With her cheeks inflamed, Fay turned around, ready to flee out of the garden, but Ace's voice stopped her dead in her tracks.

Slowly, she swirled, biting her lips as she did.

"Why are you trying to run away?" He asked calmly.

"Uhmm, nothing." She gave up, realizing there was nothing she could possibly say that wouldn't make her look more like an idiot.

His eyes went down to the bag in her hands, and his brow lifted. "What's that?"

"What?" She looked down. "Oh this?" It went behind her in a flash. "Nothing."

"Yeah, so you just happened to wander into the garden with a bag in your hands, all for nothing?"

When he put it that way, her points were basically backed up. Regardless of what she said, or didn't say, and do, or didn't do, she still looked like an idiot.

"You don't want to speak?" He asked.

His voice was calm, but it sent a nervous tremor all over her body.