She laughed nervously, shifting uncomfortably on the bed. "Wait, where's Sophie?" She suddenly asked. She hated that she had to use the little girl to get out of a situation she was completely the architect of, but she had to do what she had to do.

"Sophie? But that's not even what we're—"

"She's with sir Ace's mum," Marilyn interrupted before Alice could get to the point she was reaching for.

She could see how uncomfortable Fay looked. That topic was obviously something she didn't want to discuss. After what they'd just seen the girl go through, there wasn't any point pushing her to respond to things she was not ready to respond to.

Alice's gaze swept across hers, but she withheld her eyes from returning it. They'd discuss later. When the mistress wasn't as upset as she was.

"Did she complain? Cry? Please tell me she's going to be fine."

"She is. Although, she did ask for you,and Sir Ace. Madam Gabrielle promised that you'd both visit soon."