"Don't pay any attention to these two attention seekers, mum. Of course they'll defend Ace. He pays their bills, anyway. Let's leave, and go discuss how to handle this shocking revelation," Celine manipulatively said, encircling her mother's arms.

"But it's really not true! Sir Ace did none of this."

"None at all!" Alice parroted.

"I would be inclined to believe you, if you weren't as compromised as my daughter has pointed out. But you can be rest assured I won't be making any hasty decisions. I'd carry out a proper investigation before I make further moves. If you'll excuse me." Her cane pounced on the ground, as she turned around.

"You heard that? We'll carry out our investigations. And when we know what is true is really proved to be true, you two would have a date in hell with me, for defending a monster."

She made certain to emphasize the threats in her words.