"I can't believe we got this much," Fay said to Marilyn, as they stood at the counter, ready to pay for the clothes.

"I think you should have gotten more. It's your husband's money after all," she replied in a teasing voice, making Fay flush.

The bagged clothes were handed to two men who would take it out for them.

"That would be all Mrs. Do have a good day, and I hope you stop by our store again," the pleasant lady over the counter said.

"That's strange. I've not paid for the clothes yet," she countered, looking from Marilyn who was just as confused as she was, to the lady.

"Yeah, that's because your husband paid already."

"My husband?" Her head went behind her, in search of Ace. "Did you see Ace?" She asked Marilyn.

"Nope." She shook her head.

"I'm sorry ma'am, but I think there's a mixture somewhere. My husband is at work."