
When another strike landed on him he barely registered the pain.

His body was a bloody mess and he was at the verge of unconsciousness.


Came the command from a well dressed man sitting before him and watching his torture with the look of smugness and arrogance.

-I don't want him dead, at least for now.

The beating stopped and the three men stood aside when Erik Henderson, the second son of one of the 12 noble houses of the Terran empire stood up and walked over to the man hanging from the ceiling.

He was around 185 cm in height,handsome with a thin figure, long blond hair falling on his back and blue cold eyes.

His whole body emanated elegance,power and arrogance.

- Was it worth it Tommy?

Asked Erick, grabbing the battered man by his hair and yanking his head so he could look him in the eyes.

-Was it worth it to go against my family and me,just to try and fail to protect your sister when you knew it was a futile struggle.

All it took to avoid it was to give up that stupid girl's blood to be transfused to my sister and you could have been rich and free to do whatever you wanted.

Said the young noble looking straight into the eyes of his victim who was looking at him with a hatred burning in his eyes like a star..

-Well no matter, you lost, however, you still have to pay for opposing my family.

Erik let go of his hair and walked back to his seat.

-I wanted to execute you publicly to set an example of what happens to those that defy the nobles but my sister wanted you to suffer more by living with the knowledge that you couldn't save your own sister.

Said Erick with smugness.

-So you're sentence is to be sent into exile for the rest of your life .

Henderson passed the sentence like it was nothing for him to destroy another person's life.

He even looked like he enjoyed it.

The 12 noble families had many privileges and one of them was to pass judgment on anyone who was of lower status and offended them.

-Take him away.

Young noble commanded. 

His bodyguards who were still standing like the statues obeyed.

They immediately cut the prisoner free, letting him fall to the floor like a sack of potatoes.

The last thing Tom saw was a foot flying towards his face and then darkness claimed him.