Chapter 7 - Battling the Demon Gods

Beiye POV

I released Yating but I knew what would happen as portals appeared to which I took out my swords to run to Yating to see my brother there with Li Yuanli gone but Seere, Rank 70 holding my brother by his neck.

Beiye: Brother!

Seere: Oh how sweet, don't worry you will be next.

But then Lord Xiazhe cuts Seere's arm off as he backed away with Allocer and Zagan.

Seere: It's you again, Croak.

Seere heals his arm.

Allocer: HAHAHAHA! I was right about you, you're worthy of me coming here.

Lord Xiazhe: Long Beiye, Long Haochen, I'll hold them off, you take the exorcism token to the command post.

Beiye & Haochen: Yes.

We took off.

Xiazhe: It's the key to saving Exorcism Pass.

We started running cutting down demons.

Xiazhe: Attention Everyone, The demon gods have been trapped in my realm, Everyone do what you can to help Long Beiye and Long Haochen reach the command post. Remember it is make or break for Exorcism Pass.

Everyone was trying to clear the way for us.

Haochen: Sister, take the Token, I'll clear it for you.

He gave me the Excorsim Token for me to keep running as I made the command center give to replica thrones for me and my brother.

As I dawned my Silver Pedistal Armor to keep running as my brother was fighting Seere as I slashed at him blasting him away, with this Yating appeared as I bonded her with my furnace quickly.

Seere: You are not going anywhere!

Beiye: Wanna bet!

As our swords clashed to which Haochen blasted him with sword beams to which I jump to put the Token into the slot as it activated with a circle appearing to the command center to take a different shape.

Seere: What is this?

The command center transformed into two thrones.

Seere: You summoned protections of the Seal Throne of Doom and Slaughter and Guardian Grace.

As I stripped my armor as me and my brother saw steps materialized in golden grace of the golden thrones, we walked up them to turn and sit as giant visages appeared of Father and Granpa Han.

Beiye & Haochen: On the throne, no harm shall be done to me.

As light energy erupted from the sky to strike the thrones spreading energy to the human soldiers.

Allocor: Finally a challenge.

Zagan: Not if I get her first!

They came charging at me.

Seere: No, this can't be possible.

Beiye: Below this throne, Demons shall be judged.

I started wrapping the Allocer and Zagan in chains made of light.

Haochen: Below this throne, No Demons shall move.

As gravity was pressing down on all the demons.

Seere: How dare you get me on my knees!

Haochen: Kneel

He pressed the pressure him as I prepared my sword glowing with erupting light energy as I look at Allocor and Zagan.

Allocor & Zagan: NOOOOOO!!

Beiye: Light Sun Domination!

As my attack formed an Angel with two swords as they brought down there blades.


Beiye: Losers.

As the attack hit with intense explosion that killed them, I look to my brother chasing after Seere as I see him and Cai'er finish it but I notice the crowns flying but felt them destroyed, that means one thing.

Beiye: Grandpa's here, perfect.

Then the sky busted up with a darkness as everything blew away as I saw him walking on air as every step the space cracked from his power but then gravity was being pushed on us as I'm faking cause I'm stronger than Grandpa.

But then some six lights came flying in to put up a shield as the strongest demon hunting squad squared up there energy against gramps in a struggle but then we were pressed down again as every Mount appeared without being summoned to be surpressed as well.

But I felt his gaze on me as I was brought to another to another realm pretending I couldn't move.

Gramps: Look up.

I saw him floating in front of me.

Beiye: Nice to meet you, Grandfather.

Gramps smiled at that.

Gramps: So you know?

Beiye: Yes but my brother doesn't so I want him to figure it out himself.

Gramps: I see.

Beiye: Grandfather, how would you like to make a bet?

Gramps: Hmm, interesting, what kind of bet?

Beiye: I've always been a special child as I can gauge an opponents true strength and I can say no knight or knights can beat you as I peered into your spiritual energy strength which is beyond anything really so my bet is that if I run into any of the heirs of the 72 Demon Pillars and defeat them then I can marry two from the 72 pillars heirs, Yue Ye and Leng Xiao.

Gramps put his hand on his chin.

Gramps: Very well.

Beiye: What do you want?

Gramps: I want to see you grow stronger and to watch you fight the heirs to win.

Beiye: I can do that but you have to one day tell me about my grandmother, I've always wanted to know.

Gramps: Get stronger and then we will talk about that.

I woke up to Gramps leaving as I was mourning as many weren't lost as it would have been to which Zhang was lost but Gao was alive but injured to the point he'll have to retire but he still has his girl.

I was summoned to command by Lord Xiazhe with my brother to meet captain of the demon hunters Chen Zidian as he gave us something.

Demon Continent

A portal opened as Feng Xiu walked threw to see one of the 72 Demon Pillars, Paimon.

Feng Xiu: Paimon, get ready, I have found two more successors.

Paimon: Congratulations, Your Majesty.

Holy City

I see Gao and his wife happy cause he can finally stay home as I smiled.

Beiye: Have a good life.

I smiled at them hugging.