Chapter 25 Twice in one day.

Tommy got up to his feet and looked around .

There were people lying on the ground but most of them started to get on their feet some were injured but luckily they avoided serious injuries.

-Take the injured to the med bay.

He said to the people that got up and had only some scratches and bruises.

Then he took out his radio.

-Anne, What was that? 

-I don't know but whatever it was, it didn't come from our station.

If I had to guess, then something probably just hit one of the other stations and we got shooken a bit through the connection but let me check the cameras.

They put some small hidden cameras all around the station so that they could see what was happening in the most crucial parts of the station.

-The red connection is fine but the yellow one looks like it's damaged and I see smoke coming from there.

You better send someone down there because I can't shut that door from here.

-This is Simon,I'm already on my way.

Simon's voice came from the radio.

-Paul here ,I'm also going there.

-Ok but be careful you two we don't know what this smoke is and report what is happening once you get there.

Tommy said, ending his transmission and moving to help carry the wounded.

-Tommy are you there?

His radio came to life when he was in the med bay.

-What is it Anne?

-I have a damage report.

-How bad is it?

-Not too bad for us, but i think that the yellow section might be done for.

-You heard that Simon,Paul?

-Yes we did and if it's really done for we will shut the door.

-That's good,how far are you from the tunnel?

-About 2 minutes out,we will report back once we assess the situation.

-Roger that.

That was all and Tommy went to the control center after making sure that all the wounded were brought to the med bay.

Alice and her staff had their hands full for a few minutes but all of the injuries were minor,the most severe wound was a laceration and a concussion, the rest had only some scratches and bruises.

Simon and Paul met on the way ,there was smoke everywhere when they reached the door leading to the yellow section.

They were just about to close them when they saw a silhouette coming their way and then another one and then the whole group.

-Tommy we have people down here. They are coming from the yellow section and it looks like they have wounded them.

-Copy that I'm on my way, everyone that's not injured get to the connection as fast as possible. We have guests and some of them might be injured.

Tommy said while also running in that direction.

-Alice ,prepare to receive more patients.

-I heard and we are as ready as we are going to be, just get them here.

She answered while her staff was preparing everything they could.

When Tommy arrived there were at least 20 people who were trying to help the injured .

Some of them were just carrying the victims and someone had a good idea to use the grav carts as stretchers.

It was hard to see and breathe because of all the smoke but he finally found Simon carrying two women one in each hand out of the passage.

-There are more in there, some of them have passed out,our guys are trying to get them out.

Said Simon while lying the women on the floor for others to take care of and going back.

Tommy went with him and saw a group of another 20 people lying on the ground unconscious,and around 5 of his own men trying to evacuate them.

He grabbed the nearest victim and carried them out. It took some time but in the end they saved them all.

As he was carrying the last victim he told Paul to shut the doors.The smoke was getting too heavy and everyone had difficulty breathing,some even got dizzy and had to be helped to get out of there.

Paul used the button and the door began to close.

-Stop, don't shut the door, they heard a muffled voice.

Suddenly they saw a silhouette running in their direction,they couldn't stop the door from closing.

The mechanism was designed to fully close the door before they could be opened again. and judging from the vibration coming from the other side ,this person couldn't wait for that.

Tommy suddenly grabbed one of the grav carts that was empty and shoved it into the door.

This was the only idea he had right now and it worked for about 5 seconds but that was all the time the person running to them needed to get through the doors and into safety.

When the grav cart got crushed Simon removed it from the door and a few moments later the door closed and there was a sound of rapid decompression on the other side.

Some time later when all of the people from the yellow section were transported into the med bay Tommy ,Simon and everybody else were catching their breath in the central area while Alice tried to save as many lives as she could.

They wanted to help but she chased them away.

-You have been breathing in that smoke for some time and i don't need you collapsing in here so get the hell out and get some rest for now i will check your condition later.

Saying that she pushed them out the door.

While resting he talked with Anne on the radio and let out a sigh of relief after she confirmed that there was no damage to the station.

Then he just took his time to rest.

An hour later he was talking with the last person who barely made it.

-What the hell happened back there?

Were his first words to the woman standing before him.

She was average height slim with long curly red hair and green eyes.

-I don't know the details but something hit our station and damaged the dock doors and then there was an explosion and fires broke out.

She said with a grieving tone.

-We lost a lot of people to the fire and then we couldn't lock the doors leading to the docks so we had to evacuate.

The door to the red section was blocked so we had no other choice than to come here.

-How many of you were there in the yellow section?

-Around two hundred but now there are less than 60 of us left and I don't know how many will die from their wounds and the smoke.

She was almost crying at this point so he stopped questioning her and told her to go get some rest.

It looked like he had another problem on his hands or a few to be exact.

not to mention that this redhead had no symptoms of the drug and that could be a good or a very bad sign. 

But what he saw through the window of the central area was a bad sign for shure.

There was a noble ship coming their way.

Tommy ordered a full radio silence just after he told everyone that there was a ship coming their way and ordering everyone to get back to their part of the station.

After a few hours they were all in the central area standing before six power armored individuals.

Their commander stood in the front.

-How many of the yellow section inhabitants are present in the blue section?

He asked,his voice muffled by the helmet.

-There are currently 58 people from the yellow zone.

Answered a middle aged man who survived.

-I see only 39. Where is rest?

-They are in the med bay and they are too wounded to move.

The armored man stood quietly for a while but Tommy suspected that he was using his communicator to get orders.

-Then the 39 of you will come with us, you will be transported to the red section.

Those in the med bay will stay here and if they survive then they will join the blue section.

 After that all the survivors from the yellow section who could move at their own left.

Alice and her staff went back to the med bay the second the soldiers left.

She had some people to save.

And thankfully nobody was interested in checking the station.

They just dodged the bullet twice in one day.