Their eyes went to the door at the same time.

"Hello Mrs Fay, it's Cam," he said.

She didn't say a word, afraid if she moved her head, she'd stumble on Ace's face. Patiently, she waited for him to speak first, but he didn't.

"If this is a bad time, I can just come later."

"Are you not going to tell him to come in? What are you waiting for?" She heard his questioning voice, and involuntarily raised her head up.

"Should I tell him to come in?" She asked cautiously.

"Fay, tell the man to come in." He sighed in exasperation.

"Come in," she said.

Cam opened the door, and as he walked in, the first person he saw was his boss. Momentarily startled by his presence, he paused on the spot.

The other workers told him Ace had called for a meeting, and they were currently all waiting for him at the lounge. He wasn't expecting to see him in the madams room.

"Are you going to stand there forever?" Ace asked when he didn't move.