The story follows Okoro, a kindhearted and outgoing boy who joins an insurgent group of freedom fighters called Azurite. Azurite’s goal is to stop Nixidia, the sinister megacorporation that controls the country of Kandona. For many years, Nixidia has kept secrets from the people, including the existence of Kani, the life force energy that resides within the planet and its inhabitants. Some humans may inherit techniques that distinguish them from ordinary people, and they are labeled “Kani users.”
In Kandona’s culture, Kani is largely unaccepted due to Nixidia’s oppressive beliefs. The corporation has convinced citizens that Kani users are monstrous and could potentially destroy humanity. Over the decades, Nixidia has kidnapped, murdered, brainwashed, and experimented on Kani users, often turning them into soldiers. They have even targeted young children who show signs of inheriting these techniques.
Azurite is dedicated to overthrowing this corporation and bringing peace and freedom to the oppressed Kani users. The group has worked hard to build a team of promising fighters, each with someone they wish to protect, and they are willing to do whatever it takes to achieve that goal. Okoro, whose origins are unknown but whose intentions are clear, is seen as a beacon of hope for the team. He aspires to contribute to saving the city alongside them.