
Alex led the way into the rowdy tavern, pushing through the throngs of people.

The air was thick with the pungent stench of alcohol, and the cacophony of voices was almost deafening.

"Isn't this place a bit too noisy?" Alexia asked, wrinkling her nose as she looked up at Alex.

The boisterous sound of swearing and laughter, the people yelling their orders over each other, and the mixed smells of alcohol, sweat, and smoke were starting to get on her nerves.

Why had Alex brought her to such a place?

"Noisy? You misunderstand, Alexia. This is fun," he replied with a grin, pulling her toward an empty table they had miraculously found in the corner.

Despite her boyish disguise, Alex noticed the way some of the drunkards were looking at her; her innate beauty still shone through.

"What would you like?" he asked, his eyes sparkling with enthusiasm.

"I don't know. Do I look like someone who frequents places like this? How would I know what they serve?" Alexia snapped, crossing her arms and clenching her jaw in annoyance.

She felt out of place, dragged here against her will, and her irritation was palpable.

Alex blinked in surprise, taken aback by her reaction. "From your personality, I thought you'd be very familiar with this sort of place."

Alexia's face twisted with anger. "Seriously! Do I look like a drunkard or something? Why would I be familiar with this sort of place?"

Alex sighed, running a hand through his hair. "See, that's the personality that makes me always mistake you for a boy. Can't you act more feminine? Smile sweetly. At this rate, you'll never get married," he said, using his fingers to pull his lips into a mock smile.

"Hmph," Alexia snorted, her eyes narrowing. "Who wants to get married anyway? Living under a man, obeying him, and treating him like some lord? I'd rather take care of my brother."

"Oh well," Alex muttered, shaking his head, but there was a smile tugging at his lips.

He slammed his hand on the table, yelling as loud as he could for a server.

A young man approached, eyes quickly assessing Alex.

"What would you like, young mister?"

"A pitcher of black rye and two mugs," Alex replied. The server nodded and hurried off.

Alex turned back to Alexia, catching her glaring at him.

"What do you need two mugs for?"

"Of course, it's for me and you," he smiled innocently.

Alexia's eyes narrowed. "When did I agree to drink with you? I only came here to accompany you. I'm not putting those bitter drinks in my mouth."

"Oh, come on, Alexia," he pleaded, his tone almost playful. "Not even for me? You made me wait out there for you all day."

Alexia clenched her teeth, her heart pounding heavily. She clenched her fists under the table, her annoyance bubbling up.

'Spirit be damned! This boy was emotionally blackmailing her, and it worked,' she thought, sighing helplessly.

The look in his eyes, so earnest and hopeful, made her resistance crumble.

"Fine," she muttered, her voice barely above a whisper, feeling her resolve weaken. "Just this once."

Her response earned a brilliant smile from Alex.

Just then, the server returned with their order. "Enjoy the drinks, dear customers," he said with a polite nod before retreating.

Alexia continued to glare at Alex, but almost without thinking, she picked up the cold mug of beer, twirled it slightly, and then brought it to her lips.

She downed it in one gulp, shuddering slightly as her face twisted at the bitter taste.

But she didn't let the bitterness stop her and continued glaring at Alex.

"Since he wants me to drink, i'll make sure I drink till I empty his pockets." She picked up the pitcher and refilled her mug.

"Alexia, are you alright?" Alex asked, feigning ignorance to her murderous look.

Her eyes were already watery, and her throat burned from the alcohol, but she didn't care.

She kept glaring at him, her frustration growing. 'Alright my ass, she cursed. 'How can I be alright when you forced me to drink this bitter stuff? How do people even enjoy this? It's worse than drinking herbs!'

Alex found himself quite amused by her angry glares. He couldn't help but smirk.

'That's what she gets for making me wait for her all day, he mused.

"What happened, Alexia?" his smirk widned.

Alexia's fists clenched at her sides, her knuckles turning white.

She wanted nothing more than to get up and slap that smug look off his face. But instead, she swallowed her anger, deciding to drown it in alcohol.

She reached for the pitcher again, only to find it empty.

Finally finding a target for her anger, she slammed her hands on the table, then slowly stood up, staggering towards the server who was currently serving another group of rowdy-looking men.

She grabbed the server by the hair, yanking his head around to face her.

Her eyes were glazed and unfocused, a clear sign she was already drunk. "Hey, you! Why didn't you get your fucking ass over there and refill our pitcher?" she roared, her face flushed with a red hue. Her alcohol tolerance was really not high.

The server recoiled in shock, not expecting this delicate-looking young boy to possess such strength.

He stammered, unable to form a coherent response.

"Hey, boy! He was serving us. What's your problem?" One of the rowdy men stood up, slamming his fists on the table.

"Was I talking to you? Shut that fucking trap hole you call a mouth, it stinks!" Alexia shot back, her words slurred but her anger unmistakable.

The crowd burst into laughter, amused by this little boy's courage.

The man's temper flared. He clenched his knuckles until they turned white.

He couldn't let this brat disrespect him and get away with it. If he did, wouldn't people just take him for granted? Would he still have the face to walk outside?

Just as he was about to step forward, Alex arrived, gently patting Alexia on the shoulder.

"Sorry about my little brother. His alcohol tolerance isn't very high," Alex said calmly, releasing the server from Alexia's grip.

He then approached the rowdy man, patting his shoulder in a reassuring brotherly way. "I hope elder brother doesn't mind."

The man's face contorted in pain as Alex's grip tightened, the implied threat was clear. "No problem. It's just a small boy," he said hurriedly, desperate to escape Alex's iron grip.

"Thank you, elder brother," Alex replied with a smile, releasing the man's shoulder.

He then paid the server, who hurriedly scurried away. He had really lost face today. Who would believe that such a small boy could be so powerful?

"Come on, Alexia, you're drunk. Let's go," Alex turned back to her.

"I don't want to go. I still want to drink," Alexia pouted, her voice reluctant.

"You're drunk. We have to go," he insisted, not swayed by her puppy eyes.

Alexia, undeterred, made a run for another table to grab more drinks. Alex quickly intercepted her, scooping her up and throwing her over his shoulder.

"Quiet," he ordered, but Alexia didn't relent, kicking her legs and pounding her fists on his broad back, wailing like a child.

Who would believe that she was angry a moment ago about drinking? now it seemed like her favourite drink.

Alex didn't budge, carrying her out of the tavern with determined strides. Once outside, Alexia's resistance began to wane.

"Alex, my eyes feel heavy," she muttered groggily.

"It's okay. Sleep," he said softly, and she soon fell asleep on his shoulder.

"Silly girl," he muttered.

He just wanted to teach her a small lesson for refuting his advice. Who would have thought that it'll lead to this?

He simply shook his head and quickly picked up his pace as he headed towards the forest, the night was already closing in around them.