Chapter 43 Find Helen.

When Arnold arrived he was led straight to the elder's office.

Inside saw the elder and a leader of the dragon star team.

-You called for me elder.

He said respectfully.

-Yes we need some information from you.

-Just ask and if i know then i will share all the information you need.

-Did you sell Helen Zieliński to one or many buyers?

He was surprised by that question.

-Just a moment ,it was Eric who sold her. I'll ask him right away.

He immediately called his son and got the information he needed.

-She was sold to one buyer and they even paid for the tank she was in.

-Good then you still might have a chance to survive the shit storm you started.

Said Daniel.

-Find that buyer and if she is still alive get her back.That is your only chance to try and stop Tommy from slaughtering you all.

Not to mention my team who will want to rip you all apart when they hear about this.

Arnold got pale when he heard that.

-Ok,i can understand her brother wanting revenge , but why you're whole team as well

as far as i know she wasn't part of your team.

-She would be by now if you hadn't interfered ,that was already decided, we only waited for her to turn 16. 

Everyone in my team loves her and my own wife treats her like a daughter.

What do you think they will want to do when I inform them of what you did?

And don't even get me started on Sam's death he was also in line to get his membership in my team.

From what the elder told me you didn't stop after losing some men and for your information these two didn't fight you seriously they tried to avoid offending you more than necessary. 

Now you have managed to piss the guy off and even given him some really good people to help him escape.

Diazium won't stop him, he knows how to neutralize it and after what he did to your ships I'm sure that he will come for you sooner or later and there is nothing you can do to stop him.

Arnold was speechless especially when he heard all this and it wasn't even the end.

-You have only one chance, and that's to get Helen back alive and then i can try to negotiate with Tommy and appease my team.

You better pray that she is alive and that you can find her otherwise just pick a coffin and wait to see if there is something left of you to put in it.

Arnold was really frightened now,He knew that Daniel wasn't joking around.

-I will start the search immediately but that will take some time. Can you contact him in any way and ask him for some time to find his sister?

-Are you kidding me ?

Even if I can find and contact him,why do you think he will listen to me?

That kind of move can only make him angrier and perceive me as a threat and I don't want to become his target.

Let me put it this way,When he gets angry the only chance for survival is to run and no matter how many enemies he has they will all die one way or the other.

-But we are nobles, if he attacks us he will be a wanted man in the empire.

Arnold said.

-You still don't get it.He will not stop just because you are nobles he won't care in the slightest,once you are his target then you are dead and if you're lucky he will kill you quickly.

Daniel couldn't believe that the head of the noble family didn't understand that he made an enemy of the man he should have avoided like a plague.

-Listen, try to find her, I'm going to put my team to work on that too and pray that she isn't dead because if she is then you are as well.

If we find her then I'm taking her to my ship and then I can try to negotiate with Tommy to not kill you all.

Elder, after this is over we are clear i don't owe you anything.

-Agreed,either way the accounts will be settled.

-Then let's get to work,and if you want to ask Tommy about more time then send an envoy if you can even find him,Tommy wont kill the messenger.

-And do you know where he might be going?

-He has civilians with him so he will probably first send them to safety and that would be in some other country so you might be able to find him looking around the border.

and send only one ship so that he won't perceive it as a threat.

After that Daniel left for his ship.

Now he had to inform his team and they wouldn't like the news.

Aboard his ship he called all the crew to the hangar bay and opened a channel to the other ships to inform them all at once.

When he finished the reaction was as he predicted .

Everyone wanted a piece of the Hendersons but when they heard that Helen could be alive and needed to be found the priorities changed. Hendersons could wait but their little sister could still be alive and if she was they were going to find her even if that meant turning the empire upside down.

Daniel knew that the moment they left this meeting everyone will have just one mission and that was to find Helen dead or alive and they won't stop until she is found.

Jenny wasn't present because she went to see a patient and he would tell her when she came back.

When he said:


All hell had broken loose, everyone dispersed and started looking for clues about Helen's whereabouts.

The shuttles were taking off all the time and even some ships from the fleet requested clearance to leave.

He thought at that moment that:

Even if she didn't know everyone in the team there was no one in the whole goddamned fleet who didn't know who Helen was.

She might only have one blood related brother but she had dozens of brothers ,sisters,aunts and uncles in the team and thousands of them in the fleet and now all of them knew she was in danger. So they were ready to torture anyone who might know something and slaughter anyone who stood in the way.

Not to mention one woman who will start a massacre when she finds out that her daughter was hurt and missing,he didn't even want to think what his wife would do if it turns out that Helen is really dead.

One thing he was sure of was that the Henderson family would pay dearly for what they did. The only question was how steep would the price be?

He now regretted that he didn't stop Tommy when he said that he wanted to go to the engineering school and will be back when he graduates.

Now he knew that it was all a lie he told to protect the team.