Getting New Stuff

"Heyy, wait!" The cashier yelled, yet Kai was no longer there.

The cashier thought about chasing Kai, but then he wondered about the things Kai said to him.

"That young man always came here, and he always looked chill. Is he telling the truth?"

He went outside of the convenience store to check, going toward the street that wasn't far from the store. There, he witnessed a zombie eating someone else!

"Holy fuck, we are domed!" said the cashier as he ran back to the store, already thinking of the supplies he wanted to take.

As for Kai, well, he needed a vehicle. He did not have one for himself, but he knew how to drive, and that was the most important aspect.

"I can just get a random car; who cares?" Kai thought as he walked over to the university's main gate.

The man responsible for the gate was there, working, making sure only allowed people entered. He was a little surprised when he saw Kai there.

"A student? What are you doing here so late?" the guard asked.

It was close to midnight, so most of the students were either at parties or sleeping. No one went to the gate that late.

"I need to leave for a while; can you open it up?" Kai asked.

Despite feeling like the whole thing was strange, the guard could not keep Kai there, so he just opened the gate and continued his work, which consisted of eating donuts and looking through cameras.

When Kai was on the other side of the gate, he noticed the changes happening around him. The guard had no idea a zombie apocalypse would happen; no one did, so even if strange things were occurring, few paid attention to them.

Strange noises coming from the alleys, screams in the distance, and people with strange appearances—presumably infected by the virus—.

"Where can I get a car? I mean, should I get a car in the first place?" thought Kai.

A car was essential to leave the area and go to the meeting points, like the drive-through and the cabin, but the city was about to become so chaotic that using a car would be almost impossible.

"Everyone will want to leave the city in just a few minutes, or maybe they already are doing it. It will be hard for me to get out, considering I am right in the middle of the city."

Kai could already visualize everyone freaking out with the zombies, thus getting supplies, entering their car, and leaving the city.

Most people who lived in the outer areas would have the chance of leaving, but Kai? His university was at the heart of the city, and that made everything much harder.

"A bike it is, then!"

There was a biker's bar a few blocks away from the university. Kai headed there, looking to all sides, trying to see anything strange to avoid it.

It was getting way worse than he thought it would be. Kai looked up, seeing smoke all over the city, and tumbled cars on the streets.

"Ahhh, help! Cannibal people!" a woman yelled at the distance.

A helicopter from the army passed right above Kai, and the shootings started. The military seemed to know more about what was happening, or at least knew before the general population.

Kai tried to ignore all of what was happening around him, trying to get to the biker's bar as soon as possible. He started to increase his speed.

The bar soon entered his vision. A building with a worn sign and lots of motorcycles parked in front of it. There were only two people outside of the bar, and they were fighting.

"What did you say? Mother fucker!" one of the bikers said as he threw a punch.

Fights were common in bars, so Kai did not even mind it. He just wanted a motorcycle to get the hell out of the city. But when he got closer to the bar and the two bikers noticed his presence, they stopped fighting.

"Hey, boy, what are you doing here? This is not your place," the biker who threw the punch said.

It was a muscular man with a thick beard and slick back hair. He was also wearing a leather jacket with a symbol, looking pretty intimidating.

Kai stopped moving, and his mind was already thinking about many things to say to those bikers in an attempt to avoid getting beat up.

One of the bikers, the one who received the punch and had a bleeding nose, said, "Wait, I know you. You are Li Shi's friend, right?"

That was unexpected. Kai knew very well. Li Shi was famous at the university because of his good looks and athletic performance, but someone at the bar knew him?

"Yep, that's me. How do you know him?" Kai asked.

"Long story; I can share it later. Now, why are you here, though?" The biker asked.

"A zombie apocalypse is happening. Didn't you hear strange noises or the helicopter from the military that just flew by? You have to trust me!" Kai said.

The other biker was listening to everything and said, "What the fuck are you talking about, kid? Are you fucking crazy?"

Kai and the biker, who was Li Shi's friend, ignored the man completely.

"And you are here for what? For a motorcycle?" the friendly biker said.

It wasn't a hard thing to guess, so Kai was not shocked when he heard that. He simply nodded, and after fifteen seconds of complete silence, the biker acted!

He grabbed a piece of wood from the ground and hit the other bike on the head! It wasn't strong enough to kill him, but strong enough to knock him out.

"What?" Kai said, surprised.

"You said you want a motorcycle, right? I can't give you mine because I need to get the fucking out of this city, but you can have his."

The biker searched the pockets and tossed the keys to Kai. "It's that one. Also, I am Qi Shi. Maybe we can meet up in the future if we fucking survive this shit."

"I hope we do. Thank you for this."

Qi Shi searched his own pockets, and then he threw a hunting knife at Kai!

"Take this too. It might be useful in the future. Now, I'll get out of this city."

Kai grabbed the hunting knife from Qi Shi, and before he could even thank him, Qi Shi was already on his motorcycle, leaving the area like a bullet.

It was getting easier to convince people about the apocalypse because there were already zombies on the streets, strange military helicopters, tumbled cars, and fire.

Only a stupid person would not see something strange happening, like the biker who got knocked down. Kai walked over to his body and decided to grab the leather jacket.

"It looks cool, and winter is coming, so it's good to have this. If I survive for that long, that is," thought Kai.

After that, he walked over to the motorcycle he had the keys to. At that point, the streets got worse. Kai looked ahead, noticing a group of eight zombies moving toward him.

"Fuck, they spread so quickly!"

The virus was spreading rapidly, and the city was in chaos. Kai turned on his motorcycle and got the hell out of the bar.

Li Shi, his friend, was still inside the university, so Kai decided to head back to see if he could find him. When he got in front of the gate, a zombie was eating the guard who had opened the gate for him!

With his baseball bat in hand, Kai moved toward the zombie, coming from behind it.

"If this works like a normal apocalypse, I can kill this fucker by hitting his head!" thought Kai.

He swung his baseball bat right into the zombie's head with all the force he could muster—which wasn't that much. Blood and brain parts flew all over the place. Kai hit the zombie three times before realizing it was dead for good.

The guard had a holster with a pistol, and of course Kai got it. He did not know how to shoot yet, but it was still a valuable thing to have.

Then he saw multiple students running inside the university.

"Run, zombies are here! Run!"

Some were yelling for everyone to run, while a few stood against the zombies, fighting them. Most of these people were the athletes on the football team.

Kai moved toward them, as they were friends with Li Shi.

"Did you see Li Shi?" Kai asked.

They were startled after seeing Kai there.

"Kai? I imagined you would be dead at this point. And no, we did not see Li Shi. He left before us, using the other exit."

The university had more than one exit, though the other one remained closed with no one taking care of it. Li Shi knew a way out through that gate. Only a few students knew.

Kai knew because Li Shi had shared it with him. Anyway, after getting the information he wanted, Kai turned around and returned to his motorcycle. To his surprise, the group followed him.

"Kai, is that motorcycle yours? I think you should hand it over to me."

The person who said that was Zhou Bo, and he was someone who always talked shit to Kai. He even beat him up once or twice.

Kai was already on his motorcycle when he heard it, and he was ready to turn it on when Zhou Bo grabbed him.


With quick moves, Kai retrieved the knife he had hidden under his jacket and stabbed Zhou Bo's legs.

"Agggr, fuck!"

Kai then took the chance to push Zhou Bo away, making him fall to the ground.

"Zhou Bo, get up! Zombies are coming!"

Lots of zombies were moving toward the university, and Zhou Bo could barely walk.

Kai looked at him and said, "Good luck, piece of shit. Let's see how far you can run with this leg. I bet the zombies are going to eat your ass."