I Choose Earth

The emergency alert blared through the Power Rangers Corps headquarters, pulling Levi, Akira, Valentina, Mbeki, and Amanda from a brief respite. They hurriedly assembled in the briefing room where Agent Wilson was already waiting with the mission details.

"Rangers, Caraak has launched an attack downtown. We've got civilians in danger. Suit up and move out immediately," Wilson ordered, his voice stern.

Levi nodded, determination setting into his features. "We've got this, team. Let's go save the day," he said, rallying his teammates.

The team morphed in a burst of light and energy, their costumes materializing around them. Each felt the surge of power that came with their transformation, a feeling that never grew old.

Valentina checked her equipment, her hammer feeling heavy in her grip. "Remember, stay sharp. We don't know what Caraak has planned," she cautioned, her usual tough demeanor shielding her concern.

"Right behind you, Val," Levi responded, leading the charge as they teleported to the scene.

The Rangers arrived to chaos. Caraak's minions were wreaking havoc, their destructive actions unchecked until now. The team spread out, engaging the enemy with practiced coordination.

Akira unleashed a flurry of arrows, his aim precise, as he took cover behind a car. "East side clear! How's everyone else holding up?" he called out over the communicators.

Mbeki's voice crackled through next. "North side's almost clear. These guys are tough, but they're no match for us," he replied, the sound of his Sonar Regulator pulsing in the background.

As they fought, Caraak appeared, his presence commanding and ominous. "Rangers, you fight valiantly but futilely," he declared, launching a counterattack that was unlike anything the Rangers had faced before. His moves were calculated, exploiting the Rangers' weaknesses expertly.

Levi parried a blow that came a little too close. "He's studied us! Regroup and adapt!" he shouted, but the warning came too late. One by one, the Rangers found themselves outmatched and were forced to retreat, teleporting back to headquarters in defeat.

Eliza watched the news coverage of the battle from behind the counter at Brooklyn's Diner, her expression a mix of worry and resentment. The bell above the door jingled as the defeated Rangers walked in, their shoulders slumped, their spirits as battered as their bodies.

"Rough day, huh?" Eliza said softly, offering a sympathetic smile as she poured them coffee.

"Yeah, we didn't see that coming. Caraak was ready for us," Levi admitted, accepting the cup with a grateful nod.

Eliza listened as they discussed the battle, her mind racing. Zaraak's strategies are becoming more aggressive, and his disregard for collateral damage is increasing, she thought, her disdain for the general growing.

The conversation shifted as Akira sighed, "We need to figure out how Caraak predicted our tactics so accurately."

"Yeah, it's like they had someone on the inside," Amanda added, her voice laden with suspicion.

Eliza's heart skipped a beat at the implication, but she kept her expression neutral, even as her resolve to distance herself from Zaraak strengthened.

Back at the Power Rangers Corps headquarters, the team debriefed with Agent Wilson, who had reviewed the battle footage.

"It's clear Caraak had prior knowledge of your tactics. I hate to say this, but I suspect there's a spy among those close to us," Wilson announced gravely.

The room fell silent as the weight of his words sank in. "Do you have any suspects?" Levi finally asked, his voice tense.

Wilson hesitated, then said, "It's difficult to consider, but Eliza is a possibility. She's close enough to gather significant intel."

The team exchanged uneasy glances. The thought of betrayal, especially from someone they had grown to trust like Eliza, was hard to stomach.

"We need to keep our eyes open and be cautious," Wilson concluded, "Until we know more, trust no one outside this room."

Eliza closed the diner late that night, her mind a whirlwind of emotions. The thought of being suspected cut deep, yet she understood their reasoning. Alone in the kitchen, she made a decision.

"I can no longer be part of Zaraak's plans," she murmured to herself, a sense of finality imbuing her words. "It's time I chose a side, and I choose Earth."

Her determination was clear, but the path forward was fraught with danger. As she locked up the diner, the shadows of the evening seemed to whisper