The doors to 'Spade' slid open, ushering Ace in. As he stepped into the lobby of his company, everyone around briefly stopped what they were doing.

His empty hand went into his pocket, as he strode towards his personal elevator.

"Good morning sir," echoed round the room, with everyone stretching out their necks to take a proper look at him.

The women, both old and young, fawned, and so did some of the guys too.

He didn't acknowledge anyone, rather, kept a straight face as he entered into his elevator.

"He's so hot!" He heard, just as the doors closed. His lip curved into a cocky smirk, as the elevator journeyed to the top floor.

It stopped, and he got out of it to find his assistant, Grant, waiting for him.

"Good morning Sir," he said, stretching out his hands to collect the briefcase from his boss.

"Why didn't you meet me downstairs?" He asked, letting the briefcase fall to the ground.