chapter 33 Seeking forgiveness.

Eliana was sitting in her private laboratory looking at the girl in the regeneration tank,she didn't know why but being close to Hellen always calmed her down.

It was almost a year since she was cured at the cost of this girl and she couldn't allow her family to kill her, which they were planning to do a few months ago.

When she first ordered her subordinates to transport Hellen to her own laboratory,her father and brother objected.

-Elli,there is no way that I'll allow you to move this girl to your own mansion.

Eric Henderson was trying to stop her from moving, taking the girl.

-And why not? it's not like you need her to stay here.

-We need her here for some time just to be sure that you are fully healed.

After that she will become useless to us and then she will get disposed of.

-No way, I wont allow that she may have been forced to become my donor but that doesn't mean we can just throw her away like trash.

Hearing that Eric knew that there was no way to change her mind,Elli could be stubborn to a fault especially if she really wanted something.

-So what's your plan for her? 

He tried a different approach.

-You do know that her brother was sent into exile by me and Asea,furthermore he was sent into the blue section so there is no getting him back.

Her brother's best friend was killed when she was captured and we almost killed her as well.

What do you think she will do if she even wakes up?

-We can compensate her and find a way to get her brother back.

Elliana didn't give up.

-Do you even hear yourself? Think about it, what compensation would be enough for almost taking her life and sending her brother into exile and on that note I doubt her brother would forgive us for killing his best friend and almost killing his sister. 

If he ever got rid of the influence of diazium he would go against us.

Need i remind you that he and his friend killed over 50 of our men and that was when he was defending her.

Now imagine what he would do if he was alone.

-You said it yourself,her brother is under the influence of that drug and no one has gotten rid of its influence, that means that he is harmless now.

As for her, if she ever wakes up then we can compensate her and give her brother back to her then even if she won't forgive us for what we did she won't become our enemy because she will be busy taking care of her only family.

Eric was speechless,just how naive can his sister be?

-Whats going on here?

A deep and commanding voice came from a distance.

It was their father Arnold Henderson, the head of the family.

-Elli wants to take this girl to her personal lab and wont listen to anything i say.

Eric was happy that their father showed up,he was the only one Elli would listen to.

-Thats out of the question.

Arnold knew that Elli wanted to save her because she felt guilty,as smart as she was she was still 14 years old and believed that there she could compensate for what was done and receive forgiveness.

Most of the young noble ladies had this phase when they were around her age.

-But Father, why can't I keep her in my lab? It's not like she can do anything to me.

-Listen Elli, I know that you're feeling guilty about what happened to her but this world doesn't forgive and it's not your fault that she is like that.

I gave the order to capture her so that we could save you,and you are a noble lady. It should be her honor to give her life to save you but instead her brother killed our people which was a challenge to our family.

If we didn't respond then everyone would think that we are weak,not to mention without capturing her you would probably be dead by now.

That's why her brother was sent into exile and she will be disposed of when we are sure that there are no problems with the transplants.

Elli knew she had lost after hearing that,her father's word was the law in the family and no one dared to challenge him.

-I understand Father.

She said in an unhappy voice.

-That's good.

Was his only answer and then he left with Eric.

Recalling that memory wasn't pleasant.

Fortunately she found out later that they planned to sell her for organ transplants so she sent one of her bodyguards in disguise and bought her whole and alive.

Her parents and siblings thought of her as a child but she was smart enough to know that if she wanted something she had to get it herself.

She was a major shareholder in many companies and even had her own planet which she hid from her family as best as she could.

If they knew then her older sisters and her mother would be angry with her, not to mention jealous ,because Asea wanted that planet for herself and her mother and sisters were buying dresses and jewelry for exorbitant sums from the companies she owned.

Elli went as far as to create a separate identity for herself so that no one would find out about her secrets.

Well most of the work was done by her bodyguards and servants that she made sure were loyal only to her.

In the end she got what she wanted,the question now was would Hellen really forgive her and her family for what they did?

But to find that out Hellen had to wake up.

Her father was right about her feeling guilty but unlike the rest of her family she wanted to at least try to make amends,and if that failed she was ready to live knowing that this girl before her, hated her.

Elliana was brought to reality by one of the doctors that she hired.

-My lady ,the newest test results are here.

She nodded at him to continue.

-The patient is recovering from the procedure,her blood levels are going up and her marrow is regeneration but it will take a long time before she fully recovers even with the help of a regeneration tank and even if she recovers physically there is no way to tell if she'll wake up.

-Thank you. You may leave.

She sent him away after hearing what she needed from him.

When he left, one of her bodyguards came in and bowed to her.

-My lady we have found the girl's brother, he was sent to the Themeris system and placed in the blue section.

Regrettably we can't get him out.

In accordance with the treaty between noble families.only the person who sent him there can get him out and in the case of the blue section he can only be released for execution.

-Is there a way to send a team to retrieve him without anyone knowing?

-I'm sorry My lady but for now we haven't found a way to do that yet.

-What is the problem with that?

-There are many safety features and a sensor network around the outer system that prevents us from getting in unnoticed.

-Thank you for the report and try to find a way in there,i want that man out of there as soon as possible.

-We will do what we can, my lady but I can't promise you anything.

Elli nodded and sent her away.

-You see Hellen, maybe we can help your brother as well.

She said to the girl in the tank.

-I just hope that we can get rid of the drug in his system and when we do i hope that he can find it in himself to forgive me and my family.