for the celebration." A voice said.

"They're a bit heavy Forge." Another voice replied. "I should have carried the sweets."

"Check if the path is clear Gred."

"I'm on it... I solemnly swear that I am up to no good."

"All clear?"

"Hang on..." Fred Weasley's eyes widened in shock. "George... we're not alone... look!"

"Bloody Hell!" George Weasley said as he looked over his twin's shoulder. "Is that... is that..."

Fred looked around the corridor and looked back at the map. "Prongs junior... who could that be..."

He looked at his twin and nodded and dropped the crate of butterbeer and bags of sweets on the floor.

Harry looked on curiously wondering what these two were up to. They were looking at an old piece of parchment when suddenly they both dropped the goods in their arms and started walking near him. He knew they couldn't see him as they walked past him when they suddenly turned around and lunged towards him.

The young thief was caught in surprise as his cloak was quickly removed from his person and found two grinning twins looking at him.

"An honor to meet you... Prongs junior." Twin one said.

"How... how did you find me?" Harry asked in shock.

"It is a secret... and we will tell you, if you tell us who you are." Twin two said. "I like the mask by the way, Prongs junior."

"I agree... perhaps we should have one too." Twin one replied.

"Is it related to that parchment?" Harry asked warily.

"He's a sharp one... he is really related to the great marauders Fred." George Weasley said.

The sound of footsteps was heard around the corner and the twins immediately grabbed their goods. Fred Weasley looked at the young thief and smiled. "Follow us Prongs junior."

Harry picked up his cloak and followed the twins who jogged down the corridor away from the footsteps and headed towards one of their hidden hangouts.

Harry followed the Weasley Twins and found them stowing their loot in the corner. It looked to be an abandoned storage room and he noticed that a few old couches and a table in the center.

"Make yourself comfortable." George said in a friendly tone. "We were very curious about you... and tried to look for you since last year."

"You were looking for me?" Harry asked. He sat down on the opposite couch and looked back at the two twins who were eagerly looking at him.

"Yeah... we first saw you on the roof on the train last year... when you stole those prefect badges." Fred Weasley said. "I'm sure it was you and nice work by the way."

Harry grinned under his mask. It was rare to have his missions complimented like that.

"And then... you were the one that stole the sorting hat right? That was the best prank we have ever seen. You really are a marauder." George added.

"I can neither confirm nor deny your suspicions." Harry said, remembering a line from the movie he recently watched. The Weasley twins snickered and beamed at the young thief.

"Now... that we have finally met... allow us to introduce ourselves." George said."I'm George Weasley, the handsome twin."

"And I'm Fred, the sexy Twin."

Harry laughed and shook both hands. "Why did you call me Prongs junior?"

"We'll tell you... but first... you have to tell us who you are." Fred Weasley said.

Harry looked at the twins for a moment. "You have to promise you won't tell anyone."

"Prankster's honor." Fred Weasley said solemnly and his twin nodded in agreement.

Harry removed his mask and removed the glasses from his robes and put it on.

"Merlin!" Fred and George Weasley exclaimed at the same time and Harry laughed when he saw the shocked look on their faces.

"Hi, I'm Harry Potter." The young thief said. "Now... tell me more about the map."

"Are you fine Ginny?" Ron Weasley asked in concern.

"I'm fine..." The youngest Weasley said as her quill breezed past the parchment. "Have you seen my diary?"

"Diary?" Ron asked.

"The one that I've been writing in all summer!" Ginny snapped as she stopped writing. "It's missing!"

He watched in his younger sister wondering what was wrong with her. Her roommates also noticed her sudden change in demeanor these past few days, she was always irritable, ever since the Halloween feast. What was worse, she found herself looking at the older Gryffindor girls with appreciation whenever they showered every morning.

"You can always get a new one." Ron said as he watched his younger sister finish her assignment in record speed.

"No! This diary's special!" Ginny insisted.

"Forget it Ronald." The young girl said finally. "I'll check if my roommates have taken it by mistake. They're so messy and irresponsible with their things!"

"And you're not messy? Ginny, you should see your room at home." Ron pointed out. "It's even messier than mine."

"Well I've changed." The young girl said to her brother. She noticed that the Gryffindor chasers had just entered the common room, tired from their practice. "I'm taking a quick shower."

"You just had one this afternoon." Ron looked at his younger sister with concern. "Are you sure you're alright Ginny?"

"I'm fine." Ginny said as she gathered her books and finished assignments, leaving her roommates struggling to finish theirs in time for tomorrow. The transfiguration assignment was ridiculously easy and it only took her five minutes to write down the required length for the essay.

Harry was busy making his own sandwich when Hermione and Padma sat down beside him. He looked up and saw their sleepy faces.

"Hey guys." Harry greeted the two girls. "Rough night?"

"Not really." Hermione yawned. "I just slept late since I couldn't stop reading the books Padma lent me."

"That's nice" Harry said. He observed his omelet sandwich, and satisfied that it was done properly he began to wrap it in towel paper.

"You're not eating with us?" Padma asked.

"Yeah... I have some business to attend to." Harry replied. He was about to stand up when a flock of owls descended from the windows to deliver the daily wizard newspaper to those who had subscribed.


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

{P} {A} {T} {R} {E} {O} {N}