For over an hour, no one came in, or went into the room. 

Ace sat still, his eyes staring into space. All of his life choices and decisions flashed before his eyes. 

From the day he was born, up until now, he was in a constant battle with a lot of forces.

As a child, he witnessed the unspoken battle between his father, and his sister. His father was the kind of man that didn't take things to heart.

He was free, and filled with humor. Nothing phased him. Not even when he found out his wife could only bear a child. 

Aunty Celine in all her twisted glory had used his nature against him. Manipulated him to his deathbed. 

Ace watched all of that, and vowed to be the complete opposite of his father. 

They started to see the change when he was ten, and told his Aunt to her face she looked like a spoiled batch of pumpkin.

On that day, the ongoing war between them was stamped and sealed.