Chapter 45 Fate.

When Daniel arrived the first thing that greeted him was a fist flying straight at his face.

He barely dodged the attack and caught his wife into an embrace to stop her from going any further.

-Stop it honey.

-You bastard,you knew and didn't tell me.

She was trying to leave his bear hug but he didn't let her go.

-I just learned about it and that's why i went to talk to the elder.

More people barged into the room ignoring the couple.

The moment they saw Helen unconscious in the tank their blood lust exploded,everyone was furious that their little sister was in such a state and they wanted blood.

-Stand down everyone!

Daniel ordered still hugging his wife.

When he got the news that Jenny found Helen alive he contacted everyone and immediately they set course for the Elani system.

He also knew that his wife would be furious,what surprised him was that she didn't slaughter everyone in this facility.

After some time Jenny finally calmed down and he told her the full story.

Most of it she already knew but she didn't know about the battle that cost nobles almost 30 ships.

Elli was surprised as well and even more so when she heard what the heads of noble families were up to.

She was now really glad that she decided to save the girl.

That way there was still some hope for her family and herself.

-Get the fuck out of our way.

The voice was angry and it came from one of the medics who were getting ready to transport Helen.

In a second everyone made room for the tank.

-Take her straight to the White dragon and tell them that i want her in the HQ hospital as soon as possible.

Jenny order.


Was the only answer and they were gone.

-Take most of the fleet as escorts and if I hear that there is even a scratch on the tank I'm gonna murder you.

Daniel yelled at his men.

Most of the people left in a hurry.

-Now little girl.The last i heard you were supposed to be with princess Aurelia so mind telling me why are you here?

He asked Elli.

She once again repeated the story and even thanked him for trying to save her family..

-You got it all wrong kid,I just owe a favor to the Elder and that's it .

Also I didn't save your family and it's still not certain that I can.

You see,to save you, your family pissed off a man who will almost certainly cause a bloodbath,and there is no chance that he will just let it go.

The most I can do is to try to pacify him and thanks to you my chances of successfully saving at least some of your relatives just went up.

It would be better if Helen woke up and could talk to him but i don't think that will happen anytime soon.

He looked at his wife.

-No way to tell until I have her in HQ and do some tests.

Jenny said with a worried look on her face.

-Don't worry, if you can't do it then no one can.

He tried to console her.

-Actually there is someone who would probably be better than me in this case.

-Who is it? I'll send someone for them right away.

Daniel was eager to help, especially if it meant his wife's happiness.

-Dr.Alice Green she once was involved in a team trying to find a cure for blood destruction, but she vanished a few years ago.

Daniel started to laugh.

-If this doesn't prove that there is a fate ,then I don't know what will.

-What are you talking about?

-Doctor Green is with Tommy on a ship that's heading out of the empire if i'm right.

-Then we have to contact them ASAP.

Jenny was excited hearing his words.

-Excuse me.

Elli butted in.

-I already sent my team to find them and make contact.

Both adults looked at her speechless.

-I hope that you told them not to attack.

Daniel said after a moment of thought.

-Ofcourse i did,their mission is to find them and tell Helen's brother that she is alive and to come get her.

I wanted to meet him and apologize in person and ask him to not kill my family.

Both O'Neill's were stunned again.

-Girl you are either the bravest or the stupidest person i ever met in my life.

Tommy wont kill a messenger but your message will indicate that you are setting a trap with his sister as a bait.

Or that you want to trade her life for the lives of your family.

Jenny explained .

-Also I forgot that you're just a child who got tangled up in the business of adults while trying to make things right your own way. 

-When will everyone stop treating me like a child? I'm almost 15 and you said yourself that Helen would be a mercenary if she wasn't caught by my family and she isn't that much older than me.

Jenny just now realized just how naive this girl was.

-Well it's not my place to educate you but Helen had to earn everybody's respect and love, it wasn't just given to her, she is way more mature than you ,She is talented but never arrogant,always helpful and responsible,she earned her place on the team faster than even her brother.

While you are a noble young lady who as far as i can see only has to give an order and all her wants and needs are taken care of.

That's the difference between you two.

When Jenny finished her explanation Elli couldn't point anything that wasn't true .

-Let's go,we are taking you with us.If you want you can bring those four trying to free themselves while pretending to still be unconscious.

And contact your team the message you sent needs to be changed.