Chapter 55 If this is what you want then so be it.

Everyone was speechless,even in the presence of the emperor Tommy didn't change his attitude.

The emperor was the first to speak.

-Captain Zieliński we would like for you to abandon your revenge against the noble families and convince the rest of your crew to do the same.

-Your majesty,the last time we tried this approach,my ship was attacked and I don't think you found the mastermind behind that fleet.

Tommy answered.

-Also I don't see anything that would make me forget what was done to me,my sister and my friend who died.

-Captain we know that there is no way we can undo the things that have already happened but we can compensate you and your crew for your suffering.

The elder spoke.

-And exactly how are you going to compensate for almost killing my sister twice,or for my friend's death,or for torturing me and sending me to exile?

Tommy said with a mocking tone,for him there was no way to compensate for it all.

-You are accusing my family of torturing you,that's preposterous.

Juliana couldn't take it when Tommy accused her family of such a barbaric thing.

-Yes, your own son who is sitting here tortured me.

-Do you have any proof of that?

Juliana asked knowing that there would be no proof.

Suddenly Tommy stood up, his armor opened on its back and he walked out of it.

Everyone gasped when he stood there only in his underwear.

However what shocked them was his scars his whole body was full of them and they were unmistakably a result of heavy torture and beatings.

-If this is not enough then I have a witness,Doctor Alice Green is currently on this planet and she was the one who healed me. 

Everyone was shocked at this display.

Daniel didn't even have the courage to look Tommy in the eyes after what he just saw.

The most shocked was Juliana,she just tried to defend her family only to be slapped in the face with undeniable proof and even a witness.

Tommy put his armor back on and took his seat once again.

-Your family had a chance to back off but you didn't and holding back,not wanting to offend you resulted in this outcome.

Now tell me how are you going to compensate me for it?

Tommy asked with a cold voice.

There was nothing that they could think of that compensated even half of the suffering he went through.

 And that was only him what could they do to compensate his sister who miraculously survived and even then they wanted to dispose of her.

-I'll tell you straight away that there is nothing you can do to compensate me.

All of the hendersons had their heads down because they knew that it was the truth.

-Then what are you going to do? Do you intend to kill us all?

Juliana asked?

-That was my plan but after some thought i decided to leave it to the bugs and in an unlikely event that some of you survive then i'm going to hunt you down just like you hunted me and my sister.

At this moment everyone understood that it was impossible to convince him.

Tommy got a notification of an incoming call,so he answered through his helmet.

-Captain we are ready to return to the ship and our passengers are secured.

It was Alice.

-Then go back, don't wait for us.

-As you wish.

The connection ended.

-My main goal for coming here is now accomplished so if you want to say anything else I'm listening and if not then i'm leaving.

Again everyone was shocked at his audacity.

-We haven't finished yet and why do you think you can just leave without the approval of your betters?

Eric said arrogantly.

-First you are not my betters,second I can do whatever the hell I want and you can't stop me,

And third, if you try to attack me then the rules won't protect you anymore and I will take great pleasure in killing you as slowly as I can.

-Shut up Eric, you don't have a say in this meeting.

Arnold scolded his son.

-Captain I apologize for my son's behavior. Can you please calm down?

-I am calm, and an apology from a dead man doesnt matter to me.

Tommy said without any emotion like he was stating the obvious fact.

The nobles shuddered under his gaze.

-Captain you know how it feels to lose family members so why do you want to inflict the same suffering on others?

You are alive and have been pardoned by his majesty,your sister is also alive,your friend died but no matter how many nobles you kill it won't undo what happened in the past.

Liliana said to him.

-So what you're saying is that i should just forget about all they have done and let them free without any punishment?

-I know it doesn't sound fair but they did all of this to save my niece and I'm sure you would also do anything to save your sister.

She tried to persuade him.

-I would not do what they did because like i said earlier,My sister would rather die than take an innocent life to save her own.

Also it sounds great when you are trying to save your family but what about my family?

Thanks to them my sister is in a coma and we don't even know if she will wake up.

Your family destroyed my family and there is no justification for it other than buying your niece some more time to live.

She couldn't refute him and her arguments were used against her.

-Captain Zieliński i understand your anger and thirst for revenge,it's very likely that in your place i would feel the same but can you guarantee us that you won't attack any nobles at least for the duration of our conflict with the Xindarians?

The emperor spoke.

-Your majesty i already said that i will let the bugs kill them for me and if some of them manage to survive then i will finish the job and my crew has the same idea.

But if they attack us again there will be no waiting. I'll just start killing them.

Suddenly Tommy received communication from Paul.

-Captain, we have a fleet of 50 ships that just jumped in and are heading right for us.

-Who are they?

-They are identified as noble ships.

-Shields to full but don't fire until you're fired upon.

-Yes sir.

The communication ended and Tommy looked at the shocked people before him.

-If this is what you want then so be it.

He took his helmet and turned to leave.

-Captain we didn't set a trap for you, we really just wanted to convince you to abandon your revenge plan.

The Elder tried to stop him.

Tommy turned around.

-Do you seriously believe that I will believe you at this point?

Everyone understood that all their efforts went out the window.

Daniel went out after Tommy.

-Tommy listen to me, no one will fire at your ship in this system and if they do, they are dead.

-Daniel there are 50 ships coming and over a dozen heavy ships in orbit so im not sticking around to see if they will respect the rules as for you, if you ever pull a stunt like this again I will quit the team just so you know.

Have fun with those idiots.

After that Tommy turned around and went to the shuttle.