"I– I don't understand."

"Yes you do," the matriarch countered. "You very much understand what I want from you. Together, we're going to get Ace to really fall in love with you."

"But what if I don't want that? What if I just want to get the money from him, and leave?"

The matriarch chortled dryly. "I thought we already established the fact that I'm not a fool? Do you think I didn't consider that before presenting this proposal?"

Fay remained silent as she contemplated if that was a statement or a question that required an answer from her.

Her hand left her chest and intertwined with her other finger, as she trembled nervously.

"I thought the best we could do was send you away and have Ace face the consequences of his deceit. But when I sat down and analyzed the situation, I understood the desperation that led him to do what he did," she paused to catch her breath, and adjust herself on the seat, before she continued speaking.